Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 123 - 125, 03.01.2023
Selçuk Kuzu
Çağlar Günebakan
Abdulkadir Bucak
Ömer Gönen
Fatmatü Türe
Sorunsuz geçen bir kulak ameliyatından günler veya haftalar sonra ortaya çıkan gecikmiş yüz felci nadir bir durumdur. Prognozu genellikle iyi olsa da, hem hasta hem de cerrah için korkutucu bir sonuçtur. Bu can sıkıcı komplikasyon çoğunlukla sadece timpano-mastoidektomi, stapes cerrahisi, koklear implant ve endolenfatik cerrahiden sonra bildirilmiştir. Literatürü incelediğimiz kadarıyla olgumuz, literatürde sunulan tip 1 timpanoplasti sonrası fasiyal felci geciken ilk olgudur. Bu olgu sunumunda, mevcut literatür ışığında tip 1 timpanoplastiyi takiben postoperatif 9. gün periferik fasiyal paralizi ile gelen bir vakayı ve tedavi yaklaşımımızı sunmayı amaçladık.
- 1. Shea Jr. J. J. Forty years of stapes surgery. Am J Otol. 1998; 19;(1):52–5.
- 2. Ng M , Maceri DR. Delayed facial paralysis after stapedotomy using KTP laser. Am J Otol. 1999; 20(4):421–4.
- 3. Bonkowsky V, Kochanowski B, Strutz J, et. al. Delayed facial palsy following uneventful middle ear surgery: a herpes simplex virus type 1 reactivation?. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1998;107(11): 901–5.
- 4. Cohen M, Balaker A, Kirsch C, Mendelsohn A, Ishiyama A. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in delayed facial palsy after stapes surgery. Otol Neurotol. 2010;31(7): 1153–6.
- 5. Mills R, Szymanski M, Abel E. Delayed facial palsy following laser stapedectomy: in vitro study of facial nerve temperature. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 2003;28(3): 211–4.
- 6. Shoba K, Srinivasan K, Deepak Raj, Hari Kumar. Delayed Facial Palsy - An Uncommon Complication of Tympanomastoidectomy. J Evol Med Dent Sci. 2014;3(4): 824-6.
- 7. Tu TY. Cholesteatoma surgery in pneumatised and non-pneumatised temporal bones. J Chin Med Assoc. 2005;68(10): 458-62.
- 8. Lalwani AK, Butt FY, Jackler RK. Delayed onset facial nerve dysfunction following acoustic neuroma surgery. Am J Otol. 1995;16:758-64.
- 9. Abbas GM, Jones RO. Measurements of drill- induced temperature changes in the facial nerve during mastoid surgery. A cadaveric model using diamond burs. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2001;110:867-70.
- 10. Vrabec JT. Delayed facial palsy after tympanomastoid surgery. Am J Otol. 1999;20:26-30.
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 123 - 125, 03.01.2023
Selçuk Kuzu
Çağlar Günebakan
Abdulkadir Bucak
Ömer Gönen
Fatmatü Türe
Delayed facial paralysis that occurs days or weeks after a trouble-free ear surgery is a rare condition. Although its prognosis is generally good, it is a frightening result for both the patient and the surgeon. This troubling complication has mostly been reported only after tympano-mastoidectomy, stapes surgery, cochlear implant, and endolymphatic surgery. As far as we have investigated in the literature, our case is the first case of delayed facial palsy after type 1 tympanoplasty presented in the literature. In this case report, we aimed to present a case with peripheral facial paralysis on the postoperative 9th day following tympanoplasty type 1 and our treatment approach in the light of the current literature.
- 1. Shea Jr. J. J. Forty years of stapes surgery. Am J Otol. 1998; 19;(1):52–5.
- 2. Ng M , Maceri DR. Delayed facial paralysis after stapedotomy using KTP laser. Am J Otol. 1999; 20(4):421–4.
- 3. Bonkowsky V, Kochanowski B, Strutz J, et. al. Delayed facial palsy following uneventful middle ear surgery: a herpes simplex virus type 1 reactivation?. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1998;107(11): 901–5.
- 4. Cohen M, Balaker A, Kirsch C, Mendelsohn A, Ishiyama A. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in delayed facial palsy after stapes surgery. Otol Neurotol. 2010;31(7): 1153–6.
- 5. Mills R, Szymanski M, Abel E. Delayed facial palsy following laser stapedectomy: in vitro study of facial nerve temperature. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 2003;28(3): 211–4.
- 6. Shoba K, Srinivasan K, Deepak Raj, Hari Kumar. Delayed Facial Palsy - An Uncommon Complication of Tympanomastoidectomy. J Evol Med Dent Sci. 2014;3(4): 824-6.
- 7. Tu TY. Cholesteatoma surgery in pneumatised and non-pneumatised temporal bones. J Chin Med Assoc. 2005;68(10): 458-62.
- 8. Lalwani AK, Butt FY, Jackler RK. Delayed onset facial nerve dysfunction following acoustic neuroma surgery. Am J Otol. 1995;16:758-64.
- 9. Abbas GM, Jones RO. Measurements of drill- induced temperature changes in the facial nerve during mastoid surgery. A cadaveric model using diamond burs. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2001;110:867-70.
- 10. Vrabec JT. Delayed facial palsy after tympanomastoid surgery. Am J Otol. 1999;20:26-30.