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Paper Prototype Usability of Electronic Performance Support System Designed For Children With Special Needs

Yıl 2020, , 1105 - 1123, 20.05.2020


There are many critical periods related to development in the early childhood stage. Accordingly, it is also known that various methods are being sought out in order to support the development of children that need special education. So, the need for an Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) that will report and monitor the development of children aged between 0-6 and to support the performance of the teachers or the implementers with the aim of supporting early intervention in early childhood special education was detected. The paper prototype usability study which is the first usability study for the EPDS that is being planned to be developed is shared with the process and the results. As it is known, at the beginning of the design process, the rapid production of paper prototypes contributes to the quick and cheap learning of the places that need to be changed in a system considering the user experiences. Initially, a need analysis study was carried out with eight people in order to design the EPSS. Six people worked on the usability of the EPSS design on paper, five of the people were special education institution employees and the other was an expert designer. The data was collected with a semistructured interview form, as well as video and audio recordings. The collected data were analyzed based on the status of task completion. As a result of the analysis, the necessary changes for the implementation and completion of the tasks were determined and suggestions were put forward. As indicated in the relevant literature, the adviser/expert system, instructional system and personalized tools emerged as significant components for the main system. In conclusion, this study forms the basis for the designing stage for the development of a system that will satisfy user needs with regards to early intervention for early childhood education.


  • Álvarez Álvarez, M. D. C. (2015). Can Teachers Bridge the Theory-Practice Gap? An Ethnographic Study of a Teacher. US-China Education Review B, 5 (4), 233-244.
  • Andreassen, R. ve Braten, I. (2013). Teachers' source evaluation self-efficacy predicts their use of relevant source features when evaluating the trustworthiness of web sources on special education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(5), 821-836.
  • Avcıoğlu, H. (2013). Effectiveness of Video Modelling in Training Students with Intellectual Disabilities to Greet People When They Meet. Kuram Ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 13(1), 466-477.
  • Barker, P. ve Banerji, A. (1995). Designing Electronic Performance Support Systems. Innovations in Education and Training International. 32(1), 4-12.
  • Boling, E. ve Frick, T. (2002). Practical web development: A systematic process. Erişim tarihi: 11.10.2017,
  • Brock, M. E. ve Carter, E. W. (2015). Effects of a Professional Development Package to Prepare Special Education Paraprofessionals to Implement Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of Special Education, 49(1), 39-51.
  • Budak, V. Ö. (2016). Kurumsal bir mobil web sitesinin kullanılabilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi: kırklareli üniversitesi örneği. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Buzhardt, J., Walker, D., Greenwood, C. R. ve Heitzman-Powell, L. (2012). Using Technology to Support Progress Monitoring and Data-Based Intervention Decision Making in Early Childhood: Is There an App for That?. Focus On Exceptional Children, 44(8), 1.
  • Cabielles-Hernández, D., Pérez-Pérez, J. R., Paule-Ruiz, M., & FernándezFernández, S. (2017). Specialized intervention using tablet devices for communication deficits in children with autism spectrum disorders. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(2), 182-193.
  • Campigotto, R., McEwen, R. ve Epp, C. D. (2013). Especially social: Exploring the use of an iOS application in special needs classrooms. Computers & Education, 60(1), 74-86.
  • Chang, C. C. (2004). The relationship between the performance and the perceived benefits of using an electronic performance support system (EPSS). Innovations in education and teaching international, 41(3), 343-364.
  • Coleman, M. B., Cramer, E. S., Park, Y., & Bell, S. M. (2015). Art educators’ use of adaptations, assistive technology, and special education supports for students with physical, visual, severe and multiple disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 27(5), 637-660.
  • Coogle, C. G., Rahn, N. L. ve Ottley, J. R. (2015). Pre-service teacher use of communication strategies upon receiving immediate feedback. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32, 105-115.
  • Creech-Galloway, C., Collins, B. C., Knight, V. ve Bausch, M. (2013). Using a Simultaneous Prompting Procedure With an iPad to Teach the Pythagorean Theorem to Adolescents With Moderate Intellectual Disability. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 38(4), 222-232.
  • Cullen, J., Richards, S. B., & Frank, C. L. (2008). Using software to enhance the writing skills of students with special needs. Journal of Special Education Technology, 23(2), 33-44.
  • Çağıltay, K. (2006). Scaffolding strategies in electronic performance support systems: Types and challenges. Innovations in education and Teaching International, 43(1), 93-103.
  • Çağıltay, K. (2011). İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi ve kullanılabilirlik mühendisliği: Teoriden pratiğe. Ankara: ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı.
  • Çağıltay, K. (2016). İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi ve öğretim teknolojileri. Kürşat Çağıltay, Yüksel Göktaş (Ed.), Öğretim Teknolojilerinin Temelleri (s. 297-312). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Çıralı, H., Özgür, A., Olgun, S. ve Tüzün, H. (2012). Kâğıt prototip kullanılabilirlik çalışması: Hacettepe üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi akademik özgeçmiş sistemi örneği. 6. Uluslararası Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Sempozyumunda sunulan bildiri, Gaziantep.
  • Dix, A., Finlay, J. Abowd, G. ve Beale, R., (2004). Human-computer interaction. England: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Dix, A. (2009). Human-computer interaction. L. Liu ve M. T. Özsu, Encyclopedia of database systems (ss. 1327-1331). Springer US.
  • Efevbera, Y., McCoy, D. C., Wuermli, A. J. ve Betancourt, T. S. (2017). Early Childhood Development Plus Violence Prevention in Low‐and Middle‐Income Countries: A Qualitative Study. Children & Society, 31(2), 98-109.
  • Ekici, M., Arslan, İ., Tüzün, H. (2016). Eğitim Bilişim Ağı (EBA) Web Portalı Kullanılabilirliğinin Göz İzleme Yöntemiyle Değerlendirilmesi. A. İşman, H. F. Odabaşı ve B. Akkoyunlu (Ed.) Eğitim teknolojileri okumaları 2016 (273-296). Ankara: TOJET.
  • Falth, L., Gustafson, S., Tjus, T., Heimann, M. ve Svensson, I. (2013). Computer-assisted Interventions Targeting Reading Skills of Children with Reading Disabilities - A Longitudinal Study. Dyslexia, 19(1), 37-53.
  • Gery, G. (1991). Electronic performance support systems: How and why to remake the workplace through the strategic application of technology. Boston: Weingarten.
  • Gök, G. ve Erbaş, D. (2011). Okul öncesi eğitimi öğretmenlerinin kaynaştırma eğitimine ilişkin görüşleri ve önerileri. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 3(1), 66-87.
  • Hollingsworth, H. L. ve Lim, C.I. (2015). Instruction Via Web-Based Modules in Early Childhood Personnel Preparation: A Mixed-Methods Study of Effectiveness and Learner Perspectives. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43(2), 77-88.
  • Hong, E. R., Ganz, J. B., Gilliland, W. ve Ninci, J. (2014). Teaching caregivers to implement an augmentative and alternative communication intervention to an adult with ASD. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8(5), 570-580.
  • Hung, W. C., & Lockard, J. (2007). Using an advance organizer guided behavior matrix to support teachers' problem solving in classroom behavior management. Journal of Special Education Technology, 22(1), 21-36.
  • Ismaili, J. ve E. O. Ibrahimi (2017). Mobile learning as alternative to assistive technology devices for special needs students. Education and Information Technologies 22(3), 883-899.
  • ISO 9241-11. (2017). Ergonomics requirements for office with visual display terminals (VDTs) – Part 11: Guidance on usability. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Erişim tarihi: 13.10.2017,
  • Karal, H. (2009). Evaluating the Impact of Computer Aided Learning Material on Articulation Disorders. Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 8(34), 55-74.
  • Kennedy, M. J., Thomas, C. N., Aronin, S., Newton, J. R. ve Lloyd, J. W. (2014). Improving teacher candidate knowledge using content acquisition podcasts. Computers & Education, 70, 116-127.
  • Lee, L. W., Mohamed, A. R. ve Altamimi, A. A. (2015). Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Automated e-Learning Tutorial System to Instruct Pre-Service Special Educators in the Malay Braille Code. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24(3), 481-494.
  • Marino, M. T. ve Beecher, C. C. (2010). Conceptualızıng rtı ın 21st-century secondary scıence classrooms: vıdeo games' potentıal to provıde tıered support and progress monıtorıng for students wıth learnıng dısabılıtıes. Learning Disability Quarterly, 33(4), 299-311.
  • Mason, R. A., Ganz, J. B., Parker, R. I., Boles, M. B., Davis, H. S., & Rispoli, M. J. (2013). Video-based modeling: Differential effects due to treatment protocol. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(1), 120-131. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2012.08.003
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Özel Gereksinimli Çocuklar İçin Tasarlanan Elektronik Performans Destek Sisteminin Kâğıt Prototip Kullanılabilirliği

Yıl 2020, , 1105 - 1123, 20.05.2020


Makalenin Erken çocukluk aşamasında gelişim ile ilgili kritik dönemler fazladır. Bu nedenle özel eğitime ihtiyaç duyan çocukların gelişimlerini desteklemek için çeşitli yollar arandığı bilinmektedir. Buradan hareketle erken çocukluk özel eğitiminde erken müdahaleyi desteklemek amacıyla 0-6 yaş arası çocukların gelişimlerini izleyip raporlamaya ve öğretmenlerin veya uygulayıcıların performanslarını desteklemeye yönelik bir Elektronik Performans Destek Sistemine (EPDS) gereksinim olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, geliştirilmesi planlanan EPDS’nin kullanılabilirlik çalışmalarından ilki olan kâğıt prototip kullanılabilirlik çalışması, süreç ve sonuçlarıyla paylaşılmıştır. Bilindiği gibi tasarım sürecinin başında, kâğıt prototiplerin hızlıca üretilmesi, kullanıcı deneyimlerinin göz önünde bulundurularak bir sistemde değiştirilmesi gereken yerlerin hızlı ve ucuz bir şekilde öğrenilmesine katkı sağlamaktadır. Öncelikle, EPDS’nin tasarlanabilmesi için sekiz kişi ile ihtiyaç analizi çalışması yapılmıştır. Kâğıt üzerinde tasarlanan EPDS’nin kullanılabilirlik çalışması için beşi özel eğitim kurumu çalışanı bir tanesi de uzman tasarımcıdan oluşan altı kişi ile çalışılmıştır. Veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu, video ve ses kayıtları ile toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler, görev tamamlama durumu temel alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda görevlerin uygulanması ve tamamlanması için yapılması gereken değişiklikler belirlenerek, öneriler ortaya konulmuştur. Alanyazında da belirtildiği gibi, sistemde, danışman/uzman sistem, öğretimsel sistem ve kişiselleştirilmiş araçlar önemli bileşenler olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma ile gerçek kullanıcıların gereksinimleri doğrultusunda, erken çocukluk özel eğitimine yönelik erken müdahale konusunda geliştirilmesi düşünülen sistemin tasarım aşamasının temeli oluşturulmuştur.


  • Álvarez Álvarez, M. D. C. (2015). Can Teachers Bridge the Theory-Practice Gap? An Ethnographic Study of a Teacher. US-China Education Review B, 5 (4), 233-244.
  • Andreassen, R. ve Braten, I. (2013). Teachers' source evaluation self-efficacy predicts their use of relevant source features when evaluating the trustworthiness of web sources on special education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(5), 821-836.
  • Avcıoğlu, H. (2013). Effectiveness of Video Modelling in Training Students with Intellectual Disabilities to Greet People When They Meet. Kuram Ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 13(1), 466-477.
  • Barker, P. ve Banerji, A. (1995). Designing Electronic Performance Support Systems. Innovations in Education and Training International. 32(1), 4-12.
  • Boling, E. ve Frick, T. (2002). Practical web development: A systematic process. Erişim tarihi: 11.10.2017,
  • Brock, M. E. ve Carter, E. W. (2015). Effects of a Professional Development Package to Prepare Special Education Paraprofessionals to Implement Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of Special Education, 49(1), 39-51.
  • Budak, V. Ö. (2016). Kurumsal bir mobil web sitesinin kullanılabilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi: kırklareli üniversitesi örneği. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Buzhardt, J., Walker, D., Greenwood, C. R. ve Heitzman-Powell, L. (2012). Using Technology to Support Progress Monitoring and Data-Based Intervention Decision Making in Early Childhood: Is There an App for That?. Focus On Exceptional Children, 44(8), 1.
  • Cabielles-Hernández, D., Pérez-Pérez, J. R., Paule-Ruiz, M., & FernándezFernández, S. (2017). Specialized intervention using tablet devices for communication deficits in children with autism spectrum disorders. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(2), 182-193.
  • Campigotto, R., McEwen, R. ve Epp, C. D. (2013). Especially social: Exploring the use of an iOS application in special needs classrooms. Computers & Education, 60(1), 74-86.
  • Chang, C. C. (2004). The relationship between the performance and the perceived benefits of using an electronic performance support system (EPSS). Innovations in education and teaching international, 41(3), 343-364.
  • Coleman, M. B., Cramer, E. S., Park, Y., & Bell, S. M. (2015). Art educators’ use of adaptations, assistive technology, and special education supports for students with physical, visual, severe and multiple disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 27(5), 637-660.
  • Coogle, C. G., Rahn, N. L. ve Ottley, J. R. (2015). Pre-service teacher use of communication strategies upon receiving immediate feedback. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32, 105-115.
  • Creech-Galloway, C., Collins, B. C., Knight, V. ve Bausch, M. (2013). Using a Simultaneous Prompting Procedure With an iPad to Teach the Pythagorean Theorem to Adolescents With Moderate Intellectual Disability. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 38(4), 222-232.
  • Cullen, J., Richards, S. B., & Frank, C. L. (2008). Using software to enhance the writing skills of students with special needs. Journal of Special Education Technology, 23(2), 33-44.
  • Çağıltay, K. (2006). Scaffolding strategies in electronic performance support systems: Types and challenges. Innovations in education and Teaching International, 43(1), 93-103.
  • Çağıltay, K. (2011). İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi ve kullanılabilirlik mühendisliği: Teoriden pratiğe. Ankara: ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı.
  • Çağıltay, K. (2016). İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi ve öğretim teknolojileri. Kürşat Çağıltay, Yüksel Göktaş (Ed.), Öğretim Teknolojilerinin Temelleri (s. 297-312). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Çıralı, H., Özgür, A., Olgun, S. ve Tüzün, H. (2012). Kâğıt prototip kullanılabilirlik çalışması: Hacettepe üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi akademik özgeçmiş sistemi örneği. 6. Uluslararası Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Sempozyumunda sunulan bildiri, Gaziantep.
  • Dix, A., Finlay, J. Abowd, G. ve Beale, R., (2004). Human-computer interaction. England: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Dix, A. (2009). Human-computer interaction. L. Liu ve M. T. Özsu, Encyclopedia of database systems (ss. 1327-1331). Springer US.
  • Efevbera, Y., McCoy, D. C., Wuermli, A. J. ve Betancourt, T. S. (2017). Early Childhood Development Plus Violence Prevention in Low‐and Middle‐Income Countries: A Qualitative Study. Children & Society, 31(2), 98-109.
  • Ekici, M., Arslan, İ., Tüzün, H. (2016). Eğitim Bilişim Ağı (EBA) Web Portalı Kullanılabilirliğinin Göz İzleme Yöntemiyle Değerlendirilmesi. A. İşman, H. F. Odabaşı ve B. Akkoyunlu (Ed.) Eğitim teknolojileri okumaları 2016 (273-296). Ankara: TOJET.
  • Falth, L., Gustafson, S., Tjus, T., Heimann, M. ve Svensson, I. (2013). Computer-assisted Interventions Targeting Reading Skills of Children with Reading Disabilities - A Longitudinal Study. Dyslexia, 19(1), 37-53.
  • Gery, G. (1991). Electronic performance support systems: How and why to remake the workplace through the strategic application of technology. Boston: Weingarten.
  • Gök, G. ve Erbaş, D. (2011). Okul öncesi eğitimi öğretmenlerinin kaynaştırma eğitimine ilişkin görüşleri ve önerileri. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 3(1), 66-87.
  • Hollingsworth, H. L. ve Lim, C.I. (2015). Instruction Via Web-Based Modules in Early Childhood Personnel Preparation: A Mixed-Methods Study of Effectiveness and Learner Perspectives. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43(2), 77-88.
  • Hong, E. R., Ganz, J. B., Gilliland, W. ve Ninci, J. (2014). Teaching caregivers to implement an augmentative and alternative communication intervention to an adult with ASD. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8(5), 570-580.
  • Hung, W. C., & Lockard, J. (2007). Using an advance organizer guided behavior matrix to support teachers' problem solving in classroom behavior management. Journal of Special Education Technology, 22(1), 21-36.
  • Ismaili, J. ve E. O. Ibrahimi (2017). Mobile learning as alternative to assistive technology devices for special needs students. Education and Information Technologies 22(3), 883-899.
  • ISO 9241-11. (2017). Ergonomics requirements for office with visual display terminals (VDTs) – Part 11: Guidance on usability. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Erişim tarihi: 13.10.2017,
  • Karal, H. (2009). Evaluating the Impact of Computer Aided Learning Material on Articulation Disorders. Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 8(34), 55-74.
  • Kennedy, M. J., Thomas, C. N., Aronin, S., Newton, J. R. ve Lloyd, J. W. (2014). Improving teacher candidate knowledge using content acquisition podcasts. Computers & Education, 70, 116-127.
  • Lee, L. W., Mohamed, A. R. ve Altamimi, A. A. (2015). Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Automated e-Learning Tutorial System to Instruct Pre-Service Special Educators in the Malay Braille Code. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24(3), 481-494.
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  • Mason, R. A., Ganz, J. B., Parker, R. I., Boles, M. B., Davis, H. S., & Rispoli, M. J. (2013). Video-based modeling: Differential effects due to treatment protocol. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(1), 120-131. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2012.08.003
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Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Research Article

Tayfun Akın Bu kişi benim

Yasemin Koçak Usluel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mayıs 2020
Kabul Tarihi 25 Kasım 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Akın, T., & Koçak Usluel, Y. (2020). Özel Gereksinimli Çocuklar İçin Tasarlanan Elektronik Performans Destek Sisteminin Kâğıt Prototip Kullanılabilirliği. Kastamonu Education Journal, 28(3), 1105-1123.