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Kömür Madenlerinde Radon

Yıl 2019, , 129 - 145, 30.12.2019


doğal bir radyasyon kaynağıdır. Kaçınılmaz olarak maruz kaldığımız doğal
radyasyonun yarısından doğrudan sorumludur. Radon, A-sınıfı bir kanserojendir.
İyonize radyasyon nedeniyle, kapalı mekânlarda meydana gelebilecek en büyük
risklerden birisi, akciğer kanseri oluşumuyla ilişkilendirilen radon ve radon
bozunma ürünlerinin solunması sonucu ortaya çıkar. Madenlerdeki radyolojik risk
diğer işyerlerine göre daha büyüktür. Bu nedenle, atmosferik radon
konsantrasyonunun belirlenmesine yönelik madenlerde yapılan ölçümler, maden
çalışanlarının sağlığını yakından ilgilendiren önemli bir konudur. Bu
çalışmada, madencilik sektöründe radon ölçümlerinin gelişimi özetlenmekte,
kömür madenleri özelinde dünya ve ülkemizdeki literatür incelenerek


  • Referans 1 UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Exposures from Natural Radiation Sources Annex B, 117-118, New York, USA, 2000.
  • Referans 2 Sabol, J., & Weng, P.S. Introduction to Radiation Protection Dosimetry: World Scientific Publishing, 300, Singapore, 1995.
  • Referans 3 NCRP, Report. Measurements of Radon and Radon Daughters in Air, No.97, p.174, 1988.
  • Referans 4 Olsson, M., & Tengström, J., Radon Presence and Remedial Measures in Europe and the USA. Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science. Physics and Engineering Physics Subatomic Physics Göteborg University Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, 2004, Sweden.
  • Referans 5 Durrani, S.A., & Iliç, R., Radon Measurements by Etched Track Detectors: Applications in Radiation Protection, Earth Sciences and the Environment, World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey, U.S.A., p.387, 1997.
  • Referans 6 İnternet: George, A. C., World History of Radon Research and Measurement from the Early 1900’s to Today. Historical Evolution of Radon Measurements, 2007.'s_To_Today adresinden 14.06.2017 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Referans 7 Rutherford, E., A Radio-Active Substance Emitted from Thorium Compounds. Philos. Mag., 49, 1-14, 1900.
  • Referans 8 Dorn, E., Die Von Radioaktiven Substanzen Ausgesandte Emanation. Abhandlungen Der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft (Halle), 23, 1-15, 1900.
  • Referans 9 Elster, V. J., & Geitel, H. Electric Leakage in Enclosed Volume of Air. Physikalische Zeitscher, 2, 590-593, 1901.
  • Referans 10 Qureshi, A. A., Kakar, D. M., Akram, M., Khattak, N. U., Tufail, M., Mehmood, K., & Khan, H. A., Radon Concentrations in Coal Mines of Baluchistan, Pakistan. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 48(2), 203-209, 2000.
  • Referans 11 UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Report to the General Assembly, with annexes. United Nations Sales Publication No.E.77.IX. l. New York, 1977.
  • Referans 12 Bale, W.F., Hazards Associated with Radon and Thoron. Memorandum to the Files March 14, 1951. Health Phys 38, 1062-1066, 1980.
  • Referans 13 BEIR VI, Health Effects of Exposure to Radon. National Academy Press. Washington, D.C., 1999.
  • Referans 14 IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency. Radiation, People and the Environment. IAEA/PI/A.75/04-00391, 15-17, 2004.
  • Referans 15 UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committe on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Report to the General Assembly, with annexes: Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation. United Nations Sales Publication No: E.88.IX.7. New York, 1988.
  • Referans 16 Ding, L., Getz, G., Wheeler, D. A., Mardis, E. R., McLellan, M. D., Cibulskis, K., & Fulton, L., Somatic Mutations Affect Key Pathways in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Nature, 455(7216): 1069-75, 2008.
  • Referans 17 ICRP, International Commission on Radiological Protection, Lung Cancer Risk From Radon and Progeny, ICRP Publication No:115, Annual ICRP 40(1), 2010.
  • Referans 18 EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. Citizen's Guide to Radon, U.S. EPA, 402-K02-006, 11-16, 2005.
  • Referans 19 WHO, WHO Handbook on Indoor Radon: A Public Health Perspective. WHO Press, Geneva, 2009.
  • Referans 20 İnternet: EPA, EPA Assessment of Risks from Radon in Homes, EPA Document EPA 402-R-03-003, 2003. adresinden 8.03.2009 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Referans 21 ICRP, International Commission on Radiological Protection. Radiological Protection Against Radon Exposure, ICRP Publication No:126. Annual ICRP 43(3), 2014.
  • Referans 22 European Commission (EC), Laying Down Basic Safety Standards for Protection Against the Dangers Arising from Exposure to Ionising Radiation, Brussels, 593, 2011.
  • Referans 23 Resmi Gazete, (24.03.2000 Tarihli ve 23999 Sayılı Resmi Gazetede Yayımlanan Radyasyon Güvenliği Yönetmeliğinin, 29 Eylül 2004 Tarih ve 25598 Sayılı Resmi Gazete'de Yayımlanan Radyasyon Güvenliği Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik ile Değişik 37. maddesi), 2004.
  • Referans 24 Sabol, A., Berka, Z., & Vognar, M., Study of Radon Concentration Behaviour in Tunnel Complex Under Vitkov Hill in Prague, in: Proceedings of European Conference on Protection Against Radon at Home and at Work, Part II, pp. 203-207, 1997.
  • Referans 25 Madden, J.S., Personal Monitoring of Tour Guides in Irish Show Caves, in: Proceedings of European Conference on Protection Against Radon at Home and at Work, Part II, Prague, pp. 123-128, 1997.
  • Referans 26 Szerbin, P., Radon and Exposure Levels in Hungarian Caves, Health Physics, 71(3), 362-369, 1996.
  • Referans 27 Eicker, H. & Zimmermayer, G., Radon Measurements and Valuation in German Hard Coal Underground Mines. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Radiation Hazards in Mining. Soc. Min. Eng. Golden, Colarado, October 1981 (New York) 636-641, 1981.
  • Referans 28 Chruscielewski, W., Zorawski, A., Olszewski, J., & Dormanski, T., Radon Concentrations in Air of Polish Underground Coal Mines. In: Proc Int. Conf. on Occupational Radiation Safety in Mining, Toronto. October 1984 297-301, 1985.
  • Referans 29 Edlin, D. W., Crawford, N. P. & Dodgson, J., Radon and Thoron Daughter Working Levels in British Coal Mines. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 28 (3), 315-320, 1984.
  • Referans 30 Duggan, M.J., Howell, D.M., & Soilleux, P.J., Concentration of Radon-222 in Coal Mines in England and Scotland Nature 219, 1149, 1968.
  • Referans 31 Kobal, I., Vaupotič, J., Udovč, H., Burger, J., & Stropnik, B., Radon Concentrations in the Air of Slovene (Yugoslavia) Underground Mines. Environment International, 16(2), 171-173, 1990.
  • Referans 32 Vishnuprasad Rao, K., Linga Reddy, B., Yadagiri Reddy, P., Ramchander, R.B., & Rama Reddy, K., Airborne Radon and its Progeny Levels in the Coal Mines of Godavarikhani, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Radiological Protection, 21(3): 259-68, 2001.
  • Referans 33 Schery, S. D., Gaeddert, D. H., Wilkening, M. H., Factors Effecting Exhalation of Radon from Gravelly Sandy Loam J. Geophys. Res. 89(D5): 7299-7309, 1984.
  • Referans 34 ICRP, International Commission on Radiological Protection. Protection Against Radon-222 at Home and at Work. ICRP Publication No:65, Annual ICRP 23(2), 1993.
  • Referans 35 Veiga, L. H. S., Melo, V., Koifman, S., & Amaral, E. C. S., High Radon Exposure in a Brazilian Underground Coal Mine. Journal of Radiological Protection, 24(3), 295, 2004.
  • Referans 36 Chen, C. C., Weng, P. S., Chu T. C. J., & Radiat Res., Radon Concentration in Two Largest Cities in Semitropical Taiwan. Jun; 33(2): 133-40, 1992.
  • Referans 37 Page, D., & Smith, D. M., The Distribution of Radon and its Decay Products in Some UK Coal Mines, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 45(1-4), 163–166,, 1992.
  • Referans 38 Ghiassi-Nejad, M., M. Beitollahi, M., Fathabadi, N., & Nasiree, P. Exposure to 222Rn in Ten Underground Mines in Iran. Radiation protection Dosimetry, 98(2), 223-225, 2002.
  • Referans 39 Veiga, L. H., Amaral, E. C., Colin, D., & Koifman, S., A Retrospective Mortality Study of Workers Exposed to Radon in a Brazilian Underground Coal Mine. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 45(2), 125-134, 2006.
  • Referans 40 Da Silva, A. L. M. A., de Eston, S. M., Iramina, W. S., & Francisca, D. D., Radon in Brazilian Underground Mines. Journal of Radiological Protection, 38(2), 607, 2018.
  • Referans 41 Liu, F.D., Pan, Z.Q., Liu, S.L., Chen, L., Ma, J.Z., Yang, M.L., & Wang, N.P., The Estimation of the Number of Underground Coal Miners and the Annual Dose to Coal Miners in China. Health Physics, 93(2), 127-132, 2007.
  • Referans 42 Nhan, D. D., Fernando, C. P., Ha, N. T. T., Long, N. Q., Thuan, D. D., & Fonseca, H. Radon (222Rn) Concentration in Indoor Air Near the Coal Mining Area of Nui Beo, North of Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 110: 98-103, 2012.
  • Referans 43 Bossew, P., Radon: Exploring the Log-Normal Mystery. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101(10), 826-834, 2010.
  • Referans 44 Portola, V. A., Torosyan, E. S., & Antufeyev, V. K., Radon Emission from Coal Mines of Kuzbass Region. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 127(1), p.012021. IOP Publishing, 2016.
  • Referans 45 Tchorz-Trzeciakiewicz, D. E., & Parkitny, T. Radon As a Tracer of Daily, Seasonal and Spatial Air Movements in the Underground Tourist Route “Coal Mine” (SW Poland). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 149: 90-98, 2015.
  • Referans 46 Fan, D., Zhuo, W., ve Zhang, Y., Occupational Exposure to Radon in Different Kinds of Non-Uranium Mines. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 170(1-4), 311-314, 2016.
  • Referans 47 Küçüktaş, E., Maden Ocaklarındaki Radyonüklid Konsantrasyonlarının Birikimi Etkileyen Parametrelere Bağlı Olarak Ölçülmesi, Maruz Kalınan Dozların Analitik Bir Yöntem Geliştirilerek Hesaplanması. Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Nükleer Enerji Enstitüsü, 1996, İzmir.
  • Referans 48 Yener, G., Küçüktaş, E., Concentrations of Radon and Decay Products in Various Underground Mines in Western Turkey and Total Effective Dose Equivalents, Analyst, 123(1): 31-34, 1998.
  • Referans 49 Fişne, A., Yeraltı Madenlerinde Radon Gazı Konsantrasyon Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi ve İşçi Sağlığı Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002, İstanbul.
  • Referans 50 Fişne, A., Ökten, G., & Çelebi, N., Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu (TTK) Yeraltı Maden Ocaklarında Radon Gazı Yayılımının İncelenmesi, Türkiye 14 Kömür Kongresi, Zonguldak, Türkiye, Bildiri Kitabı, 193-202, 2004.
  • Referans 51 Fişne, A., Ökten, G., & Çelebi, N., Radon Concentration Measurements in Bituminous Coal Mines. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 113(2): 173-177, 2005.
  • Referans 52 Baldık, R., Aytekin, H., Çelebi, N., Ataksor, B., & Taşdelen, M., Radon Concentration Measurements in the Amasra Coal Mine, Turkey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 118(1): 122-125, 2006.
  • Referans 53 Baldık, R., Aytekin, H., & Çelebi, N., Radon Fluctuations in the Armutçuk Coal Mine, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18(1): 87-91, 2009.
  • Referans 54 Baldık, R., & Aytekin, H., Zonguldak Taş Kömürü Havzasında Yapılmış Radon Gazı Ölçümlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Karaelmas İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Dergisi, 1(1): 1-7, 2017.
  • Referans 55 Yılmaz, A., Kürkçüoğlu, M.E., Haner, B., Nükleer İz Dedektörlerinin Konumlarının Radon Konsantrasyonu Ölçümleri Üzerine Etkisi. X. Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi, Muğla, Türkiye, 06-09 Ekim 2009, Bildiri Tam Metinleri Kitabı Cilt II, 256-262, 2009.
  • Referans 56 Akgönül, H., Türkiye Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi Karbonifer Penceresi Taşkömürü Ocaklarında Yıllık Atmosferik Radon Konsantrasyonu Ölçümleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2019, Isparta.
  • Referans 57 Emirhan, M.E., & Özben C.S., Assessment of Radiological Risk Factors in the Zonguldak Coal Mines. Journal of Radiological Protection, 29(4): 527-534, 2009.
  • Referans 58 Aytekin, H., Baldık, R., An Investigation on the Radiological Influence of an Underground Coal Mine in Zonguldak Basin, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18(4): 468-473, 2009.
  • Referans 59 Çile, S., Altınsoy, N., & Çelebi, N., Radon Concentrations in Three Underground Lignite Mines in Turkey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 138(1): 78-82, 2009.
  • Referans 60 Uzbey, S., Tel, E., Aytekin, H., & Albayrak, N., Çorum İli Yeraltı Kömür Ocaklarında Radon Yoğunluğu Ölçümü. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 3(1): 1-5, 2013.
  • Referans 61 Bölükbaş, M., Manisa Soma Bölgesi Maden Ocakları ve Çevre Binalarında Radon Konsantrasyonunun İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, 2015, İzmir.

Radon in Coal Mines

Yıl 2019, , 129 - 145, 30.12.2019


is a natural radiation source. It is directly responsible for the half of the
natural radiation that we are inevitably taken. Radon is a Class-A carcinogen. Inhalation
of radon and radon decay products, which is related to the etiology of lung
cancer, is one of the greatest risk from ionizing radiation that taken idoor
environments. In general, the radiological risk in mines is greater than the
risk in the other workplaces. Therefore, the subject concerning the measurement
of atmospheric radon concentration in mines has a great importance and it is
closely related to the health of mine workers. In the present study, the
development of radon measurements in mining industry has been summarized. Then
the radon measurements have been specifically investigated for coal mines and
the related literature regarding Turkey and the other countries in the world
have been evaluated.


  • Referans 1 UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Exposures from Natural Radiation Sources Annex B, 117-118, New York, USA, 2000.
  • Referans 2 Sabol, J., & Weng, P.S. Introduction to Radiation Protection Dosimetry: World Scientific Publishing, 300, Singapore, 1995.
  • Referans 3 NCRP, Report. Measurements of Radon and Radon Daughters in Air, No.97, p.174, 1988.
  • Referans 4 Olsson, M., & Tengström, J., Radon Presence and Remedial Measures in Europe and the USA. Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science. Physics and Engineering Physics Subatomic Physics Göteborg University Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, 2004, Sweden.
  • Referans 5 Durrani, S.A., & Iliç, R., Radon Measurements by Etched Track Detectors: Applications in Radiation Protection, Earth Sciences and the Environment, World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey, U.S.A., p.387, 1997.
  • Referans 6 İnternet: George, A. C., World History of Radon Research and Measurement from the Early 1900’s to Today. Historical Evolution of Radon Measurements, 2007.'s_To_Today adresinden 14.06.2017 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Referans 7 Rutherford, E., A Radio-Active Substance Emitted from Thorium Compounds. Philos. Mag., 49, 1-14, 1900.
  • Referans 8 Dorn, E., Die Von Radioaktiven Substanzen Ausgesandte Emanation. Abhandlungen Der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft (Halle), 23, 1-15, 1900.
  • Referans 9 Elster, V. J., & Geitel, H. Electric Leakage in Enclosed Volume of Air. Physikalische Zeitscher, 2, 590-593, 1901.
  • Referans 10 Qureshi, A. A., Kakar, D. M., Akram, M., Khattak, N. U., Tufail, M., Mehmood, K., & Khan, H. A., Radon Concentrations in Coal Mines of Baluchistan, Pakistan. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 48(2), 203-209, 2000.
  • Referans 11 UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Report to the General Assembly, with annexes. United Nations Sales Publication No.E.77.IX. l. New York, 1977.
  • Referans 12 Bale, W.F., Hazards Associated with Radon and Thoron. Memorandum to the Files March 14, 1951. Health Phys 38, 1062-1066, 1980.
  • Referans 13 BEIR VI, Health Effects of Exposure to Radon. National Academy Press. Washington, D.C., 1999.
  • Referans 14 IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency. Radiation, People and the Environment. IAEA/PI/A.75/04-00391, 15-17, 2004.
  • Referans 15 UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committe on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Report to the General Assembly, with annexes: Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation. United Nations Sales Publication No: E.88.IX.7. New York, 1988.
  • Referans 16 Ding, L., Getz, G., Wheeler, D. A., Mardis, E. R., McLellan, M. D., Cibulskis, K., & Fulton, L., Somatic Mutations Affect Key Pathways in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Nature, 455(7216): 1069-75, 2008.
  • Referans 17 ICRP, International Commission on Radiological Protection, Lung Cancer Risk From Radon and Progeny, ICRP Publication No:115, Annual ICRP 40(1), 2010.
  • Referans 18 EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. Citizen's Guide to Radon, U.S. EPA, 402-K02-006, 11-16, 2005.
  • Referans 19 WHO, WHO Handbook on Indoor Radon: A Public Health Perspective. WHO Press, Geneva, 2009.
  • Referans 20 İnternet: EPA, EPA Assessment of Risks from Radon in Homes, EPA Document EPA 402-R-03-003, 2003. adresinden 8.03.2009 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Referans 21 ICRP, International Commission on Radiological Protection. Radiological Protection Against Radon Exposure, ICRP Publication No:126. Annual ICRP 43(3), 2014.
  • Referans 22 European Commission (EC), Laying Down Basic Safety Standards for Protection Against the Dangers Arising from Exposure to Ionising Radiation, Brussels, 593, 2011.
  • Referans 23 Resmi Gazete, (24.03.2000 Tarihli ve 23999 Sayılı Resmi Gazetede Yayımlanan Radyasyon Güvenliği Yönetmeliğinin, 29 Eylül 2004 Tarih ve 25598 Sayılı Resmi Gazete'de Yayımlanan Radyasyon Güvenliği Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik ile Değişik 37. maddesi), 2004.
  • Referans 24 Sabol, A., Berka, Z., & Vognar, M., Study of Radon Concentration Behaviour in Tunnel Complex Under Vitkov Hill in Prague, in: Proceedings of European Conference on Protection Against Radon at Home and at Work, Part II, pp. 203-207, 1997.
  • Referans 25 Madden, J.S., Personal Monitoring of Tour Guides in Irish Show Caves, in: Proceedings of European Conference on Protection Against Radon at Home and at Work, Part II, Prague, pp. 123-128, 1997.
  • Referans 26 Szerbin, P., Radon and Exposure Levels in Hungarian Caves, Health Physics, 71(3), 362-369, 1996.
  • Referans 27 Eicker, H. & Zimmermayer, G., Radon Measurements and Valuation in German Hard Coal Underground Mines. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Radiation Hazards in Mining. Soc. Min. Eng. Golden, Colarado, October 1981 (New York) 636-641, 1981.
  • Referans 28 Chruscielewski, W., Zorawski, A., Olszewski, J., & Dormanski, T., Radon Concentrations in Air of Polish Underground Coal Mines. In: Proc Int. Conf. on Occupational Radiation Safety in Mining, Toronto. October 1984 297-301, 1985.
  • Referans 29 Edlin, D. W., Crawford, N. P. & Dodgson, J., Radon and Thoron Daughter Working Levels in British Coal Mines. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 28 (3), 315-320, 1984.
  • Referans 30 Duggan, M.J., Howell, D.M., & Soilleux, P.J., Concentration of Radon-222 in Coal Mines in England and Scotland Nature 219, 1149, 1968.
  • Referans 31 Kobal, I., Vaupotič, J., Udovč, H., Burger, J., & Stropnik, B., Radon Concentrations in the Air of Slovene (Yugoslavia) Underground Mines. Environment International, 16(2), 171-173, 1990.
  • Referans 32 Vishnuprasad Rao, K., Linga Reddy, B., Yadagiri Reddy, P., Ramchander, R.B., & Rama Reddy, K., Airborne Radon and its Progeny Levels in the Coal Mines of Godavarikhani, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Radiological Protection, 21(3): 259-68, 2001.
  • Referans 33 Schery, S. D., Gaeddert, D. H., Wilkening, M. H., Factors Effecting Exhalation of Radon from Gravelly Sandy Loam J. Geophys. Res. 89(D5): 7299-7309, 1984.
  • Referans 34 ICRP, International Commission on Radiological Protection. Protection Against Radon-222 at Home and at Work. ICRP Publication No:65, Annual ICRP 23(2), 1993.
  • Referans 35 Veiga, L. H. S., Melo, V., Koifman, S., & Amaral, E. C. S., High Radon Exposure in a Brazilian Underground Coal Mine. Journal of Radiological Protection, 24(3), 295, 2004.
  • Referans 36 Chen, C. C., Weng, P. S., Chu T. C. J., & Radiat Res., Radon Concentration in Two Largest Cities in Semitropical Taiwan. Jun; 33(2): 133-40, 1992.
  • Referans 37 Page, D., & Smith, D. M., The Distribution of Radon and its Decay Products in Some UK Coal Mines, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 45(1-4), 163–166,, 1992.
  • Referans 38 Ghiassi-Nejad, M., M. Beitollahi, M., Fathabadi, N., & Nasiree, P. Exposure to 222Rn in Ten Underground Mines in Iran. Radiation protection Dosimetry, 98(2), 223-225, 2002.
  • Referans 39 Veiga, L. H., Amaral, E. C., Colin, D., & Koifman, S., A Retrospective Mortality Study of Workers Exposed to Radon in a Brazilian Underground Coal Mine. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 45(2), 125-134, 2006.
  • Referans 40 Da Silva, A. L. M. A., de Eston, S. M., Iramina, W. S., & Francisca, D. D., Radon in Brazilian Underground Mines. Journal of Radiological Protection, 38(2), 607, 2018.
  • Referans 41 Liu, F.D., Pan, Z.Q., Liu, S.L., Chen, L., Ma, J.Z., Yang, M.L., & Wang, N.P., The Estimation of the Number of Underground Coal Miners and the Annual Dose to Coal Miners in China. Health Physics, 93(2), 127-132, 2007.
  • Referans 42 Nhan, D. D., Fernando, C. P., Ha, N. T. T., Long, N. Q., Thuan, D. D., & Fonseca, H. Radon (222Rn) Concentration in Indoor Air Near the Coal Mining Area of Nui Beo, North of Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 110: 98-103, 2012.
  • Referans 43 Bossew, P., Radon: Exploring the Log-Normal Mystery. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101(10), 826-834, 2010.
  • Referans 44 Portola, V. A., Torosyan, E. S., & Antufeyev, V. K., Radon Emission from Coal Mines of Kuzbass Region. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 127(1), p.012021. IOP Publishing, 2016.
  • Referans 45 Tchorz-Trzeciakiewicz, D. E., & Parkitny, T. Radon As a Tracer of Daily, Seasonal and Spatial Air Movements in the Underground Tourist Route “Coal Mine” (SW Poland). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 149: 90-98, 2015.
  • Referans 46 Fan, D., Zhuo, W., ve Zhang, Y., Occupational Exposure to Radon in Different Kinds of Non-Uranium Mines. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 170(1-4), 311-314, 2016.
  • Referans 47 Küçüktaş, E., Maden Ocaklarındaki Radyonüklid Konsantrasyonlarının Birikimi Etkileyen Parametrelere Bağlı Olarak Ölçülmesi, Maruz Kalınan Dozların Analitik Bir Yöntem Geliştirilerek Hesaplanması. Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Nükleer Enerji Enstitüsü, 1996, İzmir.
  • Referans 48 Yener, G., Küçüktaş, E., Concentrations of Radon and Decay Products in Various Underground Mines in Western Turkey and Total Effective Dose Equivalents, Analyst, 123(1): 31-34, 1998.
  • Referans 49 Fişne, A., Yeraltı Madenlerinde Radon Gazı Konsantrasyon Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi ve İşçi Sağlığı Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002, İstanbul.
  • Referans 50 Fişne, A., Ökten, G., & Çelebi, N., Türkiye Taşkömürü Kurumu (TTK) Yeraltı Maden Ocaklarında Radon Gazı Yayılımının İncelenmesi, Türkiye 14 Kömür Kongresi, Zonguldak, Türkiye, Bildiri Kitabı, 193-202, 2004.
  • Referans 51 Fişne, A., Ökten, G., & Çelebi, N., Radon Concentration Measurements in Bituminous Coal Mines. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 113(2): 173-177, 2005.
  • Referans 52 Baldık, R., Aytekin, H., Çelebi, N., Ataksor, B., & Taşdelen, M., Radon Concentration Measurements in the Amasra Coal Mine, Turkey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 118(1): 122-125, 2006.
  • Referans 53 Baldık, R., Aytekin, H., & Çelebi, N., Radon Fluctuations in the Armutçuk Coal Mine, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18(1): 87-91, 2009.
  • Referans 54 Baldık, R., & Aytekin, H., Zonguldak Taş Kömürü Havzasında Yapılmış Radon Gazı Ölçümlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Karaelmas İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Dergisi, 1(1): 1-7, 2017.
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Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Metroloji,Uygulamalı ve Endüstriyel Fizik, Mühendislik
Bölüm İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği

Mehmet Ertan Kürkçüoğlu

Havva Akgönül Bu kişi benim

Alaiddin Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

IEEE M. E. Kürkçüoğlu, H. Akgönül, ve A. Yılmaz, “Kömür Madenlerinde Radon”, kisgd, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 129–145, 2019, doi: 10.33720/kisgd.623858.