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Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri

Yıl 2021, , 310 - 321, 10.05.2021


Amaç: AB üye devlet sayısı ve karmaşık kurumsal yapısından dolayı AB karar alma mekanizmasında çeşitli sorunlar yaşamaktadır. Karar alma mekanizmasında yaşanılan bu sorun, AB’nin kendi bölgesinde şahit olduğu çatışmalara karşı gösterdiği tutumu da etkilemektedir. Aynı problem AB içinde liderlik sorununu da doğurmaktadır. Bu iddiayı sağlam temellere dayandırmak için çalışma AB’nin Rusya ile yaşadığı sorunları incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.

Tasarım/Yöntem: Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden yararlanmış ve örnek olaylar üzerinden (Rusya-Gürcistan Çatışması ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışması) AB’nin liderlik anlayışı incelenmiştir.

Bulgular: Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılmasından sonra Gürcistan ve Ukrayna yönlerini Rusya’dan ziyade Batıya ve özellikle de AB’ye dönmüşlerdir. 2008 yılında da Gürcistan, Güney Osetya ve Abhazya bölgelerinden kaynaklanan sorunlardan dolayı Rusya ile direk karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Fransa AB içinde Rusya’ya karşı ortak tutumda AB içinde liderlik etmiş olsa da istenilen başarı sağlanamamıştır. Ukrayna ise 2013 yılının sonlarında ise özellikle Kırım ve Donbas bölgelerinden dolayı da Rusya ile çatışma yaşamıştır. Bu krizde AB içinde liderliği Almanya üstlenmiş ama istenilen başarı yine de sağlanamamıştır. Kendi yakın çevresinde etkili olmayan AB’nin uluslararası politikada aktörlüğü bu durumlardan dolayı oldukça tartışılmıştır.

Sınırlılıklar: Rusya, Gürcistan ve Ukrayna ile çeşitli sorunlar ve çatışmalar yaşamıştır ve bu durum AB’nin kendi güvenliği içinde tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Bu yüzden örnek olayların sadece Rusya-Gürcistan Çatışması ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışması olması çalışmanın sınırlarıdır.

Özgünlük/Değer: Araştırmanın özgün değeri; Fransa ve Almanya’nın liderlik anlayışını incelemesi ve buradan hareketle AB’nin Rusya-Gürcistan Çatışması ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmasında liderlik anlayışını incelemesidir.


  • Allers, R. (2016). The framework nation: Can Germany lead on security?. International Affairs, 92(5), 1167-1187.
  • Allison, R. (2014). Russian ‘deniable’ intervention in Ukraine: How and why Russia broke the rules. International Affairs, 90(6), 1255-1297.
  • Baharçiçek, A., & Ağır, O. (2015). Kırım’ın Rusya Federasyonu’na bağlanmasının Rusya’ya komşu ülkelere olası etkileri. Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 52, 29-47.
  • Bardakçı, M. (2010). EU engagement in conflict resolution in Georgia: Towards a more proactive role. Caucasian Review of International Affairs, 4(3), 214.
  • Bretherton, C., & Vogler, J. (2013). A global actor past its peak?. International Relations, 27(3), 375-390.
  • Bull, H. (1982). Civilian power Europe: A contradiction in terms. J. Common Mkt. Stud., 21, 149.
  • Burke-White, W. (2014). Crimea and the international legal order. Survival, 56(4), 65-80.
  • Büyükbay, C. (2017). Almanya’nın AB içerisindeki liderlik rolü: Uluslararası krizler bağlamında dış politikada süreklilik ve değişim. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(1), 19-38.
  • Casier, T. (2013). The EU-Russia strategic partnership: Challenging the normative argument. Europe-Asia Studies, 65(7), 1377-1395.
  • Cebeci, M. (2018). AB’nin güvenlik ve savunma politikalarında güncel tartışmalar. S. Baykal, S. A. Açıkçeşme, B. Akçağ, & Ç. Erhan (Der.) Hukuki, siyasi ve iktisadi yönleriyle Avrupa bütünleşmesinde son gelişmeler ve Türkiye-AB ilişkileri, (ss. 151-178). ATAUM 30. Yıl Armağanı.
  • Cooley, A., & Mitchell, L. A. (2010). Engagement without recognition: A new strategy toward Abkhazia and Eurasia’s unrecognized states. The Washington Quarterly, 33(4), 59-73.
  • Cross, M., & Karolewski, I. P. (2017). What type of power has the EU exercised in the Ukraine-Russia crisis? A framework of analysis. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 3-19.
  • Delcour, L. (2018). You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink: The EU’s and Russia’s intersecting conditionalities and domestic responses in Georgia and Moldova. European Politics and Society, 19(4), 490-505.
  • Delcour, L., & Wolczuk, K. (2015). Spoiler or facilitator of democratization? Russia’s role in Georgia and Ukraine. Democratization, 22(3), 459-478.
  • Dobrescu, M., & Schumacher, T. (2020). The politics of flexibility: Exploring the contested statehood-EU actorness nexus in Georgia. Geopolitics, 25(2), 407-427.
  • Eurupean Commission. (2020). Facts and figures about EU-Georgia relations.
  • Fawn, R., & Nalbandov, R. (2012). The difficulties of knowing the start of war in the information age: Russia, Georgia and the war over South Ossetia, August 2008. European Security, 21(1), 57-89.
  • Fix, L. (2018). The different ‘shades’ of German power: Germany and EU foreign policy during the Ukraine conflict. German Politics, 27(4), 498-515.
  • Fix, L., & Keil, S. (2017). Berlin’s foreign policy dilemma: A paradigm shift in volatile times. Brookings Institution.
  • Freedman, L. (2014). Ukraine and the art of limited war. Survival, 56(6), 7-38.
  • Freire, M. R., & Simão, L. (2013). The EU’s security actorness: The case of EUMM in Georgia. European Security, 22(4), 464-477.
  • Gardner, H. (2016). The Russian annexation of Crimea: Regional and global ramifications. European Politics and Society, 17(4), 490-505.
  • Gerrits, A. W., & Bader, M. (2016). Russian patronage over Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Implications for conflict resolution. East European Politics, 32(3), 297-313.
  • Ginsberg, R. H. (1999). Conceptualizing the European Union as an international actor: Narrowing the theoretical capability‐expectations gap. Journal of Common Market Studies, 37(3), 429-454.
  • Hewitt, G. (2012). Some thoughts on Ronald Asmus’ little war that shook the world: Georgia, Russia and the future of the West (Palgrave, 2010). European Security, 21(1), 128-137.
  • Hill, C. (1993). The capability-expectations gap, or conceptualizing Europe’s international role. J. Common Mkt. Stud., 31, 305.
  • Howorth, J. (2010). The EU as a global actor: Grand strategy for a global grand bargain?. Journal of Common Market Studies, 48(3), 455-474.
  • Howorth, J. (2017). Stability on the borders: The Ukraine crisis and the EU’s constrained policy towards the eastern neighbourhood. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 121-136.
  • Huff, A. (2011). The role of EU defence policy in the eastern neighbourhood (P. 91). European Union Institute for Security Studies.
  • Hyde-Price, A. (2004). The EU, power and coercion: From ‘civilian’ to ‘civilising’ power. In CIDEL Workshop.
  • Karabulut, B., & Oğuz, Ş. (2018). Proxy warfare in Ukraine. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(1), 75-100.
  • Larsen, H. B. L. (2012). The Russo-Georgian war and beyond: Towards a European great power concert. European Security, 21(1), 102-121.
  • Maiorova, A. (2017). Donbas in flames. guide to the conflict zone. Promethous Security Environment Research Center.
  • Marples, D. R. (2016). Russia’s perceptions of Ukraine: Euromaidan and historical conflicts. European Politics and Society, 17(4), 424-437.
  • Mcdougal, T. (2015). A new imperialism: Evaluating Russia’s acquisition of Crimea in the context of national and international law. BYU Law Review.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2014). Why the Ukraine crisis is the west’s fault: The liberal delusions that provoked Putin. Foreign Affairs, 93(5), 77-89.
  • Meister, S. (2014). Reframing Germany's Russia policy: An opportunity for the EU. European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
  • Merlingen, M., & Ostrauskaitė, R. (2009). EU peacebuilding in Georgia: Limits and achievements. TMC Asser Institute.
  • Niemann, A., & Bretherton, C. (2013). EU external policy at the crossroads: The challenge of actorness and effectiveness. International Relations, 27(3), 261-275.
  • Nitoiu, C. (2016). Towards conflict or cooperation? The Ukraine crisis and EU-Russia relations. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 16(3), 375-390.
  • Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (1992). Article J. 4, Treaty on European Union/Maastricht Treaty.
  • Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (1997). Article J. 1, Treaty of Amsterdam.
  • Oğurlu, E. (2010). Ağustos 2008 Rusya-Gürcistan savaşı çerçevesinde Avrupa Birliği’nin Güney Kafkasya politikası. Avrasya Etüdleri, 38(2), 99-127.
  • Pallin, V. C., & Westerlund, F. (2009). Russia’s war in Georgia: Lessons and consequences. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 20(2), 400-424.
  • Parmentier, F. (2009). Normative power, EU preferences and Russia. Lessons from the Russian-Georgian War. European Political Economy Review, 9, 49-61.
  • Ramicone, A., Rocca, P., Gisser, S., Metzger, J., Goldstein, J., Chan, M., Urfirer, M., Moran, A., Ferry, J., & Smith, W. (2014). The Ukrainian crisis: A disputed past and present. Harvard Policy Brief.
  • Samokhvalov, V. (2015). Ukraine between Russia and the European Union: Triangle revisited. Europe-Asia Studies, 67(9), 1371-1393.
  • Sarotte, M. E. (2009). 1989: The struggle to create post-cold war Europe. Princeton University Press.
  • Sauer, T. (2017). The origins of the Ukraine crisis and the need for collective security between Russia and the West. Global Policy, 8(1), 82-91.
  • Siddi, M. (2016). German foreign policy towards Russia in the aftermath of the Ukraine crisis: A new Ostpolitik?. Europe-Asia Studies, 68(4), 665-677.
  • Sinkkonen, T. (2011). A security dilemma on the boundary line: An EU perspective to Georgian-Russian confrontation after the 2008 war. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 11(3), 265-278.
  • Sjursen, H., & Rosén, G. (2017). Arguing sanctions on the EU's response to the crisis in Ukraine. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 20-36.
  • Smith, K. E. (2000). The end of civilian rower EU: A welcome demise or cause for concern?. The International Spectator, 35(2), 11-28.
  • Speck, U. (2015). German power and the Ukraine conflict. Carnegie Europe.
  • Steinkohl, J. (2010). Normative power rivalry? The European Union, Russia and the question of Kosovo. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 6.
  • Toal, G. (2012). The guns of august 2008. Russia's war in Georgia. Nationalities Papers, 40(5), 826-828.
  • Trenin, D. (2014). The Ukraine crisis and the resumption of great-power rivalry. Carnegie Moscow Center.
  • Wieclawski, J. (2011). Challenges for the Russian foreign policy-the lesson of the Georgian conflict. Asian Social Science, 7(8), 12.
  • Yapıcı, U. (2008). Gürcistan savaşı: Öncesi ve sonrası. SBF Dergisi, 63(3), 185-190.
  • Yoder, J. A. (2015). From amity to enmity: German-Russian relations in the post-cold war period. German Politics and Society, 33(3), 49-69.

Approach of the European Union Towards the Russian-Georgia and the Russian-Ukraine Conflicts: Leaderships of Germany and France

Yıl 2021, , 310 - 321, 10.05.2021


Due to the number of EU member states and its complex institutional structure, the EU has various problems in decision-making procedure. The problem of decision-making procedure also affects the attitude of the EU towards the conflicts which EU has witnessed in its region. The same problem raises the problem of leadership within the EU. In order to base this claim upon solid foundations, the study aims to examine the EU's problems with Russia
Design/Methodology: Qualitative research methods has been used and the leadership understanding of the EU has been examined through case studies (Russia-Georgia Conflict and Russia-Ukraine Conflict).
Findings: After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia and Ukraine have turned their face to the West, especially to the EU, rather than Russia. Georgia faced with the attacks of Russia in 2008 due to the problems arising from the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Although France led the EU in a common policy towards Russia, the desired success could not be achieved. And Ukraine had a conflict with Russia especially due to the Crimea and Donbas regions in the end of 2013. In this crisis, Germany took the lead within the EU, the desired success could not be achieved yet. The EU could not prevent the Russia-Georgia War, as well as the Russia-Ukraine War. Because of these situations, the EU's acting in international policy, which is not effective in its immediate vicinity, has been highly debated.
Limitations: Russia has experienced various problems and conflicts with Georgia and Ukraine, which poses a threat to the EU's own security. Therefore, the fact that the case consists of Russia-Georgia Conflict and Russia-Ukraine Conflict are the limitations of the study
Originality/Value: The original value of the research is to examine the EU's understanding of leadership in the Russia-Georgia Conflict and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict by examining the leadership understanding of France and Germany.


  • Allers, R. (2016). The framework nation: Can Germany lead on security?. International Affairs, 92(5), 1167-1187.
  • Allison, R. (2014). Russian ‘deniable’ intervention in Ukraine: How and why Russia broke the rules. International Affairs, 90(6), 1255-1297.
  • Baharçiçek, A., & Ağır, O. (2015). Kırım’ın Rusya Federasyonu’na bağlanmasının Rusya’ya komşu ülkelere olası etkileri. Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 52, 29-47.
  • Bardakçı, M. (2010). EU engagement in conflict resolution in Georgia: Towards a more proactive role. Caucasian Review of International Affairs, 4(3), 214.
  • Bretherton, C., & Vogler, J. (2013). A global actor past its peak?. International Relations, 27(3), 375-390.
  • Bull, H. (1982). Civilian power Europe: A contradiction in terms. J. Common Mkt. Stud., 21, 149.
  • Burke-White, W. (2014). Crimea and the international legal order. Survival, 56(4), 65-80.
  • Büyükbay, C. (2017). Almanya’nın AB içerisindeki liderlik rolü: Uluslararası krizler bağlamında dış politikada süreklilik ve değişim. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(1), 19-38.
  • Casier, T. (2013). The EU-Russia strategic partnership: Challenging the normative argument. Europe-Asia Studies, 65(7), 1377-1395.
  • Cebeci, M. (2018). AB’nin güvenlik ve savunma politikalarında güncel tartışmalar. S. Baykal, S. A. Açıkçeşme, B. Akçağ, & Ç. Erhan (Der.) Hukuki, siyasi ve iktisadi yönleriyle Avrupa bütünleşmesinde son gelişmeler ve Türkiye-AB ilişkileri, (ss. 151-178). ATAUM 30. Yıl Armağanı.
  • Cooley, A., & Mitchell, L. A. (2010). Engagement without recognition: A new strategy toward Abkhazia and Eurasia’s unrecognized states. The Washington Quarterly, 33(4), 59-73.
  • Cross, M., & Karolewski, I. P. (2017). What type of power has the EU exercised in the Ukraine-Russia crisis? A framework of analysis. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 3-19.
  • Delcour, L. (2018). You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink: The EU’s and Russia’s intersecting conditionalities and domestic responses in Georgia and Moldova. European Politics and Society, 19(4), 490-505.
  • Delcour, L., & Wolczuk, K. (2015). Spoiler or facilitator of democratization? Russia’s role in Georgia and Ukraine. Democratization, 22(3), 459-478.
  • Dobrescu, M., & Schumacher, T. (2020). The politics of flexibility: Exploring the contested statehood-EU actorness nexus in Georgia. Geopolitics, 25(2), 407-427.
  • Eurupean Commission. (2020). Facts and figures about EU-Georgia relations.
  • Fawn, R., & Nalbandov, R. (2012). The difficulties of knowing the start of war in the information age: Russia, Georgia and the war over South Ossetia, August 2008. European Security, 21(1), 57-89.
  • Fix, L. (2018). The different ‘shades’ of German power: Germany and EU foreign policy during the Ukraine conflict. German Politics, 27(4), 498-515.
  • Fix, L., & Keil, S. (2017). Berlin’s foreign policy dilemma: A paradigm shift in volatile times. Brookings Institution.
  • Freedman, L. (2014). Ukraine and the art of limited war. Survival, 56(6), 7-38.
  • Freire, M. R., & Simão, L. (2013). The EU’s security actorness: The case of EUMM in Georgia. European Security, 22(4), 464-477.
  • Gardner, H. (2016). The Russian annexation of Crimea: Regional and global ramifications. European Politics and Society, 17(4), 490-505.
  • Gerrits, A. W., & Bader, M. (2016). Russian patronage over Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Implications for conflict resolution. East European Politics, 32(3), 297-313.
  • Ginsberg, R. H. (1999). Conceptualizing the European Union as an international actor: Narrowing the theoretical capability‐expectations gap. Journal of Common Market Studies, 37(3), 429-454.
  • Hewitt, G. (2012). Some thoughts on Ronald Asmus’ little war that shook the world: Georgia, Russia and the future of the West (Palgrave, 2010). European Security, 21(1), 128-137.
  • Hill, C. (1993). The capability-expectations gap, or conceptualizing Europe’s international role. J. Common Mkt. Stud., 31, 305.
  • Howorth, J. (2010). The EU as a global actor: Grand strategy for a global grand bargain?. Journal of Common Market Studies, 48(3), 455-474.
  • Howorth, J. (2017). Stability on the borders: The Ukraine crisis and the EU’s constrained policy towards the eastern neighbourhood. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 121-136.
  • Huff, A. (2011). The role of EU defence policy in the eastern neighbourhood (P. 91). European Union Institute for Security Studies.
  • Hyde-Price, A. (2004). The EU, power and coercion: From ‘civilian’ to ‘civilising’ power. In CIDEL Workshop.
  • Karabulut, B., & Oğuz, Ş. (2018). Proxy warfare in Ukraine. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(1), 75-100.
  • Larsen, H. B. L. (2012). The Russo-Georgian war and beyond: Towards a European great power concert. European Security, 21(1), 102-121.
  • Maiorova, A. (2017). Donbas in flames. guide to the conflict zone. Promethous Security Environment Research Center.
  • Marples, D. R. (2016). Russia’s perceptions of Ukraine: Euromaidan and historical conflicts. European Politics and Society, 17(4), 424-437.
  • Mcdougal, T. (2015). A new imperialism: Evaluating Russia’s acquisition of Crimea in the context of national and international law. BYU Law Review.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2014). Why the Ukraine crisis is the west’s fault: The liberal delusions that provoked Putin. Foreign Affairs, 93(5), 77-89.
  • Meister, S. (2014). Reframing Germany's Russia policy: An opportunity for the EU. European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
  • Merlingen, M., & Ostrauskaitė, R. (2009). EU peacebuilding in Georgia: Limits and achievements. TMC Asser Institute.
  • Niemann, A., & Bretherton, C. (2013). EU external policy at the crossroads: The challenge of actorness and effectiveness. International Relations, 27(3), 261-275.
  • Nitoiu, C. (2016). Towards conflict or cooperation? The Ukraine crisis and EU-Russia relations. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 16(3), 375-390.
  • Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (1992). Article J. 4, Treaty on European Union/Maastricht Treaty.
  • Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (1997). Article J. 1, Treaty of Amsterdam.
  • Oğurlu, E. (2010). Ağustos 2008 Rusya-Gürcistan savaşı çerçevesinde Avrupa Birliği’nin Güney Kafkasya politikası. Avrasya Etüdleri, 38(2), 99-127.
  • Pallin, V. C., & Westerlund, F. (2009). Russia’s war in Georgia: Lessons and consequences. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 20(2), 400-424.
  • Parmentier, F. (2009). Normative power, EU preferences and Russia. Lessons from the Russian-Georgian War. European Political Economy Review, 9, 49-61.
  • Ramicone, A., Rocca, P., Gisser, S., Metzger, J., Goldstein, J., Chan, M., Urfirer, M., Moran, A., Ferry, J., & Smith, W. (2014). The Ukrainian crisis: A disputed past and present. Harvard Policy Brief.
  • Samokhvalov, V. (2015). Ukraine between Russia and the European Union: Triangle revisited. Europe-Asia Studies, 67(9), 1371-1393.
  • Sarotte, M. E. (2009). 1989: The struggle to create post-cold war Europe. Princeton University Press.
  • Sauer, T. (2017). The origins of the Ukraine crisis and the need for collective security between Russia and the West. Global Policy, 8(1), 82-91.
  • Siddi, M. (2016). German foreign policy towards Russia in the aftermath of the Ukraine crisis: A new Ostpolitik?. Europe-Asia Studies, 68(4), 665-677.
  • Sinkkonen, T. (2011). A security dilemma on the boundary line: An EU perspective to Georgian-Russian confrontation after the 2008 war. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 11(3), 265-278.
  • Sjursen, H., & Rosén, G. (2017). Arguing sanctions on the EU's response to the crisis in Ukraine. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 20-36.
  • Smith, K. E. (2000). The end of civilian rower EU: A welcome demise or cause for concern?. The International Spectator, 35(2), 11-28.
  • Speck, U. (2015). German power and the Ukraine conflict. Carnegie Europe.
  • Steinkohl, J. (2010). Normative power rivalry? The European Union, Russia and the question of Kosovo. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 6.
  • Toal, G. (2012). The guns of august 2008. Russia's war in Georgia. Nationalities Papers, 40(5), 826-828.
  • Trenin, D. (2014). The Ukraine crisis and the resumption of great-power rivalry. Carnegie Moscow Center.
  • Wieclawski, J. (2011). Challenges for the Russian foreign policy-the lesson of the Georgian conflict. Asian Social Science, 7(8), 12.
  • Yapıcı, U. (2008). Gürcistan savaşı: Öncesi ve sonrası. SBF Dergisi, 63(3), 185-190.
  • Yoder, J. A. (2015). From amity to enmity: German-Russian relations in the post-cold war period. German Politics and Society, 33(3), 49-69.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler

Yusuf Avar 0000-0001-8507-9579

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Avar, Y. (2021). Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri. Akademik Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), 13(24), 310-321.
AMA Avar Y. Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD). Mayıs 2021;13(24):310-321. doi:10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.868688
Chicago Avar, Yusuf. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan Ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya Ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri”. Akademik Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD) 13, sy. 24 (Mayıs 2021): 310-21.
EndNote Avar Y (01 Mayıs 2021) Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD) 13 24 310–321.
IEEE Y. Avar, “Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri”, Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), c. 13, sy. 24, ss. 310–321, 2021, doi: 10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.868688.
ISNAD Avar, Yusuf. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan Ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya Ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri”. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD) 13/24 (Mayıs 2021), 310-321.
JAMA Avar Y. Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD). 2021;13:310–321.
MLA Avar, Yusuf. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan Ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya Ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri”. Akademik Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), c. 13, sy. 24, 2021, ss. 310-21, doi:10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.868688.
Vancouver Avar Y. Avrupa Birliği’nin Rusya-Gürcistan ve Rusya-Ukrayna Çatışmalarına Karşı Tutumu: Almanya ve Fransa’nın Liderlikleri. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD). 2021;13(24):310-21.