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Okul-dışı Öğrenmeye Yönelik Öğretmen Mesleki Gelişim Programından Mentorlük Desteği Alan Öğretmenin Öğrencilerine Yansıyan Etkileri- Bir Örnek Olay Çalışması

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 5, 2311 - 2330, 15.09.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı, bilim merkezleri gibi okul dışı
öğrenme ortamlarının imkânlarını okul müfredatına etkili bir şekilde entegrasyonunu
destekleyen BİLMER (bilim merkezlerine yönelik mesleki gelişim projesinin kısa
kullanımı) projesi eğitimlerine katılmış bir öğretmenin, öğrencileri ile
yürüttüğü proje tabanlı öğrenme sürecinde proje ekibinden aldığı ment
orlük desteğinin
öğrencilerine ve kendisine yansıyan etkilerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu çalışmada
örnek olay yöntemi kullanılmış; veriler
öğretmen ve öğrencilerinden nitel yollarla
toplanmıştır. Çalıştaya katılan kimya öğretmeni proje ekibinden aldığı mentorlük
süresince izlenmiş ve öğrencileri ile yürüttükleri projeler sırasında
gözlemlenmiştir. Verilerin analiziyle, öğrencilerin proje tabanlı öğrenme sürecindeki
görüşleri ve kazanımları ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Bulgular, öğrencilerin
kavramsal, duyuşsal, bilimin doğası ile ilgili anlayışlar, disiplinler arası
ilişkiler ve çevreye duyarlılığı gibi konularda önemli kazanımlar edindiğini
ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, öğrenci günlüklerinden elde edilen veriler öğrencilerin
kariyer planlamalarının, hatta meslek seçimlerinin ve geleceğe bakış açılarının
değiştiğini göstermiştir.
Bu araştırmanın sonuçlarına dayanarak,
öğretmenlere sunulacak mesleki gelişim eğitimlerinin etkili ve sürdürülebilir
olabilmesi için mesleki gelişim programlarına katılan öğretmenlere mentorlük
desteğinin de sağlanmasının önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 


  • Ajzen, I. (1985). From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior. In J. Kuhl & J. Beckman (Eds.), Action control: From cognition to behavior (pp. 11-39). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Akçamente, G., Aslan, B., & Dinçer, Ç. (2010). Uygulama öğretmenlerinin mentorlük becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası Öğretmen Yetiştirme Politikaları ve Sorunları Sempozyumu II 16–18 Mayıs 2010 – Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Bey-tepe-ANKARA.
  • Akerson, V. L., Abd-El-Khalick, F. S., & Lederman, N. G. (2000). Influence of a reflective activity-based approach on elemen-tary teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37, 295–317.
  • Aslan, B. & Öcal, S. D. (2012). A Case Study on Mentoring in a Teacher Development Program. Journal of Education and Futu-re, 2, 31 – 48.
  • Astor-Jack, McCallie, & Balcerzak (2007). Academic and Informal Science Education Practitioner Views About Professional Development in Science Education. Science Teacher Education, 604-628.
  • Avraamidou, L. (2014). Studying science teacher identity: Current insights and future research directions. Studies in Science Education, 50, 145–179.
  • Avraamidou, L. & Zembal-Saul, C. (2010). In search of well-started beginning science teachers: Insights fromtwo first-year elementary teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47, 661–686.
  • Baki, A. & Bütüner S. Ö. (2009), Kırsal Kesimdeki Bir Đlköğretim Okulunda Proje Yürütme Sürecinden Yansımalar, Education Online, 8(1), 146-158, Đlköğretim Online, 8(1), 146-158, [Online]:, 26.05.2009.
  • Borko, H. & Putnam, R. (1998). Professional development and reform-based teaching: Introduction to the theme issue. Teaching and Teacher Education, 14(1), 1–3.
  • Blank, R. K. N. (2010). De las Alas, and Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Effects of teacher professional deve-lopment on gains in student achievement: How meta analysis provides scientific evidence useful to education leaders. Was-hington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.
  • Cole, M. (1996). A multilevel methodology for cultural psychology. In Cultural psychology: A once and future discipline (pp. 286–325). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
  • Daresh, J.C. (2003). Teachers Mentoring Teachers: A Practical Approach to Helping New and Experinced Staff. California: Corwin Pres.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., Wei, R. C., Andree, A., & Richardson, N. (2009). Professional learning in the learning profession. - Washington, DC: National Staff Development Council.
  • Demirhan, C. (2002). Program Geliştirmede Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme Yaklaşımı. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2005). Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme, Kuramdan Uygulamaya Eğitimde Program Geliştirme. PegemA Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Drago-Severson, E. (1994). What does “staff development” develop? How the staff development literature conceives of adult growth. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  • Duran, E. & Ballone Duran, L. (2005). A model staff development program and its impact on early childhood teachers’ self-efficacy. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 17(2), 1-12.
  • Erdem, M. (2002). Proje tabanlı öğrenme. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 172-179. 22 Ağustos 2013 tari-hinde sayfasından erişilmiştir
  • Falk, J. H. ve Dierking, L. D. (1997). School field trips: Assessing their long-term impact. Curator, 40, 211-217.
  • Feinstein, N. W., & Meshoulam, D. (2014). Science for what public? Addressing equity in American science museums and science centers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51, 368–394.10.1002/tea. v51.3
  • Filippatou, D. & Kaldi, S. (2010). The effectiveness of project-based learning diffuculties regarding academic performance, group work and motivation. International Journal of Special Education, 25(1), 17-26. 14 Şubat 2013 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir
  • Forbes, C., & Davis, E. A. (2008). Development of preservice elementary teachers’ curricular identity for science teaching. Science Education, 92, 909–940.
  • Friedrichsen, P., Van Driel, J. H., & Abell, S. K. (2010). Taking a closer look at science teaching orientations. Science Educa-tion, 95, 358–376.
  • Fricke, I., Horak, E., Meyer, L., & Van Lingen, N. (2008). “Lessons from a Mathematics and Science Intervention Programme in Tswane township schools”, South African Journal of Higher Education, 22 (1), 64-77.
  • Gersten, R., Vaughn, S., Deshler, D., & Schiller, E. (1997). What we know about using research findings: Implications for improving special education practice. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30, 466–476.
  • Gillies, R. M. & Ashman, A. F. (2000). The effects of cooperative learning on students with learning diffuculties in the lower elemantary school. The Journal of Special Education, 34(1), 19-27.
  • Grant, M., (2002). Getting A Grip On Project-Based Learning: Theory, Cases and Recommendations. Gutwill, J. P. & Allen, S. (2012). Deepening Students' Scientific Inquiry Skills During a Science Museum Field Trip, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21:1, 130-181, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2011.555938.
  • Hansford, B., Enrich, L.C., & Tennent, L. 2004. Formal mentoring programs in education and other professions: A review of the literature, Educational Administration Quarterly, 40(4), 518-540.
  • Harrıson, J, Dymoke, S., & Pell, T. (2006). Mentoring Beginning Teachers in Secondary Schools: An Analysis of Practice. Teac-hing and Teacher Education, 22, 1055–1067.
  • Herron, S. S., Magomo, D., & Gossard, P. R. (2008). The Wheel Garden: Project Based Learning for Cross Curriculum Educa-tion. International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 44-51.
  • Huling, L. & Resta, V. (2001). Teacher Mentoring as Professional Development. ERIC Digest, ERIC Clearing house on Teaching and Teacher Education, Washington DC
  • İlğan A. (2013). Öğretmenler İçin Etkili Mesleki Gelişim Faaliyetleri , Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (2013) Özel Sayı, 41-56.
  • James, M. W. V., , Beth Maloch, H., Vlach, S. K., Taylor, L. A., Svrcek, N. S., Dejulio, S., Martinez, A. , & Lavender, H., (2018). "Coaching elementary preservice teachers: Hybrid spaces for cooperating teachers and university field supervisors to collaborate", International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, Vol. 7 Issue: 4, pp.357-372.
  • Kartal, S. E., Özdemir, T, Y., & Yirci, R. (2017). Mentorship needs of early career teachers working in rural regions. Turkish Journal of Education, 6(1): DOI: 10.19128/turje.284833
  • Korkmaz, H. & Kaptan, F. (2001). Fen eğitiminde proje tabanlı öğrenme yaklaşımı. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 193-200. 23 Ocak 2013 tarihinde sayfasından eri-şilmiştir.
  • Köseoğlu, F. (2018). Bilim Merkezlerinin Bilim-Toplum İletişiminde ve Bilim Eğitiminde Etkinliğini Arttırmaya Yönelik Bir Öğretmen ve Eğitmen Mesleki Gelişim Modeli. Yanınlanmamış Tübitak 1001 Projesi (114K646) Raporu.
  • Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W. & Soloway, E. (1994). A collaborative model for helping middle grade science teachers learn project-based instruction. The Elementary School Journal, 94(5), 483-497. 10 Şubat 2014 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Laverick., D. M. (2016). Professional Development through Mentoring, Mentoring Processes in Higher Education. pp 35-46.
  • Loucks-Horsley, S. & Matsumoto, C. (1999). Research on professional development for teachers of mathematics and science: The state of the scene. School Science and Mathematics, 99(5), 258 – 271.
  • Maurer, M. J. (2000). Professional development in careerandtechnicaleducation. Inbrief: Fastfactsforpolicyandpracticeno. 7. Columbus, OH: NationalDissemination Center forCareerand Technical Education, The Ohio StateUniversity (ED 448 318).
  • Marx, R. W., Blumenfeld, P. C., Krajcik, J. S., & Soloway, E. (1997). Enacting project-based science: Challenges for practice and policy. Elementary School Journal, 97, 341–358.
  • Miranda, R. 2012. Urban high school teachers’ beliefs concerning essential science teaching dispositions. Science Educator 21(1):44–50.
  • Mukeredzi, T. G. (2017). Mentoring in a Cohort Model of Practicum: Mentors and Preservice Teachers’ Experiences in a Rural South African School. SAGE Open.
  • National Research Council, (1996). National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • National Research Council, (2000). Inquiry and the national science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2006). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson/AandB.
  • Osborne, J., Simon, S., & Collins, S. (2003). “Attitudes towards science: A review of the literature and its implications”, Inter-national Journal of Science Education, 25, 1049-1079. doi: 10.1080/0950069032000032199.
  • Önen, F; Mertoğlu, H., Saka, M. & Gürdal, A. (2010). Hizmet İçi Eğitimin Öğretmenlerin Proje ve Proje Tabanlı Öğrenmeye İlişkin Bilgilerine ve Proje Yapma Yeterliklerine Etkisi: Öpyep Örneği. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 137-158
  • Pace, S. & Tesi, R. 2004. “Adults' perception of field trips taken within grades K-12: Eight case studies in the New York metro-politan area”, Education, 125(1), 30-40.
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The Impacts of A Teacher Who Received Mentorship Support from A Teacher Professional Development Program for Informal Learning on Students' Reflections - A Case Study

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 5, 2311 - 2330, 15.09.2019


The aim of this study is to reveal the
effects of a mentoring process on a teacher who has participated in BILMER (abbreviation
of the project that develops a professional development program for science
centers) project workshops which support the integration of extracurricular
learning environments such as Science Centers into school curricula, and the
effect of the mentoring process regarding project-based learning over the
students. In this study, case study method was used; data were collected from
the teacher and her students through qualitative tools. The chemistry teacher
who participated in the workshop was followed during the mentoring period and
she was observed during the projects-based activities conducted with the
students. Data analysis reveals students' views regarding the projects based
learning and their gains concerning the process. Findings indicate that
students have achieved significant gains in terms of conceptual aspects,
affective aspects, and understanding of the nature of science,
interdisciplinary aspects, and awareness about the environment. In addition,
data gathered from student diaries showed that students' career planning, even
career choices and their future perspectives have changed after the implementation.
Based on the findings, the importance of providing mentorship support to
teachers in professional development programs is stressed from many aspects, so
that it can be ensured that professional development programs to be offered to
teachers are effective and sustainable.


  • Ajzen, I. (1985). From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior. In J. Kuhl & J. Beckman (Eds.), Action control: From cognition to behavior (pp. 11-39). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Akçamente, G., Aslan, B., & Dinçer, Ç. (2010). Uygulama öğretmenlerinin mentorlük becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası Öğretmen Yetiştirme Politikaları ve Sorunları Sempozyumu II 16–18 Mayıs 2010 – Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Bey-tepe-ANKARA.
  • Akerson, V. L., Abd-El-Khalick, F. S., & Lederman, N. G. (2000). Influence of a reflective activity-based approach on elemen-tary teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37, 295–317.
  • Aslan, B. & Öcal, S. D. (2012). A Case Study on Mentoring in a Teacher Development Program. Journal of Education and Futu-re, 2, 31 – 48.
  • Astor-Jack, McCallie, & Balcerzak (2007). Academic and Informal Science Education Practitioner Views About Professional Development in Science Education. Science Teacher Education, 604-628.
  • Avraamidou, L. (2014). Studying science teacher identity: Current insights and future research directions. Studies in Science Education, 50, 145–179.
  • Avraamidou, L. & Zembal-Saul, C. (2010). In search of well-started beginning science teachers: Insights fromtwo first-year elementary teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47, 661–686.
  • Baki, A. & Bütüner S. Ö. (2009), Kırsal Kesimdeki Bir Đlköğretim Okulunda Proje Yürütme Sürecinden Yansımalar, Education Online, 8(1), 146-158, Đlköğretim Online, 8(1), 146-158, [Online]:, 26.05.2009.
  • Borko, H. & Putnam, R. (1998). Professional development and reform-based teaching: Introduction to the theme issue. Teaching and Teacher Education, 14(1), 1–3.
  • Blank, R. K. N. (2010). De las Alas, and Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Effects of teacher professional deve-lopment on gains in student achievement: How meta analysis provides scientific evidence useful to education leaders. Was-hington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.
  • Cole, M. (1996). A multilevel methodology for cultural psychology. In Cultural psychology: A once and future discipline (pp. 286–325). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
  • Daresh, J.C. (2003). Teachers Mentoring Teachers: A Practical Approach to Helping New and Experinced Staff. California: Corwin Pres.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., Wei, R. C., Andree, A., & Richardson, N. (2009). Professional learning in the learning profession. - Washington, DC: National Staff Development Council.
  • Demirhan, C. (2002). Program Geliştirmede Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme Yaklaşımı. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2005). Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme, Kuramdan Uygulamaya Eğitimde Program Geliştirme. PegemA Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Drago-Severson, E. (1994). What does “staff development” develop? How the staff development literature conceives of adult growth. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  • Duran, E. & Ballone Duran, L. (2005). A model staff development program and its impact on early childhood teachers’ self-efficacy. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 17(2), 1-12.
  • Erdem, M. (2002). Proje tabanlı öğrenme. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 172-179. 22 Ağustos 2013 tari-hinde sayfasından erişilmiştir
  • Falk, J. H. ve Dierking, L. D. (1997). School field trips: Assessing their long-term impact. Curator, 40, 211-217.
  • Feinstein, N. W., & Meshoulam, D. (2014). Science for what public? Addressing equity in American science museums and science centers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51, 368–394.10.1002/tea. v51.3
  • Filippatou, D. & Kaldi, S. (2010). The effectiveness of project-based learning diffuculties regarding academic performance, group work and motivation. International Journal of Special Education, 25(1), 17-26. 14 Şubat 2013 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir
  • Forbes, C., & Davis, E. A. (2008). Development of preservice elementary teachers’ curricular identity for science teaching. Science Education, 92, 909–940.
  • Friedrichsen, P., Van Driel, J. H., & Abell, S. K. (2010). Taking a closer look at science teaching orientations. Science Educa-tion, 95, 358–376.
  • Fricke, I., Horak, E., Meyer, L., & Van Lingen, N. (2008). “Lessons from a Mathematics and Science Intervention Programme in Tswane township schools”, South African Journal of Higher Education, 22 (1), 64-77.
  • Gersten, R., Vaughn, S., Deshler, D., & Schiller, E. (1997). What we know about using research findings: Implications for improving special education practice. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30, 466–476.
  • Gillies, R. M. & Ashman, A. F. (2000). The effects of cooperative learning on students with learning diffuculties in the lower elemantary school. The Journal of Special Education, 34(1), 19-27.
  • Grant, M., (2002). Getting A Grip On Project-Based Learning: Theory, Cases and Recommendations. Gutwill, J. P. & Allen, S. (2012). Deepening Students' Scientific Inquiry Skills During a Science Museum Field Trip, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21:1, 130-181, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2011.555938.
  • Hansford, B., Enrich, L.C., & Tennent, L. 2004. Formal mentoring programs in education and other professions: A review of the literature, Educational Administration Quarterly, 40(4), 518-540.
  • Harrıson, J, Dymoke, S., & Pell, T. (2006). Mentoring Beginning Teachers in Secondary Schools: An Analysis of Practice. Teac-hing and Teacher Education, 22, 1055–1067.
  • Herron, S. S., Magomo, D., & Gossard, P. R. (2008). The Wheel Garden: Project Based Learning for Cross Curriculum Educa-tion. International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 44-51.
  • Huling, L. & Resta, V. (2001). Teacher Mentoring as Professional Development. ERIC Digest, ERIC Clearing house on Teaching and Teacher Education, Washington DC
  • İlğan A. (2013). Öğretmenler İçin Etkili Mesleki Gelişim Faaliyetleri , Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (2013) Özel Sayı, 41-56.
  • James, M. W. V., , Beth Maloch, H., Vlach, S. K., Taylor, L. A., Svrcek, N. S., Dejulio, S., Martinez, A. , & Lavender, H., (2018). "Coaching elementary preservice teachers: Hybrid spaces for cooperating teachers and university field supervisors to collaborate", International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, Vol. 7 Issue: 4, pp.357-372.
  • Kartal, S. E., Özdemir, T, Y., & Yirci, R. (2017). Mentorship needs of early career teachers working in rural regions. Turkish Journal of Education, 6(1): DOI: 10.19128/turje.284833
  • Korkmaz, H. & Kaptan, F. (2001). Fen eğitiminde proje tabanlı öğrenme yaklaşımı. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 193-200. 23 Ocak 2013 tarihinde sayfasından eri-şilmiştir.
  • Köseoğlu, F. (2018). Bilim Merkezlerinin Bilim-Toplum İletişiminde ve Bilim Eğitiminde Etkinliğini Arttırmaya Yönelik Bir Öğretmen ve Eğitmen Mesleki Gelişim Modeli. Yanınlanmamış Tübitak 1001 Projesi (114K646) Raporu.
  • Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W. & Soloway, E. (1994). A collaborative model for helping middle grade science teachers learn project-based instruction. The Elementary School Journal, 94(5), 483-497. 10 Şubat 2014 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Laverick., D. M. (2016). Professional Development through Mentoring, Mentoring Processes in Higher Education. pp 35-46.
  • Loucks-Horsley, S. & Matsumoto, C. (1999). Research on professional development for teachers of mathematics and science: The state of the scene. School Science and Mathematics, 99(5), 258 – 271.
  • Maurer, M. J. (2000). Professional development in careerandtechnicaleducation. Inbrief: Fastfactsforpolicyandpracticeno. 7. Columbus, OH: NationalDissemination Center forCareerand Technical Education, The Ohio StateUniversity (ED 448 318).
  • Marx, R. W., Blumenfeld, P. C., Krajcik, J. S., & Soloway, E. (1997). Enacting project-based science: Challenges for practice and policy. Elementary School Journal, 97, 341–358.
  • Miranda, R. 2012. Urban high school teachers’ beliefs concerning essential science teaching dispositions. Science Educator 21(1):44–50.
  • Mukeredzi, T. G. (2017). Mentoring in a Cohort Model of Practicum: Mentors and Preservice Teachers’ Experiences in a Rural South African School. SAGE Open.
  • National Research Council, (1996). National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • National Research Council, (2000). Inquiry and the national science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2006). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson/AandB.
  • Osborne, J., Simon, S., & Collins, S. (2003). “Attitudes towards science: A review of the literature and its implications”, Inter-national Journal of Science Education, 25, 1049-1079. doi: 10.1080/0950069032000032199.
  • Önen, F; Mertoğlu, H., Saka, M. & Gürdal, A. (2010). Hizmet İçi Eğitimin Öğretmenlerin Proje ve Proje Tabanlı Öğrenmeye İlişkin Bilgilerine ve Proje Yapma Yeterliklerine Etkisi: Öpyep Örneği. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 137-158
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Derleme Makale

Ceyhan Çiğdemoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5389-5790

Ayşegül Tekeli Bu kişi benim

Fitnat Köse Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2437-6515

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2019
Kabul Tarihi 16 Şubat 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Çiğdemoğlu, C., Tekeli, A., & Köse, F. (2019). Okul-dışı Öğrenmeye Yönelik Öğretmen Mesleki Gelişim Programından Mentorlük Desteği Alan Öğretmenin Öğrencilerine Yansıyan Etkileri- Bir Örnek Olay Çalışması. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(5), 2311-2330.