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Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Ağır Betonun Fiziksel, Mekanik, Radyasyon Tutuculuk Özellikleri

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 133 - 151, 15.03.2025


Bu araştırmanın amacı, çeşitli katkı maddeleri ile hazırlanan barit agregalı kendiliğinden yerleşen betonun radyasyon, mekanik ve fiziksel özelliklerini belirlemektir. Farklı katkı maddeleri kullanılarak üretilen kendiliğinden yerleşen ağır beton numuneleri üzerinde V hunisi, çökme-yayılma, çökme, basınç dayanımı, hava boşluğu, numunelerin yoğunluk değerleri, radyasyon zırhlama değerleri gibi fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla deneyler yapılmıştır. En yüksek lineer soğurma katsayısı, CNT 4 katkılı beton numunesinde 0,2859 cm⁻¹ olarak belirlenmiştir. En düşük değer (0,2775 cm⁻¹), CNT 2 içeren numunede ölçülmüştür. CNT 1 ve CNT 3 için lineer soğurma katsayıları sırasıyla 0,2794 cm⁻¹ ve 0,2818 cm⁻¹ olarak kaydedilmiştir. Polikarboksilik eter esaslı katkı maddeleri arasında CNT 3 en iyi radyasyon tutuculuk özelliği göstermiştir.


  • Adhikary, S.K., Ashish, D.K., Sharma, H., Patel, J., Rudžionis, Ž., Al-Ajamee, M., Khatib, J.M. (2022). Lightweight self-compacting concrete: A review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances. 15: 200107.
  • Aïssoun, B., Khayat, K., Gallias, J.L. (2016). Variations of sorptivity with rheological properties of concrete cover in self-consolidating concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 113, 113–120, j.conbuildmat.2016.03.006.
  • Aïtcin, P., Flatt, R.J. (2016). Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures, Woodhead Publishing Limited,
  • Akkurt, I. Akyildirim, H., Karipçin, F., Mavi, B. (2012). Chemical corrosion on gamma-ray attenuation properties of barite concrete, J. Saudi Chem. Soc. 16: 199– 202.
  • Akkurt, I. Akyildirim, H., Mavi, B., Kilincarslan, S., Basyigit, C. (2010). Photon attenuation coefficients of concrete includes barite in different rate, Anna. Nucl. Energy 37: 910–914.
  • Akkurt, I., Basyigit, C., Kilincarslan, S., Mavi, B., Akkurt, A. (2006). Radiation shielding of concretes containing different aggregates, Cem. Concr. Compos. 28 (2): 153–157.
  • Akkurt, I., Emikönel, S., Akarslan, F., Günoğlu, K., Kilincarslan, S., Uncu, I. (2015). Barite effect on radiation shielding properties of cotton-polyester fabric. Acta Physica Polonica A. 128(2B).
  • Alhussainy, F., Hasan, H.A., Rogic, Sheikh, M.N., Hadi, M.N. (2016). Direct tensile testing of self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 112: 903-906.
  • Ardahanlı, M., Oltulu, M., Alameri, I. (2021). The Effect of Preheating on the Properties of the Fly Ash Self-Compacting Concrete. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 4(3), 81-88.
  • Ardahanlı, M., Oltulu, M., Alameri, I. (2021). Uçucu Küllü Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Betonun Özellikleri Üzerine Ön Isıtmanın Etkisi. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 4(3), 81-88.
  • Ashish, D.K., Verma, S.K. (2019). An overview on mixture design of self‐compacting concrete. Structural Concrete. 20(1), 371-395.
  • Bani Ardalan, R., Joshaghani, A., Hooton, R.D., 2017. Workability retention and compressive strength of self-compacting concrete incorporating pumice powder and silica fume. Constr. Build. Mater. 134, 116–122.
  • Belalia, D.O., Boukhatem, B., Ghrici, M., Tagnit-Hamou, A. (2017). Prediction of properties of self-compacting concrete containing fly ash using artificial neural network. Neural Computing and Applications. 28, 707-718.
  • Benli A, Karatas M. 2019. Durability and strength properties of self-compacting mortars produced from triple mixtures with fly ash and silica fume substitutes. DUMF Engineering Journal10: 335-345.
  • Benli, A., Karatas ̧, M., Gurses, E., 2017. Effect of sea water and MgSO4 solution on the mechanical properties and durability of self-compacting mortars with fly ash/silica fume. Constr. Build. Mater. 146, 464–474.
  • Binici, H., Aksogan, O., Durgun, M.Y. (2012). Corrosion of basaltic pumice, colemanite, barite and blast furnace slag coated rebars in concretes. Construct. Build. Mater. 37:629-637.
  • Brouwers, H.J.H., Radix, H.J. (2005). Self-compacting concrete: theoretical and experimental study. Cement and concrete research, 35(11): 2116-2136.
  • Cemalgil, S. (2020). Mechanical properties of barite powder modified self-compacting mortars. DUMF Engineering Journal. 11: 817–823.
  • Damiche, Z., Lounis, M., Hamadache, M., Maachou, H., Chaib, O. (2020). Rheological study of heavy cement grouts with physical and chemical characterization of barite powder. Asian J. Civ. Eng. 21: 805–813.
  • Demirel, S., Öz, H.Ö. (2017). Effect of waste materials on performance of self compacting concrete: a review. KSU Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(3):40-48.
  • Esen, Y., Kurt, A. (2018). Effect of high temperature in concrete for different mineral additives and rates. KSCE J. Civ. Eng. 22, 1288–1294.
  • Faraj, R.H., Ali, H.F.H., Sherwani, A.F.H., Hassan, B.R., Karim, H. (2020). Use of recycled plastic in self-compacting concrete: A comprehensive review on fresh and mechanical properties. Journal of Building Engineering. 30:101283.
  • Gonen, T., Yazıcıoğlu, S. (2021). The Effect of Mineral Admixtures on Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Self- Compacting Lightweight Concrete with Pumice Aggregate. El-Cezeri, 8(1), 94-101.
  • Goodier, C.I. (2003). Development of self-compacting concrete. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 156(4): 405-414.
  • Goyal, M., Goyal, H. (2018). A review paper on use of recycled aggregates in concrete, Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol. 6: 113–119.
  • Güneyisi, E., Gesoglu, M., Al-Goody, A., İpek, S., 2015. Fresh and rheological behavior of nano-silica and fly ash blended self-compacting concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. 95, 29–44.
  • Güneyisi, E., Gesoğlu, M., Algin, Z., 2013. Performance of self-compacting concrete (SCC) with high-volume supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). Eco- Efficient Concrete, 198–217.
  • Hisham, Q. (2018). Fresh properties of green SCC made with recycled steel slag coarse aggregate under normal and hot weather. J. Clean. Prod. 204: 980–991.
  • Hwang, S.D., Khayat, K.H. (2012). Comparison of in situ properties of wall elements cast using self-consolidating concrete, Mater. Struct. Constr. 45, 123–141,
  • Jalal, M., Pouladkhan, A., Harandi, O.F., Jafari, D., 2015. Comparative study on effects of Class F fly ash, nano silica and silica fume on properties of high performance self compacting concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. 94, 90–104.
  • Khan, M.U., Ahmad, S., Naqvi, A.A., Al-Gahtani, H.J. (2020). Shielding performance of heavy-weight ultra-high-performance concrete against nuclear radiation. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 130: 103550.
  • Kilincarslan S, Akkurt I, Uncu I, Akarslan F. (2016). Determination of radiation shielding properties of cotton polyester blend fabric coated with different barite rate. Acta Physica Polonica A, 129(4), 878-879.
  • Kilincarslan, S., Iskender, A., Uncu, I.S. (2018). Investigation of the effect of coating method on the radiation shielding properties of terry cotton fabric. The Journal of Medical Research. 18(1).
  • Kılınçarslan, S., Coskunsu, A. (2022). Investigation of physical properties of heavy concrete with self compacting produced by using different additives. Journal of Technical Science. 12(2): 6-13.
  • Kostrzanowska-Siedlarz, A., Gołaszewski, J. (2015). Rheological properties and the air content in fresh concrete for self compacting high performance concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 94, 555–564, j.conbuildmat.2015.07.051.
  • Koura, B.I.O., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., Kadri, E.H., Kaci, A. (2020). A new proportioning approach of low and normal binder self-consolidating concrete based on the characteristics of fine mortar and granular skeleton, Constr. Build. Mater. 239, 117892, 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117892.
  • Kurt, M., A.C. Aydin, M.S. Gül, R. Gül, and T. Kotan, The effect of fly ash to self- compactability of pumice aggregate lightweight concrete. Sadhana, 2015. 40(4): p. 1343-1359.
  • Lilesh, G., Jinendra, K.J., Abhishek, J., Pawan, K. (2022). Recycling of bone China ceramic waste as cement replacement to produce sustainable self-compacting concrete. Structures. 37: 364-378.
  • Mahure, S.H., Mohitkar, V., Ravi, K., 2014. Effect of Fly Ash on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self Compacting Concrete. I JESRT International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology 3 (2), 944–948.
  • Md, N., Jhutan Chandra, K., Jhanssen, O., Camargo, C., Prabir, K.S. (2020). Fresh and hardened properties of high strength self-compacting concrete using by-product ferronickel slag fine aggregate. J. Build. Eng. 32.
  • Md, N., Jhutan Chandra, K., Prabir, K.S.(2022). Strength, permeability and microstructure of self-compacting concrete with the dual use of ferronickel slag as fine aggregate and supplementary binder. Construct. Build. Mater. 318, 125927.
  • Megid, W.A., Khayat, K.H. (2018). Effect of concrete rheological properties on quality of formed surfaces cast with self-consolidating concrete and superworkable concrete, Cem. Concr. Compos. 93, 75–84, cemconcomp.2018.06.016.
  • Meko, B., Ighalo, J.O., Ofuyatan, O.M. (2021). Enhancement of self-compactability of fresh self-compacting concrete: A review. Cleaner Materials, 1: 100019.
  • Mohan, A., Mini, K.M. (2018). Strength and durability studies of SCC incorporating silica fume and ultra-fine GGBS. Construct. Build. Mater. 171: 919–928.
  • Naik, T.R., Kumar, R., Ramme, B.W., Canpolat, F., 2012. Development of high-strength, economical self-consolidating concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. 30, 463–469.
  • Neelam, P., Rafat, S. (2012). Effect of elevated temperatures on properties of self-compacting-concrete containing fly ash and spent foundry sand. Construct. Build. Mater. 34: 512–521.
  • Okamura, H., Ouchi, M. (2003). Self-compacting concrete. Journal of advanced concrete technology, 1(1): 5-15.
  • Pelisser, F., Vieira, A., Bernardin, A.M. (2018). Efficient self-compacting concrete with low cement consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production. 175, 324-332.
  • Rajakarunakaran, S.A., Lourdu, A.R., Muthusamy, S., Panchal, H., Alrubaie, A.J., Jaber, M.M., Ali, S.H.M. (2022). Prediction of strength and analysis in self-compacting concrete using machine learning based regression techniques. Advances in Engineering Software, 173:103267.
  • Revilla-Cuesta, V., Skaf, M., Faleschini, F., Manso, J.M., Ortega-López, V. (2020). Self-compacting concrete manufactured with recycled concrete aggregate: An overview. Journal of Cleaner Production. 262, 121362.
  • Ryan, P.C., O’Connor, A., 2016. Comparing the durability of self-compacting concretes and conventionally vibrated concretes in chloride rich environments. Constr. Build. Mater. 120, 504–513.
  • Saidani, K., Ajam, L., Ben Ouezdou, M. (2015). Barite powder as sand substitutionin concrete: effect on some mechanical properties, Construct. Build. Mater. 95, 287–295,
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Physical, Mechanical, Radiation Shielding Properties of Self-Compacting Heavy Concrete

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 133 - 151, 15.03.2025


The purpose of this research is to ascertain the radiation, mechanical, and physical characteristics of self-compacting concrete with barite aggregate that has been prepared with various additives. Experiments were carried out on self-compacting heavy concrete samples produced using different additives to determine their physical and mechanical properties such as V-funnel, slump-spreading, collapse, compressive strength, air gap, density values of the samples, and radiation shielding values. The highest linear attenuation coefficient was 0.2859 cm⁻¹, observed in the concrete sample with CNT 4 additive. The lowest value (0.2775 cm⁻¹) was measured in the sample containing CNT 2. For CNT 1 and CNT 3, the linear attenuation coefficients were recorded as 0.2794 cm⁻¹ and 0.2818 cm⁻¹, respectively. Among the polycarboxylic ether-based additives, CNT 3 demonstrated the best radiation shielding properties.


  • Adhikary, S.K., Ashish, D.K., Sharma, H., Patel, J., Rudžionis, Ž., Al-Ajamee, M., Khatib, J.M. (2022). Lightweight self-compacting concrete: A review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances. 15: 200107.
  • Aïssoun, B., Khayat, K., Gallias, J.L. (2016). Variations of sorptivity with rheological properties of concrete cover in self-consolidating concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 113, 113–120, j.conbuildmat.2016.03.006.
  • Aïtcin, P., Flatt, R.J. (2016). Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures, Woodhead Publishing Limited,
  • Akkurt, I. Akyildirim, H., Karipçin, F., Mavi, B. (2012). Chemical corrosion on gamma-ray attenuation properties of barite concrete, J. Saudi Chem. Soc. 16: 199– 202.
  • Akkurt, I. Akyildirim, H., Mavi, B., Kilincarslan, S., Basyigit, C. (2010). Photon attenuation coefficients of concrete includes barite in different rate, Anna. Nucl. Energy 37: 910–914.
  • Akkurt, I., Basyigit, C., Kilincarslan, S., Mavi, B., Akkurt, A. (2006). Radiation shielding of concretes containing different aggregates, Cem. Concr. Compos. 28 (2): 153–157.
  • Akkurt, I., Emikönel, S., Akarslan, F., Günoğlu, K., Kilincarslan, S., Uncu, I. (2015). Barite effect on radiation shielding properties of cotton-polyester fabric. Acta Physica Polonica A. 128(2B).
  • Alhussainy, F., Hasan, H.A., Rogic, Sheikh, M.N., Hadi, M.N. (2016). Direct tensile testing of self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 112: 903-906.
  • Ardahanlı, M., Oltulu, M., Alameri, I. (2021). The Effect of Preheating on the Properties of the Fly Ash Self-Compacting Concrete. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 4(3), 81-88.
  • Ardahanlı, M., Oltulu, M., Alameri, I. (2021). Uçucu Küllü Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Betonun Özellikleri Üzerine Ön Isıtmanın Etkisi. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 4(3), 81-88.
  • Ashish, D.K., Verma, S.K. (2019). An overview on mixture design of self‐compacting concrete. Structural Concrete. 20(1), 371-395.
  • Bani Ardalan, R., Joshaghani, A., Hooton, R.D., 2017. Workability retention and compressive strength of self-compacting concrete incorporating pumice powder and silica fume. Constr. Build. Mater. 134, 116–122.
  • Belalia, D.O., Boukhatem, B., Ghrici, M., Tagnit-Hamou, A. (2017). Prediction of properties of self-compacting concrete containing fly ash using artificial neural network. Neural Computing and Applications. 28, 707-718.
  • Benli A, Karatas M. 2019. Durability and strength properties of self-compacting mortars produced from triple mixtures with fly ash and silica fume substitutes. DUMF Engineering Journal10: 335-345.
  • Benli, A., Karatas ̧, M., Gurses, E., 2017. Effect of sea water and MgSO4 solution on the mechanical properties and durability of self-compacting mortars with fly ash/silica fume. Constr. Build. Mater. 146, 464–474.
  • Binici, H., Aksogan, O., Durgun, M.Y. (2012). Corrosion of basaltic pumice, colemanite, barite and blast furnace slag coated rebars in concretes. Construct. Build. Mater. 37:629-637.
  • Brouwers, H.J.H., Radix, H.J. (2005). Self-compacting concrete: theoretical and experimental study. Cement and concrete research, 35(11): 2116-2136.
  • Cemalgil, S. (2020). Mechanical properties of barite powder modified self-compacting mortars. DUMF Engineering Journal. 11: 817–823.
  • Damiche, Z., Lounis, M., Hamadache, M., Maachou, H., Chaib, O. (2020). Rheological study of heavy cement grouts with physical and chemical characterization of barite powder. Asian J. Civ. Eng. 21: 805–813.
  • Demirel, S., Öz, H.Ö. (2017). Effect of waste materials on performance of self compacting concrete: a review. KSU Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(3):40-48.
  • Esen, Y., Kurt, A. (2018). Effect of high temperature in concrete for different mineral additives and rates. KSCE J. Civ. Eng. 22, 1288–1294.
  • Faraj, R.H., Ali, H.F.H., Sherwani, A.F.H., Hassan, B.R., Karim, H. (2020). Use of recycled plastic in self-compacting concrete: A comprehensive review on fresh and mechanical properties. Journal of Building Engineering. 30:101283.
  • Gonen, T., Yazıcıoğlu, S. (2021). The Effect of Mineral Admixtures on Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Self- Compacting Lightweight Concrete with Pumice Aggregate. El-Cezeri, 8(1), 94-101.
  • Goodier, C.I. (2003). Development of self-compacting concrete. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 156(4): 405-414.
  • Goyal, M., Goyal, H. (2018). A review paper on use of recycled aggregates in concrete, Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol. 6: 113–119.
  • Güneyisi, E., Gesoglu, M., Al-Goody, A., İpek, S., 2015. Fresh and rheological behavior of nano-silica and fly ash blended self-compacting concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. 95, 29–44.
  • Güneyisi, E., Gesoğlu, M., Algin, Z., 2013. Performance of self-compacting concrete (SCC) with high-volume supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). Eco- Efficient Concrete, 198–217.
  • Hisham, Q. (2018). Fresh properties of green SCC made with recycled steel slag coarse aggregate under normal and hot weather. J. Clean. Prod. 204: 980–991.
  • Hwang, S.D., Khayat, K.H. (2012). Comparison of in situ properties of wall elements cast using self-consolidating concrete, Mater. Struct. Constr. 45, 123–141,
  • Jalal, M., Pouladkhan, A., Harandi, O.F., Jafari, D., 2015. Comparative study on effects of Class F fly ash, nano silica and silica fume on properties of high performance self compacting concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. 94, 90–104.
  • Khan, M.U., Ahmad, S., Naqvi, A.A., Al-Gahtani, H.J. (2020). Shielding performance of heavy-weight ultra-high-performance concrete against nuclear radiation. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 130: 103550.
  • Kilincarslan S, Akkurt I, Uncu I, Akarslan F. (2016). Determination of radiation shielding properties of cotton polyester blend fabric coated with different barite rate. Acta Physica Polonica A, 129(4), 878-879.
  • Kilincarslan, S., Iskender, A., Uncu, I.S. (2018). Investigation of the effect of coating method on the radiation shielding properties of terry cotton fabric. The Journal of Medical Research. 18(1).
  • Kılınçarslan, S., Coskunsu, A. (2022). Investigation of physical properties of heavy concrete with self compacting produced by using different additives. Journal of Technical Science. 12(2): 6-13.
  • Kostrzanowska-Siedlarz, A., Gołaszewski, J. (2015). Rheological properties and the air content in fresh concrete for self compacting high performance concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 94, 555–564, j.conbuildmat.2015.07.051.
  • Koura, B.I.O., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., Kadri, E.H., Kaci, A. (2020). A new proportioning approach of low and normal binder self-consolidating concrete based on the characteristics of fine mortar and granular skeleton, Constr. Build. Mater. 239, 117892, 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117892.
  • Kurt, M., A.C. Aydin, M.S. Gül, R. Gül, and T. Kotan, The effect of fly ash to self- compactability of pumice aggregate lightweight concrete. Sadhana, 2015. 40(4): p. 1343-1359.
  • Lilesh, G., Jinendra, K.J., Abhishek, J., Pawan, K. (2022). Recycling of bone China ceramic waste as cement replacement to produce sustainable self-compacting concrete. Structures. 37: 364-378.
  • Mahure, S.H., Mohitkar, V., Ravi, K., 2014. Effect of Fly Ash on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self Compacting Concrete. I JESRT International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology 3 (2), 944–948.
  • Md, N., Jhutan Chandra, K., Jhanssen, O., Camargo, C., Prabir, K.S. (2020). Fresh and hardened properties of high strength self-compacting concrete using by-product ferronickel slag fine aggregate. J. Build. Eng. 32.
  • Md, N., Jhutan Chandra, K., Prabir, K.S.(2022). Strength, permeability and microstructure of self-compacting concrete with the dual use of ferronickel slag as fine aggregate and supplementary binder. Construct. Build. Mater. 318, 125927.
  • Megid, W.A., Khayat, K.H. (2018). Effect of concrete rheological properties on quality of formed surfaces cast with self-consolidating concrete and superworkable concrete, Cem. Concr. Compos. 93, 75–84, cemconcomp.2018.06.016.
  • Meko, B., Ighalo, J.O., Ofuyatan, O.M. (2021). Enhancement of self-compactability of fresh self-compacting concrete: A review. Cleaner Materials, 1: 100019.
  • Mohan, A., Mini, K.M. (2018). Strength and durability studies of SCC incorporating silica fume and ultra-fine GGBS. Construct. Build. Mater. 171: 919–928.
  • Naik, T.R., Kumar, R., Ramme, B.W., Canpolat, F., 2012. Development of high-strength, economical self-consolidating concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. 30, 463–469.
  • Neelam, P., Rafat, S. (2012). Effect of elevated temperatures on properties of self-compacting-concrete containing fly ash and spent foundry sand. Construct. Build. Mater. 34: 512–521.
  • Okamura, H., Ouchi, M. (2003). Self-compacting concrete. Journal of advanced concrete technology, 1(1): 5-15.
  • Pelisser, F., Vieira, A., Bernardin, A.M. (2018). Efficient self-compacting concrete with low cement consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production. 175, 324-332.
  • Rajakarunakaran, S.A., Lourdu, A.R., Muthusamy, S., Panchal, H., Alrubaie, A.J., Jaber, M.M., Ali, S.H.M. (2022). Prediction of strength and analysis in self-compacting concrete using machine learning based regression techniques. Advances in Engineering Software, 173:103267.
  • Revilla-Cuesta, V., Skaf, M., Faleschini, F., Manso, J.M., Ortega-López, V. (2020). Self-compacting concrete manufactured with recycled concrete aggregate: An overview. Journal of Cleaner Production. 262, 121362.
  • Ryan, P.C., O’Connor, A., 2016. Comparing the durability of self-compacting concretes and conventionally vibrated concretes in chloride rich environments. Constr. Build. Mater. 120, 504–513.
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Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yapı Malzemeleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Şemsettin Kılınçarslan 0000-0001-8253-9357

Yasemin Şimşek Türker 0000-0002-3080-0215

Abdullah Coşkunsu 0000-0001-7777-1207

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kılınçarslan, Ş., Şimşek Türker, Y., & Coşkunsu, A. (2025). Physical, Mechanical, Radiation Shielding Properties of Self-Compacting Heavy Concrete. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(1), 133-151.