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A Case Study on the Effects of the Inner Garden at Medicana International İzmir Hospital on Users

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 5, 1738 - 1758, 17.09.2024


Healthcare facilities are among the stressful interiors that are likely to negatively affect patients and visitors. When designing hospitals, design techniques that reduce stress and create a positive environment for users should be taken into account. Studies show that the use of green elements and the inclusion of natural factors in indoor spaces reduces people's stress levels and positively increases their psychological state, creativity, productivity, mood and well-being. Biophilic design, which includes the use of both green elements and natural factors which has been frequently used in many public buildings in recent years and has been included in many studies, appears to have positive effects on the environment and people. Incorporating natural design elements into healthcare environments with biophilic design principles positively affects the atmosphere of the place and the indoor comfort of the users. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the existing interior garden on the users of Medicana International hospital in Izmir and to reveal which biophilic design strategies they prefer in the hospital interior. In line with the purpose of the study, a survey consisting of open-ended and Likert scale questions was applied to 55 people in line with the interviews held with the upper management at the selected location. According to the findings, it is seen that users generally prefer indoor gardens in hospitals and that a green space has a positive impact on their healing processes and mental health. Lastly, the results were generally consistent among users, when the obtained quantitative data were analyzed, it was seen that the reliability coefficients (correlation analysis) were in the range of .48 - .57.


  • Beuzelin, M. (2023, October 4). The rise of Biophilic Design: Bringing nature indoors. Home & Texture.,Indoor%20Plants,plants%20play%20a%20multifaceted%20role.
  • Bobbitt, Z. (2020, January 22). What is considered to be a “strong” correlation? Statology.
  • Browning, W.D., Ryan, C.O., Clancy, J.O. (2014). 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design. New York: Terrapin Bright Green llc.
  • Chang, K., & Chien, H. (2017). The influences of landscape features on visitation of hospital green spaces—A choice experiment approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 724.
  • Cherry, K. (2023, November 20). What does the color green mean?. Verywell Mind.,the%20decor%20of%20medical%20facilities.
  • Dinu Roman Szabo, M., Dumitras, A., Mircea, D.-M., Doroftei, D., Sestras, P., Boscaiu, M., Brzuszek, R. F., & Sestras, A. F. (2023). Touch, feel, heal. the use of hospital green spaces and landscape as sensory-therapeutic gardens: A case study in a University Clinic. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
  • Google forms: Sign-in. Google Forms. (n.d.).
  • Google Maps. (2024). [Medicana Izmir International Hospital Location]. Retrieved February 23, 2024, from,27.157102,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x14bbd9766655596f:0xdb83f4a24833ee29!8m2!3d38.4295339!4d27.157102!16s%2Fg%2F11fmbk4428?entry=ttu
  • Gu, J., Liu, H., & Lu, H. (2022). Can even a small amount of greenery be helpful in reducing stress? A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 9778.
  • Güvenilirlik Analizi. IBM. (2023, August 4).
  • Hakkımızda. Medicana. (n.d.).
  • Han, K. T., & Ruan, L. W. (2019). Effects of indoor plants on self-reported perceptions: a systemic review. Sustainability, 11(16), 4506.
  • Huntsman, D. D., & Bulaj, G. (2022). Healthy dwelling: Design of biophilic interior environments fostering self-care practices for people living with migraines, chronic pain, and depression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2248.
  • Jung, D., Kim, D. I., & Kim, N. (2023). Bringing nature into hospital architecture: Machine learning-based EEG analysis of the biophilia effect in virtual reality. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89, 102033.
  • Karras, D. J. (1997). Statistical methodology: II. reliability and validity assessment in study design, part A. Academic Emergency Medicine, 4(1), 64–71.
  • Lan, Y., & Liu, Q. (2023). The restorative and contingent value of biophilic indoor environments in healthcare settings. Sustainability, 15(15), 11676.
  • Laursen, J., Danielsen, A., & Rosenberg, J. (2014). Effects of environmental design on patient outcome: A systematic review. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 7(4), 108–119.
  • Liu, F., Yan, L., Meng, X., & Zhang, C. (2022). A review on indoor green plants employed to improve indoor environment. Journal of Building Engineering, 53, 104542.
  • Medicana International İzmir Hastanesi. Medicana. (n.d.).
  • Moya, T. A., van den Dobbelsteen, A., Ottele, M., & Bluyssen, P. M. (2019). A review of green systems within the indoor environment. Indoor and built environment, 28(3), 298-309.
  • Sadatsafavi, H., Walewski, J., & Taborn, M. (2015). Patient experience with hospital care - comparison of a sample of green hospitals and Non-Green Hospitals. Journal of Green Building, 10(1), 169–185.
  • Sadek, A., & Nofal, E. (2013). Effects of indoor environmental quality on occupant satisfaction in healing environments. In Proceedings of Building Simulation Cairo 2013 Conference: Towards Sustainable & Green Life (pp. 348-358). Building Simulation Cairo.
  • Tekin, B. H., Corcoran, R., & Gutiérrez, R. U. (2023). A systematic review and conceptual framework of biophilic design parameters in clinical environments. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 16(1), 233-250.
  • Ulrich, R. S. (2002, April). Health benefits of gardens in hospitals. In Paper for conference, Plants for People International Exhibition Floriade (Vol. 17, No. 5, p. 2010).
  • Weerasuriya, R., Henderson-Wilson, C., & Townsend, M. (2019). A systematic review of access to green spaces in healthcare facilities. Urban forestry & urban greening, 40, 125-132.
  • Wichrowski, M. J., Corcoran, J. R., Haas, F., Sweeney, G., & Mcgee, A. (2021). Effects of biophilic nature imagery on indexes of satisfaction in medically complex physical rehabilitation patients: An exploratory study. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 14(3), 288–304.
  • Yin, J., Yuan, J., Arfaei, N., Catalano, P. J., Allen, J. G., & Spengler, J. D. (2020). Effects of biophilic indoor environment on stress and anxiety recovery: A between-subjects experiment in virtual reality. Environment International, 136, 105427.

Medicana International İzmir Hastanesi İç Bahçesinin Kullanıcılar Üzerindeki Etkilerine İlişkin Bir Vak’a Analizi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 5, 1738 - 1758, 17.09.2024


Sağlık yapıları, hasta ve yakınları üzerinde olumsuz etki yaratabilecek stresli iç mekanlardır. Hastaneler tasarlanırken, hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik olarak konforlu mekanlar oluşturmak amacıyla stresi azaltan tasarım teknikleri dikkate alınmalıdır. Yapılan araştırmalar yeşil unsurların, örneğin iç bahçeler, ve doğal ışık ve malzemelerin iç mekanda kullanımının insanları olumlu yönde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Aynı zamanda stres seviyelerini düşürerek kişilerin yaratıcılıklarını, üretkenliklerini ve refahlarını arttırdığını da göstermektedir. Bir mekanda yeşil unsurların ve doğal faktörlerin kullanımı birçok kamu binasında görülmektedir. Doğal tasarım öğelerinin biyofilik tasarım prensipleri ile sağlık yapılarına dahil edilmesi, mekanın atmosferini ve kullanıcıların iç mekan konforunu olumlu etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hastane iç mekanlarında bulunan iç bahçelerin kullanıcılar üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek ve biyofilik tasarım stratejilerinden hangilerinin tercih edildiğini ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda, İzmir'deki Medicana International Hastanesi vaka olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı doğrultusunda, seçilen bekleme alanında hastane yönetimi ile yapılan görüşmeler sonrası açık uçlu ve Likert ölçekli sorulardan oluşan bir anket 55 hasta ve hasta yakınına uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, kullanıcılar hastane bekleme alanlarında iç bahçe olmasını tercih etmektedir. İç bahçelerin, hastaların iyileşme süreçleri ve zihinsel sağlıklarını olumlu yönde etkilediği görülmektedir. Genel olarak sonuçlar, kullanıcılar arasında tutarlı olup, elde edilen nicel veriler analiz edildiğinde güvenirlik katsayılarının (korelasyon analizi) .48 - .57 aralığında olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Beuzelin, M. (2023, October 4). The rise of Biophilic Design: Bringing nature indoors. Home & Texture.,Indoor%20Plants,plants%20play%20a%20multifaceted%20role.
  • Bobbitt, Z. (2020, January 22). What is considered to be a “strong” correlation? Statology.
  • Browning, W.D., Ryan, C.O., Clancy, J.O. (2014). 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design. New York: Terrapin Bright Green llc.
  • Chang, K., & Chien, H. (2017). The influences of landscape features on visitation of hospital green spaces—A choice experiment approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 724.
  • Cherry, K. (2023, November 20). What does the color green mean?. Verywell Mind.,the%20decor%20of%20medical%20facilities.
  • Dinu Roman Szabo, M., Dumitras, A., Mircea, D.-M., Doroftei, D., Sestras, P., Boscaiu, M., Brzuszek, R. F., & Sestras, A. F. (2023). Touch, feel, heal. the use of hospital green spaces and landscape as sensory-therapeutic gardens: A case study in a University Clinic. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
  • Google forms: Sign-in. Google Forms. (n.d.).
  • Google Maps. (2024). [Medicana Izmir International Hospital Location]. Retrieved February 23, 2024, from,27.157102,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x14bbd9766655596f:0xdb83f4a24833ee29!8m2!3d38.4295339!4d27.157102!16s%2Fg%2F11fmbk4428?entry=ttu
  • Gu, J., Liu, H., & Lu, H. (2022). Can even a small amount of greenery be helpful in reducing stress? A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 9778.
  • Güvenilirlik Analizi. IBM. (2023, August 4).
  • Hakkımızda. Medicana. (n.d.).
  • Han, K. T., & Ruan, L. W. (2019). Effects of indoor plants on self-reported perceptions: a systemic review. Sustainability, 11(16), 4506.
  • Huntsman, D. D., & Bulaj, G. (2022). Healthy dwelling: Design of biophilic interior environments fostering self-care practices for people living with migraines, chronic pain, and depression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2248.
  • Jung, D., Kim, D. I., & Kim, N. (2023). Bringing nature into hospital architecture: Machine learning-based EEG analysis of the biophilia effect in virtual reality. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89, 102033.
  • Karras, D. J. (1997). Statistical methodology: II. reliability and validity assessment in study design, part A. Academic Emergency Medicine, 4(1), 64–71.
  • Lan, Y., & Liu, Q. (2023). The restorative and contingent value of biophilic indoor environments in healthcare settings. Sustainability, 15(15), 11676.
  • Laursen, J., Danielsen, A., & Rosenberg, J. (2014). Effects of environmental design on patient outcome: A systematic review. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 7(4), 108–119.
  • Liu, F., Yan, L., Meng, X., & Zhang, C. (2022). A review on indoor green plants employed to improve indoor environment. Journal of Building Engineering, 53, 104542.
  • Medicana International İzmir Hastanesi. Medicana. (n.d.).
  • Moya, T. A., van den Dobbelsteen, A., Ottele, M., & Bluyssen, P. M. (2019). A review of green systems within the indoor environment. Indoor and built environment, 28(3), 298-309.
  • Sadatsafavi, H., Walewski, J., & Taborn, M. (2015). Patient experience with hospital care - comparison of a sample of green hospitals and Non-Green Hospitals. Journal of Green Building, 10(1), 169–185.
  • Sadek, A., & Nofal, E. (2013). Effects of indoor environmental quality on occupant satisfaction in healing environments. In Proceedings of Building Simulation Cairo 2013 Conference: Towards Sustainable & Green Life (pp. 348-358). Building Simulation Cairo.
  • Tekin, B. H., Corcoran, R., & Gutiérrez, R. U. (2023). A systematic review and conceptual framework of biophilic design parameters in clinical environments. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 16(1), 233-250.
  • Ulrich, R. S. (2002, April). Health benefits of gardens in hospitals. In Paper for conference, Plants for People International Exhibition Floriade (Vol. 17, No. 5, p. 2010).
  • Weerasuriya, R., Henderson-Wilson, C., & Townsend, M. (2019). A systematic review of access to green spaces in healthcare facilities. Urban forestry & urban greening, 40, 125-132.
  • Wichrowski, M. J., Corcoran, J. R., Haas, F., Sweeney, G., & Mcgee, A. (2021). Effects of biophilic nature imagery on indexes of satisfaction in medically complex physical rehabilitation patients: An exploratory study. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 14(3), 288–304.
  • Yin, J., Yuan, J., Arfaei, N., Catalano, P. J., Allen, J. G., & Spengler, J. D. (2020). Effects of biophilic indoor environment on stress and anxiety recovery: A between-subjects experiment in virtual reality. Environment International, 136, 105427.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İç Mimarlık
Bölüm Tüm Makaleler

Öykü Soybelli 0009-0004-1318-7924

Zeynep Sevinç Karcı 0000-0003-3579-1351

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Soybelli, Ö., & Sevinç Karcı, Z. (2024). A Case Study on the Effects of the Inner Garden at Medicana International İzmir Hospital on Users. Kent Akademisi, 17(5), 1738-1758.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

Bilgi, İletişim, Kültür, Sanat ve Medya Hizmetleri (ICAM Ağı)

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