Freight Forwarding Training with Online Scenarios on Moodle: A Pilot Study
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 24 - 36, 17.12.2024
Artun Tomatır
Serim Paker
Elif Buğra Kuzu Demir
Based on job descriptions, this study aims to create a scenario that accurately represents real work in the labor market for freight forwarding maritime export operations. A shortage of qualified personnel is a problem in the labor market. Education must provide students with real-life skills. One way to address this issue is from the standpoint of market orientation. A single-group pretest/posttest design was chosen. The scenario was generated with Moodle's quiz functionality. The scenario is implemented for students in the logistics department of a vocational school, and the means are compared. The scenario's validity is verified through expert opinion and comparison with the job advertisement. A significant statistical difference was found between the scores obtained in the pre-test and post-test (p < 0.05). The power of the study was evaluated through power analysis (1- β ≥ 0.8). The findings of this study demonstrate that materials designed based on real-life scenarios possess the capacity to equip students with practical skills applicable in real-world contexts.
- References:
[1] G.R. Andlinger, (1958). Business games-play one, Harvard Business Review. 36(2), 115.
- [2] J. McGonigal, (2011). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world, Penguin.
- [3] C. Dong, R. Boute, (2020). Game—The Beer Transportation Game: How to Decarbonize Logistics by Moving Freight to Sustainable Transport Modes, INFORMS Transactions on Education. 20(2), 102–112.
- [4] N. L'abbe Wu, (1989). Understanding Production Systems through Human Simulation: Experiencing JIC (Just‐in‐case) JIT (Just‐in‐time) and OPT (Optimised‐Production‐Technology) Production Systems, International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 9(1), 27–34.
- [5] A. Tomatir, (2021). Business simulation games: a mini literature review, Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies. 10, 167–175.
- [6] G. Allon, J.A. Van Mieghem, (2010). The Mexico-China sourcing game: Teaching global dual sourcing, INFORMS Transactions on Education. 10(3), 105–112.
- [7] I. Vanany, A. Syamil, (2020). Teaching supply chain management using an innovative practical game, in Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, pp. 837–856.
- [8] G.C. Jackson, J.C. Taylor, (1998). Administering the MIT Beer game: Lessons learned, Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL Conference. 25.
- [9] N. Mustafee, K. Katsaliaki, (2010). The blood supply game, Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE, pp. 327–338.
- [10] H.L. Lee, V. Padmanabhan, S. Whang, (1997). The bullwhip effect in supply chains, MIT Sloan Management Review. 38(3), Reprint #3837.
- [11] P. Shovityakool, P. Jittam, N. Sriwattanarothai, P. Laosinchai, (2019). A flexible supply chain management game, Simulation & Gaming. 50(4), 461–482.
- [12] T. Rosenorn, L.B. Kofoed, (1998). Reflection in learning processes through simulation/gaming, Simulation & Gaming. 29(4), 432–440.
- [13] I. Wenzler, D. Chartier, (1999). Why do we bother with games and simulations: An organizational learning perspective, Simulation & Gaming. 30(3), 375–384.
- [14] L. Touzet, P. Corbeil, (2015). Vital Roux, forgotten forerunner of modern business games, Simulation & Gaming. 46(1), 19–39.
- [15] J.J. Burnett, (2007). Nonprofit marketing best practices, John Wiley & Sons.
- [16] P. Kotler, A.R. Andreasen, (1987). Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
- [17] I. Bruce, (1995). Do not-for-profits value their customers and their needs?, International Marketing Review. 12(4), 77–84.
- [18] W. Kwak, (2012). Planning marketing strategies in non-profit organizations–presentation of the direct research results, in Business and Non-Profit Organizations Facing Increased Competition and Growing Customers’ Demands. 18, p. 187.
- [19] C. Flavian, L. Longas, J. Lozano, (2013). E-learning and market orientation in higher education, Education and Information Technologies. 18(1), 69–83. doi: 10.1007/s10639-011-9176-6.
- [20] O. Gok, E. Ozeren, (2011). Marketing Distance Education Programs: Building a Customer Orientation, in Marketing Online Education Programs: Frameworks for Promotion and Communication, IGI Global, pp. 89–118.
- [21] N. Paker, Ö. Koçtaş Çotur, (2021). Özel sektör kuruluşlarının lojistik mezunlarından beklediği mesleki yetkinlikler İzmir iline yönelik bir araştırma, in Dijital Dönüşüm Çağında Meslekler ve Mesleki Yetkinlik Beklentileri.
- [22] A.B. Schneider, (2022). Implementing the Marketing Plan: How Depth-of-Engagement in Community-Based Learning Impacts Students and Their Nonprofit Partners, Journal of Nonprofit Education & Leadership. 12(4).
- [23] C.D. Smith, C.J. Langley, R. Mundy, (1998). Removing the barriers between education and practice: tools and techniques for logistics management, Journal of Business Logistics. 19(2), p. 173.
- [24] M. Allden, W. Niemann, T. Kotze, (2018). Industry expectations of supply chain management graduates: Perspectives from third-party logistics providers in South Africa, Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management. 12, Art no. a379. doi: 10.4102/jtscm.v12i0.379.
- [25] A.R.K. Andreasen, P. Kotler, (2014). Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, Seventh ed., Pearson Education Limited.
- [26] S. Dolnicar, K. Lazarevski, (2009). Marketing in non-profit organizations: an international perspective, International Marketing Review. 26(3), 275–291.
- [27] J. Pavicic, N. Alfirevic, Z. Mihanovic, (2009). Market orientation in managing relationships with multiple constituencies of Croatian higher education, Higher Education. 57(2), 191–207, Feb. doi: 10.1007/s10734-008-9141-5.
- [28] J.C. Narver, S.F. Slater, (1990). The effect of a market orientation on business profitability, Journal of Marketing. 54(4), 20–35.
- [29] G. Dessler, (2019). İnsan kaynakları yönetimi, Palme Yayınevi.
- [30] S. Curkovic, N. Fernandez, (2016). Closing the gap in undergraduate supply chain education through live experiential learning, American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 6(06), p. 697.
- [31] M. Göttlichová, R. Soukalova, (2015). Options for innovation of marketing approaches to the market in the non-profit sector, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 175, 334–341.
- [32] D.A. Deveci, (2016). Deniz Ulaştırması: İşletmeler ve İşlevler, in Denizcilik İşletmeleri Yönetimi, D.A.D. v. E.G. Cerit, S. Ed., İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
- [33] M. Keskin, (2018). Lojistik tedarik zinciri yönetimi, Nobel.
- [34] M. Çancı, M. Erdal, (2003). Lojistik yönetimi: Freight forwarder el kitabı 1, UTİKAD.
- [35] D.A. Deveci, İ.B. Çetin, (2013). Gemi acenteleri ve forvarder işletmeleri: İşlevler ve hizmetler, in Denizcilik İşletmeler Yönetimi, Beta Yayınları, pp. 473–501.
- [36] K. Hayashi, N. Toshinori, (2015). Intermodal freight transport and logistics, in Maritime Logistics, D.-W. Song, P.M. Panayides, Eds., KoganPage.
- [37] A. Simushkov, E. Korovyakovsky, M. Laisi, (2009). Technical Aspects of E-learning Systems for the International Programs in the Field of Logistics, in Final Report of Cross-Border Project Called “Development of Logistics for Supplier Net Models” (Lognet).
- [38] C. Marinagi, P. Trivellas, P. Kofakis, G.T. Tsoulfas, P. Rekleitis, (2019). E-training on green logistics in the agri-food sector, Scientific Papers Series-Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development. 19(2), 249–256.
- [39] V. Cherniavskyi, S. Voloshynov, O. Volska, N. Panchenko, A. Vasiljevs, T. Bezverkhnuik, (2020). Developing teachers digital competence in transport and logistics through blended learning tools, in ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2019, Springer, pp. 311–318.
- [40] G. Neumann, (2008). Simulation education in logistics: case studies in a virtual learning environment, in Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Modeling and Simulation, eds. LS Louca, pp. 441–446.
- [41] Ł. Wiechetek, (2018). Improving knowledge and skills with video-sharing websites. Framework of e-learning video course for students of logistics, in Proceedings of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, pp. 5–7.
- [42] H. Kang, (2021). Sample size determination and power analysis using the G Power software, Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions. 18.*
- [43] S. Hines, J. Ramsbotham, F. Coyer, (2022). A theory-based research literacy intervention for nurses: A pilot study, Nursing Forum. 57(6), 1052–1058.
- [44] N. Yiğit, A.R. Akdeniz, (2003). Fizik öğretiminde bilgisayar destekli etkinliklerin öğrenci kazanımları üzerine etkisi elektrik devreleri örneği, Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 23(3).
- [45] J. Bartlett, (2019). Introduction to sample size calculation using G Power, European Journal of Social Psychology.*
- [46] Y. Kim, M. Chae, H. Yang, (2021). Simultaneous cognitive-physical dual task training based on fairy tales in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study, Geriatric Nursing. 42(5), 1156–1163.
- [47] A.M. Escalante-Gonzalbo, Y.S. Ramírez-Graullera, H. Pasantes, J.J. Aguilar-Chalé, G.I. Sánchez-Castillo, X.A. Escutia-Macedo, T.M. Briseño-Soriano, P. Franco-Castro, A.L. Estrada-Rosales, S.E. Vázquez-Abundes, (2021). Safety, feasibility, and acceptability of a new virtual rehabilitation platform: a supervised pilot study, Rehabilitation Process and Outcome. 10.
- [48] C. Aggar, L. Shinners, T. Thomas, L. Stockhausen, (2020). Experiences of internationally qualified registered nurses enrolled in a bridging program in Australia: A pilot study, Collegian. 27(3), 298–303.
- [49] S. Rachman-Elbaum, A.H. Stark, J. Kachal, T. Johnson, B.S. Porat-Katz, (2017). Online training introduces a novel approach to the Dietetic Care Process documentation, Nutrition & Dietetics. 74(4), 365–371.
- [50] G. Garren, (2009). SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple guide and reference, 16.0 update, Pearson, Boston.
- [51] Ş. Kalaycı, (2016). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, Turkey.
- [52] Ş. İlkörücü-Göçmençelebi, M. Özkan, (2010). İlköğretim altıncı sınıf öğrencilerinin fen bilgisi dersinde öğrendikleri biyoloji bilgilerini günlük yaşamla ilişkilendirme düzeylerini ölçmeye yönelik bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması, Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 23(1), 121–132.
- [53] J.F. Hair, W.C. Black, B.J. Babin, R.E. Anderson, R.L. Tatham, (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, Essex.
Moodle’ da Çevrimiçi Senaryolarla Freight Forvarder Eğitimi: Bir Pilot Çalışma
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 24 - 36, 17.12.2024
Artun Tomatır
Serim Paker
Elif Buğra Kuzu Demir
Bu çalışma, iş tanımlarına uygun olarak, işgücü piyasasında gerçek bir işi temsil eden bir freight forvarder deniz ihracat operasyonları senaryosu oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. İşgücü piyasasında kalifiye personel eksikliği bir problemdir. Eğitimin öğrencilere gerçek yaşam tecrübesi sağlaması gerekir. Bu sorunu ele almanın bir yolu, konuyu pazar odaklılık bağlamında ele almaktır. Araştırmada tek grup öntest/sontest desen tercih edilmiştir. Senaryo, Moodle' ın kısa sınav özelliği ile oluşturulmuştur. Senaryo, bir meslek yüksekokulunun lojistik bölümündeki öğrencilere uygulanmıştır ve ortalamalar karşılaştırılmıştır. Geçerlik, senaryonun iş ilanları ile karşılaştırılması ve uzman görüşü yoluyla sağlanmıştır. Öntest ve sontest puanları arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur (p <0,05). Çalışmanın gücü, güç analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir (1- β ≥ 0,8). Bu çalışmanın bulguları gerçek hayata dayalı olarak tasarlanan materyallerin gerçek dünya bağlamında uygulanabilir pratik becerileri öğrencilere kazandırma kapasitesine sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.
- References:
[1] G.R. Andlinger, (1958). Business games-play one, Harvard Business Review. 36(2), 115.
- [2] J. McGonigal, (2011). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world, Penguin.
- [3] C. Dong, R. Boute, (2020). Game—The Beer Transportation Game: How to Decarbonize Logistics by Moving Freight to Sustainable Transport Modes, INFORMS Transactions on Education. 20(2), 102–112.
- [4] N. L'abbe Wu, (1989). Understanding Production Systems through Human Simulation: Experiencing JIC (Just‐in‐case) JIT (Just‐in‐time) and OPT (Optimised‐Production‐Technology) Production Systems, International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 9(1), 27–34.
- [5] A. Tomatir, (2021). Business simulation games: a mini literature review, Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies. 10, 167–175.
- [6] G. Allon, J.A. Van Mieghem, (2010). The Mexico-China sourcing game: Teaching global dual sourcing, INFORMS Transactions on Education. 10(3), 105–112.
- [7] I. Vanany, A. Syamil, (2020). Teaching supply chain management using an innovative practical game, in Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, pp. 837–856.
- [8] G.C. Jackson, J.C. Taylor, (1998). Administering the MIT Beer game: Lessons learned, Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL Conference. 25.
- [9] N. Mustafee, K. Katsaliaki, (2010). The blood supply game, Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE, pp. 327–338.
- [10] H.L. Lee, V. Padmanabhan, S. Whang, (1997). The bullwhip effect in supply chains, MIT Sloan Management Review. 38(3), Reprint #3837.
- [11] P. Shovityakool, P. Jittam, N. Sriwattanarothai, P. Laosinchai, (2019). A flexible supply chain management game, Simulation & Gaming. 50(4), 461–482.
- [12] T. Rosenorn, L.B. Kofoed, (1998). Reflection in learning processes through simulation/gaming, Simulation & Gaming. 29(4), 432–440.
- [13] I. Wenzler, D. Chartier, (1999). Why do we bother with games and simulations: An organizational learning perspective, Simulation & Gaming. 30(3), 375–384.
- [14] L. Touzet, P. Corbeil, (2015). Vital Roux, forgotten forerunner of modern business games, Simulation & Gaming. 46(1), 19–39.
- [15] J.J. Burnett, (2007). Nonprofit marketing best practices, John Wiley & Sons.
- [16] P. Kotler, A.R. Andreasen, (1987). Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
- [17] I. Bruce, (1995). Do not-for-profits value their customers and their needs?, International Marketing Review. 12(4), 77–84.
- [18] W. Kwak, (2012). Planning marketing strategies in non-profit organizations–presentation of the direct research results, in Business and Non-Profit Organizations Facing Increased Competition and Growing Customers’ Demands. 18, p. 187.
- [19] C. Flavian, L. Longas, J. Lozano, (2013). E-learning and market orientation in higher education, Education and Information Technologies. 18(1), 69–83. doi: 10.1007/s10639-011-9176-6.
- [20] O. Gok, E. Ozeren, (2011). Marketing Distance Education Programs: Building a Customer Orientation, in Marketing Online Education Programs: Frameworks for Promotion and Communication, IGI Global, pp. 89–118.
- [21] N. Paker, Ö. Koçtaş Çotur, (2021). Özel sektör kuruluşlarının lojistik mezunlarından beklediği mesleki yetkinlikler İzmir iline yönelik bir araştırma, in Dijital Dönüşüm Çağında Meslekler ve Mesleki Yetkinlik Beklentileri.
- [22] A.B. Schneider, (2022). Implementing the Marketing Plan: How Depth-of-Engagement in Community-Based Learning Impacts Students and Their Nonprofit Partners, Journal of Nonprofit Education & Leadership. 12(4).
- [23] C.D. Smith, C.J. Langley, R. Mundy, (1998). Removing the barriers between education and practice: tools and techniques for logistics management, Journal of Business Logistics. 19(2), p. 173.
- [24] M. Allden, W. Niemann, T. Kotze, (2018). Industry expectations of supply chain management graduates: Perspectives from third-party logistics providers in South Africa, Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management. 12, Art no. a379. doi: 10.4102/jtscm.v12i0.379.
- [25] A.R.K. Andreasen, P. Kotler, (2014). Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, Seventh ed., Pearson Education Limited.
- [26] S. Dolnicar, K. Lazarevski, (2009). Marketing in non-profit organizations: an international perspective, International Marketing Review. 26(3), 275–291.
- [27] J. Pavicic, N. Alfirevic, Z. Mihanovic, (2009). Market orientation in managing relationships with multiple constituencies of Croatian higher education, Higher Education. 57(2), 191–207, Feb. doi: 10.1007/s10734-008-9141-5.
- [28] J.C. Narver, S.F. Slater, (1990). The effect of a market orientation on business profitability, Journal of Marketing. 54(4), 20–35.
- [29] G. Dessler, (2019). İnsan kaynakları yönetimi, Palme Yayınevi.
- [30] S. Curkovic, N. Fernandez, (2016). Closing the gap in undergraduate supply chain education through live experiential learning, American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 6(06), p. 697.
- [31] M. Göttlichová, R. Soukalova, (2015). Options for innovation of marketing approaches to the market in the non-profit sector, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 175, 334–341.
- [32] D.A. Deveci, (2016). Deniz Ulaştırması: İşletmeler ve İşlevler, in Denizcilik İşletmeleri Yönetimi, D.A.D. v. E.G. Cerit, S. Ed., İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
- [33] M. Keskin, (2018). Lojistik tedarik zinciri yönetimi, Nobel.
- [34] M. Çancı, M. Erdal, (2003). Lojistik yönetimi: Freight forwarder el kitabı 1, UTİKAD.
- [35] D.A. Deveci, İ.B. Çetin, (2013). Gemi acenteleri ve forvarder işletmeleri: İşlevler ve hizmetler, in Denizcilik İşletmeler Yönetimi, Beta Yayınları, pp. 473–501.
- [36] K. Hayashi, N. Toshinori, (2015). Intermodal freight transport and logistics, in Maritime Logistics, D.-W. Song, P.M. Panayides, Eds., KoganPage.
- [37] A. Simushkov, E. Korovyakovsky, M. Laisi, (2009). Technical Aspects of E-learning Systems for the International Programs in the Field of Logistics, in Final Report of Cross-Border Project Called “Development of Logistics for Supplier Net Models” (Lognet).
- [38] C. Marinagi, P. Trivellas, P. Kofakis, G.T. Tsoulfas, P. Rekleitis, (2019). E-training on green logistics in the agri-food sector, Scientific Papers Series-Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development. 19(2), 249–256.
- [39] V. Cherniavskyi, S. Voloshynov, O. Volska, N. Panchenko, A. Vasiljevs, T. Bezverkhnuik, (2020). Developing teachers digital competence in transport and logistics through blended learning tools, in ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2019, Springer, pp. 311–318.
- [40] G. Neumann, (2008). Simulation education in logistics: case studies in a virtual learning environment, in Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Modeling and Simulation, eds. LS Louca, pp. 441–446.
- [41] Ł. Wiechetek, (2018). Improving knowledge and skills with video-sharing websites. Framework of e-learning video course for students of logistics, in Proceedings of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, pp. 5–7.
- [42] H. Kang, (2021). Sample size determination and power analysis using the G Power software, Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions. 18.*
- [43] S. Hines, J. Ramsbotham, F. Coyer, (2022). A theory-based research literacy intervention for nurses: A pilot study, Nursing Forum. 57(6), 1052–1058.
- [44] N. Yiğit, A.R. Akdeniz, (2003). Fizik öğretiminde bilgisayar destekli etkinliklerin öğrenci kazanımları üzerine etkisi elektrik devreleri örneği, Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 23(3).
- [45] J. Bartlett, (2019). Introduction to sample size calculation using G Power, European Journal of Social Psychology.*
- [46] Y. Kim, M. Chae, H. Yang, (2021). Simultaneous cognitive-physical dual task training based on fairy tales in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study, Geriatric Nursing. 42(5), 1156–1163.
- [47] A.M. Escalante-Gonzalbo, Y.S. Ramírez-Graullera, H. Pasantes, J.J. Aguilar-Chalé, G.I. Sánchez-Castillo, X.A. Escutia-Macedo, T.M. Briseño-Soriano, P. Franco-Castro, A.L. Estrada-Rosales, S.E. Vázquez-Abundes, (2021). Safety, feasibility, and acceptability of a new virtual rehabilitation platform: a supervised pilot study, Rehabilitation Process and Outcome. 10.
- [48] C. Aggar, L. Shinners, T. Thomas, L. Stockhausen, (2020). Experiences of internationally qualified registered nurses enrolled in a bridging program in Australia: A pilot study, Collegian. 27(3), 298–303.
- [49] S. Rachman-Elbaum, A.H. Stark, J. Kachal, T. Johnson, B.S. Porat-Katz, (2017). Online training introduces a novel approach to the Dietetic Care Process documentation, Nutrition & Dietetics. 74(4), 365–371.
- [50] G. Garren, (2009). SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple guide and reference, 16.0 update, Pearson, Boston.
- [51] Ş. Kalaycı, (2016). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, Turkey.
- [52] Ş. İlkörücü-Göçmençelebi, M. Özkan, (2010). İlköğretim altıncı sınıf öğrencilerinin fen bilgisi dersinde öğrendikleri biyoloji bilgilerini günlük yaşamla ilişkilendirme düzeylerini ölçmeye yönelik bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması, Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 23(1), 121–132.
- [53] J.F. Hair, W.C. Black, B.J. Babin, R.E. Anderson, R.L. Tatham, (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, Essex.