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İlişki Pazarlaması ve Turizm Sektöründe Bir Saha Araştırması

Yıl 2005, Sayı: 9, 69 - 93, 01.06.2005


Bu araştırmada, pazarlamada yeni bir paradigma değişikliği olarak ortaya çıkan ilişki pazarlaması teorisi ve uygulanabilirliği irdelenmiştir. Araştırmada, ilişki pazarlamasının teorik ve felsefi temelleri, amaçları, yapısı, araçları, özellikleri ve önemi üzerinde durulmuş, karakteristik boyutları ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmıştır. Öte yandan, ilişki pazarlamasının merkezinde yer alan bağlılığı, olumlu ve olumsuz yönde etkileyen ilişki pazarlaması karakteristiklerinin etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Buna göre, araştırma ile ilgili olarak oluşturulan hipotezler, Türkiye’de dağıtım kanalında yer alan aracı işletmeler olarak faaliyet gösteren 141 A Grubu seyahat acentesi yöneticilerine uygulanan anket çalışması ile test edilmiş ve sonuçlar tartışılmıştır


  • ANDERSEN, Poul Houman. (2001). “Relationship Development and Marketing Communica- tion: an Integrative Model”. The Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol.16. No.3. 167-180.
  • BEJOU, David; Christine T. ENNEW and Adrian PALMER. (1998). “Trust, Ethics and Relationship Satisfaction”. International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 16. No.4. 170- 175.
  • BENGTSSON, Maria; Soren KOCK. (1999). “Cooperation and Competition in Relationships Between Competitors in Business Networks”. Journal of Business and Industrial Mar- keting. Vol. 14. No. 3. 178-191.
  • CANN, Cyntia W. (1998). “Eight Steps to Building Business-to-Business Relationship”. Journal of Business and Industial Marketing. Vol.13. No.4. 393-405.
  • CANNON, Joseph P.; Jagdish N. SHETH. (1994). “Developing a Curriculum to Enhance Teaching of Relationship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing Education. Summer. Vol.16. No.2. 3-13.
  • CHENET, Pierre; Caroline TYNAN, Arthur MONEY. (2000). “The Service Performance Gap: Testing the Redeveloped Causal Model”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 34. No.3. 472-496.
  • CONWAY, Tony; Jonathan J. SWIFT. (2000). “International Relationship Marketing- The Importance of Psychic Distance”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.11. 1391- 1413.
  • DONALDSON, Bill; Tom O’TOOLE. (2000). “Classifying Relationship Structures: Relation- ship Strength in Industrial Markets”. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. Vol.15. No.7, 491-503.
  • DUFFY, Dennis L. (1998). “Customer Loyalty Strategies”. Journal of Marketing. Vol.15. No.5. 14-35.
  • EREN, Erol. (1996). Yönetim ve Organizasyon. 3.b. İstanbul. Beta Yayınları.
  • EREN, Erol. (2001). Örgütsel Davranış ve Yönetim Psikolojisi. 7.b. İstanbul. Beta Yayınları.
  • GRÖNROOS, Christian. (1996). “Relationship Marketing: Strategic and Tactical Implications”. Management Decision. Vol.34. No.3. 5-14.
  • GUMMESSON, Evert. (1994). “Making Relational Marketing Operational”. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol. 5. No.5. 5-20.
  • GUMMESSON, Evert. (1996). “Relationship Marketing and Imaginary Organizations: A Synthesis”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.30. No.2. 31-44.
  • HARKER, Michael John. (1999). “Relationship Marketing Defined? An Examination Current Relationship Marketing Definitions”. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Vol.7. No.1. 13-20.
  • HART, Christopher W.; Michael JOHNSON. (1999). “Growing the Trust Relationship”, Marketing Management. Vol.8. No.1. 9-19.
  • HEWETT, Kelly; William O. BEARDEN. (2001). “Dependence, Trust, and Relational Behavioe on the Part of Foreing Subsidiary Marketing Operations: Implications for Managing Global Marketing Operations”. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65. (October). 51-66.
  • HUNT, Shelby D.; Robert M. MORGAN. (1997). “Relationship Marketing in the Era of Net- work Competition”. Marketing Management. Vol.3. No.1. 19-28.
  • İSLAMOĞLU, A.Hamdi. (2000). Pazarlama Yönetimi (Stratejik ve Global Yaklaşım). İstan- bul. Beta Yayınları.
  • JAP, Sandy D.; Shankar GANESAN. (2000). “Control Mechanism and the Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commit- ment”. Journal of Marketing Research. Vol.XXXVII. (May). 227-245.
  • KLEMZ, Bruce R.; Christo BOSHOFF. (2001). “Environmental and Emotional Influences on Willingness –to- Buy in Small and Large Retailers”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.35. No.1. 70-91.
  • KOLESAR, Mark B.; R Wayne GALBRAITH. (2000). “A Services-Marketing Perspective on e-retailing: Implications for e-retailers and Directions for Further Research”. Internet Research. Vol.10. No.5. 424-438.
  • KOTLER, Philip. (2000). Pazarlama Yönetimi (Ç. Nejat MUALLİMOĞLU) .10.b. İstanbul. Be- ta Yayınları.
  • MORGAN, Robert M.; Shelby D. HUNT. (1994). “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Rela- tionship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing. Vol.58. (July). 20-38.
  • MÖLLER, Kristian; Aino HALİNEN. (2000). “Relationship Marketing Theory: Its Roots and Direction”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.16. No.1-3. 29-54.
  • ODABAŞI, Yavuz. (1997). Satış ve Pazarlamada Müşteri İlişkileri. İstanbul. Der Yayınları.
  • PALMER, Adrian. (1994a). “Relationship Marketing: Time to Enrich the Marketing Curricu- lum”. Journal of Marketing Education.. Summer. Vol.16. No.2. 34-41.
  • PALMER, Adrian. (1994b). “Relationship Marketing: Back to Basics”. Journal of Marketing Management. Vol.10. No.7. 571-579.
  • PALMER, Adrian.(2000).“Co-operation and Competition: A Darwinian Synthesis of Relation- ship Marketing”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.5.687-702.
  • PEPPERS, Don; Martha ROGERS. (1995). “A new Marketing Paradigm: Share of Customer, not Market Share”. Managing Service Quality. Vol.5. No.3. 48-51.
  • RICH, Michael K. (2000). “The Direction of Marketing Relationships”. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol.15. No.2. 170-179.
  • SMITH J. Brock; Donald W. BARCLAY. (1997). “ The Effects of Organizational Differ- ences and Trust on the Effectiveness of Selling Partner Relationships”. Journal of Mar- keting. Vol.61. (January). 3-21.
  • TAKALA, Tuomo; Outi UUSITALO. (1996). “An Alternative View of Relationship Market- ing: A Framework for Ethical Analysis”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.30. No.2. 45-60.
  • TEK, Ömer Baybars. (1999). Pazarlama İlkeleri. İstanbul. 8.b. Beta Yayınları.
  • VOSS, Glenn B.; Zannie Giraud VOSS. (1997). “Implementing a Relationship Marketing Program: A Case Study and Managerical Implications”. Journal of Services Marketing. Vol.11. No.4. 278-298.
  • WETZELS, Martin; Ko De RUYTER, Marcel Van BIRGELEN. (1998). “Marketing Service Relationships: The Role of Commitment”. Journal of Industrial and Business Marketing. Vol.13. No.1. 406-423.
  • WILSON, Aubrey. (1998). “The Internal Service Department-justifying Your Existance”. Logistics Information Management. Vol.11. No.1. 58-61.
  • YAU, Oliver H. M.; Peter R. Mc FETRIDGE; Raymond P. M. CHOW, Jenny S. Y. LEE, Leo Y. M. SIN and Alan C.B. TSE. (2000). “Is Relationship Marketing for Everyone”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.9. 1111-1127.
  • YILMAZ, Cengiz; Ebru Tümer KABADAYI ve Bülent SEZEN. (2002). “Dağıtım Kanallarında Üretici-Bayi İlişkilerinde Bağımlılık Kavramı ve Bağımlılığın İşbirliği, Bağlılık ve Memnu- niyet Üzerine Etkileri”. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi. (5). 181-192.
Yıl 2005, Sayı: 9, 69 - 93, 01.06.2005


In this research, the theory of relationship marketing that is occurred as
a new paradigm shift and its’ applicability has been investigated. In this framework,
theoretical and philosophical foundations, objectives, defining constructs, instruments,
importance of relationship marketing has been emphasized and its’ characteristics
dimensions has been examined. At the same time, the efficiency of the characteristics
of relationship marketing which is positively or negatively effecting to
the commitment that located at the center of the relationship marketing has been
searched. Consequently, the hypothesis that are formed related to the research has
been tested by a questionnaire which is applied on the managers of the A group
travel agency that functioning as an intermediary firms involved in the distribution
channel in Turkey.


  • ANDERSEN, Poul Houman. (2001). “Relationship Development and Marketing Communica- tion: an Integrative Model”. The Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol.16. No.3. 167-180.
  • BEJOU, David; Christine T. ENNEW and Adrian PALMER. (1998). “Trust, Ethics and Relationship Satisfaction”. International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 16. No.4. 170- 175.
  • BENGTSSON, Maria; Soren KOCK. (1999). “Cooperation and Competition in Relationships Between Competitors in Business Networks”. Journal of Business and Industrial Mar- keting. Vol. 14. No. 3. 178-191.
  • CANN, Cyntia W. (1998). “Eight Steps to Building Business-to-Business Relationship”. Journal of Business and Industial Marketing. Vol.13. No.4. 393-405.
  • CANNON, Joseph P.; Jagdish N. SHETH. (1994). “Developing a Curriculum to Enhance Teaching of Relationship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing Education. Summer. Vol.16. No.2. 3-13.
  • CHENET, Pierre; Caroline TYNAN, Arthur MONEY. (2000). “The Service Performance Gap: Testing the Redeveloped Causal Model”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 34. No.3. 472-496.
  • CONWAY, Tony; Jonathan J. SWIFT. (2000). “International Relationship Marketing- The Importance of Psychic Distance”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.11. 1391- 1413.
  • DONALDSON, Bill; Tom O’TOOLE. (2000). “Classifying Relationship Structures: Relation- ship Strength in Industrial Markets”. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. Vol.15. No.7, 491-503.
  • DUFFY, Dennis L. (1998). “Customer Loyalty Strategies”. Journal of Marketing. Vol.15. No.5. 14-35.
  • EREN, Erol. (1996). Yönetim ve Organizasyon. 3.b. İstanbul. Beta Yayınları.
  • EREN, Erol. (2001). Örgütsel Davranış ve Yönetim Psikolojisi. 7.b. İstanbul. Beta Yayınları.
  • GRÖNROOS, Christian. (1996). “Relationship Marketing: Strategic and Tactical Implications”. Management Decision. Vol.34. No.3. 5-14.
  • GUMMESSON, Evert. (1994). “Making Relational Marketing Operational”. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol. 5. No.5. 5-20.
  • GUMMESSON, Evert. (1996). “Relationship Marketing and Imaginary Organizations: A Synthesis”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.30. No.2. 31-44.
  • HARKER, Michael John. (1999). “Relationship Marketing Defined? An Examination Current Relationship Marketing Definitions”. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Vol.7. No.1. 13-20.
  • HART, Christopher W.; Michael JOHNSON. (1999). “Growing the Trust Relationship”, Marketing Management. Vol.8. No.1. 9-19.
  • HEWETT, Kelly; William O. BEARDEN. (2001). “Dependence, Trust, and Relational Behavioe on the Part of Foreing Subsidiary Marketing Operations: Implications for Managing Global Marketing Operations”. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65. (October). 51-66.
  • HUNT, Shelby D.; Robert M. MORGAN. (1997). “Relationship Marketing in the Era of Net- work Competition”. Marketing Management. Vol.3. No.1. 19-28.
  • İSLAMOĞLU, A.Hamdi. (2000). Pazarlama Yönetimi (Stratejik ve Global Yaklaşım). İstan- bul. Beta Yayınları.
  • JAP, Sandy D.; Shankar GANESAN. (2000). “Control Mechanism and the Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commit- ment”. Journal of Marketing Research. Vol.XXXVII. (May). 227-245.
  • KLEMZ, Bruce R.; Christo BOSHOFF. (2001). “Environmental and Emotional Influences on Willingness –to- Buy in Small and Large Retailers”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.35. No.1. 70-91.
  • KOLESAR, Mark B.; R Wayne GALBRAITH. (2000). “A Services-Marketing Perspective on e-retailing: Implications for e-retailers and Directions for Further Research”. Internet Research. Vol.10. No.5. 424-438.
  • KOTLER, Philip. (2000). Pazarlama Yönetimi (Ç. Nejat MUALLİMOĞLU) .10.b. İstanbul. Be- ta Yayınları.
  • MORGAN, Robert M.; Shelby D. HUNT. (1994). “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Rela- tionship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing. Vol.58. (July). 20-38.
  • MÖLLER, Kristian; Aino HALİNEN. (2000). “Relationship Marketing Theory: Its Roots and Direction”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.16. No.1-3. 29-54.
  • ODABAŞI, Yavuz. (1997). Satış ve Pazarlamada Müşteri İlişkileri. İstanbul. Der Yayınları.
  • PALMER, Adrian. (1994a). “Relationship Marketing: Time to Enrich the Marketing Curricu- lum”. Journal of Marketing Education.. Summer. Vol.16. No.2. 34-41.
  • PALMER, Adrian. (1994b). “Relationship Marketing: Back to Basics”. Journal of Marketing Management. Vol.10. No.7. 571-579.
  • PALMER, Adrian.(2000).“Co-operation and Competition: A Darwinian Synthesis of Relation- ship Marketing”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.5.687-702.
  • PEPPERS, Don; Martha ROGERS. (1995). “A new Marketing Paradigm: Share of Customer, not Market Share”. Managing Service Quality. Vol.5. No.3. 48-51.
  • RICH, Michael K. (2000). “The Direction of Marketing Relationships”. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol.15. No.2. 170-179.
  • SMITH J. Brock; Donald W. BARCLAY. (1997). “ The Effects of Organizational Differ- ences and Trust on the Effectiveness of Selling Partner Relationships”. Journal of Mar- keting. Vol.61. (January). 3-21.
  • TAKALA, Tuomo; Outi UUSITALO. (1996). “An Alternative View of Relationship Market- ing: A Framework for Ethical Analysis”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.30. No.2. 45-60.
  • TEK, Ömer Baybars. (1999). Pazarlama İlkeleri. İstanbul. 8.b. Beta Yayınları.
  • VOSS, Glenn B.; Zannie Giraud VOSS. (1997). “Implementing a Relationship Marketing Program: A Case Study and Managerical Implications”. Journal of Services Marketing. Vol.11. No.4. 278-298.
  • WETZELS, Martin; Ko De RUYTER, Marcel Van BIRGELEN. (1998). “Marketing Service Relationships: The Role of Commitment”. Journal of Industrial and Business Marketing. Vol.13. No.1. 406-423.
  • WILSON, Aubrey. (1998). “The Internal Service Department-justifying Your Existance”. Logistics Information Management. Vol.11. No.1. 58-61.
  • YAU, Oliver H. M.; Peter R. Mc FETRIDGE; Raymond P. M. CHOW, Jenny S. Y. LEE, Leo Y. M. SIN and Alan C.B. TSE. (2000). “Is Relationship Marketing for Everyone”. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.34. No.9. 1111-1127.
  • YILMAZ, Cengiz; Ebru Tümer KABADAYI ve Bülent SEZEN. (2002). “Dağıtım Kanallarında Üretici-Bayi İlişkilerinde Bağımlılık Kavramı ve Bağımlılığın İşbirliği, Bağlılık ve Memnu- niyet Üzerine Etkileri”. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi. (5). 181-192.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA22ZA66TK
Bölüm Makaleler

Şenol Hacıefendioğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Sayı: 9

Kaynak Göster

APA Hacıefendioğlu, Ş. (2005). İlişki Pazarlaması ve Turizm Sektöründe Bir Saha Araştırması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(9), 69-93.
