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Yıl 2020, , 188 - 204, 15.12.2020


В последние годы быстрое развитие науки и технологий, широкое использование средств массовой информации и рост культурных и коммерческих отношений сделали изучение иностранных языков необходимостью для общения между народами мира. Рост количества англоязычных программ во всех мировых ВУЗ-х становится очевидным. Все большее количество высших учебных заведений в странах, для которых английский не является родным, также имеют 100% программы EMI. Аналогичная тенденция наблюдается и в турецких высших учебных заведениях с точки зрения важности обучения на английском языке. Однако, начало обучения и профессиональной подготовки без предоставления университетам необходимой инфраструктуры для открытия программ обучения английскому языку, вызывает сомнения по поводу качества в этой области и появления различных проблем. В нижеследующем исследовании были изучены попытки одного из государственных вузов стать международным университетом за счет повышения качества обучения на английском языке, где среди большинства программ преподавание ведется на английском языке. Данные для исследования были получены посредством интервью в фокус-группах, наблюдений и обзора документов. Итоги анализа данных были раделены на три части: политика в области английского языка, непрерывное профессиональное развитие и учебная программа по английскому языку. По результатам опроса было установлено, что для достижения итогов конкуренции на международном уровне любой университет Турции, прежде всего должен в письменном виде предоставить и доказать свою политику по поводу EMI. Кроме того, университет должен включить эту политику в свою общую стратегию, подготовить для этой цели учебную программу и поддерживать свой академический и административный персонал в постоянным профессиональном развитии.


  • Acat, M. B. & Demiral, S. (2002). Türkiyede yabancı dil öğreniminde motivasyon kaynakları ve sorunları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 31(31), 312-329.
  • Aydın, S., & Zengin, B. (2008). Yabancı dil öğreniminde kaygı: Bir literatür özeti. Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(1).
  • Bernard, H. R. & Ryan, G. (1998). Text Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. In In Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology.
  • Broughton, G., Brumfit, C., Pincas, A., & Wilde, R. D. (2002). Teaching English as a foreign language. Routledge.
  • Byun, K., Chu, H., Kim, M., Park, I., Kim, S., & Jung, J. (2011). English-medium teaching in Korean higher education: Policy debates and reality. Higher Education, 62(4), 431-449.
  • Coleman, J. A. (2006). English-medium teaching in European Higher Education. Language Teaching, 39(1) pp. 1–14.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design:Choosing Among Five Approaches, Second Edition, California: Sage Publications
  • Çelebi, M. D. (2006). Türkiye’de Anadili Eğitimi ve Yabancı Dil Öğretimi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21: 285-307.
  • De Massis & Kotlar, J. (2014). The case study method in family business research: Guidelines for qualitative scholarship. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(1), 15-29.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2019). Yabancı Dil Öğretimi, 10. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (2011). Internationalisation, multilingualism and English‐medium instruction. World Englishes, 30(3), 345-359.
  • Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2013). English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Eisenhardt, K. L. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. The Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550.
  • Elliott, R., & Timulak, L. (2005). Descriptive and interpretive approaches to qualitative research. A handbook of research methods for clinical and health psychology, 1(7), 147-159.
  • Ersoy, N. Ş., & Yapıcıoğlu, D. K. (2015). İsteğe Bağlı İngilizce Hazırlık Programının Öğrenci ve Okutman Görüşlerine Göre Değerlendirilmesi. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(3), 7-43.
  • Gökdemir, C. V. (2005). Üniversitelerimizde Verilen Yabancı Dil Öğretimindeki Başarı Durumumuz. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 251-264.
  • Hellekjær, G. O. (2010). Lecture comprehension in English-medium higher education. Hermes, 45, 11–34.
  • Hu, G., Li, L., & Lei, J. (2014). English-medium instruction at a Chinese University: Rhetoric and reality. Language Policy, 13(1), 21-40.
  • Kilickaya, F. (2006). Instructors' Attitudes towards English-Medium Instruction in Turkey. Online Submission, Humanising Language Teaching 8(6).
  • Lasagabaster, D., A. Doiz, & J.M. Sierra (2014). Motivation: Making connections between theory and practice. In D.
  • Lasagabaster, A. Doiz, & J. M. Sierra (eds.), Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From Theory to Practice, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 173–183.
  • Macaro, E., Curle, S., Pun, J., An, J., & Dearden, J. (2018). A systematic review of English medium instruction in higher education. Language Teaching, 51(1), 36-76.
  • Oğuz, A. (2002). Üniversitelerdeki öğretim elemanlarının yabancı dili geliştirme güçlükleri. Eğitim ve Bilim, 27(125).
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Pecorari, D., Shaw, P., Irvine, A., & Malmsto¨m, H. (2011). English for academic purposes at Swedish universities: Teachers’ objectives and practices. Ibe´rica, 22, 55–78.
  • Piller, I., & Cho, J. (2013). Neoliberalism as language policy. Language in Society, 42, 23–44.
  • Ritzen, J. (2004). Across the bridge: towards an international university. In Robert Wilkinson (ed.), Integrating Content and Language: Meeting the Challenge of a Multilingual Higher Education (pp. 28–40). Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht.
  • Rose, H., & McKinley, J. (2018). Japan’s English-medium instruction initiatives and the globalization of higher education. Higher Education, 75(1), 111-129.
  • Sert, N. (2008). The language of instruction dilemma in the Turkish context. System, 36, 156–171.
  • Simons, H. (2009). Case study research in practice. London: SAGE.
  • Tange, H. (2012). Organising language at the international university: Three principles of linguistic organisation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 33, 287–300.
  • Tosun, C. (2006). Yabancı dille eğitim sorunu. Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 28-42.
  • Vale D, E., Özen, I., Alpaslan, A., Çağlı, I., Özdoğan, M., Sancak, A., Dizman & A Sökmen. (2013). Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching, Ankara: British Council and TEPAV. British Council
  • Vinke, A. A., & Jochems, W. M. G. (1993). English proficiency and academic success in international postgraduate education. Higher education, 26(3), 275-285.
  • Webb, V. (2002). English as a second language in South Africa’s tertiary institutions: A case study at the University of Pretoria. World Englishes, 21, 49–61.
  • West, R, A., Güven, J., Parry T., & Ergenekon, T. (2015). The State of English in Higher Education in Turkey. British Council.
  • Wilkinson, R. (2013). English-medium instruction at a Dutch university: Challenges and pitfalls. English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges.
  • Yin, R. K. (1981). The Case Study Crisis: Some Answers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26(1): 58-65.
  • YOK Undergraduate Atlas (2020). YOK Undergraduate Atlas. Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Zahedi, K., & Shamsaee, S. (2012). Viability of construct validity of the speaking modules of international language examinations (IELTS vs. TOEFL iBT): evidence from Iranian test-takers. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(3), 263-277.


Yıl 2020, , 188 - 204, 15.12.2020


In recent years, the rapid developments in science and technology, the widespread use of mass media, the increase in cultural and commercial relations have made the learning of foreign languages a necessity for communication among the nations of the world. The growth of EMI (English Medium Instruction) programs in Higher Education is evident all over the world. There are 100% EMI programs in an increasing number of higher education institutions in countries whose mother tongue is not English. There is a similar trend in Turkish Higher Education Institutions in terms of the importance given. However, starting education and training without providing the necessary infrastructure for universities to open EMI programs causes questioning of the quality in this field and the emergence of various problems. In this study, the efforts to become an international university by increasing the quality of EMI programs in a state university were examined with a case study pattern. Research data were obtained through focus group interviews, observations, and document reviews. The data were analysed using text analysis. Research findings were condensed into three themes, namely English Language Policy, Continuing Professional Development, The English Language Curriculum. The result of the study shows that any university in Turkey should firstly create the EMI policy in written form to reach the level of competition at the international level. In addition, the university should include this policy in its general strategy, prepare a curriculum for this purpose, and support its academic and administrative staff with continuous professional development.


  • Acat, M. B. & Demiral, S. (2002). Türkiyede yabancı dil öğreniminde motivasyon kaynakları ve sorunları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 31(31), 312-329.
  • Aydın, S., & Zengin, B. (2008). Yabancı dil öğreniminde kaygı: Bir literatür özeti. Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(1).
  • Bernard, H. R. & Ryan, G. (1998). Text Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. In In Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology.
  • Broughton, G., Brumfit, C., Pincas, A., & Wilde, R. D. (2002). Teaching English as a foreign language. Routledge.
  • Byun, K., Chu, H., Kim, M., Park, I., Kim, S., & Jung, J. (2011). English-medium teaching in Korean higher education: Policy debates and reality. Higher Education, 62(4), 431-449.
  • Coleman, J. A. (2006). English-medium teaching in European Higher Education. Language Teaching, 39(1) pp. 1–14.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design:Choosing Among Five Approaches, Second Edition, California: Sage Publications
  • Çelebi, M. D. (2006). Türkiye’de Anadili Eğitimi ve Yabancı Dil Öğretimi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21: 285-307.
  • De Massis & Kotlar, J. (2014). The case study method in family business research: Guidelines for qualitative scholarship. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(1), 15-29.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2019). Yabancı Dil Öğretimi, 10. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (2011). Internationalisation, multilingualism and English‐medium instruction. World Englishes, 30(3), 345-359.
  • Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2013). English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Eisenhardt, K. L. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. The Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550.
  • Elliott, R., & Timulak, L. (2005). Descriptive and interpretive approaches to qualitative research. A handbook of research methods for clinical and health psychology, 1(7), 147-159.
  • Ersoy, N. Ş., & Yapıcıoğlu, D. K. (2015). İsteğe Bağlı İngilizce Hazırlık Programının Öğrenci ve Okutman Görüşlerine Göre Değerlendirilmesi. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(3), 7-43.
  • Gökdemir, C. V. (2005). Üniversitelerimizde Verilen Yabancı Dil Öğretimindeki Başarı Durumumuz. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 251-264.
  • Hellekjær, G. O. (2010). Lecture comprehension in English-medium higher education. Hermes, 45, 11–34.
  • Hu, G., Li, L., & Lei, J. (2014). English-medium instruction at a Chinese University: Rhetoric and reality. Language Policy, 13(1), 21-40.
  • Kilickaya, F. (2006). Instructors' Attitudes towards English-Medium Instruction in Turkey. Online Submission, Humanising Language Teaching 8(6).
  • Lasagabaster, D., A. Doiz, & J.M. Sierra (2014). Motivation: Making connections between theory and practice. In D.
  • Lasagabaster, A. Doiz, & J. M. Sierra (eds.), Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From Theory to Practice, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 173–183.
  • Macaro, E., Curle, S., Pun, J., An, J., & Dearden, J. (2018). A systematic review of English medium instruction in higher education. Language Teaching, 51(1), 36-76.
  • Oğuz, A. (2002). Üniversitelerdeki öğretim elemanlarının yabancı dili geliştirme güçlükleri. Eğitim ve Bilim, 27(125).
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Pecorari, D., Shaw, P., Irvine, A., & Malmsto¨m, H. (2011). English for academic purposes at Swedish universities: Teachers’ objectives and practices. Ibe´rica, 22, 55–78.
  • Piller, I., & Cho, J. (2013). Neoliberalism as language policy. Language in Society, 42, 23–44.
  • Ritzen, J. (2004). Across the bridge: towards an international university. In Robert Wilkinson (ed.), Integrating Content and Language: Meeting the Challenge of a Multilingual Higher Education (pp. 28–40). Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht.
  • Rose, H., & McKinley, J. (2018). Japan’s English-medium instruction initiatives and the globalization of higher education. Higher Education, 75(1), 111-129.
  • Sert, N. (2008). The language of instruction dilemma in the Turkish context. System, 36, 156–171.
  • Simons, H. (2009). Case study research in practice. London: SAGE.
  • Tange, H. (2012). Organising language at the international university: Three principles of linguistic organisation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 33, 287–300.
  • Tosun, C. (2006). Yabancı dille eğitim sorunu. Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 28-42.
  • Vale D, E., Özen, I., Alpaslan, A., Çağlı, I., Özdoğan, M., Sancak, A., Dizman & A Sökmen. (2013). Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching, Ankara: British Council and TEPAV. British Council
  • Vinke, A. A., & Jochems, W. M. G. (1993). English proficiency and academic success in international postgraduate education. Higher education, 26(3), 275-285.
  • Webb, V. (2002). English as a second language in South Africa’s tertiary institutions: A case study at the University of Pretoria. World Englishes, 21, 49–61.
  • West, R, A., Güven, J., Parry T., & Ergenekon, T. (2015). The State of English in Higher Education in Turkey. British Council.
  • Wilkinson, R. (2013). English-medium instruction at a Dutch university: Challenges and pitfalls. English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges.
  • Yin, R. K. (1981). The Case Study Crisis: Some Answers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26(1): 58-65.
  • YOK Undergraduate Atlas (2020). YOK Undergraduate Atlas. Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Zahedi, K., & Shamsaee, S. (2012). Viability of construct validity of the speaking modules of international language examinations (IELTS vs. TOEFL iBT): evidence from Iranian test-takers. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(3), 263-277.


Yıl 2020, , 188 - 204, 15.12.2020


Son yıllarda bilim ve teknolojideki hızlı gelişmeler, kitle iletişim araçlarının yaygın kullanımı, kültürel ve ticari ilişkilerin artması dünya ulusları arasında iletişimin sağlanmasında yabancı dillerinin öğrenimini bir zorunluluk olarak ortaya çıkarmıştır. Yüksek Öğretimde Eğitim dili İngilizce olan (EMI) programların artması, tüm dünyada belirgindir. Ana dili İngilizce olmayan ülkelerde artan de sayıda yükseköğretim kurumunda %100 EMI programları bulunmaktadır. İngilizce eğitime verilen önem açısından Türk yükseköğretim kurumlarında da benzer bir eğilim bulunmaktadır. Ancak üniversitelerin İngilizce eğitim programları açabilmeleri için gerekli altyapıyı sağlamadan eğitim ve öğretime başlaması, bu alandaki kalitenin sorgulanmasına ve çeşitli sorunların ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, programlarının çoğunda eğitim dili İngilizce olan bir devlet üniversitesinde İngilizce eğitim kalitesini artırarak uluslararası bir üniversite olma çabaları örnek olay deseniyle incelenmiştir. Araştırma verileri odak grup görüşmeleri, gözlemler ve doküman incelemesi ile elde edilmiştir. Veriler ise metin analizi yapılarak incelenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi sonucunda, araştırma bulguları İngilizce Dil Politikası, Sürekli Mesleki Gelişim, İngilizce Dil Müfredatı olmak üzere üç temada yoğunlaşmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, Türkiye'deki herhangi bir üniversitenin uluslararası düzeyde rekabet düzeyine ulaşması için öncelikle yazılı olarak EMI politikasını oluşturması gerektiğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca üniversite bu politikayı genel stratejisine dâhil etmeli, bu amaçla bir müfredat hazırlamalı, akademik ve idari personelini sürekli mesleki gelişim ile desteklemelidir.


  • Acat, M. B. & Demiral, S. (2002). Türkiyede yabancı dil öğreniminde motivasyon kaynakları ve sorunları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 31(31), 312-329.
  • Aydın, S., & Zengin, B. (2008). Yabancı dil öğreniminde kaygı: Bir literatür özeti. Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(1).
  • Bernard, H. R. & Ryan, G. (1998). Text Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. In In Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology.
  • Broughton, G., Brumfit, C., Pincas, A., & Wilde, R. D. (2002). Teaching English as a foreign language. Routledge.
  • Byun, K., Chu, H., Kim, M., Park, I., Kim, S., & Jung, J. (2011). English-medium teaching in Korean higher education: Policy debates and reality. Higher Education, 62(4), 431-449.
  • Coleman, J. A. (2006). English-medium teaching in European Higher Education. Language Teaching, 39(1) pp. 1–14.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design:Choosing Among Five Approaches, Second Edition, California: Sage Publications
  • Çelebi, M. D. (2006). Türkiye’de Anadili Eğitimi ve Yabancı Dil Öğretimi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21: 285-307.
  • De Massis & Kotlar, J. (2014). The case study method in family business research: Guidelines for qualitative scholarship. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(1), 15-29.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2019). Yabancı Dil Öğretimi, 10. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (2011). Internationalisation, multilingualism and English‐medium instruction. World Englishes, 30(3), 345-359.
  • Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2013). English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Eisenhardt, K. L. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. The Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550.
  • Elliott, R., & Timulak, L. (2005). Descriptive and interpretive approaches to qualitative research. A handbook of research methods for clinical and health psychology, 1(7), 147-159.
  • Ersoy, N. Ş., & Yapıcıoğlu, D. K. (2015). İsteğe Bağlı İngilizce Hazırlık Programının Öğrenci ve Okutman Görüşlerine Göre Değerlendirilmesi. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(3), 7-43.
  • Gökdemir, C. V. (2005). Üniversitelerimizde Verilen Yabancı Dil Öğretimindeki Başarı Durumumuz. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 251-264.
  • Hellekjær, G. O. (2010). Lecture comprehension in English-medium higher education. Hermes, 45, 11–34.
  • Hu, G., Li, L., & Lei, J. (2014). English-medium instruction at a Chinese University: Rhetoric and reality. Language Policy, 13(1), 21-40.
  • Kilickaya, F. (2006). Instructors' Attitudes towards English-Medium Instruction in Turkey. Online Submission, Humanising Language Teaching 8(6).
  • Lasagabaster, D., A. Doiz, & J.M. Sierra (2014). Motivation: Making connections between theory and practice. In D.
  • Lasagabaster, A. Doiz, & J. M. Sierra (eds.), Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From Theory to Practice, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 173–183.
  • Macaro, E., Curle, S., Pun, J., An, J., & Dearden, J. (2018). A systematic review of English medium instruction in higher education. Language Teaching, 51(1), 36-76.
  • Oğuz, A. (2002). Üniversitelerdeki öğretim elemanlarının yabancı dili geliştirme güçlükleri. Eğitim ve Bilim, 27(125).
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Pecorari, D., Shaw, P., Irvine, A., & Malmsto¨m, H. (2011). English for academic purposes at Swedish universities: Teachers’ objectives and practices. Ibe´rica, 22, 55–78.
  • Piller, I., & Cho, J. (2013). Neoliberalism as language policy. Language in Society, 42, 23–44.
  • Ritzen, J. (2004). Across the bridge: towards an international university. In Robert Wilkinson (ed.), Integrating Content and Language: Meeting the Challenge of a Multilingual Higher Education (pp. 28–40). Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht.
  • Rose, H., & McKinley, J. (2018). Japan’s English-medium instruction initiatives and the globalization of higher education. Higher Education, 75(1), 111-129.
  • Sert, N. (2008). The language of instruction dilemma in the Turkish context. System, 36, 156–171.
  • Simons, H. (2009). Case study research in practice. London: SAGE.
  • Tange, H. (2012). Organising language at the international university: Three principles of linguistic organisation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 33, 287–300.
  • Tosun, C. (2006). Yabancı dille eğitim sorunu. Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 28-42.
  • Vale D, E., Özen, I., Alpaslan, A., Çağlı, I., Özdoğan, M., Sancak, A., Dizman & A Sökmen. (2013). Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching, Ankara: British Council and TEPAV. British Council
  • Vinke, A. A., & Jochems, W. M. G. (1993). English proficiency and academic success in international postgraduate education. Higher education, 26(3), 275-285.
  • Webb, V. (2002). English as a second language in South Africa’s tertiary institutions: A case study at the University of Pretoria. World Englishes, 21, 49–61.
  • West, R, A., Güven, J., Parry T., & Ergenekon, T. (2015). The State of English in Higher Education in Turkey. British Council.
  • Wilkinson, R. (2013). English-medium instruction at a Dutch university: Challenges and pitfalls. English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges.
  • Yin, R. K. (1981). The Case Study Crisis: Some Answers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26(1): 58-65.
  • YOK Undergraduate Atlas (2020). YOK Undergraduate Atlas. Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Zahedi, K., & Shamsaee, S. (2012). Viability of construct validity of the speaking modules of international language examinations (IELTS vs. TOEFL iBT): evidence from Iranian test-takers. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(3), 263-277.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahim Efe Efeoğlu 0000-0003-3928-4568

Ömür Kılınçarslan 0000-0003-3378-7607

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Efeoğlu, İ. E., & Kılınçarslan, Ö. (2020). HOW TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF TEACHING PROGRAMS IN ENGLISH MEDIUM INSTRUCTION AT UNIVERSITY? A CASE STUDY FROM TURKEY. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, 1(48), 188-204.