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Yol İnşaatı İşçilerinin İş Kazalarına Bağlı Ölüm Risklerinin Tahmini

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 89 - 98, 31.08.2021


Ölümcül iş kazaları ve hastalıkları nedeniyle her yıl milyonlarca insan ölmektedir. Dünyadaki inşaat sektörünün kaza oranları incelendiğinde, sektörün tehlike net bir şekilde görülmektedir. İnşaat sektörü gelişmekte olan ülkeler için önemli olmakla birlikte, ölümlü iş kazalarında da önemli bir paya sahiptir. İnşaat sektöründeki riskler projeye göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Yol yapımında meydana gelen iş kazaları inşaat sektöründe önemli bir paya sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye 2013-2016 yılları arasında yol inşaatlarında gerçekleşen 14910 iş kazası verisi analiz edilmiştir. İlk olarak inşaat sektöründe kaza şiddetini etkileyen parametreler belirlenmiştir. Yol inşaatlarında çalışan işçilerin iş kazasına maruz kaldığında, ölüm riski seviyelerini tahmin eden bir skor tablosu geliştirilmiştir. Böylece, işverenlerin işe uygun çalışan seçimi ve çalışanın işe uyum sürecine katkı sağlayan sonuçlar türetilmiştir.


  • Prieskop FG. “Occupational Safety. In: Joseph LaDou”. ed., in Current occupational and environmental medicine, 4th ed. New York, McGraw Hill, p. 609, 2007.
  • Abbasianjahromi H, Etemadi A. “Applying social network analysis to identify the most effective persons according to their potential in causing accidents in construction projects”. International Journal of Construction Management, p. 1-14, 2019.
  • Macedo AC, Silva IL. “Analysis of occupational accidents in Portugal between 1992 and 2001”. Safety Science, 43(5-6), p. 269-286, 2005.
  • International Labour Organization (ILO). ”Safety and Health at Work”. (19.05.2021).
  • Kines P. “Construction workers' falls through roofs:: Fatal versus serious injuries”. Journal of Safety Research, 33(2), p. 195-208, 2002.
  • Hallowell MR , Gambatese JA. “Construction safety risk mitigation”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(12), p. 1316-1323, 2009.
  • Al-Tabtabai HM. “Analyzing construction site accidents in Kuwait”. Kuwait J. Sci. Eng, 29(2), p. 213-238, 2002.
  • Elsebaei M, Elnawawy O, Othman A, Badawy M. “Causes and impacts of site accidents in the Egyptian construction industry”. International Journal of Construction Management, p. 1-12, 2020.
  • Sherratt F, Farrell P, Noble R. “UK construction site safety: discourses of enforcement and engagement”. Construction management and economics, 31(6), p. 623-635, 2013.
  • Lingard H, Rowlinson S. “Occupational health and safety in construction project management”. 1st ed., London, Routledge, p.396, 2004.
  • Al-Humaidi H, Tan FH. “Construction safety in Kuwait”. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 24(1), p. 70-77, 2010.
  • Gürcanli GE. “Dünyada ve Türkiye’de İş Güvenliğinde Gelinen Durum ve İnşaat Sektörü”. TMMOB Ölçü Dergisi, Şubat sayısı, p. 90-99, 2008.
  • Eurostat, European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW). Statistical Office the European Union, 2016.
  • Nazlıoğlu A. “İnşaat Sektöründe Kullanılan Kule Vinçler ile Yapılan Çalışmalarda Karşılaşılan Risklerin Tespiti ve Korunma Yolları”. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Türkiye, p. 118, 2014.
  • Kim YA, Ryoo BY, Kim YS, Huh WC. “Major accident factors for effective safety management of highway construction projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering And Management, 139(6), p. 628-640, 2012.
  • Bai, Y, Li Y. “Determining Major Causes of Highway Work Zone Accidents in Kansas”. Kansas Department of Transportation, University of Kansas Center for Research, Phase II. 2007.
  • Garber NJ, Zhao M. Final report crash characteristics at work zones. Virginia Department of Transportation, the University of Virginia, Scientific Report, Rep. No. VTRC 02-R12, 2002.
  • Pigman J, Agent K. Highway Crashes in Construction and Maintenance Work Zones. Transportation Research Record, 1270, 1990.
  • Pal R, Sinha K.C. “Analysis of Crash Rates at Interstate Work Zones in Indiana”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1529(1), p. 43-53, 1996.
  • Debnath AK, Banks T, Blackman R, Dovan N, Haworth N, Biggs H. “Beyond the barriers: Road construction safety issues from the office and the roadside”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 19-23 July, Kraków, Poland, 2014.
  • Uslu M. 6331 nolu İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kanunu İnşaat sektöründe değerlendirilmesi ve Şantiyelerde Risk Değerlendirilmesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2014.
  • Marhavilas PK, Koulouriotis D, Gemeni V. “Risk analysis and assessment methodologies in the work sites: On a review, classification and comparative study of the scientific literature of the period 2000-2009”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24: p. 477-523, 2011.
  • Ceylan H, Başhelvacı VS. “Risk değerlendirme tablosu yöntemi ile risk analizi: Bir uygulama”. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 3(2), p. 25-33, 2011.
  • Erzurumluoğlu K, Köksal KN, Gerek İH. “İnşaat Sektöründe Fine-Kinney Metodu Kullanılarak Risk Analizi Yapılması”. 5. İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği Sempozyumu, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası: İzmir. p. 137-146, 2015.
  • Unsar S, Sut N. “General assessment of the occupational accidents that occurred in Turkey between the years 2000 and 2005”. Safety Science, 47(5), p. 614-619, 2009.
  • Hämäläinen P, Saarela KL, Takala J. “Global trend according to estimated number of occupational accidents and fatal work-related diseases at region and country level”. Journal of safety research, 40(2), p. 125-139, 2009.
  • Dizdar EN, Kurt M. “A Rule-Based System Approach For Safety Management In Hazardous Work Systems”. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 4(3): p. 743-747, 1998.
  • Lortie M, Rizzo P. “The classification of accident data”. Safety Science, 31(1), p. 31-57, 1998.
  • Bilim A, Çelik ON. “Türkiye’deki İnşaat Sektöründe Meydana Gelen İş Kazalarının Genel Değerlendirmesi”. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), p. 725-731, 2018.
  • Mutlu M. Açık İşletme Kömür Madenciliğinde Lojistik Regresyon Analizi İle İş Kazalarının Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Türkiye, p. 123, 2013.
  • Babbie ER. The basics of social research. 2013: Cengage Learning.
  • Kazan EE. Analysis of fatal and nonfatal accidents involving earthmoving equipment operators and on-foot workers, PhD Thesis ,Wayne State University, p. 173, 2013.
  • Sims, R.L., Bivariate data analysis: A practical guide. 2000: Nova Publishers.
  • Elliott AC, Woodward WA. Statistical analysis quick reference guidebook: With SPSS examples, Sage, 2007.
  • Cakan H. Analysis and modeling of roofer and steel worker fall accidents, PhD Thesis, in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, p. 156, 2012.
  • Fields A. Discovering statistics using SPSS, 2nd ed., US: Sage Publications, 2005.
  • Bilim A. Karayolu ve Demiryolu İnşaatlarında Meydana Gelen İş Kazalarının Analizi ve Modellenmesi, Doktora tezi, in Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya. p. 167, 2018.

Estimation of Fatal Risks of Road Construction Workers in Occupational Accidents

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 89 - 98, 31.08.2021


Millions of people die every year because of fatal work accidents and diseases. When the accident rates of the construction industry in the world are analyzed, it is seen that these rates support the hazard situation of the sector. The construction sector is important for developing countries, but it also has a significant share, especially in fatal work accidents. Risks in the construction sector vary according to the project. Work accidents occurring in road construction have a significant share in the construction sector. In this study, 14910 work accident data in road constructions between 2013-2016 years are examined for Turkey. The parameters affecting the severity of the accident in the sector were determined. A score table was created in which road workers could determine their fatal risk. Thus, the results that contribute to the selection of employees suitable for the job and the adaptation process of the employee were derived. 


  • Prieskop FG. “Occupational Safety. In: Joseph LaDou”. ed., in Current occupational and environmental medicine, 4th ed. New York, McGraw Hill, p. 609, 2007.
  • Abbasianjahromi H, Etemadi A. “Applying social network analysis to identify the most effective persons according to their potential in causing accidents in construction projects”. International Journal of Construction Management, p. 1-14, 2019.
  • Macedo AC, Silva IL. “Analysis of occupational accidents in Portugal between 1992 and 2001”. Safety Science, 43(5-6), p. 269-286, 2005.
  • International Labour Organization (ILO). ”Safety and Health at Work”. (19.05.2021).
  • Kines P. “Construction workers' falls through roofs:: Fatal versus serious injuries”. Journal of Safety Research, 33(2), p. 195-208, 2002.
  • Hallowell MR , Gambatese JA. “Construction safety risk mitigation”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(12), p. 1316-1323, 2009.
  • Al-Tabtabai HM. “Analyzing construction site accidents in Kuwait”. Kuwait J. Sci. Eng, 29(2), p. 213-238, 2002.
  • Elsebaei M, Elnawawy O, Othman A, Badawy M. “Causes and impacts of site accidents in the Egyptian construction industry”. International Journal of Construction Management, p. 1-12, 2020.
  • Sherratt F, Farrell P, Noble R. “UK construction site safety: discourses of enforcement and engagement”. Construction management and economics, 31(6), p. 623-635, 2013.
  • Lingard H, Rowlinson S. “Occupational health and safety in construction project management”. 1st ed., London, Routledge, p.396, 2004.
  • Al-Humaidi H, Tan FH. “Construction safety in Kuwait”. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 24(1), p. 70-77, 2010.
  • Gürcanli GE. “Dünyada ve Türkiye’de İş Güvenliğinde Gelinen Durum ve İnşaat Sektörü”. TMMOB Ölçü Dergisi, Şubat sayısı, p. 90-99, 2008.
  • Eurostat, European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW). Statistical Office the European Union, 2016.
  • Nazlıoğlu A. “İnşaat Sektöründe Kullanılan Kule Vinçler ile Yapılan Çalışmalarda Karşılaşılan Risklerin Tespiti ve Korunma Yolları”. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Türkiye, p. 118, 2014.
  • Kim YA, Ryoo BY, Kim YS, Huh WC. “Major accident factors for effective safety management of highway construction projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering And Management, 139(6), p. 628-640, 2012.
  • Bai, Y, Li Y. “Determining Major Causes of Highway Work Zone Accidents in Kansas”. Kansas Department of Transportation, University of Kansas Center for Research, Phase II. 2007.
  • Garber NJ, Zhao M. Final report crash characteristics at work zones. Virginia Department of Transportation, the University of Virginia, Scientific Report, Rep. No. VTRC 02-R12, 2002.
  • Pigman J, Agent K. Highway Crashes in Construction and Maintenance Work Zones. Transportation Research Record, 1270, 1990.
  • Pal R, Sinha K.C. “Analysis of Crash Rates at Interstate Work Zones in Indiana”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1529(1), p. 43-53, 1996.
  • Debnath AK, Banks T, Blackman R, Dovan N, Haworth N, Biggs H. “Beyond the barriers: Road construction safety issues from the office and the roadside”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 19-23 July, Kraków, Poland, 2014.
  • Uslu M. 6331 nolu İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kanunu İnşaat sektöründe değerlendirilmesi ve Şantiyelerde Risk Değerlendirilmesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2014.
  • Marhavilas PK, Koulouriotis D, Gemeni V. “Risk analysis and assessment methodologies in the work sites: On a review, classification and comparative study of the scientific literature of the period 2000-2009”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24: p. 477-523, 2011.
  • Ceylan H, Başhelvacı VS. “Risk değerlendirme tablosu yöntemi ile risk analizi: Bir uygulama”. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 3(2), p. 25-33, 2011.
  • Erzurumluoğlu K, Köksal KN, Gerek İH. “İnşaat Sektöründe Fine-Kinney Metodu Kullanılarak Risk Analizi Yapılması”. 5. İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği Sempozyumu, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası: İzmir. p. 137-146, 2015.
  • Unsar S, Sut N. “General assessment of the occupational accidents that occurred in Turkey between the years 2000 and 2005”. Safety Science, 47(5), p. 614-619, 2009.
  • Hämäläinen P, Saarela KL, Takala J. “Global trend according to estimated number of occupational accidents and fatal work-related diseases at region and country level”. Journal of safety research, 40(2), p. 125-139, 2009.
  • Dizdar EN, Kurt M. “A Rule-Based System Approach For Safety Management In Hazardous Work Systems”. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 4(3): p. 743-747, 1998.
  • Lortie M, Rizzo P. “The classification of accident data”. Safety Science, 31(1), p. 31-57, 1998.
  • Bilim A, Çelik ON. “Türkiye’deki İnşaat Sektöründe Meydana Gelen İş Kazalarının Genel Değerlendirmesi”. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), p. 725-731, 2018.
  • Mutlu M. Açık İşletme Kömür Madenciliğinde Lojistik Regresyon Analizi İle İş Kazalarının Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Türkiye, p. 123, 2013.
  • Babbie ER. The basics of social research. 2013: Cengage Learning.
  • Kazan EE. Analysis of fatal and nonfatal accidents involving earthmoving equipment operators and on-foot workers, PhD Thesis ,Wayne State University, p. 173, 2013.
  • Sims, R.L., Bivariate data analysis: A practical guide. 2000: Nova Publishers.
  • Elliott AC, Woodward WA. Statistical analysis quick reference guidebook: With SPSS examples, Sage, 2007.
  • Cakan H. Analysis and modeling of roofer and steel worker fall accidents, PhD Thesis, in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, p. 156, 2012.
  • Fields A. Discovering statistics using SPSS, 2nd ed., US: Sage Publications, 2005.
  • Bilim A. Karayolu ve Demiryolu İnşaatlarında Meydana Gelen İş Kazalarının Analizi ve Modellenmesi, Doktora tezi, in Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya. p. 167, 2018.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İnşaat Mühendisliği
Bölüm İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği

Atiye Bilim 0000-0002-8265-6091

Osman Nuri Çelik 0000-0001-5368-0685

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

IEEE A. Bilim ve O. N. Çelik, “Estimation of Fatal Risks of Road Construction Workers in Occupational Accidents”, kisgd, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 89–98, 2021, doi: 10.33720/kisgd.950315.