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Suriye İç Savaşının Sonlandırmasına Uluslararası Örgütlerin Müdahil Olması

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 39, 97 - 135, 12.04.2021


Bu makale, küresel etkileri olan güncel bir trajedi ışığında hazırlanmıştır: Suriye İç Savaşı. Bu araştırmanın önemi, iç savaşı sonlandırmak maksadıyla izlenebilecek yöntemleri inceleme gerekliliğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, bazı uluslararası oluşumların konuya müdahil olmasının uygulanabilirliği, etkinliği ve olası etkileri hakkında analizler ve değerlendirmeler yapmaktır. Bu çalışma, alan içinde bilimsel anlamda yeteri kadar incelenmemiş bir konuyu ele aldığı için literatüre önemli bir katkı sağlayabilecektir. Bu bağlamda, toplam altı senaryo (Sadece BM, sadece NATO, NATO-BM birlikte, NATO-AB birlikte, Koalisyon Kuvvetleri (TUR, ABD, RF) ve Bölgesel Örgütler) belirlenmiş ve bu olası durumlar üzerinden analizler yapılmıştır. Analizler esnasında, nitel araştırma yöntemi ve karşılaştırmalı tasarım kullanılmıştır. Bahse konu senaryolar, bölgesel gerçeklikler, mevcut yetenekler ve uluslararası dinamikler açısından analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda, bu senaryoların çoğunun Suriye'de uygulanabilir, makul ve başarılı olmayacağı ve hatta mevcut durumu daha da kötüleştirebileceği, Orta Doğu'da daha geniş çatışmaları tetikleyebileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, Türkiye, ABD ve RF’nin oluşturacağı bir koalisyon, kurulması zor olsa da, iç savaşı sonlandırmak ve sonrasında Suriye'de istikrarı sağlamak için, diğerlerine göre daha iyi bir senaryo olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu seçenek, iç savaşı sona erdirmek, ardından birleşik, demokratik ve barışçıl bir Suriye oluşturmak ve Orta Doğu'da barış, düzen ve istikrarı sağlamak için gerekli koşulların çoğunu kapsamaktadır.


  • Arı, T. (2013). Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri, Bursa: MKM Yayıncılık.
  • Bennet, A. L. and Oliver K. J., (2015). Uluslararası Örgütler, Translated by: Nasuh Uslu, Ankara: BB101 Yayınları.
  • Glanville, L. (2014). Syria teaches us little about questions of military intervention. R. W. Murray and A. Mckay (Eds.), Into the Eleventh Hour: R2P, Syria and Humanitarianism in Crisis. Bristol:E-International Relations.
  • Oellers-Frahm, K. and Wühler, N. (1984). Dispute settlement in public international law. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Pazarcı, H. (2000). Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri IV, Ankara:Turhan Kitabevi.
  • Shaw, M. N. (2008). International law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sorenson, David S. (2016), Syria in Ruins: The Dynamics of the Syrian Civil War, Praeger Security International.
  • Steger, M. B. (2003). Globalization: a very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Zakaria, F. (2003). The future of freedom: illiberal democracy at home and abroad. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Aral, B. (2013). Birleşmiş Milletler ve Uluslararası Eşitsizlik, SETA Analiz, S:72.
  • Ağır, O. and Aksu, Z . (2017). Birleşmiş Milletler’in Suriye Krizine Yönelik Politikalarinin Değerlendirilmesi. ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi, 4 (9) , 43-55.
  • Doyle, M. W. (2011). International ethics and the responsibility to protect. International Studies Review, 13(1), 72-84.
  • Eldem, T. (2015). Koruma sorumluluğu normunun Libya ve Suriye Krizleri Bağlamında İşlevselliği. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, 11(43), 01-38.
  • Hamza, A. M. and Todorovic, M. (2017). Peaceful Settlement of Disputes. Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, 6(1), 11-17.
  • Ibrahim, Azeem (2017). Ending the Syrian Civil War: Is There a Federal Solution?, Geopolitics, History, and International Relations, 9 (2): 141–166.
  • Merrills, J. (2007). The mosaic of international dispute settlement procedures: complementary or contradictory? Netherlands International Law Review, 54(2), 361-393.
  • Morris, J. (2013). Libya and Syria: R2P and the spectre of the swinging pendulum. International Affairs, 89(5), 1265-1283.
  • Paris, R. (2014). The ‘responsibility to protect’ and the structural problems of preventive humanitarian intervention. International Peacekeeping, 21(5), 569-603.
  • Saira, Mohamed, (2012), The United Nations Security Council and The Crisis in Syria, American Society Of International Law, 16 (11), 1-3.
  • Slaughter, A. (2012). How the world could-and maybe should-intervene in Syria. The Atlantic. Retrieved on 20 April 2020 from the website: world-could-and-maybe-should-intervene-in-syria/251776.
  • Topal, A. H., (2014). 'Uluslararası Barış ve Güvenliğin Sürdürülmesi Kapsamında Barış için Birlik Kararı’nın Uygulanabilirliği, TAAD, 5 (19), 102-103.
  • Yazıcı, A., (2012). Rusya’nın Suriye Politikası, Suriye Krizi’nde Bölgesel ve Küresel Aktörler, Ed: Birol Akgün, SDE Uluslararası İlişkiler Programı Koordinatörlüğü, 40-44.
  • Adams, S. (2015). Failure to Protect: Syria and the UN Security Council, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect Occasional Paper Series, /media /files/syriapaper_final.pdf.
  • Akgün, B. (2012). 'Suriye Krizi’nde Bölgesel ve Küresel Aktörler', Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü. Retrieved on 17 March 2017.
  • Bellamy, A. J. (2014). Libyan case a red herring in Syria dilemma. The Global Observatory. Retrieved on 27 March 2019 libyan-case-a-red-herring-in-syria-dilemma.
  • Charter of the United Nations. (1945). Retrieved on 07 March 2020.
  • MacAskill, E. (2018). Angela Merkel hits back at Donald Trump at NATO summit. Retrieved on 23 March 2020. trump-says-germany-is-captive-of-russians.
  • NATO Framework For Future Alliance Operations (FFAO) Report. (2018). Retrieved on 02 April 2020.
  • NATO Strategic Concept. (2010). Retrieved on 06 April 2020. 0214_strategic-concept-2010-eng.pdf.
  • NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis Report. (2017). Retrieved on 09 March 2020.
  • OHCHR, Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay at the Human Rights Council 18th Special Session to examine the situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic. Retrieved on 26 March 2020. DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=11675&LangID=E.
  • Owen, D., (2012). West can intervene in Syria — and with Russia’s blessing. Retrieved on 12 June 2020. can-intervene-in-syria--and- with-russias-blessing-1.1034094,
  • Rivera, J. D., (2016). The New UN Chief Inherits Poisoned Chalice to Solve Syria Crisis, Retrieved on 15 May 2017. syria-and- trump-white-house-1708337888.
  • Security Council Resolution 2042 (2012) on authorization of the deployment of an advance team of up to 30 unarmed military observers to the Syrian Arab Republic. UN Security Council, S/RES/2042, 14 April 2012
  • Security Council Resolution 2043 (2012) on the establishment of a un supervision mission in the Syrian Arab Republic (UNSMIS), UN Security Council, S/RES/2043, 21 April 2012.
  • The North Atlantic Treaty. (1949). Retrieved on 02 April 2020. 20120822_nato_treaty_en_light_2009.pdf.
  • UN Press Release, SC/11135. Security Council requires scheduled destruction of syria’s chemical weapons, unanimously adopting resolution 2118 (2013). Retrieved on 03 April 2020.
  • Updated Joint Declaration on UN-NATO Secretariat Cooperation, 2008. Retrieved on 06 April 2020. official_texts_160004.htm.

Involvement of International Organizations for Ending the Syrian Civil War

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 39, 97 - 135, 12.04.2021


This article has been prepared in the light of a current tragedy with global impact: Syrian Civil War. The rationale and importance of this research lie on the requirement to study the involvement of some international organizations for ending the crisis. This can make a significant contribution to the literature as it addresses a substantial topic in the field. The purpose of this study is to make analyses and assessments about the practicality of some scenarios into the civil war. In this regard, total six scenarios (UN Only, NATO Only, NATO-UN Together, NATO-EU Together, Coalition Forces (TUR, the US, Russian Federation (RF) and Regional Organizations) have been clarified. Upon these scenarios, qualitative research method and comparative design have been followed. Conclusions could be drawn on whether any possible related scenarios would be reasonable, decisive and coherent with regional realities, current capabilities and international dynamics. At the end of the research, it has been concluded that most of these scenarios would not be applicable, reasonable and successful in Syria and could even worsen the current situation and trigger wider conflicts in the Middle East. However, a coalition of Turkey, the US and RF, although it is difficult to establish, comes out as the best scenario to end the civil war. This scenario covers most of the conditions required to end the civil war, establish a unified, democratic and peaceful Syria and restore peace, order and stability in post-civil war environment in the Middle East.


  • Arı, T. (2013). Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri, Bursa: MKM Yayıncılık.
  • Bennet, A. L. and Oliver K. J., (2015). Uluslararası Örgütler, Translated by: Nasuh Uslu, Ankara: BB101 Yayınları.
  • Glanville, L. (2014). Syria teaches us little about questions of military intervention. R. W. Murray and A. Mckay (Eds.), Into the Eleventh Hour: R2P, Syria and Humanitarianism in Crisis. Bristol:E-International Relations.
  • Oellers-Frahm, K. and Wühler, N. (1984). Dispute settlement in public international law. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Pazarcı, H. (2000). Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri IV, Ankara:Turhan Kitabevi.
  • Shaw, M. N. (2008). International law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sorenson, David S. (2016), Syria in Ruins: The Dynamics of the Syrian Civil War, Praeger Security International.
  • Steger, M. B. (2003). Globalization: a very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Zakaria, F. (2003). The future of freedom: illiberal democracy at home and abroad. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Aral, B. (2013). Birleşmiş Milletler ve Uluslararası Eşitsizlik, SETA Analiz, S:72.
  • Ağır, O. and Aksu, Z . (2017). Birleşmiş Milletler’in Suriye Krizine Yönelik Politikalarinin Değerlendirilmesi. ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi, 4 (9) , 43-55.
  • Doyle, M. W. (2011). International ethics and the responsibility to protect. International Studies Review, 13(1), 72-84.
  • Eldem, T. (2015). Koruma sorumluluğu normunun Libya ve Suriye Krizleri Bağlamında İşlevselliği. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, 11(43), 01-38.
  • Hamza, A. M. and Todorovic, M. (2017). Peaceful Settlement of Disputes. Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, 6(1), 11-17.
  • Ibrahim, Azeem (2017). Ending the Syrian Civil War: Is There a Federal Solution?, Geopolitics, History, and International Relations, 9 (2): 141–166.
  • Merrills, J. (2007). The mosaic of international dispute settlement procedures: complementary or contradictory? Netherlands International Law Review, 54(2), 361-393.
  • Morris, J. (2013). Libya and Syria: R2P and the spectre of the swinging pendulum. International Affairs, 89(5), 1265-1283.
  • Paris, R. (2014). The ‘responsibility to protect’ and the structural problems of preventive humanitarian intervention. International Peacekeeping, 21(5), 569-603.
  • Saira, Mohamed, (2012), The United Nations Security Council and The Crisis in Syria, American Society Of International Law, 16 (11), 1-3.
  • Slaughter, A. (2012). How the world could-and maybe should-intervene in Syria. The Atlantic. Retrieved on 20 April 2020 from the website: world-could-and-maybe-should-intervene-in-syria/251776.
  • Topal, A. H., (2014). 'Uluslararası Barış ve Güvenliğin Sürdürülmesi Kapsamında Barış için Birlik Kararı’nın Uygulanabilirliği, TAAD, 5 (19), 102-103.
  • Yazıcı, A., (2012). Rusya’nın Suriye Politikası, Suriye Krizi’nde Bölgesel ve Küresel Aktörler, Ed: Birol Akgün, SDE Uluslararası İlişkiler Programı Koordinatörlüğü, 40-44.
  • Adams, S. (2015). Failure to Protect: Syria and the UN Security Council, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect Occasional Paper Series, /media /files/syriapaper_final.pdf.
  • Akgün, B. (2012). 'Suriye Krizi’nde Bölgesel ve Küresel Aktörler', Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü. Retrieved on 17 March 2017.
  • Bellamy, A. J. (2014). Libyan case a red herring in Syria dilemma. The Global Observatory. Retrieved on 27 March 2019 libyan-case-a-red-herring-in-syria-dilemma.
  • Charter of the United Nations. (1945). Retrieved on 07 March 2020.
  • MacAskill, E. (2018). Angela Merkel hits back at Donald Trump at NATO summit. Retrieved on 23 March 2020. trump-says-germany-is-captive-of-russians.
  • NATO Framework For Future Alliance Operations (FFAO) Report. (2018). Retrieved on 02 April 2020.
  • NATO Strategic Concept. (2010). Retrieved on 06 April 2020. 0214_strategic-concept-2010-eng.pdf.
  • NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis Report. (2017). Retrieved on 09 March 2020.
  • OHCHR, Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay at the Human Rights Council 18th Special Session to examine the situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic. Retrieved on 26 March 2020. DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=11675&LangID=E.
  • Owen, D., (2012). West can intervene in Syria — and with Russia’s blessing. Retrieved on 12 June 2020. can-intervene-in-syria--and- with-russias-blessing-1.1034094,
  • Rivera, J. D., (2016). The New UN Chief Inherits Poisoned Chalice to Solve Syria Crisis, Retrieved on 15 May 2017. syria-and- trump-white-house-1708337888.
  • Security Council Resolution 2042 (2012) on authorization of the deployment of an advance team of up to 30 unarmed military observers to the Syrian Arab Republic. UN Security Council, S/RES/2042, 14 April 2012
  • Security Council Resolution 2043 (2012) on the establishment of a un supervision mission in the Syrian Arab Republic (UNSMIS), UN Security Council, S/RES/2043, 21 April 2012.
  • The North Atlantic Treaty. (1949). Retrieved on 02 April 2020. 20120822_nato_treaty_en_light_2009.pdf.
  • UN Press Release, SC/11135. Security Council requires scheduled destruction of syria’s chemical weapons, unanimously adopting resolution 2118 (2013). Retrieved on 03 April 2020.
  • Updated Joint Declaration on UN-NATO Secretariat Cooperation, 2008. Retrieved on 06 April 2020. official_texts_160004.htm.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdullah Soydemir Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4692-640X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 39

Kaynak Göster

IEEE A. Soydemir, “Involvement of International Organizations for Ending the Syrian Civil War”, Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, sy. 39, ss. 97–135, Nisan 2021, doi: 10.17134/khosbd.913709.