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Yıl 2021, , 279 - 295, 30.09.2021


Население мира начало быстро расти, особенно после 1950-х годов. Рождаемость, смертность и миграция являются основными факторами роста населения. Рост населения играет очень важную роль в экономическом развитии страны. Влияние темпов роста населения на экономическое развитие было предметом противоречивых эмпирических исследований. Исследователи утверждали, что рост населения может иметь как положительные, так и отрицательные последствия для экономического развития. Группа стран БРИКС-Т (Бразилия, Россия, Индия, Китай, Южная Африка и Турция) является значительными государствами с высокими темпами роста, увеличением экспорта и национального дохода, богатыми природными ресурсами, геополитическим положением, возможностями логистики и потенциалом развития в последние годы. В нижеследующем исследовании изучается взаимосвязь между развитием и темпами роста населения в странах БРИКС-Т, в которых проживает почти половина населения мира и которые привлекают внимание своей развивающейся экономикой. Для этого используются данные индекса человеческого развития из официальной базы данных “Программы развития ООН” и данные о годовом приросте населения из официальной базы данных Всемирного банка за период 1990-2019 гг. Использованы методы анализа панельных данных, учитывающие множественные структурные разрывы. Для этого Carrion-i Silvestre и др. (2005), который допускает две переменные до 5 структурных разрывов, был применен как основной тест с разделенной панелью. Затем был проведен коинтеграционный анализ панелей структурных разрывов на основе теории Банерджи и Каррион-и Сильвестр (2015), в которых изучены структурные разрывы. В результате полученных результатов видно, что между двумя переменными существует долгосрочная связь.


  • Ahlburg, D. A. (1998). Julian Simon and the population growth debate. Population and development review, 317-327.
  • Ali, S., Ali, A., & Amin, A. (2013). The impact of population growth on economic development in Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 18(4), 483-491.
  • Bai, J., & Perron, P. (1998). Estimating and testing linear models with multiple structural changes. Econometrica, 47-78.
  • Banerjee, A., & Carrion‐i‐Silvestre, J. L. (2015). Cointegration in panel data with structural breaks and cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(1), 1-23.
  • Becker, G. S., Glaeser, E. L., & Murphy, K. M. (1999). Population and economic growth. American Economic Review, 89(2), 145-149.
  • Bektaş, H., Kayacan, E., & Ömür, U. R. A. S. (2015). Türkiye’de Planlı Kalkınma Döneminde İktisadi Büyüme ile Nüfus Artışı İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Analizi. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 69-77.
  • Breusch, T. S. & A. R. Pagan (1980). The Lagrange multiplier testand its applications to model specification tests in econometrics. Review of Economic Studies, 47, 239–53.
  • Carrion-i-Silverstre, J.L., Del Barrio-Castro, T. & Lopez-Bazo, E. (2005). Breaking the panels: An application to the GDP per capita. Econometrics Journal, 8(2):159-175.
  • Chang, T., Chu, H. P., Deale, F. W., & Gupta, R. (2014). The relationship between population growth and economic growth over 1870-2013: Evidence from a bootstrapped panel-granger causality test. University of Pretoria, Department of Economics working paper 2014, 31.
  • Eren, M. V. (2020). Nüfus Artışı İle Kalkınma Arasındaki İlişki: Sahra-Altı Afrika Ülkeleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Analiz. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (27), 141-158.
  • Furuoka, F. (2009). Population growth and economic development: New empirical evidence from Thailand. Economics Bulletin, 29(1), 1-14.
  • Güney, T. (2017). Gelişmiş-Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Nüfus Artışı Ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma: Bir Iv (2SLS) Yaklaşımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(4), 1255-1277.
  • Hadri, K. (2000). Testing for stationarity in heterogeneous panel data. The Econometrics Journal, 3(2), 148-161.
  • Kelly, A. C. (1976). Saving, Demographic Changes and Economic Development. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 24, 683-693.
  • Kelley, A. C. (1988). Economic consequences of population change in the Third World. Journal of Economic Literature, 26(4), 1685-1728.
  • Kwiatkowski, D., Phillips, P. C., Schmidt, P., & Shin, Y. (1992). Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root?. Journal of econometrics, 54(1-3), 159-178.
  • Lee, H. H., Huh, H. S., Lee, Y. Y., & Lim, J. Y. (2013). Effects of population aging on economic growth: A panel analysis. Seoul Journal of Economics, 26, 401-432.
  • Li, L. (2019). BRICS: A Limited Role in Transforming the World. Strategic Analysis, 43(6), 499-508.
  • Maestas, N., Mullen, K. J., & Powell, D. (2016). The effect of population aging on economic growth, the labor force and productivity (No. w22452). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Malthus, T. R. (1789). An Essay on the Principle of Population, Murray. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.06.2021).
  • Mason, A. (1988). Saving, economic growth, and demographic change. Population and Development Review, 113-144.
  • Miri, N., & Maddah, M. (2018, July). The effect of age structure of the population on economic growth in Iran using the ARDL approach. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1978, No. 1, p. 200004). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Ouedraogo, A., Tosun, M. S. ve Yang, J. (2018). Fertility and Population Policy, GLO Discussion Paper, No. 163, Global Labor Organization (GLO), Maastricht,
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. CambridgeWorking Papers in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, 435, 1-46.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
  • Pesaran, M. H. ve Yamagata, T., (2008). Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels, Journal of Econometrics, 142, 50–93.
  • Peter, A., & Bakari, I. (2018). Impact of population growth on economic growth in Africa: A dynamic panel data approach (1980-2015). Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Science (PJHSS), 6(4), 412-427.
  • Polat, M. A. (2018). Türkiye'de Ekonomik Büyümenin Ve Nüfus Artışının Ekonometrik Modellemesi: Ampirik Bir Çalışma Örneği. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(1), 205-228.
  • Sayehmiri, A., Nekgoftar, L., Askari, H., & Shayan, A. (2021). A Meta-analysis of Population Growth Impact on Economic Growth. Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol 20, No 79.
  • Shumaker, L. D., & Clark, R. L. (1992). Population dependency rates and savings rates: Stability of estimates. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40(2), 319-332.
  • Solow, R. M. (1957). Technical change and the aggregate production function. The review of Economics and Statistics, 39(3), 312-320.
  • Tekbaş, M. (2021). The Impact of Economic, Social and Political Globalization on Economic Growth: Evidence from BRICS-T Countries. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 57-71.
  • Telatar, O. M., & Terzi, H. (2010). Nüfus ve eğitimin ekonomik büyümeye etkisi: Türkiye üzerine bir inceleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 24(2), 197-214.
  • Thuku, G. ., Paul, G., & Almadi, O. (2013). The Impact of Population Change on Economic Growth in Kenya. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 02(06), 43–60.
  • Thornton, J. (2001). Population growth and economic growth: Long-run evidence from Latin America. Southern Economic Journal, 68, 464– 468.
  • Timmer, C. P. (1994). Population, poverty, and policies. The American Economic Review, 84(2), 261-265.
  • Valli, V., & Saccone, D. (2011). Economic development and population growth: an inverted-U shaped curve. In Working Paper Series, Departments of Economics Torino, Working Paper n. 5/2011.


Yıl 2021, , 279 - 295, 30.09.2021


The world's population began to grow rapidly, especially after the 1950s. Birth, death rates, and migration rates are key drivers of population growth. Population growth plays a crucial role in the country's economic development. The impact of population growth on economic development has been the subject of controversial empirical studies. The researchers argued that population growth could have a positive effect on economic development, as well as negative effects. The BRICS-T (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Turkey) country group is of great importance as it hosts countries with high growth rates, increased exports and national income, abundant natural resources, geopolitical location, logistical possibilities, and development potential in recent years. This study explores the relationship between development and population growth rate of BRICS-T countries, which have almost half the world's population and whose emerging economies are notable. To this end, Human development index data from the United Nations Development Program official database and annual population growth rate data from the World Bank official database were used, covering the 1990-2019 period. Panel data analysis methods taking into account multiple structural breaks were exploited. For this, the structural break panel unit root test which allows up to 5 structural breaks to two variables, developed by Carrion-i Silvestre et al. (2005), was applied. Then, the panel cointegration test with multiple structural breaks was then carried out, which took into account structural breaks and was introduced into literature by Banerjee and Carrion-i Silvestre (2015). As a result of the findings, there appears to be a long-term relationship between the two variables.


  • Ahlburg, D. A. (1998). Julian Simon and the population growth debate. Population and development review, 317-327.
  • Ali, S., Ali, A., & Amin, A. (2013). The impact of population growth on economic development in Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 18(4), 483-491.
  • Bai, J., & Perron, P. (1998). Estimating and testing linear models with multiple structural changes. Econometrica, 47-78.
  • Banerjee, A., & Carrion‐i‐Silvestre, J. L. (2015). Cointegration in panel data with structural breaks and cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(1), 1-23.
  • Becker, G. S., Glaeser, E. L., & Murphy, K. M. (1999). Population and economic growth. American Economic Review, 89(2), 145-149.
  • Bektaş, H., Kayacan, E., & Ömür, U. R. A. S. (2015). Türkiye’de Planlı Kalkınma Döneminde İktisadi Büyüme ile Nüfus Artışı İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Analizi. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 69-77.
  • Breusch, T. S. & A. R. Pagan (1980). The Lagrange multiplier testand its applications to model specification tests in econometrics. Review of Economic Studies, 47, 239–53.
  • Carrion-i-Silverstre, J.L., Del Barrio-Castro, T. & Lopez-Bazo, E. (2005). Breaking the panels: An application to the GDP per capita. Econometrics Journal, 8(2):159-175.
  • Chang, T., Chu, H. P., Deale, F. W., & Gupta, R. (2014). The relationship between population growth and economic growth over 1870-2013: Evidence from a bootstrapped panel-granger causality test. University of Pretoria, Department of Economics working paper 2014, 31.
  • Eren, M. V. (2020). Nüfus Artışı İle Kalkınma Arasındaki İlişki: Sahra-Altı Afrika Ülkeleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Analiz. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (27), 141-158.
  • Furuoka, F. (2009). Population growth and economic development: New empirical evidence from Thailand. Economics Bulletin, 29(1), 1-14.
  • Güney, T. (2017). Gelişmiş-Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Nüfus Artışı Ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma: Bir Iv (2SLS) Yaklaşımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(4), 1255-1277.
  • Hadri, K. (2000). Testing for stationarity in heterogeneous panel data. The Econometrics Journal, 3(2), 148-161.
  • Kelly, A. C. (1976). Saving, Demographic Changes and Economic Development. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 24, 683-693.
  • Kelley, A. C. (1988). Economic consequences of population change in the Third World. Journal of Economic Literature, 26(4), 1685-1728.
  • Kwiatkowski, D., Phillips, P. C., Schmidt, P., & Shin, Y. (1992). Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root?. Journal of econometrics, 54(1-3), 159-178.
  • Lee, H. H., Huh, H. S., Lee, Y. Y., & Lim, J. Y. (2013). Effects of population aging on economic growth: A panel analysis. Seoul Journal of Economics, 26, 401-432.
  • Li, L. (2019). BRICS: A Limited Role in Transforming the World. Strategic Analysis, 43(6), 499-508.
  • Maestas, N., Mullen, K. J., & Powell, D. (2016). The effect of population aging on economic growth, the labor force and productivity (No. w22452). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Malthus, T. R. (1789). An Essay on the Principle of Population, Murray. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.06.2021).
  • Mason, A. (1988). Saving, economic growth, and demographic change. Population and Development Review, 113-144.
  • Miri, N., & Maddah, M. (2018, July). The effect of age structure of the population on economic growth in Iran using the ARDL approach. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1978, No. 1, p. 200004). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Ouedraogo, A., Tosun, M. S. ve Yang, J. (2018). Fertility and Population Policy, GLO Discussion Paper, No. 163, Global Labor Organization (GLO), Maastricht,
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. CambridgeWorking Papers in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, 435, 1-46.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
  • Pesaran, M. H. ve Yamagata, T., (2008). Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels, Journal of Econometrics, 142, 50–93.
  • Peter, A., & Bakari, I. (2018). Impact of population growth on economic growth in Africa: A dynamic panel data approach (1980-2015). Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Science (PJHSS), 6(4), 412-427.
  • Polat, M. A. (2018). Türkiye'de Ekonomik Büyümenin Ve Nüfus Artışının Ekonometrik Modellemesi: Ampirik Bir Çalışma Örneği. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(1), 205-228.
  • Sayehmiri, A., Nekgoftar, L., Askari, H., & Shayan, A. (2021). A Meta-analysis of Population Growth Impact on Economic Growth. Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol 20, No 79.
  • Shumaker, L. D., & Clark, R. L. (1992). Population dependency rates and savings rates: Stability of estimates. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40(2), 319-332.
  • Solow, R. M. (1957). Technical change and the aggregate production function. The review of Economics and Statistics, 39(3), 312-320.
  • Tekbaş, M. (2021). The Impact of Economic, Social and Political Globalization on Economic Growth: Evidence from BRICS-T Countries. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 57-71.
  • Telatar, O. M., & Terzi, H. (2010). Nüfus ve eğitimin ekonomik büyümeye etkisi: Türkiye üzerine bir inceleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 24(2), 197-214.
  • Thuku, G. ., Paul, G., & Almadi, O. (2013). The Impact of Population Change on Economic Growth in Kenya. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 02(06), 43–60.
  • Thornton, J. (2001). Population growth and economic growth: Long-run evidence from Latin America. Southern Economic Journal, 68, 464– 468.
  • Timmer, C. P. (1994). Population, poverty, and policies. The American Economic Review, 84(2), 261-265.
  • Valli, V., & Saccone, D. (2011). Economic development and population growth: an inverted-U shaped curve. In Working Paper Series, Departments of Economics Torino, Working Paper n. 5/2011.


Yıl 2021, , 279 - 295, 30.09.2021


Dünya nüfusu özellikle 1950’li yıllardan sonra hızla artmaya başlamıştır. Nüfus artışında doğum, ölüm oranları ve göç oranları temel itici güçlerdir. Nüfus artışı, ülkenin ekonomik kalkınmasında çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Nüfus artış hızının ekonomik kalkınma üzerindeki etkisi, tartışmalı ampirik çalışmaların konusu olmuştur. Araştırmacılar, nüfus artışının ekonomik kalkınma üzerinde pozitif etkisi olabileceği gibi negatif etkilerinin de olabileceğini savunmuşlardır. BRICS-T (Brezilya, Rusya, Hindistan, Çin, Güney Afrika ve Türkiye) ülke grubu, son yıllarda yüksek büyüme hızı, artan ihracatı ve milli geliri, bol doğal kaynakları, jeopolitik konumu, lojistik olanakları ve gelişme potansiyeli olan ülkelere ev sahipliği yapması nedeniyle büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada dünya nüfusunun neredeyse yarısına sahip olan ve yükselen ekonomileri ile dikkat çeken BRICS-T ülkeleri için kalkınma ve nüfus artış hızı arasındaki ilişki araştırılmaktadır. Bu amaçla Birleşmiş Milletler Geliştirme Programı resmi veri tabanından insani gelişme endeksi verisi ile Dünya Bankası resmi veri tabanından yıllık nüfus artış hızı verisi kullanılmış olup 1990-2019 dönemini kapsamaktadır. Çoklu yapısal kırılmaları dikkate alan panel veri analiz yöntemlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Bunun için öncelikle iki değişkene 5 yapısal kırılmaya kadar izin veren Carrion-i Silvestre vd. (2005) tarafından önerilen kırılmalı panel birim kök testi uygulanmıştır. Ardından yapısal kırılmaları dikkate alan ve Banerjee ve Carrion-i Silvestre (2015) tarafından literatüre kazandırılan yapısal kırılmalı panel eşbütünleşme analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar neticesinde iki değişken arasında uzun dönemli bir ilişkinin olduğu görülmektedir.


  • Ahlburg, D. A. (1998). Julian Simon and the population growth debate. Population and development review, 317-327.
  • Ali, S., Ali, A., & Amin, A. (2013). The impact of population growth on economic development in Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 18(4), 483-491.
  • Bai, J., & Perron, P. (1998). Estimating and testing linear models with multiple structural changes. Econometrica, 47-78.
  • Banerjee, A., & Carrion‐i‐Silvestre, J. L. (2015). Cointegration in panel data with structural breaks and cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(1), 1-23.
  • Becker, G. S., Glaeser, E. L., & Murphy, K. M. (1999). Population and economic growth. American Economic Review, 89(2), 145-149.
  • Bektaş, H., Kayacan, E., & Ömür, U. R. A. S. (2015). Türkiye’de Planlı Kalkınma Döneminde İktisadi Büyüme ile Nüfus Artışı İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Analizi. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 69-77.
  • Breusch, T. S. & A. R. Pagan (1980). The Lagrange multiplier testand its applications to model specification tests in econometrics. Review of Economic Studies, 47, 239–53.
  • Carrion-i-Silverstre, J.L., Del Barrio-Castro, T. & Lopez-Bazo, E. (2005). Breaking the panels: An application to the GDP per capita. Econometrics Journal, 8(2):159-175.
  • Chang, T., Chu, H. P., Deale, F. W., & Gupta, R. (2014). The relationship between population growth and economic growth over 1870-2013: Evidence from a bootstrapped panel-granger causality test. University of Pretoria, Department of Economics working paper 2014, 31.
  • Eren, M. V. (2020). Nüfus Artışı İle Kalkınma Arasındaki İlişki: Sahra-Altı Afrika Ülkeleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Analiz. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (27), 141-158.
  • Furuoka, F. (2009). Population growth and economic development: New empirical evidence from Thailand. Economics Bulletin, 29(1), 1-14.
  • Güney, T. (2017). Gelişmiş-Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Nüfus Artışı Ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma: Bir Iv (2SLS) Yaklaşımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(4), 1255-1277.
  • Hadri, K. (2000). Testing for stationarity in heterogeneous panel data. The Econometrics Journal, 3(2), 148-161.
  • Kelly, A. C. (1976). Saving, Demographic Changes and Economic Development. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 24, 683-693.
  • Kelley, A. C. (1988). Economic consequences of population change in the Third World. Journal of Economic Literature, 26(4), 1685-1728.
  • Kwiatkowski, D., Phillips, P. C., Schmidt, P., & Shin, Y. (1992). Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root?. Journal of econometrics, 54(1-3), 159-178.
  • Lee, H. H., Huh, H. S., Lee, Y. Y., & Lim, J. Y. (2013). Effects of population aging on economic growth: A panel analysis. Seoul Journal of Economics, 26, 401-432.
  • Li, L. (2019). BRICS: A Limited Role in Transforming the World. Strategic Analysis, 43(6), 499-508.
  • Maestas, N., Mullen, K. J., & Powell, D. (2016). The effect of population aging on economic growth, the labor force and productivity (No. w22452). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Malthus, T. R. (1789). An Essay on the Principle of Population, Murray. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.06.2021).
  • Mason, A. (1988). Saving, economic growth, and demographic change. Population and Development Review, 113-144.
  • Miri, N., & Maddah, M. (2018, July). The effect of age structure of the population on economic growth in Iran using the ARDL approach. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1978, No. 1, p. 200004). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Ouedraogo, A., Tosun, M. S. ve Yang, J. (2018). Fertility and Population Policy, GLO Discussion Paper, No. 163, Global Labor Organization (GLO), Maastricht,
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. CambridgeWorking Papers in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, 435, 1-46.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
  • Pesaran, M. H. ve Yamagata, T., (2008). Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels, Journal of Econometrics, 142, 50–93.
  • Peter, A., & Bakari, I. (2018). Impact of population growth on economic growth in Africa: A dynamic panel data approach (1980-2015). Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Science (PJHSS), 6(4), 412-427.
  • Polat, M. A. (2018). Türkiye'de Ekonomik Büyümenin Ve Nüfus Artışının Ekonometrik Modellemesi: Ampirik Bir Çalışma Örneği. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(1), 205-228.
  • Sayehmiri, A., Nekgoftar, L., Askari, H., & Shayan, A. (2021). A Meta-analysis of Population Growth Impact on Economic Growth. Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol 20, No 79.
  • Shumaker, L. D., & Clark, R. L. (1992). Population dependency rates and savings rates: Stability of estimates. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40(2), 319-332.
  • Solow, R. M. (1957). Technical change and the aggregate production function. The review of Economics and Statistics, 39(3), 312-320.
  • Tekbaş, M. (2021). The Impact of Economic, Social and Political Globalization on Economic Growth: Evidence from BRICS-T Countries. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 57-71.
  • Telatar, O. M., & Terzi, H. (2010). Nüfus ve eğitimin ekonomik büyümeye etkisi: Türkiye üzerine bir inceleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 24(2), 197-214.
  • Thuku, G. ., Paul, G., & Almadi, O. (2013). The Impact of Population Change on Economic Growth in Kenya. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 02(06), 43–60.
  • Thornton, J. (2001). Population growth and economic growth: Long-run evidence from Latin America. Southern Economic Journal, 68, 464– 468.
  • Timmer, C. P. (1994). Population, poverty, and policies. The American Economic Review, 84(2), 261-265.
  • Valli, V., & Saccone, D. (2011). Economic development and population growth: an inverted-U shaped curve. In Working Paper Series, Departments of Economics Torino, Working Paper n. 5/2011.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Gökhan Konat 0000-0002-0964-7893

Eda Fendoğlu 0000-0003-4092-7137

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Konat, G., & Fendoğlu, E. (2021). BRICS - T ÜLKELERİNİN NÜFUS ARTIŞ HIZI İLE KALKINMA İLİŞKİSİ: YAPISAL KIRILMALI EŞBÜTÜNLEŞME ANALİZİ. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, 1(51), 279-295.