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Yıl 2006, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 185 - 194, 01.03.2006


NOR phenotypes were determined and compared in the population of Carp Cyprinus carpio L.1758 belonging to Cyprinidae family living in Beyler and Germeçtepe dam lakes Kastamonu . NORs are located through the short arm of the large one none/homologue submetacentric or arms of the metacentric chromosome for Beyler population. NORs located on two none/homologue submetacentrik or acrocentric chromosomes, in terminal position on the short arm for Germeçtepe population. Heteromorphism for NOR size was observed in two populations, NOR number per genom was two.


  • Galetti, P.M. Foresti, F., Bertollo, L.A.C. and Moreira, F.O., 1984, Characterization of eight species of Anostomidae (Cypriniformes) fish on the basis of the nucleolar oyrganizer region, Caryologia, 37, 401-406.
  • Goodpasture, C., and Bloom, S.E., 1975, Visulization of nucleolar organizer regions in mammalian, chromosomes using silver staining, Chromosoma, 53, 37-50.
  • Sola L., Arcangeli R., Cataudella S., 1986, Nucleolus organizer chromosomes in a teleostean species of tetraploid origin, Cyprinus carpio, Cytogenct. Cell Genet., 42, 183-86.
  • Howel W., M. and Black D., A., 1980, Controlled silver-staining of nucleolus organizer regions with a protective colloidal developer: a-1-step method. Experientia, 36:1014-1015.
  • Rab, P., Pokorny J. and Roth. P., 1989, Chromosome studies of Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, I. karyotype of Amurain carp, C. carpio haematopterus, Caryologia, Vol. 42, n:1, 27-36.
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1990b, Chromosomal NOR phenotypes of seven species of North American Cyprinidae, with comments on cytosystematic relationships of the genus Pteronotropis, Copeia, 1990, 68-78.
  • Zan R., Song Z. and Liu W. 1986, Studies on karyotypes and nuclear DNA contents of some Cyprinid fishes, with notes on fish plyploids in China, Proç Znd int. Conf. İndo-Pacific Fisher, Tokyo, Ichthyol. Soc., 877-885.
  • Mayr B., Rab P., Kalat M., 1986, NORs and counterstain-en-hanced fluorescence studies in Cyprinidae of different ploid level, Genetica, 69, 111-118.
  • Crossman, E. J. and Ráb, P. 2001, Chromosomal NOR Phenotype and C-Banded Karyotype of Olympic Mudminnow, Novumbra hubbsi (Euteleostei: Umbridae), Copeia, 3, 860–865.
  • Born GG and Bertollo LA., 2000, An XX/XY sex chromosome system in a fish species, Hoplias malabaricus, with a polymorphic NOR-bearing X chromosome, Chromosome Res., 8 (2), 11-8.
  • Fabio P Foresti at all., 2002, Analysis of NOR distribution in cultivated and naturalized stocks of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Genetics and Moleculer Biology, 25, 4, 409-412).
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1986, Chromomycin A3 stains nucleolus organizer regions of fish chromosomes, Cpoeia, 226-231.
  • Mayr, B., Kalat, M., Rab. P. and Lambrou, M., 1987, Band karyotypes and sepicific types of heterochromatin in several species of European percid fishes (Percidae, Pisces), Genetica, 75, 199-205.
  • Thode, G., Martinez, G., Ruız, J.L, and lopez, J.R., 1988, A complex chromosomal polymorphism in Gabius fallax (Gabiidae, Perciformes), Genetica, 76, 65-71.
  • Pekol, S., 2003, Kastamonu Beyler Barajı’ ndaki Cyprinus carpio (L.,1758) Populasonunun NOR Fenotipi, G.Ü. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 11 (1), 183-192.
  • Geldiay, R. ve Balık, S., 1988, Türkiye Tatlısu Balıkları, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitapları Serisi, No: 97, E.Ü. Basımevi, 180s, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Flajshans M., Rab P. and Dobosz S., 1992, Frequency anayses of active NORs in nuclei of artificially induced triploid fishes, Theor. Appl. Genet., 85, 68-72.
  • Levan, A., Fredgy, K., Sandberg, A., 1964, Nomenclatüre for cenromeric position on chromosomes, Hereditas, 52, 201.


Yıl 2006, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 185 - 194, 01.03.2006


Beyler ve Germeçtepe Barajı‘nda Kastamonu yaşayan Cyprinidae familyasından Cyprinus carpio L.1758 populasyonlarının NOR fenotipi belirlenerek karşılaştırılmıştır. NOR’ lar Beyler Barajı populasyonunda büyük bir çift homolog/homolog olmayan submetasentriğin kısa kolu boyunca veya metasentrik kromozomun kolları boyuncadır. Germeçtepe Barajı populasyonunda ise bir çift homolog/homolog olmayan akrosentrik veya submetasentrik kromozomun kısa kollarında terminal olarak yerleşmiştir. İki populasyonun NOR büyüklüğü bakımından heteromorfik farklılıklar gösterdiği belirlenmiştir, genom başına düşen NOR sayısı ikidir. Böbrek dokusundan elde edilen kromozomlar pH = 6.8’lik fosfat tamponunda hazırlanmış giemsa ile boyanmıştır. “One-Step” metoduna göre NOR bölgeleri belirlenmiştir.


  • Galetti, P.M. Foresti, F., Bertollo, L.A.C. and Moreira, F.O., 1984, Characterization of eight species of Anostomidae (Cypriniformes) fish on the basis of the nucleolar oyrganizer region, Caryologia, 37, 401-406.
  • Goodpasture, C., and Bloom, S.E., 1975, Visulization of nucleolar organizer regions in mammalian, chromosomes using silver staining, Chromosoma, 53, 37-50.
  • Sola L., Arcangeli R., Cataudella S., 1986, Nucleolus organizer chromosomes in a teleostean species of tetraploid origin, Cyprinus carpio, Cytogenct. Cell Genet., 42, 183-86.
  • Howel W., M. and Black D., A., 1980, Controlled silver-staining of nucleolus organizer regions with a protective colloidal developer: a-1-step method. Experientia, 36:1014-1015.
  • Rab, P., Pokorny J. and Roth. P., 1989, Chromosome studies of Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, I. karyotype of Amurain carp, C. carpio haematopterus, Caryologia, Vol. 42, n:1, 27-36.
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1990b, Chromosomal NOR phenotypes of seven species of North American Cyprinidae, with comments on cytosystematic relationships of the genus Pteronotropis, Copeia, 1990, 68-78.
  • Zan R., Song Z. and Liu W. 1986, Studies on karyotypes and nuclear DNA contents of some Cyprinid fishes, with notes on fish plyploids in China, Proç Znd int. Conf. İndo-Pacific Fisher, Tokyo, Ichthyol. Soc., 877-885.
  • Mayr B., Rab P., Kalat M., 1986, NORs and counterstain-en-hanced fluorescence studies in Cyprinidae of different ploid level, Genetica, 69, 111-118.
  • Crossman, E. J. and Ráb, P. 2001, Chromosomal NOR Phenotype and C-Banded Karyotype of Olympic Mudminnow, Novumbra hubbsi (Euteleostei: Umbridae), Copeia, 3, 860–865.
  • Born GG and Bertollo LA., 2000, An XX/XY sex chromosome system in a fish species, Hoplias malabaricus, with a polymorphic NOR-bearing X chromosome, Chromosome Res., 8 (2), 11-8.
  • Fabio P Foresti at all., 2002, Analysis of NOR distribution in cultivated and naturalized stocks of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Genetics and Moleculer Biology, 25, 4, 409-412).
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1986, Chromomycin A3 stains nucleolus organizer regions of fish chromosomes, Cpoeia, 226-231.
  • Mayr, B., Kalat, M., Rab. P. and Lambrou, M., 1987, Band karyotypes and sepicific types of heterochromatin in several species of European percid fishes (Percidae, Pisces), Genetica, 75, 199-205.
  • Thode, G., Martinez, G., Ruız, J.L, and lopez, J.R., 1988, A complex chromosomal polymorphism in Gabius fallax (Gabiidae, Perciformes), Genetica, 76, 65-71.
  • Pekol, S., 2003, Kastamonu Beyler Barajı’ ndaki Cyprinus carpio (L.,1758) Populasonunun NOR Fenotipi, G.Ü. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 11 (1), 183-192.
  • Geldiay, R. ve Balık, S., 1988, Türkiye Tatlısu Balıkları, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitapları Serisi, No: 97, E.Ü. Basımevi, 180s, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Flajshans M., Rab P. and Dobosz S., 1992, Frequency anayses of active NORs in nuclei of artificially induced triploid fishes, Theor. Appl. Genet., 85, 68-72.
  • Levan, A., Fredgy, K., Sandberg, A., 1964, Nomenclatüre for cenromeric position on chromosomes, Hereditas, 52, 201.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Sefa Pekol Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Pekol, S. (2006). KASTAMONU BEYLER VE GERMEÇTEPE BARAJI’NDAKİ Cyprinus carpio L.,1758 POPULASYONLARININ KARŞILAŞTIRMALI NOR FENOTİPİ. Kastamonu Education Journal, 14(1), 185-194.