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Analysis of the Relationships Between Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Intuitive Thinking Skills

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 48, 128 - 145, 31.12.2024


Intuition is generally taken as a belief, experience, and tool for knowledge emergence, often characterized by emotional judgments, sensations or foresight and be classified into various types. Recently researchers have started to search for somatic markers for intuition using EEG and ECG. The objective of this study is to explore the correlations between measurements that serve as indicators of heart rate variability and the strength and kind of intuition based on samples self-reports. The samples are 149 students aged 19-21 at Kocaeli University. Data was collected using KYTO2935 HRV sensors, Elite HRV Bluetooth application and the Intuitive Thinking Scale. Research findings indicate correlations between intuitive thinking skills and certain sub-dimensions and specific heart rhythm indices. These correlations vary in terms of their effect sizes, but it is satisfactory to assert that certain features of ours, which are acknowledged as intuitive thinking abilities, are connected to heart rhythm indices and require more thorough investigations.


  • Agyakwa, K. (1988). Intuition, Knowledge and Education. The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue de La Pensée Éducative, 22(3), 161–177.
  • Akarsu, B. (1988). Felsefe terimleri sözlüğü. İstanbul: İnkılap Kitapevi. Cited in Wikipedia retrieved on 13.04.2024 from
  • Armour, J.A. and Ardell, J.L. (1994). Neurocardiology, Oxford University Press: New York.
  • ATT-2017SZ0217856F (2017) report page
  • Bailin, S. (1991). Rationality and Intuition. Paideusis, 4(2), 17–26.
  • Bealer, G. (1998). Intuition and the Autonomy of Philosophy. In Michael Raymond DePaul & William M. Ramsey (eds.), Rethinking Intuition: The Psychology of Intuition and its Role in Philosophical Inquiry. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 201-240.
  • Berkant, G. H., Bahadır, S., Şanal, N. (2022). Sezgisel Düşünme Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 21 (84) 1569 – 1592.
  • Bibika M. U. (2024). Gerçekliğin Bütününe Ancak Sezgi Yoluyla Ulaşırız- Henri Bergson. Destek Yayınları. ISBN: 9786256608689
  • Billman G.E: (2011, November). Heart rate variability: a historical perspective. Frontiers in Physiology, 29(2), 86.
  • Cantin, M. and Genest, J. (1988). The heart as an endocrine gland. Pharmacol Res Commun,. 20 Suppl 3: p. 1-22.
  • Cai Shi, & Lucietto, A.M. (2022). The preference of the use of intuition over other methods of problem solving by undergraduate students. The European Educational Researcher, 5(3), 253–275.
  • Cai Shi., Azevedo, T. M., & Lucietto, A. M. (2021, July). Assessing Intuition Used Among Undergraduate Engineering Technology and Engineering Students. In 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access.
  • Cheng, K.S., Croarkin, P.E. & Lee, P.F. (2019). Heart Rate Variability of Various Video-Aided Mindful Deep Breathing Durations and Its Impact on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Symptom Severity. Mindfulness 10(10), 2082–2094.
  • Chhetri, P., Shrestha, L., & Mahotra, N. B. (2022). Validity of Elite-HRV Smartphone Application for Measuring Heart Rate Variability Compared to Polar V800 Heart Rate Monitor. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, 19(4), 809–813.
  • Chudnoff, E. (2019). In Search of Intuition. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 98(3):1-16 DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2019.1658121
  • Cygankiewicz, I., & Zareba, W. (2013). Heart rate variability. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 117, 379–393.
  • Demiral, Y., Ergor, G., Unal, B., Semin, S., Akvardar, Y., Kivircik, B., & Alptekin, K. (2006). Normative data and discriminative properties of short form 36 (SF-36) in Turkish urban population. BMC public health, 6, 247.
  • Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descartes’ Error: Emotion Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Avon Books.
  • Dunn, B. D., Galton, H. C., Morgan, R., Evans, D., Oliver, C., Meyer, M., Cusack, R., Lawrence, A. D., & Dalgleish, T. (2010). Listening to Your Heart: How Interoception Shapes Emotion Experience and Intuitive Decision Making. Psychological Science, 21(12), 1835-1844.
  • Glöckner, A., & Witteman, C. (2010). Beyond dual-process models: A categorisation of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making. Thinking & Reasoning, 16(1), 1–25.
  • Gore, J., & Sadler-Smith, E. (2011). Unpacking Intuition: A Process and Outcome Framework. Review of General Psychology, 15(4), 304-316.
  • Guzik, P., Piekos, C., Fenech, N., Pierog, O., Krauze, T., Piskorski, J., and Wykretowicz, A. (June 2017). Heart Rate Variability by mobile app 'ELITE HRV' is not the same as computed from an ECG, EP Europace, Volume 19, Issue suppl_3, 257–259,
  • Gündoğan, A. O. (2024). Sezgicilik. Sosyal Bilimler Ansiklopedisi Tubitak.
  • Haklı, Ş., (2007). İbn Sînâ epistemolojisinde bir bilgi kaynağı olarak “Sezgi.” Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(11), 35–52.
  • Hammond, K. R. (1996). Human judgment and social policy. Irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. İn Pretz 2014
  • Himariotis, A. T., Coffey, K. F., Noel, S. E., & Cornell, D. J. (2022). Validity of a Smartphone Application in Calculating Measures of Heart Rate Variability. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(24), 9883.
  • Hogarth, R.M. (2001). Educating intuition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. In Pretz, et al. (2014). Development and validation of a new measure of intuition: The Types of Intuition Scale. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(5), 454–467.
  • Holzer, P. (2022). Gut signals and gut feelings: science at the interface of data and beliefs. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16.
  • Jung, C. G. (1971). Psychological types. Princeton, NJ: University of Princeton Press. In Pretz, et al. (2014). Development and validation of a new measure of intuition: The Types of Intuition Scale. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(5), 454–467.
  • Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow, New York: In Chudnoff, E. (2019) In Search of Intuition. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 98(3):1-16 DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2019.1658121
  • Koksvik, O., (2011). Intuition. Dissertation, Australian National University
  • Lacey, B. C. & Lacey, J. I. (1978). Two-way communication between the heart and the brain. Significance of time within the cardiac cycle. The American psychologist, 33(2), 99–113.
  • Laurman, J. (2023). Assessing the efficacy of an intervention aimed at increasing heart rate variability and decreasing perceived stress in individuals with personality disorders - A single case experimental design pilot study. Master Thesis Dissertaion. Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, University Twente
  • McCraty, R. (2000). Psychophysiological Coherence: A Link Between Positive Emotions, Stress Reduction, Performance and Health Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 109th Annual Convention, Symposium on Gratitude and Positive Emotionality as Links Between Social and Clinical Science, San Francisco, CA,
  • McCraty, R. (2002). Influence of cardiac afferent input on heart-brain synchronization and cognitive performance. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 45(1-2): p. 72-73.
  • McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., & Bradley, R. T. (2004a). Electrophysiological evidence of intuition: Part 1. The surprising role of the heart. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 10(1), 133–143.
  • McCraty, R., M. Atkinson, M., and Bradley, R.T. (2004b). Electrophysiological evidence of intuition: Part 2. A system-wide process? Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, (New York, N.Y.) 10(2): p. 325-336.
  • McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D. & Bradley, R.T. (2009, December 1). The Coherent Heart Heart–Brain Interactions, Psychophysiological Coherence, and the Emergence of System-Wide Order. Integral Review, 5(2). 10-115
  • McCraty, R. & Zayas, M.A. (2014, September 29). Cardiac coherence self-regulation autonomic stability and psychosocial wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1090
  • McCraty, R. (2015). Science of the Heart, Volume 2 Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance. An Overview of Research Conducted by the HeartMath Institute.
  • Nado, J. (2014). Why intuition? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89(1), 15–41.
  • Otte, M. (1990). Intuition and Logic. For the Learning of Mathematics Vol. 10, No. 2 (Jun., 1990), pp. 37-43
  • Öktem, Ü. (2000). Descartes Kant Bergson ve Husserl’de Sezgi. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih Corafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(1–2), 159–188.
  • Perrotta, A. S., Jeklin, A. T., Hives, B. A., Meanwell, L. E., & Warburton, D. E. R. (2017). Validity of the Elite HRV Smartphone Application for Examining Heart Rate Variability in a Field-Based Setting. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 31(8), 2296–2302.
  • Pretz, J. E., Brookings, J. B., Carlson, L. A., Humbert, T. K., Roy, M., Jones, M., & Memmert, D. (2014). Development and validation of a new measure of intuition: The Types of Intuition Scale. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(5), 454–467.
  • Rahman, F., Pechnik, S., Gross, D. R., Sewell, L., & Goldstein, D. S. (2011). Low frequency power of heart rate variability reflects baroreflex function, not cardiac sympathetic innervation. Clinical Autonomic Research, 21(3), 133-141.
  • Ramon, M. M., March, M. M., González, I. P., Zabala, I. P. and Javaloyes, A. (2022). Validity and reliability of different smartphones applications to measure HRV during short and ultra-short measurements in elite athletes. Computer Methods and Programs. Biomedicine Volume 217, Issue C,
  • Rein, G., Atkinson, M. & McCraty R. (1995). The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Compassion and Anger. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. 1995; 8(2): 87-105.
  • Salem, M. (2009). The Heart, Mind and Spirit. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry Vol.20 No.2 Page (161-168)
  • Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, cognition and personality, 9(3), 185-211.
  • Shaffer, F., & Ginsberg, J.P. (2017). An Overview of Heart Rate Variability Metrics and Norms. Frontiers in Public Health, 5:258 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00258
  • Sgoifo, A., Braglia, F., Costoli, T., Musso, E., Meerlo, P., Ceresini, G., & Troisi, A. (2003, January). Cardiac autonomic reactivity and salivary cortisol in men and women exposed to social stressors: relationship with individual ethological profile. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 27(1–2), 179–188.
  • Soyarslan, S. (2024). Spinoza: Intuition. Philpapers (Open Access Bibliography of Philosophy) retrieved 10th April 2024 from
  • TDK (2024). Türkçe sözlük. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Tiller, W.A., McCraty, R. & Atkinson, M. (1996, January). Cardiac coherence: a new, noninvasive measure of autonomic nervous system order. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2(1), 52–65.
  • Weismann, D.G., & Mendes, W.B. (2021, April). Correlation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity during rest and acute stress tasks. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology., 162(60), 68.

Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği (HRV) ile Sezgisel Düşünme Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkilerin Analizi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 48, 128 - 145, 31.12.2024


Sezgi, genellikle duygusal yargılar, duyumlar veya öngörü ile karakterize edilen ve çeşitli tiplerde sınıflandırılan bir inanç, deneyim ve bilgiye ulaşma aracı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Son yıllarda araştırmacılar sezgi için somatik bazı belirteçler aramaya başladılar. Bu amaçla EEG ve EKG kullanarak, sezginin kalp ve beyin dalgalarıyla ilişkileri araştırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kalp hızı değişkenliğinin göstergesi olarak hizmet eden ölçümler ile sezginin gücü ve türü arasındaki korelasyonları, örneklemin kendi beyanlarına dayanarak araştırmaktır. Örneklem, Kocaeli Üniversitesi'nde 19-21 yaşları arasındaki 149 öğrencidir. Veriler KYTO2935 HRV sensörleri, Elite HRV Bluetooth uygulaması ve Sezgisel Düşünme Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, sezgisel düşünme becerileri ile belirli alt boyutlarıyla ve bazı kalp ritmi indeksleri arasında korelasyonlar olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu korelasyonlar etki büyüklükleri açısından değişmektedir, ancak sezgisel düşünme yetenekleri olarak kabul edilen belirli özelliklerimizin kalp ritmi indeksleriyle bağlantılı olduğunu ve daha kapsamlı araştırmalar gerektirdiğini ifade etmek için yeterlidir.


  • Agyakwa, K. (1988). Intuition, Knowledge and Education. The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue de La Pensée Éducative, 22(3), 161–177.
  • Akarsu, B. (1988). Felsefe terimleri sözlüğü. İstanbul: İnkılap Kitapevi. Cited in Wikipedia retrieved on 13.04.2024 from
  • Armour, J.A. and Ardell, J.L. (1994). Neurocardiology, Oxford University Press: New York.
  • ATT-2017SZ0217856F (2017) report page
  • Bailin, S. (1991). Rationality and Intuition. Paideusis, 4(2), 17–26.
  • Bealer, G. (1998). Intuition and the Autonomy of Philosophy. In Michael Raymond DePaul & William M. Ramsey (eds.), Rethinking Intuition: The Psychology of Intuition and its Role in Philosophical Inquiry. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 201-240.
  • Berkant, G. H., Bahadır, S., Şanal, N. (2022). Sezgisel Düşünme Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 21 (84) 1569 – 1592.
  • Bibika M. U. (2024). Gerçekliğin Bütününe Ancak Sezgi Yoluyla Ulaşırız- Henri Bergson. Destek Yayınları. ISBN: 9786256608689
  • Billman G.E: (2011, November). Heart rate variability: a historical perspective. Frontiers in Physiology, 29(2), 86.
  • Cantin, M. and Genest, J. (1988). The heart as an endocrine gland. Pharmacol Res Commun,. 20 Suppl 3: p. 1-22.
  • Cai Shi, & Lucietto, A.M. (2022). The preference of the use of intuition over other methods of problem solving by undergraduate students. The European Educational Researcher, 5(3), 253–275.
  • Cai Shi., Azevedo, T. M., & Lucietto, A. M. (2021, July). Assessing Intuition Used Among Undergraduate Engineering Technology and Engineering Students. In 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access.
  • Cheng, K.S., Croarkin, P.E. & Lee, P.F. (2019). Heart Rate Variability of Various Video-Aided Mindful Deep Breathing Durations and Its Impact on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Symptom Severity. Mindfulness 10(10), 2082–2094.
  • Chhetri, P., Shrestha, L., & Mahotra, N. B. (2022). Validity of Elite-HRV Smartphone Application for Measuring Heart Rate Variability Compared to Polar V800 Heart Rate Monitor. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, 19(4), 809–813.
  • Chudnoff, E. (2019). In Search of Intuition. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 98(3):1-16 DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2019.1658121
  • Cygankiewicz, I., & Zareba, W. (2013). Heart rate variability. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 117, 379–393.
  • Demiral, Y., Ergor, G., Unal, B., Semin, S., Akvardar, Y., Kivircik, B., & Alptekin, K. (2006). Normative data and discriminative properties of short form 36 (SF-36) in Turkish urban population. BMC public health, 6, 247.
  • Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descartes’ Error: Emotion Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Avon Books.
  • Dunn, B. D., Galton, H. C., Morgan, R., Evans, D., Oliver, C., Meyer, M., Cusack, R., Lawrence, A. D., & Dalgleish, T. (2010). Listening to Your Heart: How Interoception Shapes Emotion Experience and Intuitive Decision Making. Psychological Science, 21(12), 1835-1844.
  • Glöckner, A., & Witteman, C. (2010). Beyond dual-process models: A categorisation of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making. Thinking & Reasoning, 16(1), 1–25.
  • Gore, J., & Sadler-Smith, E. (2011). Unpacking Intuition: A Process and Outcome Framework. Review of General Psychology, 15(4), 304-316.
  • Guzik, P., Piekos, C., Fenech, N., Pierog, O., Krauze, T., Piskorski, J., and Wykretowicz, A. (June 2017). Heart Rate Variability by mobile app 'ELITE HRV' is not the same as computed from an ECG, EP Europace, Volume 19, Issue suppl_3, 257–259,
  • Gündoğan, A. O. (2024). Sezgicilik. Sosyal Bilimler Ansiklopedisi Tubitak.
  • Haklı, Ş., (2007). İbn Sînâ epistemolojisinde bir bilgi kaynağı olarak “Sezgi.” Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(11), 35–52.
  • Hammond, K. R. (1996). Human judgment and social policy. Irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. İn Pretz 2014
  • Himariotis, A. T., Coffey, K. F., Noel, S. E., & Cornell, D. J. (2022). Validity of a Smartphone Application in Calculating Measures of Heart Rate Variability. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(24), 9883.
  • Hogarth, R.M. (2001). Educating intuition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. In Pretz, et al. (2014). Development and validation of a new measure of intuition: The Types of Intuition Scale. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(5), 454–467.
  • Holzer, P. (2022). Gut signals and gut feelings: science at the interface of data and beliefs. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16.
  • Jung, C. G. (1971). Psychological types. Princeton, NJ: University of Princeton Press. In Pretz, et al. (2014). Development and validation of a new measure of intuition: The Types of Intuition Scale. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(5), 454–467.
  • Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow, New York: In Chudnoff, E. (2019) In Search of Intuition. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 98(3):1-16 DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2019.1658121
  • Koksvik, O., (2011). Intuition. Dissertation, Australian National University
  • Lacey, B. C. & Lacey, J. I. (1978). Two-way communication between the heart and the brain. Significance of time within the cardiac cycle. The American psychologist, 33(2), 99–113.
  • Laurman, J. (2023). Assessing the efficacy of an intervention aimed at increasing heart rate variability and decreasing perceived stress in individuals with personality disorders - A single case experimental design pilot study. Master Thesis Dissertaion. Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, University Twente
  • McCraty, R. (2000). Psychophysiological Coherence: A Link Between Positive Emotions, Stress Reduction, Performance and Health Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 109th Annual Convention, Symposium on Gratitude and Positive Emotionality as Links Between Social and Clinical Science, San Francisco, CA,
  • McCraty, R. (2002). Influence of cardiac afferent input on heart-brain synchronization and cognitive performance. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 45(1-2): p. 72-73.
  • McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., & Bradley, R. T. (2004a). Electrophysiological evidence of intuition: Part 1. The surprising role of the heart. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 10(1), 133–143.
  • McCraty, R., M. Atkinson, M., and Bradley, R.T. (2004b). Electrophysiological evidence of intuition: Part 2. A system-wide process? Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, (New York, N.Y.) 10(2): p. 325-336.
  • McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D. & Bradley, R.T. (2009, December 1). The Coherent Heart Heart–Brain Interactions, Psychophysiological Coherence, and the Emergence of System-Wide Order. Integral Review, 5(2). 10-115
  • McCraty, R. & Zayas, M.A. (2014, September 29). Cardiac coherence self-regulation autonomic stability and psychosocial wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1090
  • McCraty, R. (2015). Science of the Heart, Volume 2 Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance. An Overview of Research Conducted by the HeartMath Institute.
  • Nado, J. (2014). Why intuition? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89(1), 15–41.
  • Otte, M. (1990). Intuition and Logic. For the Learning of Mathematics Vol. 10, No. 2 (Jun., 1990), pp. 37-43
  • Öktem, Ü. (2000). Descartes Kant Bergson ve Husserl’de Sezgi. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih Corafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(1–2), 159–188.
  • Perrotta, A. S., Jeklin, A. T., Hives, B. A., Meanwell, L. E., & Warburton, D. E. R. (2017). Validity of the Elite HRV Smartphone Application for Examining Heart Rate Variability in a Field-Based Setting. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 31(8), 2296–2302.
  • Pretz, J. E., Brookings, J. B., Carlson, L. A., Humbert, T. K., Roy, M., Jones, M., & Memmert, D. (2014). Development and validation of a new measure of intuition: The Types of Intuition Scale. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(5), 454–467.
  • Rahman, F., Pechnik, S., Gross, D. R., Sewell, L., & Goldstein, D. S. (2011). Low frequency power of heart rate variability reflects baroreflex function, not cardiac sympathetic innervation. Clinical Autonomic Research, 21(3), 133-141.
  • Ramon, M. M., March, M. M., González, I. P., Zabala, I. P. and Javaloyes, A. (2022). Validity and reliability of different smartphones applications to measure HRV during short and ultra-short measurements in elite athletes. Computer Methods and Programs. Biomedicine Volume 217, Issue C,
  • Rein, G., Atkinson, M. & McCraty R. (1995). The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Compassion and Anger. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. 1995; 8(2): 87-105.
  • Salem, M. (2009). The Heart, Mind and Spirit. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry Vol.20 No.2 Page (161-168)
  • Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, cognition and personality, 9(3), 185-211.
  • Shaffer, F., & Ginsberg, J.P. (2017). An Overview of Heart Rate Variability Metrics and Norms. Frontiers in Public Health, 5:258 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00258
  • Sgoifo, A., Braglia, F., Costoli, T., Musso, E., Meerlo, P., Ceresini, G., & Troisi, A. (2003, January). Cardiac autonomic reactivity and salivary cortisol in men and women exposed to social stressors: relationship with individual ethological profile. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 27(1–2), 179–188.
  • Soyarslan, S. (2024). Spinoza: Intuition. Philpapers (Open Access Bibliography of Philosophy) retrieved 10th April 2024 from
  • TDK (2024). Türkçe sözlük. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Tiller, W.A., McCraty, R. & Atkinson, M. (1996, January). Cardiac coherence: a new, noninvasive measure of autonomic nervous system order. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2(1), 52–65.
  • Weismann, D.G., & Mendes, W.B. (2021, April). Correlation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity during rest and acute stress tasks. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology., 162(60), 68.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikolojide Davranış-Kişilik Değerlendirmesi, Sosyal ve Kişilik Psikolojisi (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

İsmet Şahin 0000-0002-2268-9289

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 4 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 48

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, İ. (2024). Analysis of the Relationships Between Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Intuitive Thinking Skills. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(48), 128-145.
