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Yıl 2025, , 67 - 77, 28.01.2025



  • Abukan, B. (2020). Çocukluk çağı travmalarının koruyucu aile içinde sağaltımı üzerine bir değerlendirme. [An Assessment of The Treatment of Childhood Traumas in Foster Care]. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet Dergisi, 31(1), 241-260. [Journal of Society And Social Work, 31(1), 241-260].
  • Akbulut Kurtuluş, S. (2011). Sosyal hizmetler ve çocuk esirgeme kurumu aracılığıyla evlat edinme ve koruyucu aile kurumu. [Adoption and foster family institution through social services and child protection agency]. T.C. Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Civil Law. [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Ankara.
  • Andersen, S. M., Chen, S., & Carter, C. (2000). Fundamental human needs: Making social cognition relevant. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 269–275.
  • Bacanlı, H., Cihangir-Çankaya, Z. (2003). İhtiyaç Doyumu Ölçeği Uyarlama Çalışması [Needs Satisfaction Scale Adaptation Study]. VII. National Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress Proceedings. Malatya, İnönü University. Ankara: Pegem A.
  • Baker, A. J., Kurland, D., Curtis, P., Alexander, G. ve Papa-Lentini, C. (2007). Mental health and behavioural problems of youth in the child welfare system: Residential treatment centres compared to therapeutic foster care in the Odyssey Project population. Child Welfare, 86(3), 97. PMID: 17722683.
  • Buehler, C., Rhodes, K. W., Orme, J. G., Cuddeback, G. (2006). The potential for successful family foster care: conceptualizing competency domains for foster parents. Child Welfare. 85(3), 523-558. PMID: 16999384
  • Baysal, A.E. (2017). Koruyucu Aile Uygulamaları ve Sonuçları: İstanbul Örneği [Foster Family Practice and its İmplications: Istanbul Case [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Sabahattin Zaim Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, [Sabahattin Zaim University Social Sciences Institute], İstanbul.
  • Bergström, M., Cederblad, M., Håkansson, K., Jonsson, A. K., Munthe, C., Vinnerljung, B., ... & Sundell, K. (2020). Interventions in foster family care: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(1), 3-18.
  • Bilican Gökkaya, V. (2014). Ailelerin, koruyucu aile olma nedenleri (Sivas ili örneği). [The reasons of families for being a protecting familiy (Sample of Sivas)]. International Journal of Human Sciences, 11(1), 603-620. DOI: 10.14687/ijhs.v11i1.2733
  • Bilir, A. (2017). Yetişkinlerde psikolojik ihtiyaç doyumunun yaşam kalitesi ve mental iyi oluşla ilişkisinin incelenmesi (Beykoz İlçesi Örneği) [Examination of the relationship between psychological need satisfaction and quality of life and mental well-being among adults (case of Beykoz District)]. Üsküdar University Institute of Social Sciences Master Thesis Istanbul.
  • Carr, D., Freedman, V.A., Cornman, J.C. and Schwarz, N. (2014). Happy marriage, happy life? Marital quality and subjective well‐being in later life. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(5), 930-948. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12133
  • Certel, N. (2019). Koruyucu aile derneklerine üye olan koruyucu ailelerin bu modele ilişkin deneyim ve değerlendirmeleri. [The experiences and evaluations of foster families who are members of foster family associations regarding this model] Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet Dergisi, 30(1), 147-165. [Journal of Society And Social Work, 30(1), 147-165].
  • Cihangir-Cankaya, Z. (2005). Öz-belirleme modeli: ozerklik desteği, ihtiyac doyumu, iyi olma [Self-determination model: autonomy support, need satisfaction, well-being]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, G.U. Educational Sciences Institute, Ankara.
  • Cihangir Çankaya, Z. (2009). Özerklik Desteği, Temel Psikolojik İhtiyaçların Doyumu ve Öznel İyi Olma; Öz-Belirleme Kuramı [Autonomy Support, Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs and Subjective Well Being; Self-Determination Theory]. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(31), 23-31. [Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 4(31), 23-31]. DOI:10.17066/PDRD.96190
  • Ciarrochi, J., Randle, M., Miller, L. & Dolnicar, S. (2012). Hope for the future: Identifying the individual difference characteristics of people who are interested in and intend to foster care. British Journal of Social Work, 42, 7-25. DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcr052
  • Çıkrıkçı, Ö. (2015). Öz-Belirleme Kuramına Göre İhtiyaç Doyumunun Olumlu Yönelimler Üzerindeki Etkisinin Bağlanma Stilleri Açısından İncelenmesi [An investigation of the effect of need satisfaction based on slef-determination theory on positive orientation in terms of attachment styles]. Doctoral Dissertation. Ankara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Daşbaş, S. (2015). Koruyucu aile hizmetinin koruyucu aileler ve biyolojik çocukları üzerindeki etkisi [The impact of foster care on foster families and their biological children]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1), 65-87. [Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 26(1), 65-87].
  • Deci, E.L., Ryan, R. (1991). A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality. In R. A. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska symposium on motivation, 1990: Perspectives on motivation (pp. 237–288). NE, US: University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
  • Diouani-Streek, M., Salgo, L. (2016). Probleme sozialer Elternschaft für Pflegeeltern und Vorschläge zu ihrer rechtlichen Anerkennung. RdJB 2.
  • Doğan, R. (2013). Bir koruma tedbiri olarak koruyucu aile kurumu ve koruyucu aile yönetmeliği [Foster care as a protection order and the regulation on foster care]. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, (2), 145-170. [Ankara Bar Association Journal, (2), 145-170]
  • Duyan, V. (2003). Sosyal hizmetin işlev ve rolleri. [Roles and Functions of Social Work]. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 14(2), 1-22. [Journal of Society And Social Work, 14(2), 1-22].
  • Ebel, A. (2009). Praxisbuch Pflegekind: Informationen und Tipps für Pflegeeltern und Fachkräfte. 2.überarb. Aufl. - Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner; 288; ISBN 978-3-8248-0288-3
  • Eratay, E., Sarı, T. & Kermen, U. (2015). Özel Eğitim Öğretmenlerinin İhtiyaç Doyum Düzeylerinin Bazı Değişkenlerle İncelenmesi [The Analysis of Need Satisfaction Levels of Special Education Teachers According to Some Variables]. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (Özel Sayı), 181-189 [Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Faculty of Education, 15 (Special Issue), 181-189]. DOI: 10.17240/aibuefd.2015.15.0-5000128651
  • Erdugan, S. (2019). Koruyucu aile modelinde aile yaşam deneyimleri: Aile sistemleri teorisi temelinde niteliksel bir araştırma (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). [Family life experiences in the foster family model: A qualitative research on the basis of family systems theory [Unpublished master's thesis). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Hizmet Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. [Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work, Ankara].
  • Erol, N. (2011). Koruyucu aile ve çocuk iletişimi, sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri [Foster family and child communication, problems and solutions]. Denizli Governorship-Pamukkale University-Social Workers Association-Denizli Foster Family Association, I. National Foster Family Workshop, Denizli. 66-93.
  • Eryılmaz. A., Ercan L. (2011). Öznel İyi Oluşun Cinsiyet, Yaş Grupları ve Kişilik Özellikleri Açısından İncelenmesi [An Investigation of Subjective Well-Being in Terms of Sex, Age Groups and Personality Traits]. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(36), 139-151. [Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 4 (36), 139-151].
  • Goemans, A., van Geel, M., & Vedder, P. (2018). Foster children's behavioural development and foster parent stress: Testing a transactional model. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(3), 990-1001. doi: 10.1007/s10826-017-0941
  • Gökdoğan Şahin, E. (2019). Koruyucu Ailelerin Koruyucu Aile Hizmetine İlişkin Değerlendirmeleri: Zonguldak İli Örneği [The evaluations of foster families about the foster family model: The case of Zonguldak [Master Thesis]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Hizmet Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. [Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work, Ankara].
  • Gündoğdu, R., Yavuzer, Y. (2012). Eğitim Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Öznel İyi Oluş ve Psikolojik İhtiyaçlarının Demografik Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi [Examining Subjective Well-Being and Psychological Needs of Students at the Educational Faculty According to Demographic Variables]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(23), 115-131 [Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 12(23), 115-131].
  • Hamurcu, H. (2011). Ergenlerin Yetkinlik İnançları Ve Psikolojik İyi Oluşlarını Yordamada Psikolojik İhtiyaçlar [Psychological needs on regression of adolescents' competence beliefs and psychological well-being]. Doctoral Dissertation. Selcuk University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
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  • Kulamber Demirci, M. (2019). Evli bireylerin öznel iyi oluş düzeyleri ile mizah tarzları, temel psikolojik ihtiyaçların doyumu ve evlilik uyumu arasındaki ilişkilerin değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of the relationships between subjective well being level of married individuals, humor styles, satisfaction of basic psychological needs, and marital adjustment]. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Trabzon.
  • Küçü, E. (2018). Lise Öğrencilerinde Mükemmeliyetçilik, İhtiyaç Doyumu Ve Psikolojik İyi-Oluş Arasındaki İlişkilerin İncelenmesi [Investigating relationships between perfectionism, need satisfaction, and psychological well-being among high school students]. Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences Department of Educational Sciences Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Master Thesis, Izmir.
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An Investigation of the Psychological Need Satisfaction Levels of Foster Families

Yıl 2025, , 67 - 77, 28.01.2025


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the psychological need satisfaction levels of foster families.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The present study is descriptive and cross-sectional. Data were collected between July 1 and 30, 2020, from 138 volunteer foster parents living in Turkey.
Findings: The Need Satisfaction Scale was a significant difference was found by age group in the subscale and overall scale scores of the individuals participating in the study. Significant differences by families’ educational status were only present in the Competence subscale. Significant differences by age at which they became foster families were found in the Autonomy subscale and overall scores, and significant differences by age of fostered child were found in the Competence and overall scores (p<.05). Foster families were determined to have higher need satisfaction totals and subscale scores.
Highlights: A healthy upbringing that enables children to become socially adapted and productive individuals is only possible if they grow up in a loving and caring family environment. Foster family care is the best protection method that can ensure this. The present study concludes that the foster families studied here had high levels of psychological need satisfaction, had established desirable human relations, and were autonomous and competent.

Etik Beyan

The study was carried out according to the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The participants were informed about the purpose of the study, and their informed consent was obtained before data collection. Ethical approval for the study was given by the Pamukkale University Ethics Committee (approval date and ref number June 25, 2020 / 60116787-020/37913).


  • Abukan, B. (2020). Çocukluk çağı travmalarının koruyucu aile içinde sağaltımı üzerine bir değerlendirme. [An Assessment of The Treatment of Childhood Traumas in Foster Care]. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet Dergisi, 31(1), 241-260. [Journal of Society And Social Work, 31(1), 241-260].
  • Akbulut Kurtuluş, S. (2011). Sosyal hizmetler ve çocuk esirgeme kurumu aracılığıyla evlat edinme ve koruyucu aile kurumu. [Adoption and foster family institution through social services and child protection agency]. T.C. Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Civil Law. [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Ankara.
  • Andersen, S. M., Chen, S., & Carter, C. (2000). Fundamental human needs: Making social cognition relevant. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 269–275.
  • Bacanlı, H., Cihangir-Çankaya, Z. (2003). İhtiyaç Doyumu Ölçeği Uyarlama Çalışması [Needs Satisfaction Scale Adaptation Study]. VII. National Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress Proceedings. Malatya, İnönü University. Ankara: Pegem A.
  • Baker, A. J., Kurland, D., Curtis, P., Alexander, G. ve Papa-Lentini, C. (2007). Mental health and behavioural problems of youth in the child welfare system: Residential treatment centres compared to therapeutic foster care in the Odyssey Project population. Child Welfare, 86(3), 97. PMID: 17722683.
  • Buehler, C., Rhodes, K. W., Orme, J. G., Cuddeback, G. (2006). The potential for successful family foster care: conceptualizing competency domains for foster parents. Child Welfare. 85(3), 523-558. PMID: 16999384
  • Baysal, A.E. (2017). Koruyucu Aile Uygulamaları ve Sonuçları: İstanbul Örneği [Foster Family Practice and its İmplications: Istanbul Case [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Sabahattin Zaim Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, [Sabahattin Zaim University Social Sciences Institute], İstanbul.
  • Bergström, M., Cederblad, M., Håkansson, K., Jonsson, A. K., Munthe, C., Vinnerljung, B., ... & Sundell, K. (2020). Interventions in foster family care: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(1), 3-18.
  • Bilican Gökkaya, V. (2014). Ailelerin, koruyucu aile olma nedenleri (Sivas ili örneği). [The reasons of families for being a protecting familiy (Sample of Sivas)]. International Journal of Human Sciences, 11(1), 603-620. DOI: 10.14687/ijhs.v11i1.2733
  • Bilir, A. (2017). Yetişkinlerde psikolojik ihtiyaç doyumunun yaşam kalitesi ve mental iyi oluşla ilişkisinin incelenmesi (Beykoz İlçesi Örneği) [Examination of the relationship between psychological need satisfaction and quality of life and mental well-being among adults (case of Beykoz District)]. Üsküdar University Institute of Social Sciences Master Thesis Istanbul.
  • Carr, D., Freedman, V.A., Cornman, J.C. and Schwarz, N. (2014). Happy marriage, happy life? Marital quality and subjective well‐being in later life. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(5), 930-948. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12133
  • Certel, N. (2019). Koruyucu aile derneklerine üye olan koruyucu ailelerin bu modele ilişkin deneyim ve değerlendirmeleri. [The experiences and evaluations of foster families who are members of foster family associations regarding this model] Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet Dergisi, 30(1), 147-165. [Journal of Society And Social Work, 30(1), 147-165].
  • Cihangir-Cankaya, Z. (2005). Öz-belirleme modeli: ozerklik desteği, ihtiyac doyumu, iyi olma [Self-determination model: autonomy support, need satisfaction, well-being]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, G.U. Educational Sciences Institute, Ankara.
  • Cihangir Çankaya, Z. (2009). Özerklik Desteği, Temel Psikolojik İhtiyaçların Doyumu ve Öznel İyi Olma; Öz-Belirleme Kuramı [Autonomy Support, Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs and Subjective Well Being; Self-Determination Theory]. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(31), 23-31. [Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 4(31), 23-31]. DOI:10.17066/PDRD.96190
  • Ciarrochi, J., Randle, M., Miller, L. & Dolnicar, S. (2012). Hope for the future: Identifying the individual difference characteristics of people who are interested in and intend to foster care. British Journal of Social Work, 42, 7-25. DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcr052
  • Çıkrıkçı, Ö. (2015). Öz-Belirleme Kuramına Göre İhtiyaç Doyumunun Olumlu Yönelimler Üzerindeki Etkisinin Bağlanma Stilleri Açısından İncelenmesi [An investigation of the effect of need satisfaction based on slef-determination theory on positive orientation in terms of attachment styles]. Doctoral Dissertation. Ankara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Daşbaş, S. (2015). Koruyucu aile hizmetinin koruyucu aileler ve biyolojik çocukları üzerindeki etkisi [The impact of foster care on foster families and their biological children]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1), 65-87. [Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 26(1), 65-87].
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Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Article

Bilgin Kıray Vural 0000-0002-2136-8192

Özlem Körükçü 0000-0003-4340-1915

Gülay Taşdemir 0000-0002-8075-7155

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Kıray Vural, B., Körükçü, Ö., & Taşdemir, G. (2025). An Investigation of the Psychological Need Satisfaction Levels of Foster Families. Kastamonu Education Journal, 33(1), 67-77.