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Hiperbolik Geometriye Dayalı Çağdaş Mimarinin Ontogenezi: Soumaya Müzesi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 1137 - 1155, 25.12.2021


Eşsiz uyum yeteneği sayesinde insanlık, değişen çevre koşullarına uyum sağlamış ve dünyanın farklı durumlarında varlığını sürdürebilmiştir. İnsanoğlu, doğanın şekillendirdiği yaşam koşullarını kendi gereksinimlerine göre yeniden düzenlemiş ve geliştirdiği mimarinin tetikleyici etkisiyle değişime daha hızlı uyum sağlayabilmiştir. İklim, malzeme ve teknoloji ile şekillenen mimari evrimsel bir kavramdır ve kalıtsaldır. Mimari, zaman içinde kültür kavramının mihenk taşları olan çevre ve kullanıcıya göre kendini değiştirir ve uyarlar. Kültür, birikimli yapısı nedeniyle uzun zaman aralıklarında değişir ve bu nedenle etkileri geniş ölçekte gözlemlenebilir. Bir toprak, bir ulus, bir terim, kültürüyle kendini gösterir ve mimariyi temellerini iletmek için bir araç olarak kullanır. Mimari yaşayan, devam eden yaratıcı bir süreçtir. Hâlihazırda varolan bio-arkitektonik yapıdan yararlanan ve geride yeni değerler bırakan kültürel bir miras olarak algıladığımız mimarinin biçimlenişi, araştırma kapsamında ödüllü yapı Soumaya Müzesi üzerinden tartışılmaktadır. Çağdaş mimaride yeni dinamik ifade kalıplarının geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunan Meksikalı mimar Fernando Romero’nun mesleki alandaki bireysel başarıları, öklidyen olmayan geometriye sahip müze tasarımı ile modern mimari kompozisyonların cesurluğunu sergilemektedir. Çağdaş mimarinin yaratıcılığı bağlamında önemli bir bilgi ve ilham kaynağı oluşturacağı düşünülen araştırma kapsamında, müze yapısı tasarım ve yapı üretim süreci açısından detaylı bir şekilde analiz edilmektedir. Araştırmanın bu çerçevede bir diğer amacı ise hiperbolik geometriye dayalı çağdaş mimarinin ontogenezini ve evrimsel analojisini Soumaya müzesi aracılığıyla açıklamaktır.


  • Banaei, M., Ahmadi, A., Gramann, K. ve Hatami, J. (2020). Emotional evaluation of architectural interior forms based on personality differences using virtual reality. Frontiers of Architectural Research 9.1, 138-147.
  • Basalla, G. (1988). The evolution of technology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Bianchini, R. (2019). Museo Soumaya Plaza Carso, Mexico City, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.
  • Castañeda, E., Lauret, B., Lirola, J. M. ve Ovando, G. (2015). Free-form architectural envelopes: Digital processes opportunities of industrial production at a reasonable price. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, 3(1), 1-13.
  • Choi, T. I., Na, H. J. ve Kim, J. W. (2015). A Study on Freeform Optimization using BIM Technology. Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit Proceedings.
  • Cruz, D. (2013). Soumaya Museum / FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.
  • Dawkins, R. (2019). Gen Bencildir; The Selfish Gene. Kuzey Yayınları, ISBN 978-9944-315-79-1.
  • De Botton, A. (2010). Mutluluğun Mimarisi (The Architecture of Happiness). Vintage Books: ˙Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN 978-975-570-305-3.
  • De Leon, A. P. (2012). Rationalisation of Freeform Facades, in T Fischer, K De Biswas, JJ Ham, R Naka and WX Huang (eds), Beyond Codes and Pixels: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA (Hong Kong), pp 243–52.
  • Definition of genesis noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Erişim 12 Temmuz 2021.
  • Del Real, P. (2007). Building a continent: MoMA's Latin American Architecture Since 1945 Exhibition. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 16.1, 95-110.
  • Falbel, A. (2018). Immigrant architects in Brazil: old and new tools for a historiographical discussion, Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère, Erişim: 20 Haziran 2020.
  • Fischer, T. (2007). Rationalising bubble trusses for batch production. Automation in construction 16.1, 45 53.
  • Fletcher, B. (2010). History of Architecture on the Comparative Method, for the Student. Nabu Press, ISBN10: 1147027226.
  • Frazer, J. (2002). A natural model for architecture: the nature of the evolutionary model 1995. Cyber Reader Critical Writings for the Digital Era, Phaidon Press Limited: London, UK, pp.246-255.
  • Frearson, A. (2011). Museo Soumaya by FREE Fernando Romero Enterprise, Erişim 14 Haziran 2020
  • FR-EE, Fernando Romero Enterprise, Erişim 12 Haziran 2021.
  • Glymph, J., Shelden, D., Ceccato, C., Mussel, J. ve Schober, H. (2004). A parametric strategy for free-form glass structures using quadrilateral planar facets. Automation in construction, 13(2), 187-202.
  • Griffiths, D. (2016).The Age of Analogy: Science and Literature between the Darwins; JHU Press: Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • Groenendijk, R. (2019) The Digital Influence on Architecture: On how computer aided design and manufacturing technologies influenced architectural design, 4153588, History Thesis, January 28th 2019, Tutor: Tino Mager
  • Hasol, D. (1993).Ansiklopedik Mimarlık Sözlüğü. YEM Yayınları, Beşinci Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001).Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. Sage Publications, London, UK.
  • Holland, J. H. (1992). Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.
  • Issawi, C. (1994). Ibn Khaldun on ancient history: A study in sources. Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies, 3, 127-150.
  • Jencks, C. (2000). Jencks’s theory of evolution: An overview of twentieth-century architecture. Architectural review 208. 76–79.
  • Julier, G. (2000). The Culture of Design. Sage Publications Ltd. London, UK.
  • Kolarevic, B. (2001). Designing and manufacturing architecture in the digital age. Architectural Information Management, 2001117– 2001123.
  • Lang, J. (1987). Creating Architectural Theory: The Role of the Behavioral Sciences in Environmental Design. Van Nos-Trand Reinhold: New York, NY, USA.
  • Leach, A. (2013). What is Architectural History? John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, USA.
  • Madani Nejad, K. (2007). Curvilinearity in architecture: Emotional effect of curvilinear forms in interior design. Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University.
  • McLuhan, M. ve Powers, B. R. (1989). The global village: Transformations in world life and media in the 21st century. Communication and society.
  • Dictionary, Merriam-Webster. “Ontogenesis.” Erişim 12 Temmuz 2021.
  • Micheli, S. (2016). Between History and Design: The Baroque Legacy in the Work of Paolo Portoghesi. In The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980 (pp. 207-222). Routledge.
  • Mokyr, J. (1991). Evolutionary biology, technological change and economic history. Bulletin of Economic Research 43, 127-149.
  • Osmanlı Torunundan Müze, Hürriyet, 04.03.2011, Erişim 14 Haziran 2020,
  • Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, “Meaning of ontogenesis in English”, Erişim 12 Temmuz 2021.
  • Özkartal, M. Z. (2011). “Kökenimle her zaman gurur duydum”, Milliyet, 09.05.2011, Erişim 14 Haziran 2020.
  • Park, J. H. (2005). Early Shape Morphing: the Metamorphosis of Polygons in Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia Cathedral and Le Corbusier’s Firminy Chapel. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 4(1), 25-30. Pauls, E. P. (2020). "Cultural evolution." Encyclopedia Britannica, August 3, 2020. Erişim 3 May 2021.
  • Philippou, S. (2013). Oscar Niemeyer: 1907–2012. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 17(1), 9-14. doi:10.1017/S1359135513000304
  • Raventos-Pons, E. (2002). Gaudi's architecture: A poetic form. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 199-212.
  • Romero, F. ve Armando R. (2013). Bridging a culture: The design of museo soumaya. Architectural Design 83.2, 66-69.
  • Schiftner, A., Höbinger, M., Wallner, J. ve Pottmann, H. (2009). Packing circles and spheres on surfaces. In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 papers, pp. 1-8.
  • Schumacher, P. (2011). Architecture schools as design research laboratories. In Total_Fluidity (pp. 8-131). Springer, Vienna.
  • Sidelko, J. (2013). Museo Soumaya: Facade Design to Fabrication. Lulu. com, ISBN 9781622098507
  • Stiny, G. (2006). Shape: Talking about seeing and doing. MIT.
  • The Frank Lloyd Wright Building, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.
  • Tobolczyk, M. (2020). The Art of Building at the Dawn of Human Civilization: The Ontogenesis of Architecture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Van der Linden, J., De Lacerda, A. P. ve De Aguiar, J. P. O. (2011). The Evolution of Design Methods. Conference: 9th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Porto (Portugal)
  • Van der Ryn, S. (2013). Culture, architecture and nature: an ecological design retrospective. Routledge, ISBN 9780415839679.
  • Vartanian, O. N., Gorka C., Anjan F., Lars B. L., Helmut M., Cristián R., Nicolai S., Martin C. ve Guido Nadal, M. (2019). Preference for curvilinear contour in interior architectural spaces: Evidence from experts and nonexperts. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 13(1), 110–116.
  • Vitruvius. (1990). Mimarlık Üzerine On Kitap - Vitruvius the Ten Books on Architecture. Şevki Vanlı Mimarlık Vakfı Yayınları, Çeviren: Suna Güven.
  • Werritty, A. (2010). D'Arcy Thompson's ‘On Growth and Form’ and the rediscovery of geometry within the geographic tradition. Scottish Geographical Journal, 126(4), 231-257.
  • Wilkinson, P. (2018). Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Mimarlık Fikri. Domingo Yayınevi, ISBN 9786054729555.
  • Zwicker, D. A. (2018). Museo Soumaya has a Secret, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.

The Ontogenesis of Contemporary Architecture Based on Hyperbolic Geometry: Soumaya Museum

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 1137 - 1155, 25.12.2021


Humanity has adapted to shifting environmental circumstances and survived in a variety of settings across the world because to its exceptional adaptability. With the triggering effect of the architecture it has built, mankind has reorganized the natural living circumstances to suit its own requirements and has been able to react to change more swiftly. Climate-influenced architecture is a genetic notion affected by climate, materials, and technology. Architecture evolves and develops through time in response to the environment and the user, which are the foundations of the cultural notion. Culture evolves over extended periods of time due to its cumulative nature, and therefore its impacts may be seen on a wide scale. A region, a nation, or a word expresses itself via its culture and utilizes architecture to communicate its roots. Architecture is a dynamic and ever-evolving creative process. Within the framework of the research, the award-winning Soumaya Museum is used to examine the development of architecture, which we see as a cultural heritage that benefits from the previously existing bio-architectonic system while leaving behind new values. Mexican architect Fernando Romero's own achievements in the professional area illustrate the boldness of modern architectural compositions with museum design using non-Euclidean geometry, contributing to the development of new dynamic expression patterns in contemporary architecture. The museum building is studied in detail in terms of design and construction production process within the scope of the research, which is believed to be an essential source of knowledge and inspiration in the context of modern architecture innovation. Another goal of this research is to illustrate the ontogenesis and evolutionary analogies of modern architecture based on hyperbolic geometry via the Soumaya museum.


  • Banaei, M., Ahmadi, A., Gramann, K. ve Hatami, J. (2020). Emotional evaluation of architectural interior forms based on personality differences using virtual reality. Frontiers of Architectural Research 9.1, 138-147.
  • Basalla, G. (1988). The evolution of technology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Bianchini, R. (2019). Museo Soumaya Plaza Carso, Mexico City, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.
  • Castañeda, E., Lauret, B., Lirola, J. M. ve Ovando, G. (2015). Free-form architectural envelopes: Digital processes opportunities of industrial production at a reasonable price. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, 3(1), 1-13.
  • Choi, T. I., Na, H. J. ve Kim, J. W. (2015). A Study on Freeform Optimization using BIM Technology. Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit Proceedings.
  • Cruz, D. (2013). Soumaya Museum / FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.
  • Dawkins, R. (2019). Gen Bencildir; The Selfish Gene. Kuzey Yayınları, ISBN 978-9944-315-79-1.
  • De Botton, A. (2010). Mutluluğun Mimarisi (The Architecture of Happiness). Vintage Books: ˙Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN 978-975-570-305-3.
  • De Leon, A. P. (2012). Rationalisation of Freeform Facades, in T Fischer, K De Biswas, JJ Ham, R Naka and WX Huang (eds), Beyond Codes and Pixels: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA (Hong Kong), pp 243–52.
  • Definition of genesis noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Erişim 12 Temmuz 2021.
  • Del Real, P. (2007). Building a continent: MoMA's Latin American Architecture Since 1945 Exhibition. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 16.1, 95-110.
  • Falbel, A. (2018). Immigrant architects in Brazil: old and new tools for a historiographical discussion, Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère, Erişim: 20 Haziran 2020.
  • Fischer, T. (2007). Rationalising bubble trusses for batch production. Automation in construction 16.1, 45 53.
  • Fletcher, B. (2010). History of Architecture on the Comparative Method, for the Student. Nabu Press, ISBN10: 1147027226.
  • Frazer, J. (2002). A natural model for architecture: the nature of the evolutionary model 1995. Cyber Reader Critical Writings for the Digital Era, Phaidon Press Limited: London, UK, pp.246-255.
  • Frearson, A. (2011). Museo Soumaya by FREE Fernando Romero Enterprise, Erişim 14 Haziran 2020
  • FR-EE, Fernando Romero Enterprise, Erişim 12 Haziran 2021.
  • Glymph, J., Shelden, D., Ceccato, C., Mussel, J. ve Schober, H. (2004). A parametric strategy for free-form glass structures using quadrilateral planar facets. Automation in construction, 13(2), 187-202.
  • Griffiths, D. (2016).The Age of Analogy: Science and Literature between the Darwins; JHU Press: Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • Groenendijk, R. (2019) The Digital Influence on Architecture: On how computer aided design and manufacturing technologies influenced architectural design, 4153588, History Thesis, January 28th 2019, Tutor: Tino Mager
  • Hasol, D. (1993).Ansiklopedik Mimarlık Sözlüğü. YEM Yayınları, Beşinci Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001).Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. Sage Publications, London, UK.
  • Holland, J. H. (1992). Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.
  • Issawi, C. (1994). Ibn Khaldun on ancient history: A study in sources. Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies, 3, 127-150.
  • Jencks, C. (2000). Jencks’s theory of evolution: An overview of twentieth-century architecture. Architectural review 208. 76–79.
  • Julier, G. (2000). The Culture of Design. Sage Publications Ltd. London, UK.
  • Kolarevic, B. (2001). Designing and manufacturing architecture in the digital age. Architectural Information Management, 2001117– 2001123.
  • Lang, J. (1987). Creating Architectural Theory: The Role of the Behavioral Sciences in Environmental Design. Van Nos-Trand Reinhold: New York, NY, USA.
  • Leach, A. (2013). What is Architectural History? John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, USA.
  • Madani Nejad, K. (2007). Curvilinearity in architecture: Emotional effect of curvilinear forms in interior design. Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University.
  • McLuhan, M. ve Powers, B. R. (1989). The global village: Transformations in world life and media in the 21st century. Communication and society.
  • Dictionary, Merriam-Webster. “Ontogenesis.” Erişim 12 Temmuz 2021.
  • Micheli, S. (2016). Between History and Design: The Baroque Legacy in the Work of Paolo Portoghesi. In The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980 (pp. 207-222). Routledge.
  • Mokyr, J. (1991). Evolutionary biology, technological change and economic history. Bulletin of Economic Research 43, 127-149.
  • Osmanlı Torunundan Müze, Hürriyet, 04.03.2011, Erişim 14 Haziran 2020,
  • Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, “Meaning of ontogenesis in English”, Erişim 12 Temmuz 2021.
  • Özkartal, M. Z. (2011). “Kökenimle her zaman gurur duydum”, Milliyet, 09.05.2011, Erişim 14 Haziran 2020.
  • Park, J. H. (2005). Early Shape Morphing: the Metamorphosis of Polygons in Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia Cathedral and Le Corbusier’s Firminy Chapel. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 4(1), 25-30. Pauls, E. P. (2020). "Cultural evolution." Encyclopedia Britannica, August 3, 2020. Erişim 3 May 2021.
  • Philippou, S. (2013). Oscar Niemeyer: 1907–2012. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 17(1), 9-14. doi:10.1017/S1359135513000304
  • Raventos-Pons, E. (2002). Gaudi's architecture: A poetic form. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 199-212.
  • Romero, F. ve Armando R. (2013). Bridging a culture: The design of museo soumaya. Architectural Design 83.2, 66-69.
  • Schiftner, A., Höbinger, M., Wallner, J. ve Pottmann, H. (2009). Packing circles and spheres on surfaces. In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 papers, pp. 1-8.
  • Schumacher, P. (2011). Architecture schools as design research laboratories. In Total_Fluidity (pp. 8-131). Springer, Vienna.
  • Sidelko, J. (2013). Museo Soumaya: Facade Design to Fabrication. Lulu. com, ISBN 9781622098507
  • Stiny, G. (2006). Shape: Talking about seeing and doing. MIT.
  • The Frank Lloyd Wright Building, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.
  • Tobolczyk, M. (2020). The Art of Building at the Dawn of Human Civilization: The Ontogenesis of Architecture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Van der Linden, J., De Lacerda, A. P. ve De Aguiar, J. P. O. (2011). The Evolution of Design Methods. Conference: 9th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Porto (Portugal)
  • Van der Ryn, S. (2013). Culture, architecture and nature: an ecological design retrospective. Routledge, ISBN 9780415839679.
  • Vartanian, O. N., Gorka C., Anjan F., Lars B. L., Helmut M., Cristián R., Nicolai S., Martin C. ve Guido Nadal, M. (2019). Preference for curvilinear contour in interior architectural spaces: Evidence from experts and nonexperts. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 13(1), 110–116.
  • Vitruvius. (1990). Mimarlık Üzerine On Kitap - Vitruvius the Ten Books on Architecture. Şevki Vanlı Mimarlık Vakfı Yayınları, Çeviren: Suna Güven.
  • Werritty, A. (2010). D'Arcy Thompson's ‘On Growth and Form’ and the rediscovery of geometry within the geographic tradition. Scottish Geographical Journal, 126(4), 231-257.
  • Wilkinson, P. (2018). Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Mimarlık Fikri. Domingo Yayınevi, ISBN 9786054729555.
  • Zwicker, D. A. (2018). Museo Soumaya has a Secret, Erişim 03 Mayıs 2021.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mimarlık
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

İlknur Akıner 0000-0002-9550-146X

Melisa Unvan 0000-0003-4858-9742

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Akıner, İ., & Unvan, M. (2021). Hiperbolik Geometriye Dayalı Çağdaş Mimarinin Ontogenezi: Soumaya Müzesi. Kent Akademisi, 14(4), 1137-1155.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

Bilgi, İletişim, Kültür, Sanat ve Medya Hizmetleri (ICAM Ağı)

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