Bu çalışmanın amacı, çoklu ortamla öğrenme kuramının kişiselleştirme ilkesinin İngilizcenin ikinci yabancı dil olarak öğretildiği bağlamlarda öğrencilerin dinleme performanslarına bir etkisi olup olmadığını araştırmak ve öğrencilerin günlük konuşma tarzıyla edindikleri öğrenim tecrübelerini incelemektir. Çalışma, Türkiye’deki 40 hazırlık okulu öğrencisiyle iki gruba ayrılarak günlük ve resmi konuşma tarzlarıyla hazırlanan çoklu ortam materyallerinin sunumunu içermektedir. Konuşma tarzlarının dinleme performansına yönelik etkisini ölçmek için, ön test, son test ve çoklu ortam sunuları uygulanmıştır. Bakış açıları için anket ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yürütülmüştür. Bulgular, her iki grubun da ilerleme gösterdiğini fakat günlük dilde çalışan ve resmi dilde çalışan gruplar arasında kayda değer bir fark olmadığını göstermiştir. Buna karşın, çoğu öğrenci, bu konuşma tarzına yönelik olumlu düşünce ve duygularını ifade etmiştir.
Ayub, M. S. M., Talib, O., & Siew, N. M. (2018). The perceptions of users regarding multimedia principles in mobile-based Japanese language learning. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(3), 113-124.
Canan, O. E. (2018). Personalization in multimedia integrated environments: An example from an EAP course. Dil Dergisi, 2(169), 95-112.
Cassell, J., Sullivan, J., Churchill, E., & Prevost, S. (Eds.). (2000). Embodied conversational agents. MIT Press.
Dutke, S., Grefe, A. C., & Leopold, C. (2016). Learning from scientific texts: personalizing the text increases transfer performance and task involvement. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31(4), 499-513.
Fazioli, M. P. (2009). Effects of personalized narration on learner motivation in a web-based environment (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).
Ginns, P., Martin, A. J., & Marsh, H. W. (2013). Designing instructional text in a conversational style: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 25(4), 445-472.
Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding reliability and validity in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 8(4), 597-606.
Kallio, H., Pietilä, A. M., Johnson, M., & Kangasniemi, M. (2016). Systematic methodological review: developing a framework for a qualitative semi‐structured interview guide. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(12), 2954-2965.
Kartal, G. (2010). Does language matter in multimedia learning? Personalization principle revisited. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(3), 615.
Klein, S. B., & Loftus, J. (1988). The nature of self-referent encoding: The contributions of elaborative and organizational processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55(1), 5.
Kurt, A. A. (2011). Personalization principle in multimedia learning: Conversational versus formal style in written word. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 185-192.
Kühl, T., & Zander, S. (2017). An inverted personalization effect when learning with multimedia: the case of aversive content. Computers & Education, 108, 71-84.
Lin, L., Ginns, P., Wang, T., & Zhang, P. (2020). Using a pedagogical agent to deliver conversational style instruction: What benefits can you obtain?. Computers & Education, 143, 103658.
Mayer, R.E., Bove, W., Bryman, A., Mars, R., & Tapangco, L. (1996). When less is more: Meaningful learning from visual and verbal summaries of science textbook lessons. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(1), 64-73.
Mayer, R. E., Fennell, S., Farmer, L., & Campbell, J. (2004). A personalization effect in multimedia learning: Students learn better when words are in conversational style rather than formal style. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(2), 389.
Mayer, R. E. (2005). Cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning.
Mayer, R. E., Johnson, W. L., Shaw, E., & Sandhu, S. (2006). Constructing computer-based tutors that are socially sensitive: Politeness in educational software. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(1), 36-42.
McLaren, B. M., Lim, S. J., Gagnon, F., Yaron, D., & Koedinger, K. R. (2006). Studying the effects of personalized language and worked examples in the context of a web-based intelligent tutor. In International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 318-328). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Molenda, M. (2008). Historical foundations. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, 3, 3-20.
Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2000). Engaging students in active learning: The case for personalized multimedia messages. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(4), 724.
Moreno, R., Mayer, R. E., Spires, H. A., & Lester, J. C. (2001). The case for social agency in computer-based teaching: Do students learn more deeply when they interact with animated pedagogical agents?. Cognition and Instruction, 19(2), 177-213.
Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2004). Personalized messages that promote science learning in virtual environments. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(1), 165.
Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2005). Role of guidance, reflection, and interactivity in an agent-based multimedia game. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97(1), 117.
Mousavi, S.Y., Low, R., & Sweller, J. (1995). Reducing cognitive load by mixing auditory and visual presentation modes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(2), 319-334.
Niaz, M., & Logie, R.H. (1993). Working memory, mental capacity and science education: Towards an understanding of the ‘working memory overload hypothesis’. Oxford Review of Education, 19(4), 511-525.
Reichelt, M., Kämmerer, F., Niegemann, H. M., & Zander, S. (2014). Talk to me personally: Personalization of language style in computer-based learning. Computers in Human behavior, 35, 199-210.
Rey, G. D., & Steib, N. (2013). The personalization effect in multimedia learning: The influence of dialect. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(5), 2022-2028.
Rogers, T. B., Kuiper, N. A., & Kirker, W. S. (1977). Self-reference and the encoding of personal information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(9), 677.
Park, S. (2015). The Effects of Social Cue Principles on Cognitive Load, Situational Interest, Motivation, and Achievement in Pedagogical Agent Multimedia Learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18(4).
Schrader, C., Reichelt, M., & Zander, S. (2018). The effect of the personalization principle on multimedia learning: the role of student individual interests as a predictor. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(6), 1387-1397.
Zhen, Z. (2016). The use of multimedia in English teaching. US-China Foreign Language, 14(3), 182-189.
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 1036 - 1070, 30.08.2021
Earlier works in various contexts investigated the effectiveness of personalization principle of Multimedia Learning Theory (MLT). According to MLT, better learning outcomes can be achieved when instructional material is delivered through conversational speaking style rather than formal style. However, no conclusion has been drawn on the issue that the personalization principle is effective in every condition. This study investigated whether the personalization principle has any effect on second language listening performance and aimed to explore students’ perceptions towards the conversational style. The study was conducted in Turkish EFL context with 40 preparatory school college students by providing them multimedia presentations either in conversational or formal style for four weeks. As for student perceptions towards the conversational style, a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were applied. The findings of the study showed that there is no significant difference between the styles on second language listening achievement. However, most of the students expressed their positive opinions and feelings towards their experience with the conversational style and found it friendly and authentic.
Ayub, M. S. M., Talib, O., & Siew, N. M. (2018). The perceptions of users regarding multimedia principles in mobile-based Japanese language learning. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(3), 113-124.
Canan, O. E. (2018). Personalization in multimedia integrated environments: An example from an EAP course. Dil Dergisi, 2(169), 95-112.
Cassell, J., Sullivan, J., Churchill, E., & Prevost, S. (Eds.). (2000). Embodied conversational agents. MIT Press.
Dutke, S., Grefe, A. C., & Leopold, C. (2016). Learning from scientific texts: personalizing the text increases transfer performance and task involvement. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31(4), 499-513.
Fazioli, M. P. (2009). Effects of personalized narration on learner motivation in a web-based environment (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).
Ginns, P., Martin, A. J., & Marsh, H. W. (2013). Designing instructional text in a conversational style: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 25(4), 445-472.
Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding reliability and validity in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 8(4), 597-606.
Kallio, H., Pietilä, A. M., Johnson, M., & Kangasniemi, M. (2016). Systematic methodological review: developing a framework for a qualitative semi‐structured interview guide. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(12), 2954-2965.
Kartal, G. (2010). Does language matter in multimedia learning? Personalization principle revisited. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(3), 615.
Klein, S. B., & Loftus, J. (1988). The nature of self-referent encoding: The contributions of elaborative and organizational processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55(1), 5.
Kurt, A. A. (2011). Personalization principle in multimedia learning: Conversational versus formal style in written word. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 185-192.
Kühl, T., & Zander, S. (2017). An inverted personalization effect when learning with multimedia: the case of aversive content. Computers & Education, 108, 71-84.
Lin, L., Ginns, P., Wang, T., & Zhang, P. (2020). Using a pedagogical agent to deliver conversational style instruction: What benefits can you obtain?. Computers & Education, 143, 103658.
Mayer, R.E., Bove, W., Bryman, A., Mars, R., & Tapangco, L. (1996). When less is more: Meaningful learning from visual and verbal summaries of science textbook lessons. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(1), 64-73.
Mayer, R. E., Fennell, S., Farmer, L., & Campbell, J. (2004). A personalization effect in multimedia learning: Students learn better when words are in conversational style rather than formal style. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(2), 389.
Mayer, R. E. (2005). Cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning.
Mayer, R. E., Johnson, W. L., Shaw, E., & Sandhu, S. (2006). Constructing computer-based tutors that are socially sensitive: Politeness in educational software. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(1), 36-42.
McLaren, B. M., Lim, S. J., Gagnon, F., Yaron, D., & Koedinger, K. R. (2006). Studying the effects of personalized language and worked examples in the context of a web-based intelligent tutor. In International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 318-328). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Molenda, M. (2008). Historical foundations. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, 3, 3-20.
Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2000). Engaging students in active learning: The case for personalized multimedia messages. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(4), 724.
Moreno, R., Mayer, R. E., Spires, H. A., & Lester, J. C. (2001). The case for social agency in computer-based teaching: Do students learn more deeply when they interact with animated pedagogical agents?. Cognition and Instruction, 19(2), 177-213.
Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2004). Personalized messages that promote science learning in virtual environments. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(1), 165.
Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2005). Role of guidance, reflection, and interactivity in an agent-based multimedia game. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97(1), 117.
Mousavi, S.Y., Low, R., & Sweller, J. (1995). Reducing cognitive load by mixing auditory and visual presentation modes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(2), 319-334.
Niaz, M., & Logie, R.H. (1993). Working memory, mental capacity and science education: Towards an understanding of the ‘working memory overload hypothesis’. Oxford Review of Education, 19(4), 511-525.
Reichelt, M., Kämmerer, F., Niegemann, H. M., & Zander, S. (2014). Talk to me personally: Personalization of language style in computer-based learning. Computers in Human behavior, 35, 199-210.
Rey, G. D., & Steib, N. (2013). The personalization effect in multimedia learning: The influence of dialect. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(5), 2022-2028.
Rogers, T. B., Kuiper, N. A., & Kirker, W. S. (1977). Self-reference and the encoding of personal information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(9), 677.
Park, S. (2015). The Effects of Social Cue Principles on Cognitive Load, Situational Interest, Motivation, and Achievement in Pedagogical Agent Multimedia Learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18(4).
Schrader, C., Reichelt, M., & Zander, S. (2018). The effect of the personalization principle on multimedia learning: the role of student individual interests as a predictor. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(6), 1387-1397.
Zhen, Z. (2016). The use of multimedia in English teaching. US-China Foreign Language, 14(3), 182-189.
Yeşildağ, C., & Sadik, O. (2021). APPLYING THE PERSONALIZATION PRINCIPLE OF MULTIMEDIA LEARNING THEORY IN SECOND LANGUAGE LISTENING CLASSES. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 1036-1070. https://doi.org/10.29299/kefad.867169