Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: Kongre Özel Sayısı, 74 - 98, 16.06.2022


The outputs of intensive industrial production activities of enterprises are an important trigger in the occurrence of ecological problems on a global scale due to its role in the formation of cumulative accumulation in environmental pollution. The Porter Hypothesis offers an approach to reduce the role of businesses in this environmental pollution. It is observed that the concept of Porter Hypothesis is frequently studied in foreign literature due to its role as a catalyst in solving ecological problems. However, it is seen that this concept has been studied very little in Turkish management literature. In order to close this gap regarding the concept in Turkish literature, 43 publications in the field of management in the Web of Science (WOS) database were analyzed using the VOSviewer 1.6.16 program by bibliometric analysis that is a qualitative research method. According to the results of the research, while the Porter Hypothesis was first examined in the 1990s with a focus on macro conjectures such as sustainable development and economic outputs, towards the 2020s this concept tends to be associated with concepts such as innovation, green innovation, and eco-innovation at a micro level by considering it in terms of applications in business activities. The contribution of the study to the literature is both to help the concept to take place more in Turkish management literature and also to show how a comprehensive projection of the development of concepts can be interpreted with the Bibliometric Analysis Method, which is a new analysis method.


  • Ambec,E. & Lanoie, P. (2008). Does it pay to be green? A systematic overview. Academy of Management Perspectives, 22 (4), 45-62.
  • Antonioli, D.; Mancinelli, S. & Manzaanti, M. (2013). Is environmental innovation embedded within high-performance organisational changes? The role of human resource management and complementarity in green business strategies. Research Policy, 42, 975-988.
  • Boyack, K. W. & Klavans, R. (2010). Co‐citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately?. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2389-2404.
  • Costantini, V. & Mazzanti, M. (2012). On the green and innovative side of trade competitiveness? The impact of environmental policies and innovation on EU exports. Research Policy, 41, 132-153.
  • Curkovic, S. (2003). Environmentally responsible manufacturing: The development and validation of a measurement model. European Journal of Operational Research, 146,130-155.
  • Dutta, N. & Narayanan, K. (2011). Impact of environmental regulation on technical efficiency: A study of chemical ındustry in and around Mumbai. Science, Technology & Society, 16(3), 333-350.
  • Egghe, L. & Rousseau, R. (2002). Co-citation, bibliographic coupling and a characterization of lattice citation networks. Scientometrics, 55(3), 349-361.
  • Fabrizia, A.; Guarinib, G. & Melicianic, V. (2018). Green patents, regulatory policies and research network policies. Research Policy, 47,1018-1031.
  • Hamamoto, M. (2006). Environmental regulation and the productivity of Japanese manufacturing industries. Resource and Energy Economics, 28, 299-312.
  • Hang, M; Klingeberg, J.G. & Rathgeber, A.W. (2019). It is merely a matter of time: A meta‐analysis of the causality between environmental performance and financial performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(2), 257-273.
  • Heradio, R., De La Torre, L., Galan, D., Cabrerizo, F. J., Herrera-Viedma, E. & Dormido, S. (2016). Virtual and remote labs in education: A bibliometric analysis. Computers & Education, 98, 14-38.
  • Hilliard, R. (2004). Conflicting views: Neoclassical, Porterian, and evolutionary approaches to the analysis of the environmental regulation of industrial activity. Journal of Economic Issues, 38 (2),509-517.
  • Horbach, J. (2008). Determinants of environmental innovation—New evidence from German panel data sources. Research Policy, 37, 163-173.
  • Jaffe, A.B. & Palmer, K. (1997). Environmental regulation and innovation: A panel data study. Review of Economics and Statistics, 79 (4), 610- 619.
  • Lanoie, P.; Lucchetti, J. L.; Johnstone, N. & Ambec,E. (2011). Environmental Policy, Innovation and Performance: New Insights on the Porter Hypothesis. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 20 (3), 803-842.
  • Lee, J.; Veloso, F.M. & Hounshell, D.A. (2011). Linking induced technological change, and environmental regulation: Evidence from patenting in the U.S. auto industry. Research Policy, 40, 1240-1252.
  • Lopez, M.D.; Cortes, G.C. & Azorin, J.F.M. (2009). Evaluating environmental regulation in Spain using process control and preventive techniques. European Journal of Operational Research, 195 (2), 497-518.
  • Managi, S., Opaluch, J.J., Jin, D. & Grigalunas, T.A. (2005). Environmental regulations and technological change in the offshore oil and gas industry. Land Economics, 81 (2), 303-319.
  • Öztürk,M. & Gök, S.G. (2020). COVID-19 Döneminde yönetim yazındaki araştırma trendlerinin bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi ile incelenmesi. Kapadokya Akademik Bakış, 4(2), 73-89.
  • Porter, M.& Van Der Linde, C. (1995). Green and competitive: Ending the stalemate. Harvard Business Review, 73 (5), 120-134.
  • Ramanathan, R.; Black,A; Nath, P & Muyldermans, L. (2010). Impact of environmental regulations on innovation and performance in the UK industrial sector. Management Decision, 48 (10), 1493-1513.
  • Rennings, K. & Rammer, C. (2011). The Impact of Regulation-Driven Environmental Innovation on Innovation Success and Firm Performance. Industry and Innovation, 18 (3), 255-283.
  • Uysal, Ö. Ö. (2010). Business ethics research with an accounting focus: A bibliometric analysis from 1988 to 2007. Journal of Business Ethics, 93(1), 137-160.
  • Waltman, L., Van Eck, N. J. & Noyons, E. C. (2010). A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks. Journal of Informetrics, 4(4), 629-635.
  • Wong, S.K.S. (2013). Environmental Requirements, Knowledge Sharing and Green Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Electronics Industry in China. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22, 321–338.
  • Zupic, I. & Cater, T. (2014). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: Kongre Özel Sayısı, 74 - 98, 16.06.2022


İşletmelerin yoğun endüstriyel üretim faaliyetlerinin çıktıları, çevresel kirlilikte kümülatif birikimin oluşmasındaki rolü nedeniyle küresel ölçekte ekolojik sorunların yaşanmasında önemli bir tetikleyicidir. Porter Hipotezi kavramının, ekolojik sorunların çözümündeki katalizör rolünden ötürü yabancı yazında sıklıkla çalışıldığı gözlemlenmektedir. Türkçe yazımda ise kavrama ilişkin az sayıda çalışma olduğu görülmektedir. Web of Science (WOS) veritabanında yer alan yönetim alanındaki 43 adet yayın, nitel bir araştırma yöntemi olan bibliyometrik analiz ile VOSviewer 1.6.16 programı üzerinden incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre Porter Hipotezi ilk olarak 1990’larda sürdürülebilir kalkınma gibi makro konjektür odağında incelenirken, 2020’lere doğru bu kavrama ilişkin işletme düzeyinde inovasyon, yeşil inovasyon, eko-inovasyon gibi kavramlarla mikro ilişkilendirmelerde bulunulduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmanın literatüre katkısı ise; çalışma bulguları ile hem bu kavramın Türkçe yazımda daha fazla yer almasına aracı olmak hem de yeni bir analiz yöntemi olan Bibliyometrik Analiz Yöntemi ile kavramların gelişimine ilişkin kapsamlı bir projeksiyonun nasıl yorumlanabileceğine ilişkin bir örnek sunmaktır. 


  • Ambec,E. & Lanoie, P. (2008). Does it pay to be green? A systematic overview. Academy of Management Perspectives, 22 (4), 45-62.
  • Antonioli, D.; Mancinelli, S. & Manzaanti, M. (2013). Is environmental innovation embedded within high-performance organisational changes? The role of human resource management and complementarity in green business strategies. Research Policy, 42, 975-988.
  • Boyack, K. W. & Klavans, R. (2010). Co‐citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately?. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2389-2404.
  • Costantini, V. & Mazzanti, M. (2012). On the green and innovative side of trade competitiveness? The impact of environmental policies and innovation on EU exports. Research Policy, 41, 132-153.
  • Curkovic, S. (2003). Environmentally responsible manufacturing: The development and validation of a measurement model. European Journal of Operational Research, 146,130-155.
  • Dutta, N. & Narayanan, K. (2011). Impact of environmental regulation on technical efficiency: A study of chemical ındustry in and around Mumbai. Science, Technology & Society, 16(3), 333-350.
  • Egghe, L. & Rousseau, R. (2002). Co-citation, bibliographic coupling and a characterization of lattice citation networks. Scientometrics, 55(3), 349-361.
  • Fabrizia, A.; Guarinib, G. & Melicianic, V. (2018). Green patents, regulatory policies and research network policies. Research Policy, 47,1018-1031.
  • Hamamoto, M. (2006). Environmental regulation and the productivity of Japanese manufacturing industries. Resource and Energy Economics, 28, 299-312.
  • Hang, M; Klingeberg, J.G. & Rathgeber, A.W. (2019). It is merely a matter of time: A meta‐analysis of the causality between environmental performance and financial performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(2), 257-273.
  • Heradio, R., De La Torre, L., Galan, D., Cabrerizo, F. J., Herrera-Viedma, E. & Dormido, S. (2016). Virtual and remote labs in education: A bibliometric analysis. Computers & Education, 98, 14-38.
  • Hilliard, R. (2004). Conflicting views: Neoclassical, Porterian, and evolutionary approaches to the analysis of the environmental regulation of industrial activity. Journal of Economic Issues, 38 (2),509-517.
  • Horbach, J. (2008). Determinants of environmental innovation—New evidence from German panel data sources. Research Policy, 37, 163-173.
  • Jaffe, A.B. & Palmer, K. (1997). Environmental regulation and innovation: A panel data study. Review of Economics and Statistics, 79 (4), 610- 619.
  • Lanoie, P.; Lucchetti, J. L.; Johnstone, N. & Ambec,E. (2011). Environmental Policy, Innovation and Performance: New Insights on the Porter Hypothesis. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 20 (3), 803-842.
  • Lee, J.; Veloso, F.M. & Hounshell, D.A. (2011). Linking induced technological change, and environmental regulation: Evidence from patenting in the U.S. auto industry. Research Policy, 40, 1240-1252.
  • Lopez, M.D.; Cortes, G.C. & Azorin, J.F.M. (2009). Evaluating environmental regulation in Spain using process control and preventive techniques. European Journal of Operational Research, 195 (2), 497-518.
  • Managi, S., Opaluch, J.J., Jin, D. & Grigalunas, T.A. (2005). Environmental regulations and technological change in the offshore oil and gas industry. Land Economics, 81 (2), 303-319.
  • Öztürk,M. & Gök, S.G. (2020). COVID-19 Döneminde yönetim yazındaki araştırma trendlerinin bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi ile incelenmesi. Kapadokya Akademik Bakış, 4(2), 73-89.
  • Porter, M.& Van Der Linde, C. (1995). Green and competitive: Ending the stalemate. Harvard Business Review, 73 (5), 120-134.
  • Ramanathan, R.; Black,A; Nath, P & Muyldermans, L. (2010). Impact of environmental regulations on innovation and performance in the UK industrial sector. Management Decision, 48 (10), 1493-1513.
  • Rennings, K. & Rammer, C. (2011). The Impact of Regulation-Driven Environmental Innovation on Innovation Success and Firm Performance. Industry and Innovation, 18 (3), 255-283.
  • Uysal, Ö. Ö. (2010). Business ethics research with an accounting focus: A bibliometric analysis from 1988 to 2007. Journal of Business Ethics, 93(1), 137-160.
  • Waltman, L., Van Eck, N. J. & Noyons, E. C. (2010). A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks. Journal of Informetrics, 4(4), 629-635.
  • Wong, S.K.S. (2013). Environmental Requirements, Knowledge Sharing and Green Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Electronics Industry in China. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22, 321–338.
  • Zupic, I. & Cater, T. (2014). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Gökçe Ömür 0000-0002-5327-8474

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Haziran 2022
Kabul Tarihi 7 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 13 Sayı: Kongre Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Ömür, G. (2022). YÖNETİM YAZININDA PORTER HİPOTEZİNİN BİBLİYOMETRİK ANALİZİ. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(Kongre Özel Sayısı), 74-98.

KAÜİİBFD, Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergi Yayıncılığı'nın kurumsal dergisidir.

KAÜİİBFD 2022 yılından itibaren Web of Science'a dahil edilerek, Clarivate ürünü olan Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) uluslararası alan endeksinde taranmaya başlamıştır. 

2025 Haziran ve Aralık sayısı İşletme alanı kotası dolmuştur. Bir sonraki duyuruya kadar İşletme alanındaki gönderiler değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. Dergimizin kapsamındaki diğer alanların makale kabul ve değerlendirmeleri devam etmektedir.