Yeni Nesil Savaş Uçaklarına Yönelik Görev Planlama Sistemi
Yıl 2024,
, 655 - 668, 18.06.2024
Ersin Esenli
Anıl Özer
Ömer Faruk Savaş
İlerleyen teknolojinin askeri havacılık alanına uygulanması ile yeni nesil savaş uçakları geliştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Yeni nesil uçaklar harekât ortamında fark yaratabilecek özelliklere sahip olsalar bile karmaşık sistemlerden oluşmaları nedeniyle bugüne dek hiç olmadığı kadar uçuş öncesi hazırlığa ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada yeni nesil bir uçağa ait görev planlama sisteminin nasıl tasarlanması gerektiği, yeni nesil bir uçağa ait görev planlama sisteminin hangi bileşenlerden oluşması gerektiği incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında yeni nesil bir uçağın sahip olduğu teknolojilerin etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi amacıyla geliştirilmesi gereken görev planlama sisteminin fonksiyonel özellikleri tanımlanmıştır.
Etik Beyan
Yapılan çalışmada araştırma ve yayın etiğine uyulmuştur.
- AGARD AR-296 (1991). Mission Planning Systems for Tactical Aircraft (Pre-flight and In-Flight). ISBN 92-835-0615-4.
- AGARD AR-313 (1992). Mission Planning Systems for Tactical Aircraft (Pre-flight and In-Flight). ISBN 92-835-0697-9
- Dr Layton, Peter (2017). Fifth Generation Air Warfare. Royal Australıan Aır Force Aır Power Development Centre ISSN 2200-1697 Sf: 43.
- Daley, S. (2019). Effectıvely Recruıtıng and Retaınıng Fıfth-Generatıon Aırmen for the F-35 Fıfth-Generatıon Weapon Systems Wıthın the Aır Natıonal Guard. United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College Marine Corps University Sf: 2.
- Garrett, T., (1990). Close Air Support: Which way do we go? Doi:10.55540/0031-1723.1553 Sf: 33.
- Gillott, Mark A., (1998) Breaking the Mission Planning Bottleneck: A New Paradigm. Air Command and Staff College. AU/ACSC/099/1998-04 Sf: 1-2.
- Gluck, K. A., Ziegler, J., Nolan, B., Eberle, A., Duckro, D., Cline, J., Nelson, L., Setlur, V. & Wallace, Z. (2019). Emerging Innovations for Next Generation Mission Planning and Debrief. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2019 Sf: 2;5.
- Güntürkün, Rüştü (2022). Developments in Warplanes from World War II to the Present Day. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) 2320-9364 Sf: 310.
- Kozanidis, G., Liberopoulos,G., Pitsilkas,C. (2010) Flight and Maintenance Planning of Military Aircraft for Maximum Fleet Availability. Military Operations Research , 2010, Vol. 15, No. 1 Sf: 53.
- Martinic, G. (2015) Jet Fighter Aircraft – Five ‘Generations’ Later, and Still Counting. Australian Naval Institute Sf: 2.
- Matthew J. O'Rourke, John N. Ralstonf and Stefan J. KIoc (1996) AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc, January 1996 A9618741, AIAA Paper 96-0786 Sf: 2.
- Neujahr, H., Sandl, P., Schumann, J., Simmat, S., Sulzberger, D. (2003) Intuitive Mission Planning on a Digital Map Table. Critical Design Issues for the Human-Machine Interface SCI Symposium. RTO-MP-112 Sf: 2.
- Quttineh, N. H., Lundberg, K., Holmberg, K., & Larsson, T. (2012). Aircraft Mission Planning. Linköping University, Sweden Sf: 4;10.
- Reus A, Vlasblom J, Arents R. (2021). 5th Gen Mission Planning: Integrated Systems and Algorithms. DOI: 10.14339/STO-MP-MSG-184-06-PDF Sf: 6-3
- STANAG 3700 (1985). NATO Tactical Air Doctrine (ATP-33(B)) Edition 4.
- Urings, J., Spijkervet, A. (1986) Tactıcal Mission Planning and Management. AGARD Conference Proceedings No:388 Ch.9 Sf: 9-1,2.
- URL-1: Lockheed Martin, “F-35 capabilities, Multi-Mission Capability for Emerging Global Threats,” erişim tarihi: 02 Mart 2024
Mission Planning System for Next Generation Jet Fighter
Yıl 2024,
, 655 - 668, 18.06.2024
Ersin Esenli
Anıl Özer
Ömer Faruk Savaş
With the adaption of advanced technology to the military aviation, next generation air fighters have been started to be developed. Even though the new generation aircraft have features that can make a difference in the operational environment, they need pre-flight preparation more than ever because of their complex architecture. In this study, the innovations brought by the mission planning of a next-generation aircraft, what the components of the mission planning system should be and how they should be constructed are discussed. Within the scope of the study, the functional features of the mission planning system, which should be developed in order to use the technologies of a next-generation aircraft effectively, are defined.
- AGARD AR-296 (1991). Mission Planning Systems for Tactical Aircraft (Pre-flight and In-Flight). ISBN 92-835-0615-4.
- AGARD AR-313 (1992). Mission Planning Systems for Tactical Aircraft (Pre-flight and In-Flight). ISBN 92-835-0697-9
- Dr Layton, Peter (2017). Fifth Generation Air Warfare. Royal Australıan Aır Force Aır Power Development Centre ISSN 2200-1697 Sf: 43.
- Daley, S. (2019). Effectıvely Recruıtıng and Retaınıng Fıfth-Generatıon Aırmen for the F-35 Fıfth-Generatıon Weapon Systems Wıthın the Aır Natıonal Guard. United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College Marine Corps University Sf: 2.
- Garrett, T., (1990). Close Air Support: Which way do we go? Doi:10.55540/0031-1723.1553 Sf: 33.
- Gillott, Mark A., (1998) Breaking the Mission Planning Bottleneck: A New Paradigm. Air Command and Staff College. AU/ACSC/099/1998-04 Sf: 1-2.
- Gluck, K. A., Ziegler, J., Nolan, B., Eberle, A., Duckro, D., Cline, J., Nelson, L., Setlur, V. & Wallace, Z. (2019). Emerging Innovations for Next Generation Mission Planning and Debrief. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2019 Sf: 2;5.
- Güntürkün, Rüştü (2022). Developments in Warplanes from World War II to the Present Day. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) 2320-9364 Sf: 310.
- Kozanidis, G., Liberopoulos,G., Pitsilkas,C. (2010) Flight and Maintenance Planning of Military Aircraft for Maximum Fleet Availability. Military Operations Research , 2010, Vol. 15, No. 1 Sf: 53.
- Martinic, G. (2015) Jet Fighter Aircraft – Five ‘Generations’ Later, and Still Counting. Australian Naval Institute Sf: 2.
- Matthew J. O'Rourke, John N. Ralstonf and Stefan J. KIoc (1996) AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc, January 1996 A9618741, AIAA Paper 96-0786 Sf: 2.
- Neujahr, H., Sandl, P., Schumann, J., Simmat, S., Sulzberger, D. (2003) Intuitive Mission Planning on a Digital Map Table. Critical Design Issues for the Human-Machine Interface SCI Symposium. RTO-MP-112 Sf: 2.
- Quttineh, N. H., Lundberg, K., Holmberg, K., & Larsson, T. (2012). Aircraft Mission Planning. Linköping University, Sweden Sf: 4;10.
- Reus A, Vlasblom J, Arents R. (2021). 5th Gen Mission Planning: Integrated Systems and Algorithms. DOI: 10.14339/STO-MP-MSG-184-06-PDF Sf: 6-3
- STANAG 3700 (1985). NATO Tactical Air Doctrine (ATP-33(B)) Edition 4.
- Urings, J., Spijkervet, A. (1986) Tactıcal Mission Planning and Management. AGARD Conference Proceedings No:388 Ch.9 Sf: 9-1,2.
- URL-1: Lockheed Martin, “F-35 capabilities, Multi-Mission Capability for Emerging Global Threats,” erişim tarihi: 02 Mart 2024