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Iron adsorption capacity of some moss species used for heavy metal analysis

Yıl 2018, , 216 - 226, 31.12.2018


Mosses, covering about 23000 species of all land plants in the world, have been widely used as an indicator of heavy metal pollution in many studies. In this study, we have first analyzed the Iron adsorption capacities of six different moss species by means of using EDXRF spectrometry method. For analysis with EDXRF, the 40 mg tablets which were prepared from lichen and moss samples by sieving with 400 mesh, were irradiated by 241Am radioactive sources emitting 59,5 keV photons. Photons passed through the samples were counted by Ultra LEGe detector with multi channel analyser. The adsorption capacities of the studied six mosses are found in descending order as Eurhynchium striatum, Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi, Eurhynchium striatulum, Homalothecium sericeum and Thuidium tamariscinum. Then, we have regularized the Fe adsorption levels for the moss species obtained from different regions along one of the important coast highway in Turkey, namely Sarp-Samsun highway, with respect to the determined adsorption capacities.


  • Cevik, U., Koz, B., Makarovska, Y. (2010). Heavy Metal Analysis in Iskenderun Bay in Turkey. X-Ray Spectrometry, 39, 3, 202-207.
  • Frey, W., Fram, J.P., Fischer, E., Lobin,W. (1995). Die Moos-und Farnpflanzen Europas, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Freer-Smith, P.H., El-Khatib, A.A., Taylor, G. (2004). Capture of particulate pollution by trees: a comparison of species typical of semi-arid areas (Ficus nitida and Eucalyptus globulus) within European and North American species. Water Air & Soil Pollution, 155, 173-187.
  • Grodzinska, K., Szarek-Lukaszewska, G. (2001). Response of mosses to the heavy metal deposition in Poland-an overwiev. Environmental Pollution, 114, 443-451.
  • Harrison, R.M., Smith, D.J.T., Luhana, L. (1996). Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons collected from an urban location in Birmingham, UK. Environmental Science and Technology, 30, 825-832.
  • Kardel, F., Wuyts, K., Maher, B.A., Samson, R. (2012). Intra-Urban spatial variation of magnetic particles: Monitoring via leaf saturation isothermal remanent magnetization(SIRM). Atmospheric Environment, 55, 111-120.
  • Koz, B., Cevik, U., Ozdemir, T., Duran, C., Kaya, S., Gundogdu, A., Celik, N. (2008). Analysis of mosses along Sarp-Samsun highway in Turkey. Journal of Hazardous Materials,153, 646-654.
  • Kristensson, A., Johansson, C., Westerholm, R., Swietlicki, E., Gidhagen, L.,Widequist, U., Vesely, V. (2004). Real-world traffic emission factors of gases and particles measured in a road tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden. Atmospheric Environment, 38(7), 657-673,
  • Lee, C.S.L., Li, X., Zhang, G., Peng, X., Li, Z. (2005). Biomonitoring of trace metals in the atmosphere using moss (Hypnum plumaeforme) in the Nanling Mountains and the Pearl River Delta, Southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 39, 397-407.
  • Maher, B.A., Moore, C., Matzka, J. (2008). Spatial variation in vehicle-derived metal pollution identified by magnetic and elemental analysis of roadside tree leaves. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 364-373.
  • Mitchell, R., Maher, B.A., Kinnersley, R. (2010). Rates of particulate pollution deposition onto leaf surfaces: temporal and inter-species magnetic analyses. Environmental Pollution, 158, 1472-1478.
  • Pedrotti, C.C. (2001). Flora Dei Muschi D’Italia, Roma, Italia.
  • Rauch, S., Lu, M., Morrison, G.M. (2001). Heterogenity of platinum group metals in airborne particles. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 595-599.
  • Schofield, W.B. (2001). Introduction to Bryology. The Blackburn Press, Cardwell, New Jersey: U.S.A., pp. 263-267.
  • Smith, A.J.E. (2004). The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., pp. 748, 816, 846, 849, 902, 924.
  • Uyar, G., Ören, M., İnce, M. (2007). Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition in Düzce Province by Using Mosses as Biomonitors. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16, 145-153.
  • Weijers, E.P., Khlystov, A.Y., Kos, G.P.A., Erisman, J.W. (2004). Variability of particulate matter concentrations along roads and motorways determined by a moving measurement unit. Atmospheric Environment, 38, 2993-3002.
  • Wolterbeek, B. (2002). Biomonitoring of trace element air pollution: principles, possibilities and perspectives. Environmental Pollution, 120(1), 11-21.
  • Zechmeister, H.G., Hohenwallner, D., Riss, A., Hanus-Illnar, A. (2005). Estimation of element deposition derived from road sources by using mosses. Environmental Pollution, 138, 238-249.

Ağır Metal Analizlerinde Kullanılan Bazı Karayosunu Türlerinin Demir Absorplama Yetenekleri

Yıl 2018, , 216 - 226, 31.12.2018


Karayosunlarının bütün dünyada 23000 türü vardır ve ağır metal kirlilik çalışmalarında indikator olarak çok fazla kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, biz EDXRF spekrometre yöntemini kullanarak altı farklı karayosunu türünün demir absorplama kapasitesini ilk kez analiz ettik. 400 mesh’lik eleklerden elenerek 40 mg’lık tablet haline getirilen karayosunu örnekleri 241Am radyoaktif kaynağından yayılan 59,5 keV’lik fotonlara maruz bırakıldı. Numunelerden geçen fotonlar Ultra LEGe dedektörü ve buna bağlı çok kanallı analizör kullanılarak sayıldı. Altı farklı karayosunu türünün absorplama kapasiteleri, sırasıyla şu şekilde azaldığı bulunmuştur; Eurhynchium striatum, Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi, Eurhynchium striatulum, Homalothecium sericeum ve Thuidium tamariscinum. Daha sonra, Türkiye’nin önemli sahil otoyollarında biri olan, Sarp-Samsun otoyolu boyunca farklı bölgelerden elde edilmiş karayosunu türleri için belirlenen Fe absorpsiyon seviyelerindeki muhtemel değişimlerle düzenledik.


  • Cevik, U., Koz, B., Makarovska, Y. (2010). Heavy Metal Analysis in Iskenderun Bay in Turkey. X-Ray Spectrometry, 39, 3, 202-207.
  • Frey, W., Fram, J.P., Fischer, E., Lobin,W. (1995). Die Moos-und Farnpflanzen Europas, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Freer-Smith, P.H., El-Khatib, A.A., Taylor, G. (2004). Capture of particulate pollution by trees: a comparison of species typical of semi-arid areas (Ficus nitida and Eucalyptus globulus) within European and North American species. Water Air & Soil Pollution, 155, 173-187.
  • Grodzinska, K., Szarek-Lukaszewska, G. (2001). Response of mosses to the heavy metal deposition in Poland-an overwiev. Environmental Pollution, 114, 443-451.
  • Harrison, R.M., Smith, D.J.T., Luhana, L. (1996). Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons collected from an urban location in Birmingham, UK. Environmental Science and Technology, 30, 825-832.
  • Kardel, F., Wuyts, K., Maher, B.A., Samson, R. (2012). Intra-Urban spatial variation of magnetic particles: Monitoring via leaf saturation isothermal remanent magnetization(SIRM). Atmospheric Environment, 55, 111-120.
  • Koz, B., Cevik, U., Ozdemir, T., Duran, C., Kaya, S., Gundogdu, A., Celik, N. (2008). Analysis of mosses along Sarp-Samsun highway in Turkey. Journal of Hazardous Materials,153, 646-654.
  • Kristensson, A., Johansson, C., Westerholm, R., Swietlicki, E., Gidhagen, L.,Widequist, U., Vesely, V. (2004). Real-world traffic emission factors of gases and particles measured in a road tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden. Atmospheric Environment, 38(7), 657-673,
  • Lee, C.S.L., Li, X., Zhang, G., Peng, X., Li, Z. (2005). Biomonitoring of trace metals in the atmosphere using moss (Hypnum plumaeforme) in the Nanling Mountains and the Pearl River Delta, Southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 39, 397-407.
  • Maher, B.A., Moore, C., Matzka, J. (2008). Spatial variation in vehicle-derived metal pollution identified by magnetic and elemental analysis of roadside tree leaves. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 364-373.
  • Mitchell, R., Maher, B.A., Kinnersley, R. (2010). Rates of particulate pollution deposition onto leaf surfaces: temporal and inter-species magnetic analyses. Environmental Pollution, 158, 1472-1478.
  • Pedrotti, C.C. (2001). Flora Dei Muschi D’Italia, Roma, Italia.
  • Rauch, S., Lu, M., Morrison, G.M. (2001). Heterogenity of platinum group metals in airborne particles. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 595-599.
  • Schofield, W.B. (2001). Introduction to Bryology. The Blackburn Press, Cardwell, New Jersey: U.S.A., pp. 263-267.
  • Smith, A.J.E. (2004). The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., pp. 748, 816, 846, 849, 902, 924.
  • Uyar, G., Ören, M., İnce, M. (2007). Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition in Düzce Province by Using Mosses as Biomonitors. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16, 145-153.
  • Weijers, E.P., Khlystov, A.Y., Kos, G.P.A., Erisman, J.W. (2004). Variability of particulate matter concentrations along roads and motorways determined by a moving measurement unit. Atmospheric Environment, 38, 2993-3002.
  • Wolterbeek, B. (2002). Biomonitoring of trace element air pollution: principles, possibilities and perspectives. Environmental Pollution, 120(1), 11-21.
  • Zechmeister, H.G., Hohenwallner, D., Riss, A., Hanus-Illnar, A. (2005). Estimation of element deposition derived from road sources by using mosses. Environmental Pollution, 138, 238-249.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Bahadır Koz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Koz, B. (2018). Ağır Metal Analizlerinde Kullanılan Bazı Karayosunu Türlerinin Demir Absorplama Yetenekleri. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 216-226. https://doi.org/10.31466/kfbd.471096