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A Comparative Assessment on the Alternative Monetary Policy Strategies

Yıl 2005, Sayı: 9, 34 - 54, 01.06.2005


The views put forward against discretionary policies and inflation costs
resulted in the change of the precedence sequence of monetary policy targets. In
recent years, price stability has been accepted the primary target of the monetary
policy in many developed and developing countries. This development led to the advent
of the alternative monetary policy strategies. Monetary targeting, exchange
rate pegging and inflation targeting, are the basic monetary strategies. The country
practices have shown that all of the so called strategies haven’t been successful in
reaching the desired targets at the same level. The aim of this paper is to compare
the alternative monetary strategies in terms of the effectiveness of the policy applications.


  • Bernanke, Ben S. ve Frederic S. Mishkin (1997), “Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy?”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11, (2), 97-116.
  • Bernanke, Ben S. vd. (1999), Inflation Targeting: Lessons from the International Experi- ence, Princeton Uni. Press.
  • Bofinger, Peter (2001), Monetary Policy: Goals, Institutions, Strategies and Instruments, Oxford Uni. Press.
  • Brash, Donal T. (2002), “Inflation Targeting: New Zealand’s Experience Over 14 Years”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 13, 99-112.
  • Calvo, Guillermo A. ve Carlos A. Végh (1997), “Inflation Stabilization and BOP Crises in De- veloping Countries”, 1-93.
  • Calvo, Guillermo A. ve Carlos A. Végh (1994), “Inflation Stabilization and Nominal Anchors”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 12, 35-45.
  • Calvo, Guillermo A. ve Frederic S. Mishkin (2003), “The Mirage of Exchange Rate Regimes for Emerging Market Countries”, NBER Working Paper, No:9808, 1-42.
  • Castro, Vitor and Francisco José Veiga (2004), “Political Business Cycles and Inflation Stabilization”, Economics Letters, 83, 1-6.
  • Castro, Vitor and Francisco José Veiga (2002), “Political Business Cycles and Inflation Stabilization”, 1-33.
  • Croce, Enzo ve Mohsin S. Khan (2000), “Monetary Regimes and Inflation Targeting”, Fi- nance & Development, 37, (3).
  • Debelle, Guy (1997), “Inflation Targeting in Practice”, IMF Working Paper, WP/97/35, 1- 34.
  • Dueker Michael ve Andreas M.Fischer (2001), “The Mechanics of A Successful Exchange- Rate Peg: Lesson From Emerging Markets”, Studienzentrum Gerzensee, Stiftung Der Schweizerischen National Bank Working Paper, No:01.02, 1-37.
  • Fischer, Stanley (1996), “Maintaining Price Stability”, Finance & Development, December, 34-37.
  • Freedman, Charles (2001), “Inflation Targeting and the Economy: Lessons from Canada’s Fırst Decade”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 19, (1), 2-19.
  • Jonas, Jiri ve Frederic S. Mishkin (2003), “Inflation Targeting in Transition Countries: Ex- perience and Prospects”, NBER Working Paper, No:9667, 1-62.
  • Kahn,George A. ve Klara Parrish (1998), “Conducting Monetary Policy With Inflation Tar- gets”, Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 83, (3), 5-32.
  • Kenen, Peter B. (2000), “Fixed Versus Floating Exchange Rates”, Cato Journal, 20, (1), 109- 13.
  • Laubach, Thomas (1999) Signalling with Monetary and Inflation Targets”, Center for Fi- nancial Studies Working Paper, No:1999/05, 1-29.
  • Leiderman Leonardo ve Lars E.O.Svensson (1995), “Introduction”, Inflation Targets, Ed. By leiderman ve Svensson, CEPR, 1-18.
  • Miller, Roger LeRoy ve David D. VanHoose (1993), Modern Money and Banking, McGraw – Hill, Inc.
  • Mishkin, Frederic S. (2000), “Inflation Targeting in Emerging – Market Countries”, The American Economic Review, 90, (2), 105-9.
  • Mishkin, Frederic S. (1999), “International Experience with Different Monetary Policy Re- gimes”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 43, 579-605.
  • Mishkin, Frederic S. (1997), “Strategies for Controlling Inflation”, NBER Working Paper, No:6122., 1997, 1-49.
  • Mishkin Frederic S. ve Miguel Savastano (2001), “Monetary Policy Strategies for Latin America”, Journal of Development Economics, 66, 415-44.
  • Mishkin Frederic S. ve Miguel Savastano (2002), “Monetary Policy Strategies for Emerging Market Countries: Lessons from Latin America”, Comparative Economic Studies, XLIV, (2), 45-82.
  • Obstfeld, Maurice ve Kenneth Rogoff (1995), “The Mirage of Fixed Exchange Rates”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9, (4), 73-96.
  • Oktar Suat, Enflasyon Hedeflemesi, İstanbul:Bilim-Teknik Yayınevi, 1998.
  • Quispe- Agnoli, Myriam (2001), “Monetary Policy Alternatives for Latin America”, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, Third Quarter, 1-11.
  • Rebelo, Sergio ve Carlos A. Végh (1995), “Real Effects of Exchange Rate – Based Stabili- zation: An Analysis of Competing Theories”, NBER Working Paper, No:5197, 1-60.
  • Rebelo, Sergio (1997), “What Happens When Countries Peg Their Exchange Rates? (The Real Side of Monetary Reforms)”, NBER Working Paper, No:6168, 1-39.
  • Schmidt-Hebbel Klaus ve Matias Tapia (2002), “Inflation Targeting in Chile”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 13, 125-46.
  • Schmid, Peter (1999), “Monetary Targeting in Practice: The German Experience”, Center for Financial Studies Working Paper, No:1999/03, ss.
  • Svensson, Lars E.O. (2002), “Inflation Targeting: Should It Be Modeled as An Instrument Rule or A Targeting Rule?” European Economic Review, 46, 771-80.

Alternatif Para Politikası Stratejileri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2005, Sayı: 9, 34 - 54, 01.06.2005


İhtiyari politikaların aleyhine ileri sürülen görüşler ve enflasyon maliyetleri, para politikası hedeflerinin öncelik sıralamasının değişmesi sonucunu doğurmuştur. Son yıllarda birçok gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkede, fiyat istikrarı, para politikasının birincil hedefi olarak kabul edilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu gelişme, alternatif para politikası stratejilerinin gündeme gelmesine yol açmıştır. Parasal hedefleme, döviz kuru hedeflemesi ve enflasyon hedeflemesi başlıca parasal stratejilerdir. Ülke uygulamaları açıkça göstermiştir ki, söz konusu stratejilerin hepsi istenilen hedefe ulaşmak açısından aynı düzeyde başarılı olamamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, politika uygulamalarının etkililiği açısından alternatif parasal stratejileri karşılaştırmaktır


  • Bernanke, Ben S. ve Frederic S. Mishkin (1997), “Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy?”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11, (2), 97-116.
  • Bernanke, Ben S. vd. (1999), Inflation Targeting: Lessons from the International Experi- ence, Princeton Uni. Press.
  • Bofinger, Peter (2001), Monetary Policy: Goals, Institutions, Strategies and Instruments, Oxford Uni. Press.
  • Brash, Donal T. (2002), “Inflation Targeting: New Zealand’s Experience Over 14 Years”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 13, 99-112.
  • Calvo, Guillermo A. ve Carlos A. Végh (1997), “Inflation Stabilization and BOP Crises in De- veloping Countries”, 1-93.
  • Calvo, Guillermo A. ve Carlos A. Végh (1994), “Inflation Stabilization and Nominal Anchors”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 12, 35-45.
  • Calvo, Guillermo A. ve Frederic S. Mishkin (2003), “The Mirage of Exchange Rate Regimes for Emerging Market Countries”, NBER Working Paper, No:9808, 1-42.
  • Castro, Vitor and Francisco José Veiga (2004), “Political Business Cycles and Inflation Stabilization”, Economics Letters, 83, 1-6.
  • Castro, Vitor and Francisco José Veiga (2002), “Political Business Cycles and Inflation Stabilization”, 1-33.
  • Croce, Enzo ve Mohsin S. Khan (2000), “Monetary Regimes and Inflation Targeting”, Fi- nance & Development, 37, (3).
  • Debelle, Guy (1997), “Inflation Targeting in Practice”, IMF Working Paper, WP/97/35, 1- 34.
  • Dueker Michael ve Andreas M.Fischer (2001), “The Mechanics of A Successful Exchange- Rate Peg: Lesson From Emerging Markets”, Studienzentrum Gerzensee, Stiftung Der Schweizerischen National Bank Working Paper, No:01.02, 1-37.
  • Fischer, Stanley (1996), “Maintaining Price Stability”, Finance & Development, December, 34-37.
  • Freedman, Charles (2001), “Inflation Targeting and the Economy: Lessons from Canada’s Fırst Decade”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 19, (1), 2-19.
  • Jonas, Jiri ve Frederic S. Mishkin (2003), “Inflation Targeting in Transition Countries: Ex- perience and Prospects”, NBER Working Paper, No:9667, 1-62.
  • Kahn,George A. ve Klara Parrish (1998), “Conducting Monetary Policy With Inflation Tar- gets”, Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 83, (3), 5-32.
  • Kenen, Peter B. (2000), “Fixed Versus Floating Exchange Rates”, Cato Journal, 20, (1), 109- 13.
  • Laubach, Thomas (1999) Signalling with Monetary and Inflation Targets”, Center for Fi- nancial Studies Working Paper, No:1999/05, 1-29.
  • Leiderman Leonardo ve Lars E.O.Svensson (1995), “Introduction”, Inflation Targets, Ed. By leiderman ve Svensson, CEPR, 1-18.
  • Miller, Roger LeRoy ve David D. VanHoose (1993), Modern Money and Banking, McGraw – Hill, Inc.
  • Mishkin, Frederic S. (2000), “Inflation Targeting in Emerging – Market Countries”, The American Economic Review, 90, (2), 105-9.
  • Mishkin, Frederic S. (1999), “International Experience with Different Monetary Policy Re- gimes”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 43, 579-605.
  • Mishkin, Frederic S. (1997), “Strategies for Controlling Inflation”, NBER Working Paper, No:6122., 1997, 1-49.
  • Mishkin Frederic S. ve Miguel Savastano (2001), “Monetary Policy Strategies for Latin America”, Journal of Development Economics, 66, 415-44.
  • Mishkin Frederic S. ve Miguel Savastano (2002), “Monetary Policy Strategies for Emerging Market Countries: Lessons from Latin America”, Comparative Economic Studies, XLIV, (2), 45-82.
  • Obstfeld, Maurice ve Kenneth Rogoff (1995), “The Mirage of Fixed Exchange Rates”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9, (4), 73-96.
  • Oktar Suat, Enflasyon Hedeflemesi, İstanbul:Bilim-Teknik Yayınevi, 1998.
  • Quispe- Agnoli, Myriam (2001), “Monetary Policy Alternatives for Latin America”, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, Third Quarter, 1-11.
  • Rebelo, Sergio ve Carlos A. Végh (1995), “Real Effects of Exchange Rate – Based Stabili- zation: An Analysis of Competing Theories”, NBER Working Paper, No:5197, 1-60.
  • Rebelo, Sergio (1997), “What Happens When Countries Peg Their Exchange Rates? (The Real Side of Monetary Reforms)”, NBER Working Paper, No:6168, 1-39.
  • Schmidt-Hebbel Klaus ve Matias Tapia (2002), “Inflation Targeting in Chile”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 13, 125-46.
  • Schmid, Peter (1999), “Monetary Targeting in Practice: The German Experience”, Center for Financial Studies Working Paper, No:1999/03, ss.
  • Svensson, Lars E.O. (2002), “Inflation Targeting: Should It Be Modeled as An Instrument Rule or A Targeting Rule?” European Economic Review, 46, 771-80.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA27VF98KR
Bölüm Makaleler

Seyfettin Erdoğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Sayı: 9

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, S. (2005). Alternatif Para Politikası Stratejileri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Değerlendirme. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(9), 34-54.
