Adams, J. S. (1965), “Inequity in Social Exchange. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology,2: 267-299. Academi, New York.
Anion, L. (2006), “Reciprocal Effects of Burnout Symptoms and Police Culture Elements”, Tallinn University Press, 1-27.
Arı, G. S. ve Bal, E. Ç. (2008), “Tükenmişlik Kavramı: Bireyler ve Örgütler Açısından Önemi”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 15(1), 131-148.
Balcıoğlu, İ., Memetali S. ve Rozant, R. (2008),
“Tükenmişlik Sendromu”, Dirim
Tıp Gazetesi,, 83, 99-104.
Barutçu, E. ve Serinkan, C. (2008), “Günümüzün Önemli Sorunlarından Biri Olarak Tükenmişlik Sendromu ve Denizli’de Yapılan Bir Araştırma”, EgeAkademik Bakış, 8(2), 541-561.
Budak, G. ve Sürgevil, O. (2005), “Tükenmişlik ve Tükenmişliği Etkileyen Örgütsel Faktörlerin Analizine İlişkin Akademik Personel Üzerinde Bir Uygulama”, D.E.Ü.İİ.B.F. Dergisi, 20(2), 95-108.
Cemaloğlu, N. ve Erdemoğlu Şahin D. (2007), “Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Farklı Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi”, Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 15(2), 465-484.
Chiaburu Dan S. ve Lim Audrey, S. (2008), “Manager Trustworthiness or Interactional Justice? Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviors”, Journal of Business Ethics, 83, 453–467.
Chiu, C.M. ve Wang Eric, T.G. (2006), “Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities: An Integration of Expectancy Disconfirmation and Justice Theories, 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, 531-546.
Colquitt Jason, A. (2001), “On the Dimensionality of Organizational Justice: A Construct validation of a Measure”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3), 386-400.
Çapri, B. (2006), “Tükenmişlik Ölçeğinin Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”, Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 62-77.
Dericioğulları, A. Konak, Ş. Arslan, E. ve Öztürk, B. (2007), “Öğretim Elemanlarının Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri: Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Örneği”, Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 2(5), 13-23.
Engelbrecht, S. (2006), Motivation and Burnout in Human Service Work the Case of Midwifery in Denmark, Ph. D. Thesis.
Freudenberger, H. J. (1974), “Staff burn-out”, Journal of Social Issues, 30(1), 159- 165.
Freudenberger, H. J. (1975), “The Staff Burn-out Syndroma in Alternative Institutions. Psychoteraphy”, Theory, Research and Practice, 12(1), 73-82.
Fischer, R. (2004), “Rewarding Employee Loyalty: An Organizational Justice Approach”, International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 8(3), 486-503.
Forray, J. M. (2006), “Sustaining Fair Organization: An Interpretıve Vıew Of Justıce In Organızatıonal Life”, Group & Organization Management, 31(3), 359-387.
Giap, B. ve Hackermeier, I. (2005), “Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Perception of Organizational Justice in Student Jobs”, Psychoplogy of Excellence Instructional Design, Job Analysis & Job Design, 2-14.
Greenberg, J. (2004), “Stress Fairness to Fare No Stress: Managing Workplace Stress by Promoting Organizational Justice”, Organizational Dynamics, 33(4), 352-365.
Hair, Joseph F.; Anderson, Rolph E., Tatham, Ronald. and Black, William (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, International (UK) Limited: Prentice- Hall, 730 s., London
Haris, L. (2002), “Achieving a Balance in Human Resourcing Between Employee Rights and Care for the Individual”, Busıness & Professıonal Ethıcs Journal, 21(2), 45-60.
Harris, K. J., Andrews, M. C. ve Kacmar, K. M. (2007), “The Moderating Effects of Justice on the Relationship Between Organizational Politics and Workplace Attitudes”, J Bus Psychol, 22, 135–144.
Hogan, R. L. ve McKnight M. A. (2007), “Exploring Burnout Among University Online Instructors: An Initial Investigation”, Internet and Higher Education, 10, 117-124.
Huang, Ing-C., Chuang, Chih-H. J. ve Lin, Hao-C. (2003), “The Role of Burnout in the Relationship Between Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Turnover Intentions”, Public Personel Management, 32(4), 519-531.
İnce, M. ve Gül, H. (2005), Yönetimde Yeni Bir Paradigma: Örgütsel Bağlılık, Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi.
Jackson, S. E. ve Schuler R. S. (1983), “Preventing Employee Burnout”, American Management Associations, 58-68.
Jahangır, N., Akbar M. ve Begum, N. (2006), “The Role of Social Power, Procedural Justice, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction to Engerder Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, ABAC Journal, 26(3), 21-36.
Kaçmaz, N. (2005), “Tükenmişlik (Burnout) Sendromu”, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 68, 29-32.
Kim, H. S. (2005), Organızatıonal Structure and Internal Communication as Antecedents of Employeeorganization Relationships in the Context of Organizational Justıce: A Multilevel Analysis, University of Maryland: Ph.D. Thesis.
Kwak, A. (2006). The Relationships of Organizational Injustice with Employee Burnout and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Equity Sensitivity as A Moderator, Ph. D. Thesis, Central Michigan University.
Kwon, Jong-W. (2006), “Distrubutive and Procedural Justice as Predictors for Organizational Outcomes in korea and Malaysia: An Integrative Model”, The Business Review, 5(1), 253-257.
Leventhal, G. (1980), “What should be Done With Equity Theory? New Approaches to the Study of Fairness in Social Relationship. In K. Gergen, M. Greenberg, & R. Willis (Eds.), Social Exchanges: Advances in Theory and Research, New York: Plenum, 27-55.
Maslach, C. Schaufeli, W. B. ve Leiter M. P. (2001), “Job Burnout”, Annu. Rev. Psychol., 52, 379-422.
Maslach, C. ve Jackson, S. E. (1981), “The Measurement of Experienced Burnout”, Journal of Occupatıonal Behavıour, 2, 99-113.
Maslach, C. ve Jackson, S. E. (1984), “Burnout in Organizational Settings”, Applied Social Psychology Annual, 5, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Maslach, C. (2003), “Job Burnout: New Directions in Research and Intervention”, Current Directions in Psychologycal Science, 12, 189-192.
Moon, H. ve Kamdar D. (2008), “Meor We? The Role of Personality And Justice as Other- Centered Antecedents to Innovative Citizenship Behaviors Within Organizations”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 84-94.
Nakip, M. (2003), Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve (SPSS Destekli) Uygulamalar, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 572 s., Ankara.
Otacıoğlu, S. G. (2008), “Müzik Öğretmenlerinde Tükenmişlik Sendromu ve Etkileyen Faktörler”, İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim fakültesi Dergisi, 9(15), Bahar, 103-116.
Ören, N. ve Turkoğlu, H. (2006), “Öğretmen Adaylarında Tükenmişlik”, Muğla Üniversitesi, Erişim: 25.03.2009. Enstitüsü Dergisi (İlke), Bahar, Sayı: 16,
Özdevecioğlu, M. (2003), “Algılanan Örgütsel Adaletin Bireylerarası Saldırgan Davranışlar Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Erciyes Üniversitesi, İİBF Dergisi, Sayı: 21, 77-96.
Paré, G. ve Tremblay, M. (2007), “The Influence of High-Involvement Human Resources Practices, Procedural Justice, Organizational Commitment, and Citizenship Behaviors on Information Technology Professionals’ Turnover Intentions”, Group & Organization Management, 32(3), 326-357.
Ramamoorthy, N. ve Flood P.C. (2004), “Gender and Employee Attitudes: The Role of Organizational Justice Perceptions”, British Journal of Management, 15, 247–258.
Schepman, S. B. ve Zarate, M. A. (2008), “The Relationship Between Burnout, Negative Affectivity and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Human Services Employees”, Proceedings of World Academy of Science Engineering and Tecnology, 30, 437-442.
Skarlicki, D. P. ve Folger, R. (1997), “Retaliation in the Workplace: The Roles of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(3), 434-443.
Tabachinck, Barbara G. and Fidell, Linda S. (2001), Using Multivariate Statistics, A Pearson Education Company, 996 s., Needham Heights.
Tekleab, A. G. Takeuchi R. ve Taylor M. S. (2005), “Extending the Chain of Relationships Among Organizational Justice, Social Exchange, and Employee Reactions: The Role of Contract Violations”, Academy of Management Journal, 48(1), 146-157.
Tsigilis, N. Zachopoulou, E. ve Grammatikopoulos, V. (2006), “Job Satisfaction and Burnout Among Greek Early Educators: A Comparison Between Public and Private Sector Employees”, Educational Research and Review, 1(8), 256-261.
Villanueva, Lytida S. (2006). An Examination of the Role of Self-Control in the Prediction of Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Does Cognition Matter?, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Houston
Yıldırım, F. (2007), “İş Doyumu ile Örgütsel Adalet İlişkisi”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 62(1), 354–279.
Yperen, N. W. V. Hagedoorn, M. Zweers, M. ve Postma, S. (2000) “Injustice and Employees’ Destructive Responses: The Mediating Role of State Negative Affect”, Social Justice Research, 13(3), 291-312.
Wesolowskı, M. A. ve Massholder, K. (1997), “Relational Demography in Supervisor-Subordinate Dyads: Impact on Subordinate Job Satisfaction, Burnout, and Perceived Procedural Justice”, Jounal of Organizational Behavior, 18, 351-367.
Wright, C. W. ve Sablnski, C. J. (2008), “Procedural Justice, Mood, and Prosocial Personality Influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, North American Journal of Psychology, 10(2), 397-412.
Wong, Yuı-T. NGO H. Y. ve Wong, Chi-S. (2004), “Perceived Organizational Justice, Trust, and OCB: A Study of Chinese Workers in Joint Ventures and State-owned Enterprises”, Erişim: 30.03.2009.
Örgütsel Adalet İle Duygusal Tükenmişlik Arasındaki İlişki: İmalat Sanayi Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Bu çalışmada, çalışanların örgütsel adalet algılamaları ile duygusal tükenmişlikleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Örgütsel adalet, dağıtımsal, işlemsel ve etkileşimsel adalet alt boyutları ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Kayseri, Niğde ve Konya’da imalat sanayinde faaliyet gösteren üç işletme çalışanlarından oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada yüz-yüze anket yöntemi kullanılmış olup ankete katılan çalışan sayısı 502’dir. Çalışmada üç temel hipotez geliştirilmiştir. Hipotezler örgütsel adaletin alt boyutları ile duygusal tükenmişlik arasında negatif veya pozitif ilişki esas alınarak kurgulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre çalışanların dağıtımsal ve etkileşimsel adalet algılamaları ile duygusal tükenmişlikleri arasında negatif ilişkinin olduğu ve işlemsel adalet ile duygusal tükenmişlik arasında ise pozitif bir ilişkinin olduğu görülmüştür
Adams, J. S. (1965), “Inequity in Social Exchange. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology,2: 267-299. Academi, New York.
Anion, L. (2006), “Reciprocal Effects of Burnout Symptoms and Police Culture Elements”, Tallinn University Press, 1-27.
Arı, G. S. ve Bal, E. Ç. (2008), “Tükenmişlik Kavramı: Bireyler ve Örgütler Açısından Önemi”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 15(1), 131-148.
Balcıoğlu, İ., Memetali S. ve Rozant, R. (2008),
“Tükenmişlik Sendromu”, Dirim
Tıp Gazetesi,, 83, 99-104.
Barutçu, E. ve Serinkan, C. (2008), “Günümüzün Önemli Sorunlarından Biri Olarak Tükenmişlik Sendromu ve Denizli’de Yapılan Bir Araştırma”, EgeAkademik Bakış, 8(2), 541-561.
Budak, G. ve Sürgevil, O. (2005), “Tükenmişlik ve Tükenmişliği Etkileyen Örgütsel Faktörlerin Analizine İlişkin Akademik Personel Üzerinde Bir Uygulama”, D.E.Ü.İİ.B.F. Dergisi, 20(2), 95-108.
Cemaloğlu, N. ve Erdemoğlu Şahin D. (2007), “Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Farklı Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi”, Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 15(2), 465-484.
Chiaburu Dan S. ve Lim Audrey, S. (2008), “Manager Trustworthiness or Interactional Justice? Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviors”, Journal of Business Ethics, 83, 453–467.
Chiu, C.M. ve Wang Eric, T.G. (2006), “Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities: An Integration of Expectancy Disconfirmation and Justice Theories, 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, 531-546.
Colquitt Jason, A. (2001), “On the Dimensionality of Organizational Justice: A Construct validation of a Measure”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3), 386-400.
Çapri, B. (2006), “Tükenmişlik Ölçeğinin Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”, Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 62-77.
Dericioğulları, A. Konak, Ş. Arslan, E. ve Öztürk, B. (2007), “Öğretim Elemanlarının Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri: Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Örneği”, Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 2(5), 13-23.
Engelbrecht, S. (2006), Motivation and Burnout in Human Service Work the Case of Midwifery in Denmark, Ph. D. Thesis.
Freudenberger, H. J. (1974), “Staff burn-out”, Journal of Social Issues, 30(1), 159- 165.
Freudenberger, H. J. (1975), “The Staff Burn-out Syndroma in Alternative Institutions. Psychoteraphy”, Theory, Research and Practice, 12(1), 73-82.
Fischer, R. (2004), “Rewarding Employee Loyalty: An Organizational Justice Approach”, International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 8(3), 486-503.
Forray, J. M. (2006), “Sustaining Fair Organization: An Interpretıve Vıew Of Justıce In Organızatıonal Life”, Group & Organization Management, 31(3), 359-387.
Giap, B. ve Hackermeier, I. (2005), “Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Perception of Organizational Justice in Student Jobs”, Psychoplogy of Excellence Instructional Design, Job Analysis & Job Design, 2-14.
Greenberg, J. (2004), “Stress Fairness to Fare No Stress: Managing Workplace Stress by Promoting Organizational Justice”, Organizational Dynamics, 33(4), 352-365.
Hair, Joseph F.; Anderson, Rolph E., Tatham, Ronald. and Black, William (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, International (UK) Limited: Prentice- Hall, 730 s., London
Haris, L. (2002), “Achieving a Balance in Human Resourcing Between Employee Rights and Care for the Individual”, Busıness & Professıonal Ethıcs Journal, 21(2), 45-60.
Harris, K. J., Andrews, M. C. ve Kacmar, K. M. (2007), “The Moderating Effects of Justice on the Relationship Between Organizational Politics and Workplace Attitudes”, J Bus Psychol, 22, 135–144.
Hogan, R. L. ve McKnight M. A. (2007), “Exploring Burnout Among University Online Instructors: An Initial Investigation”, Internet and Higher Education, 10, 117-124.
Huang, Ing-C., Chuang, Chih-H. J. ve Lin, Hao-C. (2003), “The Role of Burnout in the Relationship Between Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Turnover Intentions”, Public Personel Management, 32(4), 519-531.
İnce, M. ve Gül, H. (2005), Yönetimde Yeni Bir Paradigma: Örgütsel Bağlılık, Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi.
Jackson, S. E. ve Schuler R. S. (1983), “Preventing Employee Burnout”, American Management Associations, 58-68.
Jahangır, N., Akbar M. ve Begum, N. (2006), “The Role of Social Power, Procedural Justice, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction to Engerder Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, ABAC Journal, 26(3), 21-36.
Kaçmaz, N. (2005), “Tükenmişlik (Burnout) Sendromu”, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 68, 29-32.
Kim, H. S. (2005), Organızatıonal Structure and Internal Communication as Antecedents of Employeeorganization Relationships in the Context of Organizational Justıce: A Multilevel Analysis, University of Maryland: Ph.D. Thesis.
Kwak, A. (2006). The Relationships of Organizational Injustice with Employee Burnout and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Equity Sensitivity as A Moderator, Ph. D. Thesis, Central Michigan University.
Kwon, Jong-W. (2006), “Distrubutive and Procedural Justice as Predictors for Organizational Outcomes in korea and Malaysia: An Integrative Model”, The Business Review, 5(1), 253-257.
Leventhal, G. (1980), “What should be Done With Equity Theory? New Approaches to the Study of Fairness in Social Relationship. In K. Gergen, M. Greenberg, & R. Willis (Eds.), Social Exchanges: Advances in Theory and Research, New York: Plenum, 27-55.
Maslach, C. Schaufeli, W. B. ve Leiter M. P. (2001), “Job Burnout”, Annu. Rev. Psychol., 52, 379-422.
Maslach, C. ve Jackson, S. E. (1981), “The Measurement of Experienced Burnout”, Journal of Occupatıonal Behavıour, 2, 99-113.
Maslach, C. ve Jackson, S. E. (1984), “Burnout in Organizational Settings”, Applied Social Psychology Annual, 5, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Maslach, C. (2003), “Job Burnout: New Directions in Research and Intervention”, Current Directions in Psychologycal Science, 12, 189-192.
Moon, H. ve Kamdar D. (2008), “Meor We? The Role of Personality And Justice as Other- Centered Antecedents to Innovative Citizenship Behaviors Within Organizations”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 84-94.
Nakip, M. (2003), Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve (SPSS Destekli) Uygulamalar, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 572 s., Ankara.
Otacıoğlu, S. G. (2008), “Müzik Öğretmenlerinde Tükenmişlik Sendromu ve Etkileyen Faktörler”, İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim fakültesi Dergisi, 9(15), Bahar, 103-116.
Ören, N. ve Turkoğlu, H. (2006), “Öğretmen Adaylarında Tükenmişlik”, Muğla Üniversitesi, Erişim: 25.03.2009. Enstitüsü Dergisi (İlke), Bahar, Sayı: 16,
Özdevecioğlu, M. (2003), “Algılanan Örgütsel Adaletin Bireylerarası Saldırgan Davranışlar Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Erciyes Üniversitesi, İİBF Dergisi, Sayı: 21, 77-96.
Paré, G. ve Tremblay, M. (2007), “The Influence of High-Involvement Human Resources Practices, Procedural Justice, Organizational Commitment, and Citizenship Behaviors on Information Technology Professionals’ Turnover Intentions”, Group & Organization Management, 32(3), 326-357.
Ramamoorthy, N. ve Flood P.C. (2004), “Gender and Employee Attitudes: The Role of Organizational Justice Perceptions”, British Journal of Management, 15, 247–258.
Schepman, S. B. ve Zarate, M. A. (2008), “The Relationship Between Burnout, Negative Affectivity and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Human Services Employees”, Proceedings of World Academy of Science Engineering and Tecnology, 30, 437-442.
Skarlicki, D. P. ve Folger, R. (1997), “Retaliation in the Workplace: The Roles of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(3), 434-443.
Tabachinck, Barbara G. and Fidell, Linda S. (2001), Using Multivariate Statistics, A Pearson Education Company, 996 s., Needham Heights.
Tekleab, A. G. Takeuchi R. ve Taylor M. S. (2005), “Extending the Chain of Relationships Among Organizational Justice, Social Exchange, and Employee Reactions: The Role of Contract Violations”, Academy of Management Journal, 48(1), 146-157.
Tsigilis, N. Zachopoulou, E. ve Grammatikopoulos, V. (2006), “Job Satisfaction and Burnout Among Greek Early Educators: A Comparison Between Public and Private Sector Employees”, Educational Research and Review, 1(8), 256-261.
Villanueva, Lytida S. (2006). An Examination of the Role of Self-Control in the Prediction of Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Does Cognition Matter?, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Houston
Yıldırım, F. (2007), “İş Doyumu ile Örgütsel Adalet İlişkisi”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 62(1), 354–279.
Yperen, N. W. V. Hagedoorn, M. Zweers, M. ve Postma, S. (2000) “Injustice and Employees’ Destructive Responses: The Mediating Role of State Negative Affect”, Social Justice Research, 13(3), 291-312.
Wesolowskı, M. A. ve Massholder, K. (1997), “Relational Demography in Supervisor-Subordinate Dyads: Impact on Subordinate Job Satisfaction, Burnout, and Perceived Procedural Justice”, Jounal of Organizational Behavior, 18, 351-367.
Wright, C. W. ve Sablnski, C. J. (2008), “Procedural Justice, Mood, and Prosocial Personality Influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, North American Journal of Psychology, 10(2), 397-412.
Wong, Yuı-T. NGO H. Y. ve Wong, Chi-S. (2004), “Perceived Organizational Justice, Trust, and OCB: A Study of Chinese Workers in Joint Ventures and State-owned Enterprises”, Erişim: 30.03.2009.
Yeniçeri, Ö., Demirel, Y., & Seçkin, Z. (2009). Örgütsel Adalet İle Duygusal Tükenmişlik Arasındaki İlişki: İmalat Sanayi Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2009(1), 83-99.