Heiken JP, Forde KA, Gold RP. Computed tomography as a definitive method for diagnosing gastrointestinal lipomas. Radiology. 1982; 142(2): 409-14
Fernandez MJ, Davis RP, Nora PF Gastrointestinal lipomas. Arch Surg. 1983; 118(9):1081-3-HJ Done. Llipoma of the stomach. Br Med J. 1961; 1(5220): 183.
Turkıngton RW. gastrıc lıpoma; report of a case and revıew of the lıterature. Am J Dig Dis. 1965; 10:719- 26.
Saltzman JR, Carr-Locke DL, Fink SA. Lipoma case report. Med Gen Med. 2005; 18;7(1):16.
Maderal F, Hunter F, Fuselier G, Gonzales-Rogue P, Torres O. Gastric lipomas-an update of clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Am J Gastroenterol. 1984; 79(12): 964-7
Al-Brahim N, Radhi J, Gately J. Synchronous epithelioid stromal tumour and lipoma in the stomach. Can J Gastroenterol. 2003;17(6):374-5.
Bijlani RJ, Kulkarni VM, Shahani RB, Shah HK, Dalvi A, Samsi AB. Gastric lipoma presenting as obstruction and hematemesis. J Postgrad Med:1993; 39(1): 42-3
Park SH, Han JK, Kim TK, Lee JW, Kim SH, Kim YI, Choi BI. 16. Unusual gastric tumors: radiologic- pathologic correlation. Radiographics. 1999; 19(6): 1435-46.
Chu AG, Clifton JA. Gastric lipoma presenting as peptic ulcer: case report and review of the literature. Am J Gastroenterol. 1983; 78(10): 615-8.
Krasniqi AS, Hoxha FT, Bicaj BX, Hashani SI, Hasimja SM, Kelmendi SM, Gashi-Luci L H. Symptomatic subserosal gastric lipoma successfully treated with enucleation. World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14(38): 5930–5932.
Regge D, Lo Bello G, Martincich L, Bianchi G, Cuomo G, Suriani R, Cavuoto F. A case of bleeding gastric lipoma: US, CT and MR findings. Eur Radiol. 1999; 9(2): 256-8.
Alberti D, Grazioli L, Orizio P, Matricardi L, Dughi S, Gheza L, Falchetti D, Caccia G. Am J Gastroenterol. Asymptomatic giant gastric lipoma: What to do? 1999; 94(12): 3634-7.
Yamamoto T, Imakiire K, Hashiguchi S, Matsumoto J, Kadono J, Hamada N, Yoshioka T, Kitajima S. A rare case of gastric lipoma with early gastric cancer. Intern Med. 2004; 43(11): 1039-41.
Singh R, Bawa AS. Lipoma of the stomach. Indian J Surg. 2004; 66: 177-9.
Lipomlar benign adipoz dokudan kaynaklanan mezenkimal orijinli tümörlerdir. Midede nadir bulunurlar. Mide lipomlarının 2 cm’den küçük olanları asemptomatik olup büyük olanlar ise kanama, obstrüksiyon, kusma ve ağrı gibi semptomlara neden olur. Dispeptik şikâyetlerle başvuran bir mide lipomu olgusunu sunmayı uygun bulduk
Heiken JP, Forde KA, Gold RP. Computed tomography as a definitive method for diagnosing gastrointestinal lipomas. Radiology. 1982; 142(2): 409-14
Fernandez MJ, Davis RP, Nora PF Gastrointestinal lipomas. Arch Surg. 1983; 118(9):1081-3-HJ Done. Llipoma of the stomach. Br Med J. 1961; 1(5220): 183.
Turkıngton RW. gastrıc lıpoma; report of a case and revıew of the lıterature. Am J Dig Dis. 1965; 10:719- 26.
Saltzman JR, Carr-Locke DL, Fink SA. Lipoma case report. Med Gen Med. 2005; 18;7(1):16.
Maderal F, Hunter F, Fuselier G, Gonzales-Rogue P, Torres O. Gastric lipomas-an update of clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Am J Gastroenterol. 1984; 79(12): 964-7
Al-Brahim N, Radhi J, Gately J. Synchronous epithelioid stromal tumour and lipoma in the stomach. Can J Gastroenterol. 2003;17(6):374-5.
Bijlani RJ, Kulkarni VM, Shahani RB, Shah HK, Dalvi A, Samsi AB. Gastric lipoma presenting as obstruction and hematemesis. J Postgrad Med:1993; 39(1): 42-3
Park SH, Han JK, Kim TK, Lee JW, Kim SH, Kim YI, Choi BI. 16. Unusual gastric tumors: radiologic- pathologic correlation. Radiographics. 1999; 19(6): 1435-46.
Chu AG, Clifton JA. Gastric lipoma presenting as peptic ulcer: case report and review of the literature. Am J Gastroenterol. 1983; 78(10): 615-8.
Krasniqi AS, Hoxha FT, Bicaj BX, Hashani SI, Hasimja SM, Kelmendi SM, Gashi-Luci L H. Symptomatic subserosal gastric lipoma successfully treated with enucleation. World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14(38): 5930–5932.
Regge D, Lo Bello G, Martincich L, Bianchi G, Cuomo G, Suriani R, Cavuoto F. A case of bleeding gastric lipoma: US, CT and MR findings. Eur Radiol. 1999; 9(2): 256-8.
Alberti D, Grazioli L, Orizio P, Matricardi L, Dughi S, Gheza L, Falchetti D, Caccia G. Am J Gastroenterol. Asymptomatic giant gastric lipoma: What to do? 1999; 94(12): 3634-7.
Yamamoto T, Imakiire K, Hashiguchi S, Matsumoto J, Kadono J, Hamada N, Yoshioka T, Kitajima S. A rare case of gastric lipoma with early gastric cancer. Intern Med. 2004; 43(11): 1039-41.
Singh R, Bawa AS. Lipoma of the stomach. Indian J Surg. 2004; 66: 177-9.