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Sosyal Paylaşım Sitelerinde Üye Bağlılığı Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2010, Sayı: 20, 56 - 71, 01.12.2010


Bu çalışmada, sosyal paylaşım sitelerinde üye bağlılığı yaratmada etkili olabilecek faktörlerin ve bu faktörlerin üye bağlılığı yaratmadaki etki derecesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çerçevede, pazarlama aracı olarak sosyal paylaşım sitelerinin önemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Araştırma, sosyal paylaşım sitelerine üye 548 cevaplayıcı ile yüz yüze anket yöntemi kullanılarak yapılmış ve veriler elde edilmiştir. Sosyal paylaşım sitelerinin üyeleri arasında bağlılık yaratmada etkili olan çeşitli faktörlerin etki derecesi çoklu regresyon modeli kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmadan çıkan sonuçlara göre; hizmet çeşitliliği ve kalitesi, siteye güven, üye duyarlılığı ve sitenin üye profili faktörlerinin, üye bağlılığı üzerinde etkili oldukları ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu araştırma, sosyal paylaşım sitelerinin üye bağlılığı yaratmada başarılı ve etkili olabilmesi için öncelikle bu faktörler üzerinde durmalarının gerekliliğini ortaya çıkartmıştır


  • Altunışık, Remzi, Recai Coşkun, Serkan Bayraktaroğlu ve Engin Yıldırım (2007), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, 5.Baskı: Sakarya Yayıncılık, 2007.
  • Anderson, Erin ve Barton Weitz (1992). “The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels”, Journal of Marketing Research, V.xxıx (February).
  • Boughman, Laurie L. (2010), “Friend Request or Foe? Confirming the Misuse of Internet and Social Networking Sites By Domestic Violence Perpetrators”, Widener Law Journal, Vol.19, ss.933-966.
  • Chenet, Pierre; Caroline Tyhan ve Arthur Money (2000). “The Service Performance Gap: Testing the Redeveloped Causal Model”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 34. No.3. ss.472-496.
  • Conway, Tony ve Jonathan J. Swift (2000). “International Relationship Marketing- The Importance of Psychic Distance”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.11. ss.1391-1413.
  • Cheung, Christy M.K. ve Matthew K.O. Lee (2010), “A Theoretical Model of Intentional Social Action in Online Social Networks”, Decision Support Systems, 49, ss.24-30.
  • Clemons, Eric K. (2009), “The Complex Problem of Monetizing Virtual Electronic Social Networks”, Decision Support Systems, 48. ss.46-56.
  • Cote, Mark ve Jennifer Pybus (2007), “Learning to Immaterial Labour 2.0: MySpace and Social Networks”, ISSN 1473-2866,, volume 7(1), ss.88-106.
  • Dryer, Randy L. (2010), “Advising Your Clients (and You ) in the New World of Social Media: What Every Lawyer Should Know About Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, & Wikis”, Utah Bar Journal, Vol.23. N.3, ss.16-21.
  • Durmuş, Beril, E. Serra Yurtkoru, Yeşim Ulusu ve Bülent Kılıç (2010), Facebook’tayız, 2.Baskı, İstanbul: BetaYayınları, 2010.
  • Dwyer, Catherine, Star Roxanne Hiltz ve Katia Passerini (2007), “Trust and Privacy Concern within Social Networking Sites: A Comparison of Facebook and MySpace”, Proceeding of the Thirteenh Americas Conference on Information System,August, 09- 12.
  • Foster, Brain D. ve John W. Cadogan (2000). “Relationship Selling and Customer Loyalty: An Emprical Investigation”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, V.18.N.4.
  • Hart, Christopher W. ve Michael Johnson (1999). “Growing the Trust Relationship”, Mar- keting Management. Vol.8. No.1. ss.9-19.
  • Hewett, Kelly ve William O. Bearden (2001). “Dependence, Trust, and Relational Behavioe on the Part of Foreing Subsidiary Marketing Operations: Implications for Managing Global Marketing Operations”. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65. (October). ss.51-66.
  • İslamoğlu, A. Hamdi (2003), Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 2.Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları, 2003.
  • Jap, Sandy D. ve Shankar Ganesan (2000). “Control Mechanism and the Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commit- ment”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.XXXVII. (May). Ss.227-245.
  • Jerving, Jim (2009), “Networking as a Marketing Tool”, Marketing&Business Development, January, ss.1-25.
  • Karadağ, Levent (Derleyen) (2010), İnternet Sizi Bekliyor, İstanbul: Mess Yay., Aralık 2010.
  • Kim, Won, Ok-Ran Jeong ve Sang-Won Lee (2010), “On Social Web Sites”, Information Systems, 35. ss.215-236.
  • Kirschner, Paul A. ve Aryn C.Karpinski (2010), “Facebook and Academic Performance”, Com- puters in Human Behavior, ss.1-9.
  • Kryder, Cynthia L. (2010), “Facebook Friend or Fan? You Decide”, Amwa Journal, Vol.25. N.1, ss.32-33.
  • Larson, Rebecca J. (2009), “The Rise of Viral Marketing through the New Media of Social Media”, School of Business Faculty Publications and Presentations, ss.1-30.
  • Lewis, Kevin, Jason Kaufman, Marco Gonzalez, Andreas Wimmer ve Nicholas Christakis (2008), “Tastes, Ties, and Time: A New Social Network Dataset Using”, Social Networks, 30. ss.330-342.
  • Li, Charlene (2007), “How Consumers Use Social Networks”, For Interactive Marketing Professionals, June 21, ss.1-11.
  • Maranto, Gina ve Mat Barton (2010), “Paradox and Promise: MySpace, Facebook, and the Sociopolitics of Social Networking in the Writing Classroom”, Computers and Composi- tion, 27, ss.36-47.
  • Marsico, Edwad M. (2010), “Social Networking Websites: Are Myspace and Facebook the Fingerprints of the Twenty-First Century?”, Widener Law Journal, Vol.19, ss.967-976.
  • Martinez, Juan (2010), Marketing to a Community”, Customer Relationship Management”, June, ss.30-35.
  • Morgan, M.Elizabeth, Chareen Snelsan, Patt Elison-Bowers (2010), “Image and Video Dis- closure of Substance Use on Social Media Websites”, Computers in Human Behavior, ss.1-7.
  • Morgan, Robert M. ve Shelby D. Hunt (1994). “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relation- ship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing. Vol.58. (July). ss.20-38.
  • Owen, Robert ve Patrica Humphrey, “The structure of Online Marketing Communication channels”, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, ss.1-10.
  • Pempek, A.Tiffany, Yevdokiya A.Yermolayeva ve Sandra L.Calvert (2009), “College Stu- dents’ Social Networking Experiences on Facebook”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psycholoy, 30. ss. 227-238.
  • Perkins, Bart (2010), “Social Media to the Rescue”, Computerworld, September 13, s.16
  • Pfeil, Ulrike, Raj Arjan ve Panayiotis Zaphiris (2009), “Age Differences in Online Social Networking-A Study of User Profils and the Social Capital Divide among Teenagers and Older Users in MySpace”, Computers in Human Behavior, 25, ss.643-654.
  • Selnes, Fred (1998), “Antecedents and Consequences of Trust and Satisfaction in Buyer- Seller Relationships”, European Journal of Marketing, V.32.N.3/4.
  • Sharma,Neeru ve Paul G.Patterson (2000). “Switcs Costs, Alternative Attractivenes and Experience as Moderators of Relationship Commitment in Profasional, Consumer Ser- vices”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, V.11, N.5.
  • Shih, Clara (2009), “Facebook is the Future of CRM”, Customer Relationship Management, November, s.12.
  • Takala, Tuomo; Outi Uusitalo. (1996), “An Alternative View of Relationship Marketing: A Framework for Ethical Analysis”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.30. No.2. ss. 45-60.
  • Vural, Z.Beril Akıncı ve Mikail Bat (2010), “Yeni Bir İletişim Ortamı Olarak Sosyal Medya: Ege Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Journal of Yasar University, 20(5), ss.3348-3382.
  • Westerlund, Mika ve Senja Svahn (2008), “A Relationship Value Perspective of Social Capital in Networks of Software SMEs”, Industrial Marketing Management, 37. ss.492-501.
  • Wetzels, Martin; Ko De Ruyter ve Marcel Van Birgelen (1998), “Marketing Service Relationships: The Role of Commitment”. Journal of Industrial and Business Marketing. Vol.13. No.1. ss.406-423.
  • Yau, Oliver H. M., Peter R. Mc Fetridge, Raymond P. M. Chow, Jenny S. Y. Lee, Leo Y. M. Sin ve Alan C.B. TSE. (2000). “Is Relationship Marketing for Everyone”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.9. ss.1111-1127.
  • www. (23.12.2010).

A Research on Member Loyalty in Social Networking Sites

Yıl 2010, Sayı: 20, 56 - 71, 01.12.2010


This study aims to explore effective factors in loyalty creation in members
of social networking sites and their degrees of effectiveness in loyalty creation.
Within this framework, the importance of social networking as a marketing
tool has also been discussed. This study is based upon a research conducted among
members of various social networking sites. The sample for this study was 548
respondents and data was obtained by using face to face survey method. The degree
of effectiveness of factors on loyalty creation among members of social networking
sites was analyzed by using multi-regression model. According to the results
of this study, the degree of effectiveness among various factors are different,
in that relatively more effective ones are variety and quality of services, trust
in the site, member sensitiveness and member profile of the site. As a result, the
research suggests that social network sites should pay more attention to these
factors in order to increase their success in loyalty creation among their members.


  • Altunışık, Remzi, Recai Coşkun, Serkan Bayraktaroğlu ve Engin Yıldırım (2007), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, 5.Baskı: Sakarya Yayıncılık, 2007.
  • Anderson, Erin ve Barton Weitz (1992). “The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels”, Journal of Marketing Research, V.xxıx (February).
  • Boughman, Laurie L. (2010), “Friend Request or Foe? Confirming the Misuse of Internet and Social Networking Sites By Domestic Violence Perpetrators”, Widener Law Journal, Vol.19, ss.933-966.
  • Chenet, Pierre; Caroline Tyhan ve Arthur Money (2000). “The Service Performance Gap: Testing the Redeveloped Causal Model”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 34. No.3. ss.472-496.
  • Conway, Tony ve Jonathan J. Swift (2000). “International Relationship Marketing- The Importance of Psychic Distance”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.11. ss.1391-1413.
  • Cheung, Christy M.K. ve Matthew K.O. Lee (2010), “A Theoretical Model of Intentional Social Action in Online Social Networks”, Decision Support Systems, 49, ss.24-30.
  • Clemons, Eric K. (2009), “The Complex Problem of Monetizing Virtual Electronic Social Networks”, Decision Support Systems, 48. ss.46-56.
  • Cote, Mark ve Jennifer Pybus (2007), “Learning to Immaterial Labour 2.0: MySpace and Social Networks”, ISSN 1473-2866,, volume 7(1), ss.88-106.
  • Dryer, Randy L. (2010), “Advising Your Clients (and You ) in the New World of Social Media: What Every Lawyer Should Know About Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, & Wikis”, Utah Bar Journal, Vol.23. N.3, ss.16-21.
  • Durmuş, Beril, E. Serra Yurtkoru, Yeşim Ulusu ve Bülent Kılıç (2010), Facebook’tayız, 2.Baskı, İstanbul: BetaYayınları, 2010.
  • Dwyer, Catherine, Star Roxanne Hiltz ve Katia Passerini (2007), “Trust and Privacy Concern within Social Networking Sites: A Comparison of Facebook and MySpace”, Proceeding of the Thirteenh Americas Conference on Information System,August, 09- 12.
  • Foster, Brain D. ve John W. Cadogan (2000). “Relationship Selling and Customer Loyalty: An Emprical Investigation”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, V.18.N.4.
  • Hart, Christopher W. ve Michael Johnson (1999). “Growing the Trust Relationship”, Mar- keting Management. Vol.8. No.1. ss.9-19.
  • Hewett, Kelly ve William O. Bearden (2001). “Dependence, Trust, and Relational Behavioe on the Part of Foreing Subsidiary Marketing Operations: Implications for Managing Global Marketing Operations”. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65. (October). ss.51-66.
  • İslamoğlu, A. Hamdi (2003), Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 2.Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları, 2003.
  • Jap, Sandy D. ve Shankar Ganesan (2000). “Control Mechanism and the Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commit- ment”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.XXXVII. (May). Ss.227-245.
  • Jerving, Jim (2009), “Networking as a Marketing Tool”, Marketing&Business Development, January, ss.1-25.
  • Karadağ, Levent (Derleyen) (2010), İnternet Sizi Bekliyor, İstanbul: Mess Yay., Aralık 2010.
  • Kim, Won, Ok-Ran Jeong ve Sang-Won Lee (2010), “On Social Web Sites”, Information Systems, 35. ss.215-236.
  • Kirschner, Paul A. ve Aryn C.Karpinski (2010), “Facebook and Academic Performance”, Com- puters in Human Behavior, ss.1-9.
  • Kryder, Cynthia L. (2010), “Facebook Friend or Fan? You Decide”, Amwa Journal, Vol.25. N.1, ss.32-33.
  • Larson, Rebecca J. (2009), “The Rise of Viral Marketing through the New Media of Social Media”, School of Business Faculty Publications and Presentations, ss.1-30.
  • Lewis, Kevin, Jason Kaufman, Marco Gonzalez, Andreas Wimmer ve Nicholas Christakis (2008), “Tastes, Ties, and Time: A New Social Network Dataset Using”, Social Networks, 30. ss.330-342.
  • Li, Charlene (2007), “How Consumers Use Social Networks”, For Interactive Marketing Professionals, June 21, ss.1-11.
  • Maranto, Gina ve Mat Barton (2010), “Paradox and Promise: MySpace, Facebook, and the Sociopolitics of Social Networking in the Writing Classroom”, Computers and Composi- tion, 27, ss.36-47.
  • Marsico, Edwad M. (2010), “Social Networking Websites: Are Myspace and Facebook the Fingerprints of the Twenty-First Century?”, Widener Law Journal, Vol.19, ss.967-976.
  • Martinez, Juan (2010), Marketing to a Community”, Customer Relationship Management”, June, ss.30-35.
  • Morgan, M.Elizabeth, Chareen Snelsan, Patt Elison-Bowers (2010), “Image and Video Dis- closure of Substance Use on Social Media Websites”, Computers in Human Behavior, ss.1-7.
  • Morgan, Robert M. ve Shelby D. Hunt (1994). “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relation- ship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing. Vol.58. (July). ss.20-38.
  • Owen, Robert ve Patrica Humphrey, “The structure of Online Marketing Communication channels”, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, ss.1-10.
  • Pempek, A.Tiffany, Yevdokiya A.Yermolayeva ve Sandra L.Calvert (2009), “College Stu- dents’ Social Networking Experiences on Facebook”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psycholoy, 30. ss. 227-238.
  • Perkins, Bart (2010), “Social Media to the Rescue”, Computerworld, September 13, s.16
  • Pfeil, Ulrike, Raj Arjan ve Panayiotis Zaphiris (2009), “Age Differences in Online Social Networking-A Study of User Profils and the Social Capital Divide among Teenagers and Older Users in MySpace”, Computers in Human Behavior, 25, ss.643-654.
  • Selnes, Fred (1998), “Antecedents and Consequences of Trust and Satisfaction in Buyer- Seller Relationships”, European Journal of Marketing, V.32.N.3/4.
  • Sharma,Neeru ve Paul G.Patterson (2000). “Switcs Costs, Alternative Attractivenes and Experience as Moderators of Relationship Commitment in Profasional, Consumer Ser- vices”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, V.11, N.5.
  • Shih, Clara (2009), “Facebook is the Future of CRM”, Customer Relationship Management, November, s.12.
  • Takala, Tuomo; Outi Uusitalo. (1996), “An Alternative View of Relationship Marketing: A Framework for Ethical Analysis”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.30. No.2. ss. 45-60.
  • Vural, Z.Beril Akıncı ve Mikail Bat (2010), “Yeni Bir İletişim Ortamı Olarak Sosyal Medya: Ege Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Journal of Yasar University, 20(5), ss.3348-3382.
  • Westerlund, Mika ve Senja Svahn (2008), “A Relationship Value Perspective of Social Capital in Networks of Software SMEs”, Industrial Marketing Management, 37. ss.492-501.
  • Wetzels, Martin; Ko De Ruyter ve Marcel Van Birgelen (1998), “Marketing Service Relationships: The Role of Commitment”. Journal of Industrial and Business Marketing. Vol.13. No.1. ss.406-423.
  • Yau, Oliver H. M., Peter R. Mc Fetridge, Raymond P. M. Chow, Jenny S. Y. Lee, Leo Y. M. Sin ve Alan C.B. TSE. (2000). “Is Relationship Marketing for Everyone”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.9. ss.1111-1127.
  • www. (23.12.2010).
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA63VA34GZ
Bölüm Makaleler

Şenol Hacıefendioğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Sayı: 20

Kaynak Göster

APA Hacıefendioğlu, Ş. (2010). Sosyal Paylaşım Sitelerinde Üye Bağlılığı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(20), 56-71.
