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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 2008 Sayı: 2, 303 - 323, 01.06.2008



  • BALTAŞ, Z., Atakuman, Y. ve Duman, Y., (1998), “Standardization of The Perceived Stress Scale: Perceived Stress in Turkish Middle Managers”, Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 19th International Conference, İstanbul.
  • BARKER, J., Tjosvold, D.,ve Andrews, I. R. (1988), “Conflict Approaches of Effective and Ineffective Project Managers: A Field Study in A Matrix Organization”, Journal of Management Studies, 25 (2), ss.167–178.
  • BARKI, H. ve Hartwick, J., (2004), “Conceptualizing The Construct of Interpersonal Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 15 (3), ss.216–336.
  • Baron, A. R., (1989), “Personality and Organizational Conflict: Effects of The Type A Behavior Pattern and Self-Monitoring”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 44, ss.281–296.
  • BAYRAM, N., (2004), Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • BLAKE, R. R. ve Mouton, S. J., (1964), The Managerial Grid, Gulf, Houston.
  • BLAKE, R. R., Shepard, A. H. ve Mouton, S.J., (1964), Managing Intergroup Conflict in Industry, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston. Brewer, N., Mitchell, P. ve Weber, N., (2002), “Gender Role, Organizational Status, and Conflict Management Styles”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 13 (1), ss.78–94.
  • BUMİN, B., (1990), Organizasyonlarda Çatışmanın Yönetimi, Büro Basımevi, Ankara.
  • CHANG, E. ve Hancock, K., (2003), “Role Stress and Role Ambiguity in New Nursing Graduates in Australia”, Nursing and Health Sciences, 5, ss.155–163.
  • COHEN, S. ve Williamson, G., (1988), “Perceived Stress In A Probability Sample of The United States”, S. Spacapam ve S. Oskamp (der.), The Social Psychology of Health: Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology, Sage, CA, Newbury Park.
  • DESIVILYA, S. H. ve Yagil, D., (2005), “The Role of Emotions In Conflict Management: The Case Of Work Teams”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 16 (1), ss.55–69.
  • ERGENELİ, A. ve Alsırt, B. A., (2003), “Proje Yöneticilerinin Çatışmalara Karşı Kullandıkları Yaklaşımlar: Matriks Örgütte Bir Uygulama”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 58 (3), ss.89–104.
  • FIEDLER, E. F., (2001), “When IQ+Experience=Performance”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22 (3), ss.132–139.
  • FOLLET, P. M., (1940), “Constructive Conflict”, H.C. Metcalf & L. Urwick (der.), Dynamic Administration: The Collected Papers of Mary Parker Follett, Harper & Row, (original work published 1926), New York, ss.30–49.
  • FRIEDMAN, R. R., Tidd, T. S., Currall, C. S., ve Tsai, C. J., (2000), “What Goes Around Comes Around: The Impact of Personal Conflict Sytyle on Work Conflict And Stres”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 11 (1), ss.32–55.
  • GREENBERG, J. ve Baron, A.R., (1997), Behavior in Organizations Understanding and Managing The Human Side of Work, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • GROSS, A. M. ve Guerrero, K. L., (2000), “Managing conflict appropriately and effectively: An application of the competence model to Rahim’s organizational conflict Styles”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11(3), ss.200–226.
  • HALL, J., (1969), Conflict Management Survey: A Survey of One’s Characteristic Reaction to and Handling of Conflicts Between Himself and Others, TX, Teleometrics, Conroe.
  • JAMESON, J. K., (1999), “Toward A Comprehensive Model for The Assessment and Management of Intraorganizational Conflict: Developing The Framework”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10 (3), ss.268–294.
  • KABANOFF, B., (1987), “Predictive Validity of The Mode Coflict Instrument”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, ss.160–163. Kaiser, F. H. ve Rice, J., (1974), “Little Jiffy, Mark Iv”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34, ss.111–117.
  • KAUSHAL, R. ve Kwantes, T. C., (2006), “The Role of Culture and Personality in Choice of Conflict Management Strategy”, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30, ss.579–603.
  • KOZAN, M. K., (1989), “Cultural Influences on Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflicts: Comparisons Among Jordanian, Turkish and US. Managers”, Human Relations, 42, ss.787–789.
  • KOZAN, M. K. ve Ergin, C., (1999), “Third Party Role in Conflict Management in Turkish Organizations”, Human Organization, 58 (4), ss.405–415.
  • MCKENNA, S. ve Richardson, J., (1995), “Business Values, Management and Conflict Handling: Issues in Contemporary Singapore”, Journal of Management Development, 11 (4), ss.56- 70.
  • Magnuson, J., (1990), “Stress Management”, Journal of Property Management, 55 (3), ss.24–26.
  • MAYA, P., (1994), Psikolojik Sağlamlık, Stresle Başa Çıkma, Olumlu Bir Yaklaşım, (Çeviren N. H. Şahin) (der.) N. H.Şahin, Stresle Başa Çıkma, Olumlu Bir Yaklaşım, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 2, Ankara, ss.43–47.
  • MOBERG, J. P., (2001), “Linking Conflict Strategy to The FiveFactor Model: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 12 (1), ss.47–68.
  • Moore, R. K., (1998), “Trust and Relationship Commitment in Logistics Alliences: A Buyer’s Perspective”, International Journal of Purchasing and Materials, 34, ss.24–37.
  • NAHAVANDI, A. ve Malekzadeh, R. A., (1999), Organizational Behavior, The Person-Organization Fit, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Narayanan, L., Menon, S. ve Spector, E. P., (1999), “Stress in The Workplace: A Comparison of Gender and Occupations”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, ss.63–73.
  • OLPIN, M. N., (1996), Perceived Stress Levels and Sources of Stres Among College Students: Methods, Frequency, and Effectiveness of Managing Stres by Collage Students, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Health Education in the Graduate School Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
  • PINOSKY, M., (2003), Conflict Management in the High Stres Environment of the Operating Room, Unpublished Doctoral Thessis, Health Administration and Policy, Medical University of South Carolina.
  • PONDY, R. L., (1967), “Organizational Conflict: Concepts and Models”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 12, ss.296–320.
  • Pruitt, G. D., (1983), “Strategic Choice in Negotiation”, American Behavioral Scientist, 27, ss.167–194.
  • PRUITT, G. D. ve Rubin, Z.J., (1986), Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement, Random House, New York.
  • Rahim, M. A., (1986a) Managing Conflict in Organizations, Praeger Publishers, New York.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (2000), “Empirical Studies on Managing Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11 (1), ss.5–8.
  • RAHİM, M.A., (2002), “Toward A Theory of Managing Organizational Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 13, ss. 206–235.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (1983), “A Measure of Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict”, Academy of Management Journal, 28, ss.368–376.
  • RAHİM, M. A. ve Bonoma, V. T., (1979), “Managing Organizational Conflict: A Model for Diagnosis and Intervention”, Psycholgical Reports, 44, ss.1323–1344.
  • RAHİM, M. A., Magner, R. N. ve Shapiro, L. D., (2000), Do Justice Perceptions Influence Styles of Handling Conflict With Supervisors?: What Justice Perceptions, Precisely?, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 11(1), ss.9-31.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (1986b), “Referent Roles and Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict”, Journal of Social Psychology, 125 (1), ss.79–86.
  • RAHİM, M. A., Psenicka, C., Zhao, Jing-Hua, vd., (2002), A Model of Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Strategies, A Study in Seven Countries, The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 10 (4), ss.302–326.
  • RAHİM, M. A. ve Magner, R. N., (1995), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict: First-Order Factor Model and Its Invariance Across Groups”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80 (1), ss.122–132.
  • RAHİM, M. A. , Buntzman, Gabriel, F. Ve White, Douglas, (1999), An Empirical Study of The Stages of Moral Development and Conflict Management Styles, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10 (2), ss.154–171.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (2002), “Toward A Theory of Managing Organizational Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 13, ss.206–235.
  • RUSLBULT, E. C., (1993), “Understanding Responses to Dissatisfaction in Close Relationships: The Exit-Voice-LoyaltyNeglect Model”, S.Worchel & J.A. Simpson (der.), Conflict Between People and Groups: Causes and Resolution, Nelson-Hall, Chicago, ss.30–59.
  • SORENSON, R. L., Morse, E.A. ve Savage, G.T., (1999), “A Test of The Motivations Underlying Choice of Conflict Strategies in The Dual-Concern Model”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, ss. 25–40.
  • STERNBERG, J. R. ve Dobson, M. D., (1987), “Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts: An Analysis of Stylistic Consistency”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 (4), ss.794–812.
  • Şahin, N. H., (1994), “Stres Nedir? Ne Değildir?”, N. H.Şahin (der.), Stresle Başa Çıkma, Olumlu Bir Yaklaşım, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 2, Ankara, ss.1–16.
  • TAVŞANCIL, E., (2002), Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Tevrüz, S., Artan, İ. ve Bozkurt, T., (1999), Çatışma ve Yönetimi, Davranışlarımızdan Seçmeler, Örgütsel Yaklaşım, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • THOMAS, W. K., (1976), “Conflict and Conflict Management”, M.D. Dunette (der.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology içinde, Rand McNally, Chicago, 2, ss.889–935.
  • THOMAS, W. K. ve Kilmann, R. H., (1974), Thomas-KilmannConflict Mode Instrument, NY, Tuxedo, Xicon.
  • THOMAS, W. K. ve Ruble, L. T., (1977), “Support A TwoDimensional Model of Conflict Behavior”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, ss.143–155.
  • THOMAS, W. K., (1992), “Conflict and Conflict Management: Reflections and Update”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13 (3), ss. 265- 274.
  • TJOSVOLD, D., (1991), The Conflict-Positive Organization, Cameron Publishing, Massachusetts.
  • ÜNVER, S., (2002), Örgütsel Çatışma ve Çatışma Çözümleme Yaklaşımlarının İncelenmesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE İşletme Anabilim Dalı Yönetim Organizasyon Programı, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • WALL, A. J. ve Callister, R. R., (1995), “Conflict and Its Management”, Journal of Management, 21 (3), ss.515–558.


Yıl 2008, Cilt: 2008 Sayı: 2, 303 - 323, 01.06.2008


Örgütsel ortamda çatışmanın fonksiyonel yönetimi, çalışanların bireylerarası çatışmayı çözümleme yöntemleriyle önemli derecede ilgilidir. Araştırmada, ast, üst ve akranlar arasında yaşanan çatışmaların çözümünde hangi yöntemlerin daha çok tercih edildiği incelenmektedir. yöntemlerinin, algıladıkları stres düzeyleriyle ilişkili olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırma, iki ayrı fabrikada 372 çalışanla gerçekleştirilmiştir


  • BALTAŞ, Z., Atakuman, Y. ve Duman, Y., (1998), “Standardization of The Perceived Stress Scale: Perceived Stress in Turkish Middle Managers”, Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 19th International Conference, İstanbul.
  • BARKER, J., Tjosvold, D.,ve Andrews, I. R. (1988), “Conflict Approaches of Effective and Ineffective Project Managers: A Field Study in A Matrix Organization”, Journal of Management Studies, 25 (2), ss.167–178.
  • BARKI, H. ve Hartwick, J., (2004), “Conceptualizing The Construct of Interpersonal Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 15 (3), ss.216–336.
  • Baron, A. R., (1989), “Personality and Organizational Conflict: Effects of The Type A Behavior Pattern and Self-Monitoring”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 44, ss.281–296.
  • BAYRAM, N., (2004), Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • BLAKE, R. R. ve Mouton, S. J., (1964), The Managerial Grid, Gulf, Houston.
  • BLAKE, R. R., Shepard, A. H. ve Mouton, S.J., (1964), Managing Intergroup Conflict in Industry, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston. Brewer, N., Mitchell, P. ve Weber, N., (2002), “Gender Role, Organizational Status, and Conflict Management Styles”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 13 (1), ss.78–94.
  • BUMİN, B., (1990), Organizasyonlarda Çatışmanın Yönetimi, Büro Basımevi, Ankara.
  • CHANG, E. ve Hancock, K., (2003), “Role Stress and Role Ambiguity in New Nursing Graduates in Australia”, Nursing and Health Sciences, 5, ss.155–163.
  • COHEN, S. ve Williamson, G., (1988), “Perceived Stress In A Probability Sample of The United States”, S. Spacapam ve S. Oskamp (der.), The Social Psychology of Health: Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology, Sage, CA, Newbury Park.
  • DESIVILYA, S. H. ve Yagil, D., (2005), “The Role of Emotions In Conflict Management: The Case Of Work Teams”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 16 (1), ss.55–69.
  • ERGENELİ, A. ve Alsırt, B. A., (2003), “Proje Yöneticilerinin Çatışmalara Karşı Kullandıkları Yaklaşımlar: Matriks Örgütte Bir Uygulama”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 58 (3), ss.89–104.
  • FIEDLER, E. F., (2001), “When IQ+Experience=Performance”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22 (3), ss.132–139.
  • FOLLET, P. M., (1940), “Constructive Conflict”, H.C. Metcalf & L. Urwick (der.), Dynamic Administration: The Collected Papers of Mary Parker Follett, Harper & Row, (original work published 1926), New York, ss.30–49.
  • FRIEDMAN, R. R., Tidd, T. S., Currall, C. S., ve Tsai, C. J., (2000), “What Goes Around Comes Around: The Impact of Personal Conflict Sytyle on Work Conflict And Stres”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 11 (1), ss.32–55.
  • GREENBERG, J. ve Baron, A.R., (1997), Behavior in Organizations Understanding and Managing The Human Side of Work, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • GROSS, A. M. ve Guerrero, K. L., (2000), “Managing conflict appropriately and effectively: An application of the competence model to Rahim’s organizational conflict Styles”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11(3), ss.200–226.
  • HALL, J., (1969), Conflict Management Survey: A Survey of One’s Characteristic Reaction to and Handling of Conflicts Between Himself and Others, TX, Teleometrics, Conroe.
  • JAMESON, J. K., (1999), “Toward A Comprehensive Model for The Assessment and Management of Intraorganizational Conflict: Developing The Framework”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10 (3), ss.268–294.
  • KABANOFF, B., (1987), “Predictive Validity of The Mode Coflict Instrument”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, ss.160–163. Kaiser, F. H. ve Rice, J., (1974), “Little Jiffy, Mark Iv”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34, ss.111–117.
  • KAUSHAL, R. ve Kwantes, T. C., (2006), “The Role of Culture and Personality in Choice of Conflict Management Strategy”, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30, ss.579–603.
  • KOZAN, M. K., (1989), “Cultural Influences on Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflicts: Comparisons Among Jordanian, Turkish and US. Managers”, Human Relations, 42, ss.787–789.
  • KOZAN, M. K. ve Ergin, C., (1999), “Third Party Role in Conflict Management in Turkish Organizations”, Human Organization, 58 (4), ss.405–415.
  • MCKENNA, S. ve Richardson, J., (1995), “Business Values, Management and Conflict Handling: Issues in Contemporary Singapore”, Journal of Management Development, 11 (4), ss.56- 70.
  • Magnuson, J., (1990), “Stress Management”, Journal of Property Management, 55 (3), ss.24–26.
  • MAYA, P., (1994), Psikolojik Sağlamlık, Stresle Başa Çıkma, Olumlu Bir Yaklaşım, (Çeviren N. H. Şahin) (der.) N. H.Şahin, Stresle Başa Çıkma, Olumlu Bir Yaklaşım, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 2, Ankara, ss.43–47.
  • MOBERG, J. P., (2001), “Linking Conflict Strategy to The FiveFactor Model: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 12 (1), ss.47–68.
  • Moore, R. K., (1998), “Trust and Relationship Commitment in Logistics Alliences: A Buyer’s Perspective”, International Journal of Purchasing and Materials, 34, ss.24–37.
  • NAHAVANDI, A. ve Malekzadeh, R. A., (1999), Organizational Behavior, The Person-Organization Fit, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Narayanan, L., Menon, S. ve Spector, E. P., (1999), “Stress in The Workplace: A Comparison of Gender and Occupations”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, ss.63–73.
  • OLPIN, M. N., (1996), Perceived Stress Levels and Sources of Stres Among College Students: Methods, Frequency, and Effectiveness of Managing Stres by Collage Students, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Health Education in the Graduate School Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
  • PINOSKY, M., (2003), Conflict Management in the High Stres Environment of the Operating Room, Unpublished Doctoral Thessis, Health Administration and Policy, Medical University of South Carolina.
  • PONDY, R. L., (1967), “Organizational Conflict: Concepts and Models”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 12, ss.296–320.
  • Pruitt, G. D., (1983), “Strategic Choice in Negotiation”, American Behavioral Scientist, 27, ss.167–194.
  • PRUITT, G. D. ve Rubin, Z.J., (1986), Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement, Random House, New York.
  • Rahim, M. A., (1986a) Managing Conflict in Organizations, Praeger Publishers, New York.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (2000), “Empirical Studies on Managing Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11 (1), ss.5–8.
  • RAHİM, M.A., (2002), “Toward A Theory of Managing Organizational Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 13, ss. 206–235.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (1983), “A Measure of Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict”, Academy of Management Journal, 28, ss.368–376.
  • RAHİM, M. A. ve Bonoma, V. T., (1979), “Managing Organizational Conflict: A Model for Diagnosis and Intervention”, Psycholgical Reports, 44, ss.1323–1344.
  • RAHİM, M. A., Magner, R. N. ve Shapiro, L. D., (2000), Do Justice Perceptions Influence Styles of Handling Conflict With Supervisors?: What Justice Perceptions, Precisely?, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 11(1), ss.9-31.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (1986b), “Referent Roles and Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict”, Journal of Social Psychology, 125 (1), ss.79–86.
  • RAHİM, M. A., Psenicka, C., Zhao, Jing-Hua, vd., (2002), A Model of Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Strategies, A Study in Seven Countries, The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 10 (4), ss.302–326.
  • RAHİM, M. A. ve Magner, R. N., (1995), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict: First-Order Factor Model and Its Invariance Across Groups”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80 (1), ss.122–132.
  • RAHİM, M. A. , Buntzman, Gabriel, F. Ve White, Douglas, (1999), An Empirical Study of The Stages of Moral Development and Conflict Management Styles, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10 (2), ss.154–171.
  • RAHİM, M. A., (2002), “Toward A Theory of Managing Organizational Conflict”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 13, ss.206–235.
  • RUSLBULT, E. C., (1993), “Understanding Responses to Dissatisfaction in Close Relationships: The Exit-Voice-LoyaltyNeglect Model”, S.Worchel & J.A. Simpson (der.), Conflict Between People and Groups: Causes and Resolution, Nelson-Hall, Chicago, ss.30–59.
  • SORENSON, R. L., Morse, E.A. ve Savage, G.T., (1999), “A Test of The Motivations Underlying Choice of Conflict Strategies in The Dual-Concern Model”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, ss. 25–40.
  • STERNBERG, J. R. ve Dobson, M. D., (1987), “Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts: An Analysis of Stylistic Consistency”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 (4), ss.794–812.
  • Şahin, N. H., (1994), “Stres Nedir? Ne Değildir?”, N. H.Şahin (der.), Stresle Başa Çıkma, Olumlu Bir Yaklaşım, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 2, Ankara, ss.1–16.
  • TAVŞANCIL, E., (2002), Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Tevrüz, S., Artan, İ. ve Bozkurt, T., (1999), Çatışma ve Yönetimi, Davranışlarımızdan Seçmeler, Örgütsel Yaklaşım, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • THOMAS, W. K., (1976), “Conflict and Conflict Management”, M.D. Dunette (der.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology içinde, Rand McNally, Chicago, 2, ss.889–935.
  • THOMAS, W. K. ve Kilmann, R. H., (1974), Thomas-KilmannConflict Mode Instrument, NY, Tuxedo, Xicon.
  • THOMAS, W. K. ve Ruble, L. T., (1977), “Support A TwoDimensional Model of Conflict Behavior”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, ss.143–155.
  • THOMAS, W. K., (1992), “Conflict and Conflict Management: Reflections and Update”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13 (3), ss. 265- 274.
  • TJOSVOLD, D., (1991), The Conflict-Positive Organization, Cameron Publishing, Massachusetts.
  • ÜNVER, S., (2002), Örgütsel Çatışma ve Çatışma Çözümleme Yaklaşımlarının İncelenmesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE İşletme Anabilim Dalı Yönetim Organizasyon Programı, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • WALL, A. J. ve Callister, R. R., (1995), “Conflict and Its Management”, Journal of Management, 21 (3), ss.515–558.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Şebnem Aslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 2008 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, Ş. (2008). BİREYLERARASI ÇATIŞMAYI ÇÖZÜMLEME YÖNTEMLERİNİN ALGILANAN STRES DÜZEYİYLE İLİŞKİLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2008(2), 303-323.

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