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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 293 - 310, 15.01.2015


Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme (PDÖ) öğrencilerin günlük yaşamlarında karşılaştıkları veya karşılaşabilecekleri problem durumlarına alternatif çözüm önerileri üretebilmelerini sağlayan aktif öğrenme yöntemlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada ülkemizde fen eğitimi alanında PDÖ’yle ilgili yapılan yüksek lisans ve doktora tez çalışmalarının araştırma konusu, yöntem, örneklem, veri toplama araçlarının çeşitliliği ve verilerin analiz yöntemleri gibi değişkenler dikkate alınarak bir betimsel analizi yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla fen eğitimi alanında PDÖ’yle ilgili 2001-2012 yılları arasında yapılmış ve YÖK tez merkezinden tam metin ve izinli olarak ulaşılan 28’i yüksek lisans 12’si doktora olmak üzere toplam 40 tezin meta analizi yapılmıştır. Tezlerin %97.5’inde PDÖ’nün öğrenmeye olan etkisi üzerine yoğunlaşıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Kullanılan araştırma yöntemi bakımından ise %95’lik bir oranla nicel araştırma deseni ve bu desenden %85’lik bir oranla da yarı deneysel araştırma deseninin çoğunlukla kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Yaygın kullanılan veri toplama araçlarının başarı ve ilgi-tutum-yetenek testleri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Örneklem seçimi bakımından lisans ve ilköğretim (6-8) öğrencileriyle yürütülen çalışmaların daha fazla olduğu görülmektedir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular, PDÖ’yle ilgili çalışmaların ülkemizde 2006 yılına kadar pek yaygın olmadığını, 2006-2010 yılları arasında var olan artışın 2011 yılından itibaren yeniden azalmaya dönüştüğünü göstermektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmaların büyük bir çoğunluğunun fen ve teknoloji alanlarında yapılmış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın PDÖ’yle ilgili çalışan ve yeni çalışmayı düşünen genç araştırmacılara bir fikir vermesi açısından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Albanese, M.A., & Mitchell, S., (1993). Problem-based learning: A review of literature on its out- comes and implementation issues. Academic Medicine, 68 (1), 52-81.
  • Bacanak, A., Degirmenci, S., Karamustafaoglu, S., & Karamustafaoglu, O. (2011). E-dergilerde yayınlanan fen eğitimi makaleleri: Yöntem analizi [Published science education articles in E-journals: Method analysis]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 8 (1), 119-132.
  • Chang, Y., Chang, C., & Tseng, Y. (2009). Trends of science education research: An automatic content analysis. Journal Science Education Technology, 19, 315–331.
  • Calik, M., Unal, S., Costu, B., & Karatas, F. O. (2008). Trends in Turkish science education. Essays in Education. Special Edition, 23-46.
  • Calik, M., & Sozbilir, M. (2014). İçerik analizinin parametreleri [Parameters of content analysis]. Education and Science, 39 (174), 33-38.
  • De Jong, O. (2007). Trends in western science curricula and science education research: A bird’s eye view. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6 (1), 15-21.
  • Dochy, F., Segers, M., Bossche, P.Van den, & Gijbels, D. (2003). Effects of problem-based learning: A descriptive content analysis . Learning and Instruction, 13, 533-568.
  • Dogru, M., Gencosman, T., Ataalkin, A.N., & Seker, F. (2012). Fen bilimleri eğitiminde çalışılan yüksek lisans ve doktora tezlerinin analizi [Analysis of the postgraduate and doctoral theses conducted on sciences education]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 9 (1), 49-64.
  • Gallagher, S. A., Stepien, W. J., Sher, B. T., & Workman, D. (1995). Implementing problem-based learning in science classrooms. School Science and Mathematics, 95 (3), 136–146.
  • Gijbels, D., Dochy, F., Bossche, P.Van den, & Segers, M. (2005). Effects of problem-based learning: A descriptive content analysis from the angle of assessment. Review of Educational Research, Spring, 75 (1), 27-61.
  • Gijbels, D., Watering, G.V.D., & Dochy, F. (2005). Integrating assesment tasks in a problem based learning environment. Assesment Evaluation in Higher Education, 30 (1), 73-86.
  • Goodwin, E.A. (2006). Gender and age related differences in problem based learning in one ath- letic training education program. PhD. Thesis, Union Institute, University Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Hunt, E. (1997). Constructivism and cognition. Issues in Education, 3 (2), 211-225.
  • Hurd, P.D. (1997). Scientific literacy: New minds for a changing world. Issues and Trends. Stephen Norris, Section Editor.
  • Johnson, B., & Christensen, L. (2004). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches. Pearson Education, Inc., Second edn. 562 p. Boston.
  • Keeves, J. P. (1998). Methods and processes in research in science education. In B.J. Fraser, & K.G. Tobin (Eds). International handbook of science education (1127-1153). London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Kizilaslan, A., Sozbilir, M., & Yasar, M.D. ( 2012). Inquiry based teaching in Turkey: A content analysis of research reports. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. 7 (4), 599-617.
  • Kumas, A. (2008). Yeryüzünde hareket ünitesinde işbirlikçi öğrenme gruplarinda probleme dayali öğrenme uygulamasi ve değerlendirilmesi [An assessment and implementation of problem based learning in cooperative learning groups in the unit of motion on the earth]. Master Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Lee, M., Wu, T., & Tsai, C. (2009). Research trends in science education from 2003 to 2007: A content analysis of publications in selected journals. International Journal of Science Education, 31 (15), 1999-2020.
  • McDonald, J.T. (2002). Using problem-based learning in a science methods course. Proceedings of the annual international conference of the association for the education of teachers in science, ERİC ED 465 621, Charlotte.
  • Nendaz, M.R., & Tekian, A. (1999). Assessment in problem based learning medical schools: A literature review. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 11 (4), 232-243.
  • Norman, G.R., & Schmidt, H.G. (2000). Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: Theory, practice and paper darts. Medical Education, 34, 721-728.
  • Parim, G. (2001). Problem tabanlı öğretim yaklaşımı ile DNA, kromozom ve gen kavramlarını öğre- nilmesi [The learning of DNA, chromosome, gene concepts by using methods of problem based learning]. Master Thesis, Marmara University , İstanbul.
  • Peterson, R.F., & Treagust D.F. (1998). Learning to teach primary science through problem-based learning. Science Education, 82 (2), 215–237.
  • Ram, P. (1999). Problem-based learning in undergraduate education: A sophomore chemistry labo- ratory. Journal of Chemical Education, 76 (8), 1122-1126.
  • Savery, J.R., & Duffy, T.M. (1995). Problem-based learning: An instructional model and its con- structivist framework. Educational Technology, 35, 31–38.
  • Savin-Baden, M., & Major, C.H. (2004). Foundation of problem-based learning. Society for re- search into higher education. Open University Press, 197 p, UK.
  • Soderberg, P., & Price, F. (2003). An examination of problem based teaching and learning in popu- lation genetics and evolution in using EVOLVE, a computer simulation. International Journal of Science Education, 25 (1), 35-55.
  • Sozbilir, M., & Kutu, H. (2008). Development and current status of science education research in Turkey. Essays in Education, Special Issue, 1–22. [Online] essays, retrieved on January 2, 2010.
  • Sozbilir, M., & Canpolat, N. (2006). Fen eğitiminde son otuz yıldaki uluslar arası değişmeler: Dünyada çalışmalar nereye gidiyor? Türkiye bu çalışmaların neresinde? [Developments in sci- ence education in the last thirty years: Where the researches go in the world? Where Tur- key is about in these researches?] (417–432). In M. Bahar. (Ed) Fen ve teknoloji öğretimi [Teaching science and technology]. Ankara, Turkey: PegemA Publishers.
  • Sozbilir, M., Kutu, H., & Yasar, M.D. (2012). Science education research in Turkey: A content analysis of selected features of papers published. In D. Jorde & J. Dillon (Eds). Science Education Research and Practice in Europe: Retrospective and Prospective (p. 341-374). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Tatar, E., & Tatar, E. (2008). Fen bilimleri ve matematik eğitimi araştırmalarının analizi-I: Anahtar kelimeler [Analysis of science and mathematics education articles published in Turkey-I: Key- words]. Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education , 9 (16), 89–103.
  • Tosun, C., & Taskesenligil, (2013). The effect of problem-based learning on undergraduate students’ learning about solutions and their physical properties scientific processing skills. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 14, 36-50.
  • Uden, L., & Beaumont, C. (2006). Technology and problem-based learning. Information Science Publishing, 344 p, London, UK.
  • Ustun, U., & Eryilmaz, A. (2012). Probleme dayalı öğrenme ile ilgili problem nedir? Meta analiz çalışmalarının analizi, X. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi.
  • Van Till, C.T., Van Der Vleuten, C.P.M., & Van Berkel, H.J.M. (1997). Problem-based learning behavior: The impact of differences in problem based learning style and activity on students’ achievement. Paper Pre- sented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, March 24-28, Chicago.
  • Ward, J.D., & Lee, C.L. (2004). Teaching strategies for FCS: Student achievement in problem-based learn- ing versus lecture-based instruction. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 96 (1), 73-76.
  • Yaman, S. (2003). Fen bilgisi eğitiminde probleme dayali öğrenmenin öğrenme ürünlerine etkisi [The effects on the learning outputs of problem based learning in science education]. PhD Thesis , Gazi University , Ankara.
  • Yaman, S. (2012). Probleme dayalı öğretmenin etkililiği: Bir meta analiz çalışması, 11. Sınıf Öğret- menliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu.
  • Yasar, S. (1998). Yapısalcı kuram ve öğrenme-öğretme süreci. Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (1-2), 68-75.
  • Yücelis-Alper, A. (2003). Web ortamlı probleme dayalı öğrenmede bilişsel esneklik düzeyinin öğrenci başarısı ve tutumları üzerindeki etkisi [The effect of cognitive flexibility on students’ achieve- ment and attitudes in web mediated problem based learning]. PhD Thesis Ankara University Ankara.
  • Appendix 1. The List of the Master’s and PhD Theses about PBL
  • Acikyildiz, M. (2004). Investigation of effectiveness of problem-based learning at physical che- mistry laboratory experiments. Master of Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Akbulut, H.H. (2010). Implementation and evaluation of problem based learning on buoyant force and floating concepts. Master of Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Akin, S. (2008). Teaching environmental problems caused by stubble fires, ozon layer depletion and vehicles through problem based learning. Master of Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Altuncekic, A. (2010). The effect of web supported problem based learning medium upon cognitive and effective learning products: Gazi university Kastamonu education example. Doctoral The- sis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Araz, G. (2007). The effect of problem based learning on the elemantary school students’ achieve- ment in genetics. Master of Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Arslan, A. (2009). The effect of learning style based on problem on the success of student in studying human and environment unit. Master of Thesis, Sakarya University, Sakarya.
  • Bayrak, R. (2007). Teaching solids by problem based learning. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Bayram, A. (2010). The effect of problem based learning on overcoming 5th grade students’ miscon- ceptions about “heat and temperature”. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Benli, E. (2010). The research of the effects of problem based learning to the permanence of infor- mation, the academic success of science teacher candidates and their attitudes toward science. Master of Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Celik, E. (2010). The effect of problem based learning approach in science education on students’ academic achievement, attitude, academic risk taking level and retention of knowledge. Master of Thesis. Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Cinar, D. (2007). The effects of the problem based learning approach on the higher level thinking skills and levels of academic risk taking in primary science education. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Günes, C. (2006). Studying the problem solving based learning method’s effect on academic achievement and attitude towards the lesson in endocrine systems unit. Master of Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Inel, D. (2009). The effects of the using of problem based learning method in science and technology course on students’ the levels of constructing concepts, academic achievement and enquiry learning skill perceptions. Master of Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Iseri-Gokmen, S. (2008). Effects of problem based learning on students’ environmental attitude through lo- cal vs. non local environmental problems. Master of Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Kanlı, E. (2008). The effect of problem based learning in science and technology instruction on gifted and normal students’ achievement, creative thinking and motivation levels. Master of Thesis, İstanbul University, İstanbul.
  • Kartal-Tasoglu, A. (2009). The effect of problem based learning on students’ achievements, scienti- fic process skills and attitudes towards problem solving in physics education. Master of Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Kocakoglu, M. (2008). The effect of problem based learning and motivational styles on students’ academic success and attitudes towards biology course. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Korucu, E.N. (2007). Comparing with problem and cooperative based learning method applied in primary schools on the success of the students. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Kumas, A. (2008). An assessment and implementation of problem based learning in cooperative learning groups in the unit of motion on the earth. Master of Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Kusdemir, M. (2010). An analyse of the effect of problem based learning model on the students success, attitude and motivations. Master of Thesis, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay.
  • Ozeken, O.F. (2011). An investigation of effectiveness of problem based learning in teaching acid- base subject. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Ozkardes- Tandogan, R. (2006). The effect of problem based active learning on the student’s academic achi- evement and learning concepts on science education. Master of Thesis, Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Ozyalcin-Oskay, O. (2007). Technology assisted problem-based learning applications in chemistry education. Doctoral Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Pakyurek-Karaoz, M. (2008). The effect of teaching the unit of ‘power and motion’ in primary scho- ol science course using the problem based learning approach on students science process skills, success and attitude. Master of Thesis, Mugla University, Muğla.
  • Parim, G. (2001). The learning of DNA, chromosome, gene concepts by using methods of problem based learning. Master of Thesis, Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Serin, G. (2009). The effect of problem based learning instruction on 7th grade students’ science achievement, attitude toward science and scientific process skills. Doctoral Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Sifoglu, N. (2007). The effects of constructivism and problem-based learning on students’ success in the teaching the topic heritage at the 8 th grade. Master of Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Sungur, S. (2004). The implementation of problem based learning in high school biology courses. Doctoral Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Sahin, A. (2011). To analyse the effect of problem based learning (pbl) approach on academic suc- cess of student is teaching basic electrical circuits in general physics laboratory course. Master of Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Salgam, E. (2009). The effect of problem based learning method on students’ academic achievement and their attitude on physics education. Master of Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Senel, H. (2010). Problem-based active learning in raising the environmental consciousness of sci- ence teacher candidates. Master of Thesis, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir.
  • Senocak, E. (2005). A study on the effects of problem-based learning approach on teaching the gases. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Tatar, E. (2007). Effect of problem based learning approach on understanding of the first law of thermodynamics. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Tavukcu, K. (2006). The effects on the learning outcomes of problem based learning in science instruction. Master of Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak.
  • Tosun, C. (2010). The effect of problem based learning method on understanding of the solutions and its’ physical properties. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Yaman, S. (2003). The effects on the learning outputs of problem based learning in science educa- tion. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Yildirim, H. (2011). The effect of problem based learning and project based learning styles on primary school students’ successes and attitude. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Yildiz, N. (2010). The effect of experiment applications on the success, attitude and scientific pro- cess ability of the students in the solution of the learning scenarios based on problems in science education. Master of Thesis, Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Yurd, M. (2007). The effect of know-want-sample-learn strategy, which is developed by using prob- lem based learning and know-want-learn strategy, towards the 5 th grade students’ attitudes in science and technology lesson and towards to remove their misconceptions. Master of Thesis, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay.
  • Yucelis-Alper, A. (2003). The effect of cognitive flexibility on students’ achievement and attitudes in web mediated problem based learning. Doctoral Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 293 - 310, 15.01.2015


In this study, descriptive content analysis was performed on the theses that are particularly done on application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in science education research in Turkey in terms of the subjects matters studied, the methods employed, sample that subject to investigation, data collection tools and the data analysis methods used. To this end, descriptive analysis of a total number of 40 theses, including 28 master’s and 12 PhD theses, on PBL in science education made between the years 2001-2012 and obtained from the Higher Education Council’s Thesis Database in full text with permission, was made. It was found that 97.5% of the theses, whose descriptive analysis was made, focused on the effect of PBL on learning. And quantitative research design was used 95%, and among this design, mostly quasi-experimental research design with a rate of 85% was used. It was seen that the commonly used data collection tools were achievement test and interest-attitude-aptitude tests. In terms of sample group of the studies, it was seen that there were more studies carried out with undergraduate and primary school (6th-8th graders) students. Findings of this study show that studies on PBL were not widespread in our country until 2006 and that the increase between the years 2006- 2010 started to decrease as of 2011. In addition, it was found that most of these studies made were in science and technology education at primary level. It is believed that this study is important in terms of giving an idea to science educators working on PBL and young science educators who are planning to particularly work on application PBL in science eduation.


  • Albanese, M.A., & Mitchell, S., (1993). Problem-based learning: A review of literature on its out- comes and implementation issues. Academic Medicine, 68 (1), 52-81.
  • Bacanak, A., Degirmenci, S., Karamustafaoglu, S., & Karamustafaoglu, O. (2011). E-dergilerde yayınlanan fen eğitimi makaleleri: Yöntem analizi [Published science education articles in E-journals: Method analysis]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 8 (1), 119-132.
  • Chang, Y., Chang, C., & Tseng, Y. (2009). Trends of science education research: An automatic content analysis. Journal Science Education Technology, 19, 315–331.
  • Calik, M., Unal, S., Costu, B., & Karatas, F. O. (2008). Trends in Turkish science education. Essays in Education. Special Edition, 23-46.
  • Calik, M., & Sozbilir, M. (2014). İçerik analizinin parametreleri [Parameters of content analysis]. Education and Science, 39 (174), 33-38.
  • De Jong, O. (2007). Trends in western science curricula and science education research: A bird’s eye view. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6 (1), 15-21.
  • Dochy, F., Segers, M., Bossche, P.Van den, & Gijbels, D. (2003). Effects of problem-based learning: A descriptive content analysis . Learning and Instruction, 13, 533-568.
  • Dogru, M., Gencosman, T., Ataalkin, A.N., & Seker, F. (2012). Fen bilimleri eğitiminde çalışılan yüksek lisans ve doktora tezlerinin analizi [Analysis of the postgraduate and doctoral theses conducted on sciences education]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 9 (1), 49-64.
  • Gallagher, S. A., Stepien, W. J., Sher, B. T., & Workman, D. (1995). Implementing problem-based learning in science classrooms. School Science and Mathematics, 95 (3), 136–146.
  • Gijbels, D., Dochy, F., Bossche, P.Van den, & Segers, M. (2005). Effects of problem-based learning: A descriptive content analysis from the angle of assessment. Review of Educational Research, Spring, 75 (1), 27-61.
  • Gijbels, D., Watering, G.V.D., & Dochy, F. (2005). Integrating assesment tasks in a problem based learning environment. Assesment Evaluation in Higher Education, 30 (1), 73-86.
  • Goodwin, E.A. (2006). Gender and age related differences in problem based learning in one ath- letic training education program. PhD. Thesis, Union Institute, University Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Hunt, E. (1997). Constructivism and cognition. Issues in Education, 3 (2), 211-225.
  • Hurd, P.D. (1997). Scientific literacy: New minds for a changing world. Issues and Trends. Stephen Norris, Section Editor.
  • Johnson, B., & Christensen, L. (2004). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches. Pearson Education, Inc., Second edn. 562 p. Boston.
  • Keeves, J. P. (1998). Methods and processes in research in science education. In B.J. Fraser, & K.G. Tobin (Eds). International handbook of science education (1127-1153). London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Kizilaslan, A., Sozbilir, M., & Yasar, M.D. ( 2012). Inquiry based teaching in Turkey: A content analysis of research reports. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. 7 (4), 599-617.
  • Kumas, A. (2008). Yeryüzünde hareket ünitesinde işbirlikçi öğrenme gruplarinda probleme dayali öğrenme uygulamasi ve değerlendirilmesi [An assessment and implementation of problem based learning in cooperative learning groups in the unit of motion on the earth]. Master Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Lee, M., Wu, T., & Tsai, C. (2009). Research trends in science education from 2003 to 2007: A content analysis of publications in selected journals. International Journal of Science Education, 31 (15), 1999-2020.
  • McDonald, J.T. (2002). Using problem-based learning in a science methods course. Proceedings of the annual international conference of the association for the education of teachers in science, ERİC ED 465 621, Charlotte.
  • Nendaz, M.R., & Tekian, A. (1999). Assessment in problem based learning medical schools: A literature review. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 11 (4), 232-243.
  • Norman, G.R., & Schmidt, H.G. (2000). Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: Theory, practice and paper darts. Medical Education, 34, 721-728.
  • Parim, G. (2001). Problem tabanlı öğretim yaklaşımı ile DNA, kromozom ve gen kavramlarını öğre- nilmesi [The learning of DNA, chromosome, gene concepts by using methods of problem based learning]. Master Thesis, Marmara University , İstanbul.
  • Peterson, R.F., & Treagust D.F. (1998). Learning to teach primary science through problem-based learning. Science Education, 82 (2), 215–237.
  • Ram, P. (1999). Problem-based learning in undergraduate education: A sophomore chemistry labo- ratory. Journal of Chemical Education, 76 (8), 1122-1126.
  • Savery, J.R., & Duffy, T.M. (1995). Problem-based learning: An instructional model and its con- structivist framework. Educational Technology, 35, 31–38.
  • Savin-Baden, M., & Major, C.H. (2004). Foundation of problem-based learning. Society for re- search into higher education. Open University Press, 197 p, UK.
  • Soderberg, P., & Price, F. (2003). An examination of problem based teaching and learning in popu- lation genetics and evolution in using EVOLVE, a computer simulation. International Journal of Science Education, 25 (1), 35-55.
  • Sozbilir, M., & Kutu, H. (2008). Development and current status of science education research in Turkey. Essays in Education, Special Issue, 1–22. [Online] essays, retrieved on January 2, 2010.
  • Sozbilir, M., & Canpolat, N. (2006). Fen eğitiminde son otuz yıldaki uluslar arası değişmeler: Dünyada çalışmalar nereye gidiyor? Türkiye bu çalışmaların neresinde? [Developments in sci- ence education in the last thirty years: Where the researches go in the world? Where Tur- key is about in these researches?] (417–432). In M. Bahar. (Ed) Fen ve teknoloji öğretimi [Teaching science and technology]. Ankara, Turkey: PegemA Publishers.
  • Sozbilir, M., Kutu, H., & Yasar, M.D. (2012). Science education research in Turkey: A content analysis of selected features of papers published. In D. Jorde & J. Dillon (Eds). Science Education Research and Practice in Europe: Retrospective and Prospective (p. 341-374). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Tatar, E., & Tatar, E. (2008). Fen bilimleri ve matematik eğitimi araştırmalarının analizi-I: Anahtar kelimeler [Analysis of science and mathematics education articles published in Turkey-I: Key- words]. Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education , 9 (16), 89–103.
  • Tosun, C., & Taskesenligil, (2013). The effect of problem-based learning on undergraduate students’ learning about solutions and their physical properties scientific processing skills. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 14, 36-50.
  • Uden, L., & Beaumont, C. (2006). Technology and problem-based learning. Information Science Publishing, 344 p, London, UK.
  • Ustun, U., & Eryilmaz, A. (2012). Probleme dayalı öğrenme ile ilgili problem nedir? Meta analiz çalışmalarının analizi, X. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi.
  • Van Till, C.T., Van Der Vleuten, C.P.M., & Van Berkel, H.J.M. (1997). Problem-based learning behavior: The impact of differences in problem based learning style and activity on students’ achievement. Paper Pre- sented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, March 24-28, Chicago.
  • Ward, J.D., & Lee, C.L. (2004). Teaching strategies for FCS: Student achievement in problem-based learn- ing versus lecture-based instruction. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 96 (1), 73-76.
  • Yaman, S. (2003). Fen bilgisi eğitiminde probleme dayali öğrenmenin öğrenme ürünlerine etkisi [The effects on the learning outputs of problem based learning in science education]. PhD Thesis , Gazi University , Ankara.
  • Yaman, S. (2012). Probleme dayalı öğretmenin etkililiği: Bir meta analiz çalışması, 11. Sınıf Öğret- menliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu.
  • Yasar, S. (1998). Yapısalcı kuram ve öğrenme-öğretme süreci. Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (1-2), 68-75.
  • Yücelis-Alper, A. (2003). Web ortamlı probleme dayalı öğrenmede bilişsel esneklik düzeyinin öğrenci başarısı ve tutumları üzerindeki etkisi [The effect of cognitive flexibility on students’ achieve- ment and attitudes in web mediated problem based learning]. PhD Thesis Ankara University Ankara.
  • Appendix 1. The List of the Master’s and PhD Theses about PBL
  • Acikyildiz, M. (2004). Investigation of effectiveness of problem-based learning at physical che- mistry laboratory experiments. Master of Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Akbulut, H.H. (2010). Implementation and evaluation of problem based learning on buoyant force and floating concepts. Master of Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Akin, S. (2008). Teaching environmental problems caused by stubble fires, ozon layer depletion and vehicles through problem based learning. Master of Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Altuncekic, A. (2010). The effect of web supported problem based learning medium upon cognitive and effective learning products: Gazi university Kastamonu education example. Doctoral The- sis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Araz, G. (2007). The effect of problem based learning on the elemantary school students’ achieve- ment in genetics. Master of Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Arslan, A. (2009). The effect of learning style based on problem on the success of student in studying human and environment unit. Master of Thesis, Sakarya University, Sakarya.
  • Bayrak, R. (2007). Teaching solids by problem based learning. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Bayram, A. (2010). The effect of problem based learning on overcoming 5th grade students’ miscon- ceptions about “heat and temperature”. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Benli, E. (2010). The research of the effects of problem based learning to the permanence of infor- mation, the academic success of science teacher candidates and their attitudes toward science. Master of Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Celik, E. (2010). The effect of problem based learning approach in science education on students’ academic achievement, attitude, academic risk taking level and retention of knowledge. Master of Thesis. Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Cinar, D. (2007). The effects of the problem based learning approach on the higher level thinking skills and levels of academic risk taking in primary science education. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Günes, C. (2006). Studying the problem solving based learning method’s effect on academic achievement and attitude towards the lesson in endocrine systems unit. Master of Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Inel, D. (2009). The effects of the using of problem based learning method in science and technology course on students’ the levels of constructing concepts, academic achievement and enquiry learning skill perceptions. Master of Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Iseri-Gokmen, S. (2008). Effects of problem based learning on students’ environmental attitude through lo- cal vs. non local environmental problems. Master of Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Kanlı, E. (2008). The effect of problem based learning in science and technology instruction on gifted and normal students’ achievement, creative thinking and motivation levels. Master of Thesis, İstanbul University, İstanbul.
  • Kartal-Tasoglu, A. (2009). The effect of problem based learning on students’ achievements, scienti- fic process skills and attitudes towards problem solving in physics education. Master of Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Kocakoglu, M. (2008). The effect of problem based learning and motivational styles on students’ academic success and attitudes towards biology course. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Korucu, E.N. (2007). Comparing with problem and cooperative based learning method applied in primary schools on the success of the students. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Kumas, A. (2008). An assessment and implementation of problem based learning in cooperative learning groups in the unit of motion on the earth. Master of Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Kusdemir, M. (2010). An analyse of the effect of problem based learning model on the students success, attitude and motivations. Master of Thesis, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay.
  • Ozeken, O.F. (2011). An investigation of effectiveness of problem based learning in teaching acid- base subject. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Ozkardes- Tandogan, R. (2006). The effect of problem based active learning on the student’s academic achi- evement and learning concepts on science education. Master of Thesis, Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Ozyalcin-Oskay, O. (2007). Technology assisted problem-based learning applications in chemistry education. Doctoral Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Pakyurek-Karaoz, M. (2008). The effect of teaching the unit of ‘power and motion’ in primary scho- ol science course using the problem based learning approach on students science process skills, success and attitude. Master of Thesis, Mugla University, Muğla.
  • Parim, G. (2001). The learning of DNA, chromosome, gene concepts by using methods of problem based learning. Master of Thesis, Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Serin, G. (2009). The effect of problem based learning instruction on 7th grade students’ science achievement, attitude toward science and scientific process skills. Doctoral Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Sifoglu, N. (2007). The effects of constructivism and problem-based learning on students’ success in the teaching the topic heritage at the 8 th grade. Master of Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Sungur, S. (2004). The implementation of problem based learning in high school biology courses. Doctoral Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Sahin, A. (2011). To analyse the effect of problem based learning (pbl) approach on academic suc- cess of student is teaching basic electrical circuits in general physics laboratory course. Master of Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Salgam, E. (2009). The effect of problem based learning method on students’ academic achievement and their attitude on physics education. Master of Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Senel, H. (2010). Problem-based active learning in raising the environmental consciousness of sci- ence teacher candidates. Master of Thesis, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir.
  • Senocak, E. (2005). A study on the effects of problem-based learning approach on teaching the gases. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Tatar, E. (2007). Effect of problem based learning approach on understanding of the first law of thermodynamics. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Tavukcu, K. (2006). The effects on the learning outcomes of problem based learning in science instruction. Master of Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak.
  • Tosun, C. (2010). The effect of problem based learning method on understanding of the solutions and its’ physical properties. Doctoral Thesis, Ataturk University, Erzurum.
  • Yaman, S. (2003). The effects on the learning outputs of problem based learning in science educa- tion. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Yildirim, H. (2011). The effect of problem based learning and project based learning styles on primary school students’ successes and attitude. Master of Thesis, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Yildiz, N. (2010). The effect of experiment applications on the success, attitude and scientific pro- cess ability of the students in the solution of the learning scenarios based on problems in science education. Master of Thesis, Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Yurd, M. (2007). The effect of know-want-sample-learn strategy, which is developed by using prob- lem based learning and know-want-learn strategy, towards the 5 th grade students’ attitudes in science and technology lesson and towards to remove their misconceptions. Master of Thesis, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay.
  • Yucelis-Alper, A. (2003). The effect of cognitive flexibility on students’ achievement and attitudes in web mediated problem based learning. Doctoral Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara.
Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2015
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