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"Home" as a Geography of Resistance and Resurrection

Yıl 2025, , 563 - 585, 15.01.2025


The first language of the article will be written in the upper heading. The abstract should be between 150-300 words. The abstract consists of a concise explanation of the article's problem, theory, purpose, material and method, findings, and conclusions. The fact that the article is research or compilation does not change the number of words. The abstract is written in a single paragraph. The abstract is the part where the reader will want to have general information about the article. Therefore, it is important that the abstract is concise and encouraging for the reader to read the rest of the article. Since the abstracts of the articles reveal the strong connection of the interests of the author/authors with the work, the inclusivity of the abstracts and the core of the content should be applied sensitively. Besides the referees and the editors who review the article consider the abstract first, the abstracts make a connection of an article with the external world. In this respect, it is also important that the abstracts are written in simple and plain language. The citation should not be made in the abstracts; however, it can be made in the extended abstract. The extended abstract of the article should be written only for Turkish articles. The extended abstract should be added to the last page of the article. The extended abstract application in our journal will start from our 2022/2 issue.


  • Agnew, J. (1987). The United States in the world economy. Cambridge University Press.
  • Agnew, J. (1999). Mapping political power beyond state boundaries: Territory, identity, and movement in world politics. Millennium 28(3), 499-521, 01
  • Agnew, J. A. (2002). Place and politics in modern Italy. Chicago University Press.
  • Allen, J., & Cochrane, A. (2010). Assemblages of state power: Topological shifts in the organization of government and politics. Antipode 42(5), 1071-1089,
  • Ar, M. (2021). Mekân, yer ve yersizlik kavramları üzerine bir inceleme. Şehir ve Medeniyet: Şehir Araştırmaları Dergisi 7(14), 8-25.
  • Ar, M. (2024). Relational space: Football as a meta fetishism. Journal of Geography(47), 223-240.
  • Ar, M. (2024). Türkiye’de siyasal aktörlerin kentsel gelişime etkisi ve siyasal benliğin inşası. İDEALKENT, 16(44), 935-966.
  • Benford, R. D., & Snow, D. A. (2000). Framing processes and social movements: An overview and assessment. Annual review of sociology 26(1), 611-639,
  • Blomley, N. (2008). Enclosure, common right, and the property of the poor. Social & Legal Studies 17(3), 311-331,
  • Brickell, K., Arrigoitia, M. F., & Vasudevan, A. (2017). Geographies of forced eviction: Dispossession, violence, resistance (pp. 1-23). Palgrave Macmillan UK.. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Brown, G. (2007). Mutinous eruptions: Autonomous spaces of radical queer activism. Environment and Planning A 39(11), 2685-2698,
  • Buttimer, A. (2015). Home, reach, and the sense of place. A. In Buttimer, & D. Seamon, The human experience of space and place (pp. 166-197). London: Routledge.
  • Calderón, F., Piscitelli, A., & Reyna, J. L. (2018). Social movements: Actors, theories, expectations. In A. Escobar, The making of social movements in Latin America (pp. 19-36). London: Routledge.
  • Castells, M. (1977). The Urban Question: A Marxist approach. New York: MIT Press.
  • Castells, M. (1983). The city and the grassroots: A cross-cultural theory of urban social movements. California University Press.
  • Castells, M. (2011). The power of identity. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Castells, M. (2015). Networks of outrage and hope: Social movements in the Internet age. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Certeau, M. (2011). The practice of everyday life. California University Press.
  • Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis. London: Sage Publications.
  • Clark, G. L., & Dear, M. (2021). State apparatus: Structures and language of legitimacy. London: Routledge.
  • Crampton, J. W., & Elden, S. (2007). Space, knowledge, and power: Foucault and geography. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Crane, N. J. (2015). Politics squeezed through a police state: Policing and vinculacion in post-1968 Mexico City. Political Geography 47, 1-10,
  • Cresswell, T. (2014). Place: A short introduction. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Cresswell, T. J. (1992a). Place and ideological strategies. In T. J. Cresswell, In place/out of place: Geography, ideology and transgression. Madison: The University of Wisconsin.
  • Cresswell, T. J. (1992b). Place, transgression, and the practice of resistance. In T. J. Cresswell, In place/out of place: Geography, ideology and transgression. Madison: University of Wisconsin.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. London: Pearson.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. London: Sage Publications.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2016). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. London: Sage Publications.
  • Dinç, Y. (2024). Yer değiştiren yerleşmeleri hümanist coğrafya perspektifinden okumak: Bozkır filmi içerik analizi. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education(53), 157-184.
  • Dodds, K. (2007). Geopolitics: A very short introduction. 2007. Oxford: OUP.
  • Driver, F. (1991). Political geography and state formation: disputed territory. Progress in Human Geography 15(3), 268-280,
  • Driver, F. (2004). Power and pauperism: The workhouse system, 1834-1884. Cambridge University Press.
  • Entrikin, N. (1991). The betweenness of place: Towards a geography of modernity. London: Macmillan Education.
  • Evrensel. (2023). Rezidansların rezilliği gecekonduları vurdu: (Accessed: 21.11.2023).
  • Flick, U. (2018). An introduction to qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Foucault, M. (1980). Two lectures. In C. Gordon, Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977. New York: Pantheon.
  • Glaser, B. G. (1992). Basics of grounded theory analysis. Sociology Pr.
  • Hartshorne, R. (2012). Perspective on the nature of geography. Montana: Literary Licensing.
  • Harvey, D. (2004). Class relations, social justice, and the politics of difference. In M. Keith, & P. Steve, Place and the Politics of Identity (pp. 48-72). London: Routledge.
  • Haynes, D., & Prakash, G. (1991). Introduction: The entanglement of power and resistance. In H. Douglas, & G. Prakash, Contesting power : Resistance and everyday social relations in South Asia (pp. 1-22). Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Heidegger, M. (1971). Poetry, language, thought. New York: Harper Collins Books.
  • Hosey, L. (2000). Slumming in utopia: Protest construction and the iconography of urban America. Journal of Architectural Education 53(3), 146-158,
  • Hughes, S. M. (2020). On resistance in human geography. Progress in Human Geography 44(6), 1141-1160,
  • Hughes, S. M., Murrey, A., Krishnan, S., Teijlingen, K. V., Daley, P. O., Nowicki, M., MacLeavy, J. (2022). Interventions in the political geographies of resistance: The contributions of Cindi Katz, 15 years on. Political Geography, 97, 1-10,
  • Hyndman, J. (2004). Mind the gap: Bridging feminist and political geography through the geopolitics. Political Geography 23(3), 307-322,
  • Jeffrey, A., McFarlane, C., & Vasudevan, A. (2012). Rethinking enclosure: Space, subjectivity and the commons. Antipode 44(4), 1247-1267,
  • Jones, R. (2012). Spaces of refusal: Rethinking sovereign power and resistance at the border. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(3), 685-699,
  • Keith, M., & Pile, S. (2013). Geographies of resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Leblanc, L. (1999). Pretty in punk: Girls' gender resistance in a boys' subculture. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
  • Liberti, S. (2013). Land grabbing: Journeys in the new colonialism. London: Verso Books.
  • Linebaugh, P. (2014). The commons, enclosures, and resistance. New York: pm Press.
  • Lukermann, F. (1964). Geography as a formal intellectual discipline and the way in which it contributes to human knowledge. Canadian Geographer, 8(4), 167-172.
  • Macleod, S. (2006). Civil disobedience and political agitation: The art museum as a site of protest in the early twentieth century. Museum and Society 5(1), 44-57.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2006). Designing qualitative research. London: Sage Publications.
  • Martin, D. G., & Pierce, J. (2013). Reconceptualizing resistance: Residuals of the state and democratic radical pluralism. Antipode 45(1), 61-79,
  • McCarthy, J. D., & Zald, M. N. (1977). Resource mobilization and social movements: A partial theory. American journal of sociology 82(6), 1212-1241.
  • Melucci, A., Keane, J., & Mier, P. (1989). Nomads of the present: Social movements and individual needs in contemporary society." California Üniversitesi.
  • Nally, D. (2015). Governing precarious lives: Land grabs, geopolitics, and food security. The Geographical Journal 181(4), 340-349,
  • Neuman, W. L. (2009). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Pearson.
  • Nicholls, W. J. (2016). Producing-resisting national borders in the United States, France and the Netherlands. Political Geography 51, 43-52,
  • Nickels, J. (2018). World literature and the geographies of resistance. Cambridge University Press.
  • Norberg-Schulz, C. (2013). The phenomenon of place. In M. Larice, & E. Macdonald, The urban design reader (pp. 292-304). London: Routledge.
  • Paddison, R., Philo, C., Routledge, P., & Sharp, J. (1999). Entanglements of power: Geographies of domination/resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Painter, J. (1995). Politics, geography and political geography: A critical perspective. London: Hodder Education Publishers.
  • Peters, E. J. (1998). Subversive spaces: First nations women and the city. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 16(6), 665-685,
  • Pile, S., & Keith, M. (2009). Geographies of resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Pred, A. (1984). Place as historically contingent process: Structuration and the time‐geography of becoming places. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 74(2), 279-297,
  • Relph, E. (1976). Place and placelessness. London: Pion.
  • Roberts, J. M. (2001). Spatial governance and working-class public spheres: The case of a Chartist demonstration at Hyde Park. Journal of Historical Sociology 14(3), 308-336,
  • Routledge, P. (1997). The imagineering of resistance: Pollok Free State and the practice of postmodern politics. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 22(3), 359-376,
  • Said, E. W. (1993). Culture and imperialism. London: Vintage.
  • Sauer , C. O. (1963). Land and life: A selection from the writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer. California University Press.
  • Sauer, C. (2008). The morphology of landscape. In T. Oakes, & P. L. Price, The Cultural Geography Reader (pp. 96-104). London: Routledge.
  • Scott, J. C. (1985). Weapons of the weak: Everyday forms of peasant resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Scott, J. C. (1990). Domination and the arts of resistance: Hidden transcripts. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Seamon, D. (1979). A geography of the lifeworld: Movement, rest, and encounter. London/New York: Croom Helm/St Martin’s Press.
  • Sharp, J., Routledge, P., Philo, C., & Paddison, R. (2000). Entanglements of power: Geographies of domination/resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Smith, G. (1994). Political theory and human geography." (1994): 54-77. In D. Gregory, R. Martin, & G. Smith, Human Geography: Society, space and social science (pp. 54-77). London: Red Globe Press.
  • Smith, S. (1993). Bounding the borders: Claiming space and making place in rural Scotland. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 18(3), 291-308.
  • Snow, D. A., Rochford, B., Worden, S. K., & Benford, R. D. (1986). Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation. American Sociological Review 51, 464-481,
  • Sparke, M. (2008). Political geography - Political geographies of globalization III: Resistance. Progress in Human Geography 32(3), 423-440,
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research. London: Sage Publications.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1994). Grounded theory methodology: An overview. In N. K. Denzin, & Y. S. Lincoln, Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 273–285). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Taylor, P. J. (2005). New political geographies: Global civil society and global governance through world city networks. Political Geography 24(6), 703-730,
  • Tilly, C. (1978). From mobilization to revolution. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
  • Toal, G., & Dalby, S. (1998). Rethinking geopolitics. London: Routledge.
  • Touraine, A. (1981). The voice and the eye: An analysis of social movements. Cambridge University Press.
  • Tuan , Y.-F. (1977). Space and place: The perspective of experience. Minnesota University Press.
  • Tuan, Y. F. (1979). Space and Place: Humanistic perspective progress in humanistic perspective. S. Gale, & G. Olsson içinde, Philosophy in Geography (pp. 387-427). Boston: Dordrecht.
  • Tuan, Y.-F. (1982). Segmented worlds and self: A study of group life and individual consciousness. Univ of Minnesota Press.
  • Tuan, Y.-F. (1990). Topophilia: A study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values. Columbia University Press.
  • Tuan, Y.‐F. (1991). Language and the making of place: A narrative‐descriptive approach. Annals of the Association of American geographers 81(4), 684-696,
  • Zick, T. (2006). Speech and spatial tactics. Texas Law Review, 84(3), 581-651.
  • Zukin, S. (1993). Landscapes of power: From Detroit to Disney World. Univ of California Press.

Bir Direnç ve Diriliş Coğrafyası Olarak “Ev”

Yıl 2025, , 563 - 585, 15.01.2025


Direnç coğrafyası, mekânın heteredoks yapısında işleyen güç ilişkilerini açığa çıkarmayı amaçlayan [eleştirel]) coğrafi düşüncenin temel bir araştırma olgusudur. Coğrafyaya yönelik hegemonik kurulumları inceleyerek bireyin “yer” ile teması neticesinde şekillenen ontolojisinin ve kendilik inşasının arkeolojisini deşifre etmektedir- Peki o zaman “yer” nedir? Direnç coğrafyası ile ne tür bir ilişkiye sahiptir? “Yer”in sosyokültürel çeşitliliği göz önüne alındığında ne tür bir dirençten bahsedilebilir? Bu noktada araştırmada yer ve direnç arasındaki var olan bağlantılar ortaya konularak ve yine bu bağlantılar aşılarak yer araştırmalarının temel bir bileşeni olarak [müstakil] “ev”in direnç ile ilişkisi gömülü teori araştırma deseniyle analiz edilmektedir. Makalede, güç uygulamalarına karşı rasyonel bir bilince dayalı olarak korunan ve tarihsel birikime bağlı olarak şekillenen “ev”in ve periferisinin (mahalle) fenomenolojik bağlamının aşılarak bir direnç ve diriliş coğrafyasına nasıl dönüştüğü ortaya konulmaktadır.


  • Agnew, J. (1987). The United States in the world economy. Cambridge University Press.
  • Agnew, J. (1999). Mapping political power beyond state boundaries: Territory, identity, and movement in world politics. Millennium 28(3), 499-521, 01
  • Agnew, J. A. (2002). Place and politics in modern Italy. Chicago University Press.
  • Allen, J., & Cochrane, A. (2010). Assemblages of state power: Topological shifts in the organization of government and politics. Antipode 42(5), 1071-1089,
  • Ar, M. (2021). Mekân, yer ve yersizlik kavramları üzerine bir inceleme. Şehir ve Medeniyet: Şehir Araştırmaları Dergisi 7(14), 8-25.
  • Ar, M. (2024). Relational space: Football as a meta fetishism. Journal of Geography(47), 223-240.
  • Ar, M. (2024). Türkiye’de siyasal aktörlerin kentsel gelişime etkisi ve siyasal benliğin inşası. İDEALKENT, 16(44), 935-966.
  • Benford, R. D., & Snow, D. A. (2000). Framing processes and social movements: An overview and assessment. Annual review of sociology 26(1), 611-639,
  • Blomley, N. (2008). Enclosure, common right, and the property of the poor. Social & Legal Studies 17(3), 311-331,
  • Brickell, K., Arrigoitia, M. F., & Vasudevan, A. (2017). Geographies of forced eviction: Dispossession, violence, resistance (pp. 1-23). Palgrave Macmillan UK.. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Brown, G. (2007). Mutinous eruptions: Autonomous spaces of radical queer activism. Environment and Planning A 39(11), 2685-2698,
  • Buttimer, A. (2015). Home, reach, and the sense of place. A. In Buttimer, & D. Seamon, The human experience of space and place (pp. 166-197). London: Routledge.
  • Calderón, F., Piscitelli, A., & Reyna, J. L. (2018). Social movements: Actors, theories, expectations. In A. Escobar, The making of social movements in Latin America (pp. 19-36). London: Routledge.
  • Castells, M. (1977). The Urban Question: A Marxist approach. New York: MIT Press.
  • Castells, M. (1983). The city and the grassroots: A cross-cultural theory of urban social movements. California University Press.
  • Castells, M. (2011). The power of identity. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Castells, M. (2015). Networks of outrage and hope: Social movements in the Internet age. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Certeau, M. (2011). The practice of everyday life. California University Press.
  • Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis. London: Sage Publications.
  • Clark, G. L., & Dear, M. (2021). State apparatus: Structures and language of legitimacy. London: Routledge.
  • Crampton, J. W., & Elden, S. (2007). Space, knowledge, and power: Foucault and geography. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Crane, N. J. (2015). Politics squeezed through a police state: Policing and vinculacion in post-1968 Mexico City. Political Geography 47, 1-10,
  • Cresswell, T. (2014). Place: A short introduction. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Cresswell, T. J. (1992a). Place and ideological strategies. In T. J. Cresswell, In place/out of place: Geography, ideology and transgression. Madison: The University of Wisconsin.
  • Cresswell, T. J. (1992b). Place, transgression, and the practice of resistance. In T. J. Cresswell, In place/out of place: Geography, ideology and transgression. Madison: University of Wisconsin.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. London: Pearson.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. London: Sage Publications.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2016). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. London: Sage Publications.
  • Dinç, Y. (2024). Yer değiştiren yerleşmeleri hümanist coğrafya perspektifinden okumak: Bozkır filmi içerik analizi. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education(53), 157-184.
  • Dodds, K. (2007). Geopolitics: A very short introduction. 2007. Oxford: OUP.
  • Driver, F. (1991). Political geography and state formation: disputed territory. Progress in Human Geography 15(3), 268-280,
  • Driver, F. (2004). Power and pauperism: The workhouse system, 1834-1884. Cambridge University Press.
  • Entrikin, N. (1991). The betweenness of place: Towards a geography of modernity. London: Macmillan Education.
  • Evrensel. (2023). Rezidansların rezilliği gecekonduları vurdu: (Accessed: 21.11.2023).
  • Flick, U. (2018). An introduction to qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Foucault, M. (1980). Two lectures. In C. Gordon, Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977. New York: Pantheon.
  • Glaser, B. G. (1992). Basics of grounded theory analysis. Sociology Pr.
  • Hartshorne, R. (2012). Perspective on the nature of geography. Montana: Literary Licensing.
  • Harvey, D. (2004). Class relations, social justice, and the politics of difference. In M. Keith, & P. Steve, Place and the Politics of Identity (pp. 48-72). London: Routledge.
  • Haynes, D., & Prakash, G. (1991). Introduction: The entanglement of power and resistance. In H. Douglas, & G. Prakash, Contesting power : Resistance and everyday social relations in South Asia (pp. 1-22). Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Heidegger, M. (1971). Poetry, language, thought. New York: Harper Collins Books.
  • Hosey, L. (2000). Slumming in utopia: Protest construction and the iconography of urban America. Journal of Architectural Education 53(3), 146-158,
  • Hughes, S. M. (2020). On resistance in human geography. Progress in Human Geography 44(6), 1141-1160,
  • Hughes, S. M., Murrey, A., Krishnan, S., Teijlingen, K. V., Daley, P. O., Nowicki, M., MacLeavy, J. (2022). Interventions in the political geographies of resistance: The contributions of Cindi Katz, 15 years on. Political Geography, 97, 1-10,
  • Hyndman, J. (2004). Mind the gap: Bridging feminist and political geography through the geopolitics. Political Geography 23(3), 307-322,
  • Jeffrey, A., McFarlane, C., & Vasudevan, A. (2012). Rethinking enclosure: Space, subjectivity and the commons. Antipode 44(4), 1247-1267,
  • Jones, R. (2012). Spaces of refusal: Rethinking sovereign power and resistance at the border. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(3), 685-699,
  • Keith, M., & Pile, S. (2013). Geographies of resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Leblanc, L. (1999). Pretty in punk: Girls' gender resistance in a boys' subculture. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
  • Liberti, S. (2013). Land grabbing: Journeys in the new colonialism. London: Verso Books.
  • Linebaugh, P. (2014). The commons, enclosures, and resistance. New York: pm Press.
  • Lukermann, F. (1964). Geography as a formal intellectual discipline and the way in which it contributes to human knowledge. Canadian Geographer, 8(4), 167-172.
  • Macleod, S. (2006). Civil disobedience and political agitation: The art museum as a site of protest in the early twentieth century. Museum and Society 5(1), 44-57.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2006). Designing qualitative research. London: Sage Publications.
  • Martin, D. G., & Pierce, J. (2013). Reconceptualizing resistance: Residuals of the state and democratic radical pluralism. Antipode 45(1), 61-79,
  • McCarthy, J. D., & Zald, M. N. (1977). Resource mobilization and social movements: A partial theory. American journal of sociology 82(6), 1212-1241.
  • Melucci, A., Keane, J., & Mier, P. (1989). Nomads of the present: Social movements and individual needs in contemporary society." California Üniversitesi.
  • Nally, D. (2015). Governing precarious lives: Land grabs, geopolitics, and food security. The Geographical Journal 181(4), 340-349,
  • Neuman, W. L. (2009). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Pearson.
  • Nicholls, W. J. (2016). Producing-resisting national borders in the United States, France and the Netherlands. Political Geography 51, 43-52,
  • Nickels, J. (2018). World literature and the geographies of resistance. Cambridge University Press.
  • Norberg-Schulz, C. (2013). The phenomenon of place. In M. Larice, & E. Macdonald, The urban design reader (pp. 292-304). London: Routledge.
  • Paddison, R., Philo, C., Routledge, P., & Sharp, J. (1999). Entanglements of power: Geographies of domination/resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Painter, J. (1995). Politics, geography and political geography: A critical perspective. London: Hodder Education Publishers.
  • Peters, E. J. (1998). Subversive spaces: First nations women and the city. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 16(6), 665-685,
  • Pile, S., & Keith, M. (2009). Geographies of resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Pred, A. (1984). Place as historically contingent process: Structuration and the time‐geography of becoming places. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 74(2), 279-297,
  • Relph, E. (1976). Place and placelessness. London: Pion.
  • Roberts, J. M. (2001). Spatial governance and working-class public spheres: The case of a Chartist demonstration at Hyde Park. Journal of Historical Sociology 14(3), 308-336,
  • Routledge, P. (1997). The imagineering of resistance: Pollok Free State and the practice of postmodern politics. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 22(3), 359-376,
  • Said, E. W. (1993). Culture and imperialism. London: Vintage.
  • Sauer , C. O. (1963). Land and life: A selection from the writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer. California University Press.
  • Sauer, C. (2008). The morphology of landscape. In T. Oakes, & P. L. Price, The Cultural Geography Reader (pp. 96-104). London: Routledge.
  • Scott, J. C. (1985). Weapons of the weak: Everyday forms of peasant resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Scott, J. C. (1990). Domination and the arts of resistance: Hidden transcripts. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Seamon, D. (1979). A geography of the lifeworld: Movement, rest, and encounter. London/New York: Croom Helm/St Martin’s Press.
  • Sharp, J., Routledge, P., Philo, C., & Paddison, R. (2000). Entanglements of power: Geographies of domination/resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Smith, G. (1994). Political theory and human geography." (1994): 54-77. In D. Gregory, R. Martin, & G. Smith, Human Geography: Society, space and social science (pp. 54-77). London: Red Globe Press.
  • Smith, S. (1993). Bounding the borders: Claiming space and making place in rural Scotland. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 18(3), 291-308.
  • Snow, D. A., Rochford, B., Worden, S. K., & Benford, R. D. (1986). Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation. American Sociological Review 51, 464-481,
  • Sparke, M. (2008). Political geography - Political geographies of globalization III: Resistance. Progress in Human Geography 32(3), 423-440,
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research. London: Sage Publications.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1994). Grounded theory methodology: An overview. In N. K. Denzin, & Y. S. Lincoln, Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 273–285). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Taylor, P. J. (2005). New political geographies: Global civil society and global governance through world city networks. Political Geography 24(6), 703-730,
  • Tilly, C. (1978). From mobilization to revolution. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
  • Toal, G., & Dalby, S. (1998). Rethinking geopolitics. London: Routledge.
  • Touraine, A. (1981). The voice and the eye: An analysis of social movements. Cambridge University Press.
  • Tuan , Y.-F. (1977). Space and place: The perspective of experience. Minnesota University Press.
  • Tuan, Y. F. (1979). Space and Place: Humanistic perspective progress in humanistic perspective. S. Gale, & G. Olsson içinde, Philosophy in Geography (pp. 387-427). Boston: Dordrecht.
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Toplam 94 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Beşeri Coğrafyada Kent
Bölüm Tüm Makaleler

Mazlum Ar 0000-0003-3937-1637

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 20 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Ar, M. (2025). "Home" as a Geography of Resistance and Resurrection. Kent Akademisi, 18(1), 563-585.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

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