Öge E (editör). Nöroloji, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Te- mel ve Klinik Bilimler ders kitapları. ln: Öge E, Parman Y. Polinöropatiler. 1.baskı, İstanbul: Nobel tıp kitabevleri, 2004: 591-623.
Rostami AM. Pathogenesis of immune-mediated neuropathies. Pediatr. Res. 1993;33:590—4 3. Shaw FE Jr, Graham DJ, Guess HA, et al. Postmarketing surveillance for neurologic adverse events reported after hepatitis B vaccination. Experience of the Şrst three years. Am J Epidemiol. 1988; 127(2): 337—52.
McMahon BJ, Helminiak C, Wainwright RB, et al. Frequency of adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine in 43,618 persons. Am J Med. 1992; 92(3): 254-6.
Sindem E, Schroder JM, Krismann M, Malin JP. Inşammatory polyradiculoneuropathy with spinal cord involvement and lethal outcome after hepatitis B vaccination. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 186(1-2): 81-5.
Tuohy PG. Guillain-Barre syndrome following immunisation with synthetic hepatitis B vaccine. N Z Med J. 1989 8; 102(863): 114-5.
Kakar A, Sethi PK. Guillain Barre syndrome associated with hepatitis B vaccination. Indian J Pe- diatr. 1997; 64(5): 710-2.
Seti NK, Reddi R, Anand I, Sethi PK. Gulliane Barre syndrome following vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine. JAssoc Physicians India. 2002; 50:989.
Terryberry J, Sutjita M, Shoenfeld Y, et al. Myelin- and microbe-speciŞc antibodies in Guillain-Barre syndrome. J Clin Lab Anal. 1995; 9(5): 308—19.
Shoenfeld Y, Aron-Maor A.Vaccination and autoimmunity-'vaccinosis': a dangerous liaison? J Autoimmun. 2000; 14(1): 1-10.
Kongre/Je Tıp Dergisi. Cilt 7 No: 2, Mayıs 2006.
Hepatit B AŞISI SonraSI Gellsen Guillain Barre Sendromu Olgusu
Hepatit B aşısı, ciddi hastalıklara yol açabilen hepatit B virus infeksiyonlarından koruma amacıyla kullanı— lan bir aşıdır. Aşının etkili ve emniyetli olduğu gösterilmiş olup yüksek risk grubunda olan kişilere proflaksi amaçlı önerilmektedir. Guillain Barre Sendromu, hepatit B aşısından sonra oldukça nadir görülen bir komplikasyondur. Bu sunumda hepatit B aşısı sonrası geliştiği düşünülen bir Guillain Barre Sendromu olgusu tartışılacaktır
Öge E (editör). Nöroloji, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Te- mel ve Klinik Bilimler ders kitapları. ln: Öge E, Parman Y. Polinöropatiler. 1.baskı, İstanbul: Nobel tıp kitabevleri, 2004: 591-623.
Rostami AM. Pathogenesis of immune-mediated neuropathies. Pediatr. Res. 1993;33:590—4 3. Shaw FE Jr, Graham DJ, Guess HA, et al. Postmarketing surveillance for neurologic adverse events reported after hepatitis B vaccination. Experience of the Şrst three years. Am J Epidemiol. 1988; 127(2): 337—52.
McMahon BJ, Helminiak C, Wainwright RB, et al. Frequency of adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine in 43,618 persons. Am J Med. 1992; 92(3): 254-6.
Sindem E, Schroder JM, Krismann M, Malin JP. Inşammatory polyradiculoneuropathy with spinal cord involvement and lethal outcome after hepatitis B vaccination. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 186(1-2): 81-5.
Tuohy PG. Guillain-Barre syndrome following immunisation with synthetic hepatitis B vaccine. N Z Med J. 1989 8; 102(863): 114-5.
Kakar A, Sethi PK. Guillain Barre syndrome associated with hepatitis B vaccination. Indian J Pe- diatr. 1997; 64(5): 710-2.
Seti NK, Reddi R, Anand I, Sethi PK. Gulliane Barre syndrome following vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine. JAssoc Physicians India. 2002; 50:989.
Terryberry J, Sutjita M, Shoenfeld Y, et al. Myelin- and microbe-speciŞc antibodies in Guillain-Barre syndrome. J Clin Lab Anal. 1995; 9(5): 308—19.
Shoenfeld Y, Aron-Maor A.Vaccination and autoimmunity-'vaccinosis': a dangerous liaison? J Autoimmun. 2000; 14(1): 1-10.