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Yıl 2019, Sayı: 8, 237 - 275, 31.12.2019


This study will explore a future era that has been termed as “Malikiyet ve Serbestiyet” (Ownership and Liberty) by Said Nursi in his work Mektubat. The study analyzes Nursi’s and Marx’s approaches in classifying human history and proposes a new classification which helps to understand the future’s economic relations better with the hints from the developments after Marx and Nursi.

This study discusses how it would be possible to get over negative conditions that people have faced throughout history such as slavery, captivity and the exploitation of human labor under the current salary system. The study shows that the “Ownership and Liberty Era” has many qualities, which offer more advanced conditions for humanity compared to the past. It is aimed to achieve an original point of view by concentrating on the ideas of ownership, possession and liberty in an era where an increasing importance of property rights appears, and a desired freedom is accomplished in all matters. Considering the high cost it imposes on countries and the harm it gives to the property system, and its hindering the advances proposed here, the black economy and its characteristics are also discussed.


  • Baudrillard, Jean : SimgeselDeğişTokuşveÖlüm, Turkish Trans. OğuzAdanır, İstanbul, BoğaziçiÜniversitesiYayınevi, 2001.Childe, Gordon : TarihteNelerOldu, Turkish Trans. Mete Tunçay-AlaattinŞenel, İstanbul, Alan Yayıncılık, 1982.Çapra, Ömer : İslam Ekonomi Sistemi, İstanbul, FikirYayınları, 1970.De Soto, Hernando : The Mystery of Capital. Why Capitalizm Triumphs in the West and Everywhere Else, New York, Basic Books, 2000.Ertem, Cemil : “Malikiyet ve Serbestiyet”, Star Gazetesi, 20.03.2011.Eskiköy, Yasin :“Dünya’da 30 Milyon Modern KöleVar”, Sabah Gazetesi, 18.10.2013.Göze, Ayferi :Siyasal Düşünceler ve Yönetimler, İstanbul, Beta BasımYayım, 1986.Kırım, Arman :Türkiye Nasıl Zenginleşir? İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, 2008.Kongar, Emre : Toplumsal Değişme Kuramları ve Türkiye Gerçeği, İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, 1985.Politzer, Georges : FelsefeninTemel İlkeleri, 5. bp.Turkish Trans. Erol Esençay, İzmir, İlya İzmir Yayınevi, 2010.Nursi, Bediüzzaman Said : Muhakemat, İstanbul, SözlerYayınevi, 1977.Nursi, Bediüzzaman Said : Sözler, ZehraYayıncılık, İstanbul, 2013.Omay, Umut : Emeğin Kültür ve Manipülasyon Teorisi, İstanbul, Beta Basım, 2009.Sweezy, Paul : Feodalizmden Kapitalizme Geçiş, 3 bp.Turkish Trans. Müge Gürer- Semih Sökmen, İstanbul Metis Yayınları, 1984.Tokuroğlu, Belma, E. Abdullah : Uygarlık Tarihi, İmajKitabevi, Ankara, 2011.Torun, Yıldırım : Demokrasi ve Cumhuriyet, Ankara,Orion Yayınevi, 2005.Tufan, TülayErkan, H. : Kadastronun Ekonomik Kalkınmadaki Rolü, Ankara, 13. Türkiye Harita Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı, TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası, 18-22 Nisan 2011.Uysal, ÖmerFaruk : 12.12.2014.Veysal, Çetin :Savaşın Felsefesi, 2. bp. İstanbul, Etik Yayınları, 2010


Yıl 2019, Sayı: 8, 237 - 275, 31.12.2019


In this thesis, a new era named Ownership and
Liberty has been studied. Emphasizing on the types of governments which lack in
freedom, it is questioned that how people would be able to set aside from these
adverse conditions.

A discussion has been made on the question that
would it be possible to get over negative conditions people faced such as
slavery, thrall and the exploitation of human labor in the evolution process,
and pointed out that the only way to succeed this would be possible in
“Ownership and Liberty Era”.

The different forms of social life are examined
in three sections by emphasizing the eras appeared in the adventure of human
life. The first of these eras named “Primitive Communal Society” by Marx is
referred as”, “Nomadic and Savagery Era”, the second era is called “Slavery and
Colonial Era” and the third era which named the thesis is “Ownership and
Liberty Era”. Slavery and Colonial social order which is studied in three
sections, the first is basic slavery, the second is the thrall under the feudal
order and the third is capitalism which is defined as wage system.

It is claimed that the most advanced order of
humanity comes with the “Ownership and Liberty Era” in the evolution process of
human living. It is aimed to achieve an original point of view by concentrating
on the idea of ownership, to possess and liberty in an era where increasing
importance of property rights is appeared and the desired freedom is accomplished
in all matters.

Taking into account the cost it imposes on countries
and the importance of property system, another important aspect of the thesis,
black economy, is discussed. Years of research and study are used to analyze of
a country’s development, furthermore, the capital and property issues are
argued. In this way, new main parameters of an era which are expected to gain
more importance in the future are ascertained. 


  • Baudrillard, Jean : SimgeselDeğişTokuşveÖlüm, Turkish Trans. OğuzAdanır, İstanbul, BoğaziçiÜniversitesiYayınevi, 2001.Childe, Gordon : TarihteNelerOldu, Turkish Trans. Mete Tunçay-AlaattinŞenel, İstanbul, Alan Yayıncılık, 1982.Çapra, Ömer : İslam Ekonomi Sistemi, İstanbul, FikirYayınları, 1970.De Soto, Hernando : The Mystery of Capital. Why Capitalizm Triumphs in the West and Everywhere Else, New York, Basic Books, 2000.Ertem, Cemil : “Malikiyet ve Serbestiyet”, Star Gazetesi, 20.03.2011.Eskiköy, Yasin :“Dünya’da 30 Milyon Modern KöleVar”, Sabah Gazetesi, 18.10.2013.Göze, Ayferi :Siyasal Düşünceler ve Yönetimler, İstanbul, Beta BasımYayım, 1986.Kırım, Arman :Türkiye Nasıl Zenginleşir? İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, 2008.Kongar, Emre : Toplumsal Değişme Kuramları ve Türkiye Gerçeği, İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, 1985.Politzer, Georges : FelsefeninTemel İlkeleri, 5. bp.Turkish Trans. Erol Esençay, İzmir, İlya İzmir Yayınevi, 2010.Nursi, Bediüzzaman Said : Muhakemat, İstanbul, SözlerYayınevi, 1977.Nursi, Bediüzzaman Said : Sözler, ZehraYayıncılık, İstanbul, 2013.Omay, Umut : Emeğin Kültür ve Manipülasyon Teorisi, İstanbul, Beta Basım, 2009.Sweezy, Paul : Feodalizmden Kapitalizme Geçiş, 3 bp.Turkish Trans. Müge Gürer- Semih Sökmen, İstanbul Metis Yayınları, 1984.Tokuroğlu, Belma, E. Abdullah : Uygarlık Tarihi, İmajKitabevi, Ankara, 2011.Torun, Yıldırım : Demokrasi ve Cumhuriyet, Ankara,Orion Yayınevi, 2005.Tufan, TülayErkan, H. : Kadastronun Ekonomik Kalkınmadaki Rolü, Ankara, 13. Türkiye Harita Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı, TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası, 18-22 Nisan 2011.Uysal, ÖmerFaruk : 12.12.2014.Veysal, Çetin :Savaşın Felsefesi, 2. bp. İstanbul, Etik Yayınları, 2010
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Hakemli Makaleler

Vehbi Kara 0000-0003-1964-2989

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Eylül 2019
Kabul Tarihi 22 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Kara, V. (2019). HISTORY OF SLAVERY AND ITS END. Katre Uluslararası İnsan Araştırmaları Dergisi(8), 237-275.


Katre Uluslararası İnsan Araştırmaları Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-Gayri Ticari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.
