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Yıl 2022, , 137 - 153, 27.10.2022


COVID-19 salgınının çok süratli yayılmasıyla pandemiye dönüşmesi, dünya çapında seyahat kısıtlamalarının yaşanmasına neden olmuş ve insanlar evlerine kapanmak zorunda kalmışlardır. Bu dönemde fiziksel olarak temas etmeyi gerektiren veya diğer insanlarla bir arada bulunmayı zorunlu kılan ürün ya da hizmet sunan işletmeler, özellikle turizm sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmeler, COVID-19 pandemisinden en çok etkilenenlerin başında gelmektedir. Bu etkileri azaltmak için birçok turizm işletmesi, hedef kitlelerine evlerinde bir destinasyonu deneyimleyecekleri sanal seyahat turları geliştirmeye başlamışlardır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada sanal seyahat deneyiminin sahip olduğu bilgi kalitesi ve algılanan duyunun sanal deneyim yaşayanlarda oluşturduğu memnuniyetin, gerçek dünyada o destinasyonu ziyaret etme niyetlerine etkilerini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın ana kütlesi, sanal seyahat deneyimi yaşayan bireylerden oluşmaktadır. Ana kütleyi oluşturan bireyler arasından kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle 564 kişiye ulaşılmış, 172 kişi sanal seyahat deneyimi yaşamadıklarını belirttikleri ya da 18 yaşından küçük oldukları için araştırma dışı bırakılmış ve 392 kişi araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırmada çevrimiçi (online) anket uygulaması ile elde edilen verilere istatistiki bir paket programıyla faktör, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarında; sanal dünyada bir destinasyon deneyiminden algılanan sanal seyahat duyusunun ve bilgi kalitesinin, sanal gerçeklik seyahatiyle ilgili memnuniyet üzerinde pozitif yönlü, güçlü ve anlamlı bir etkisinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Sanal gerçeklik seyahatinden oluşan bu memnuniyetin de, ziyaret niyeti üzerinde pozitif yönlü, nispeten güçlü ve anlamlı bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Ahn, Y. J., Hyun, S. S. & Kim, I. (2017). Vivid-memory formation through experiential value in the context of the international industrial exhibition. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(3), 291–311.
  • Ahn, T., Ryu, S. & Han, I. (2007). The impact of web quality and playfulness on user acceptance of online retailing. Information Management, 44(3), 263-275.
  • Algharabat, R. & Dennis, C. (2010). Using authentic 3D product visualisation for an electrical online retailer. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 9(2), 97–115.
  • Ali, F. (2016). Hotel website quality, perceived flow, customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 7(2), 213-228.
  • An, S., Choi, Y. & Lee, C.K. (2021). Virtual travel experience and destination marketing: effects of sense and information quality on flow and visit intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 100492.
  • Anderson, R. E. & Srinivasan, S. S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework. Psychology and Marketing, 20(2), 123–138.
  • Arat, T. & Baltacıoğlu, S. (2016). Sanal gerçeklik ve turizm. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 19(1), 103-118.
  • Bai, B., Law, R. & Wen, I. (2008). The impact of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions: Evidence from Chinese online visitors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(3), 391–402. ijhm.2007.10.008
  • Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H. & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand experience: What is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 73(3), 52-68.
  • Coleman, B. & Bilge, E. (2012). Hello Avatar: Dijital Neslin Yükselişi. (Çev: E. Bilge). MediaCat Kitapları.
  • Chen, J., Ching, R. K., Luo, M. M. & Liu, C. C. (2008). Virtual experiential marketing on online customer intentions and loyalty. In Hawaii international conference on system sciences, proceedings of the 41st annual, 271-271.
  • Chiou, W. B., Wan, C. S. & Lee, H. Y. (2008). Virtual experience vs. brochures in the advertisement of scenic spots: How cognitive preferences and order effects influence advertising effects on consumers. Tourism Management, 29(1), 146–150.
  • Cho, Y. H. & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2000). A conceptual framework for evaluating effects of a virtual tour. In D. R. Fesenmaier, S. Klein, & D. Buhalis (Eds.), Information and communication technologies in tourism 2000 (314–323). Springer.
  • Cho, Y. H., Wang, Y. & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2002). Searching for experiences: The web-based virtual tour in tourism marketing. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 12 (4), 1-17.
  • Choi, Y., Hickerson, B. & Lee, J. (2018). Investigation of the technology effects of online travel media on virtual travel experience and behavioral intention. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(3), 320-335.
  • Coyle, J. R. & Thorson, E. (2001). The effects of progressive levels of interactivity and vividness in web marketing sites. Journal of Advertising, 30(3), 65–77.
  • Demirezen, B. (2019). Artırılmış gerçeklik ve sanal gerçeklik teknolojisinin turizm sektöründe kullanılabilirliği üzerine bir literatür taraması. Uluslararası Global Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt. 3 (1), 1-26.
  • Dinh, H. Q., Walker, N., Hodges, L. F., Song, C. & Kobayashi, A. (1999). Evaluating the importance of multi-sensory input on memory and the sense of presence in virtual environments. In Proceedings IEEE virtual reality (Cat. No. 99CB36316) (222–228). IEEE.
  • Disztinger, P., Schlogl, S. & Groth, A. (2017). Technology acceptance of virtual reality for travel planning. In S. Roland, & S. Brigitte (Eds.), Information and communication technologies in tourism 2017, 255-268.
  • Durmaz, C., Bulut, Y. & Tankuş, E. (2018). Sanal gerçekliğin turizme entegrasyonu: Samsun’daki 5 yıldızlı otellerde uygulama. Türkiye Pazarlama Dergisi (TJM), 3 (1), 32-49.
  • Gao, L. & Bai, X. (2014). Online consumer behaviour and its relationship to website atmospheric induced flow: Insights into online travel agencies in China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(4), 653-665.
  • Gao, L., Bai, X. & Park, A. (2017). Understanding sustained participation in virtual travel communities from the perspectives of IS success model and flow theory. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(4), 475–509.
  • Gibson, A. & O’Rawe, M. (2018). Virtual reality as a travel promotional tool: Insights from a consumer travel fair. In T. Jung, & M. tom Dieck (Eds.), Augmented reality and virtual reality, 93-107.
  • Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. M., Guttentag, D. & Kandaurova, M. (2017). Virtual reality and implications for destination marketing. Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 2017 TTRA International Conference.
  • Gu, B., Konana, P., Rajagopalan, B. & Chen, H. W. M. (2007). Competition among virtual communities and user valuation: The case of investing-related communities. Information Systems Research, 18(1), 68–85.
  • Guttentag, D. A. (2010). Virtual reality: Applications and implications for tourism. Tourism Management, 31(5), 637-651.
  • Hsu, C. L., Chang, K. C. & Chen, M. C. (2012a). The impact of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intention: Perceived playfulness and perceived flow as mediators. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 10(4), 549–570.
  • Hsu, C. L., Chang, K. C. & Chen, M. C. (2012b). Flow experience and internet shopping behavior: Investigating the moderating effect of consumer characteristics. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29(3), 317–332.
  • Huang, M. H. (2003). Designing website attributes to induce experiential encounters. Computers in Human Behavior, 19(4), 425–442.
  • Huang, Y. C., Backman, K. F., Backman, S. J. & Chang, L. L. (2016). Exploring the implications of virtual reality technology in tourism marketing: An integrated research framework. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(2), 116-128.
  • Huang, Y. C., Backman, S. J., Backman, K. F. & Moore, D. (2013). Exploring user acceptance of 3D virtual worlds in travel and tourism marketing. Tourism Management, 36, 490-501.
  • Hulten, B., Broweus, N. & Van Dijk, M. (2009). Sensory marketing. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Jung, T. H. & Tom Dieck, M. C. (2017). Augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D printing for the co- creation of value for the visitor experience at cultural heritage places. Journal of Place Management and Development, 10(2), 140-151.
  • Kabadayı, M. (2020). Otel işletmelerinde sanal gerçeklik ve artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamaları. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 17 (3), 464-479.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (Ed.), (2006). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kao, Y. F., Huang, L. S. & Yang, M. H. (2006). Effects of experiential elements on experiential satisfaction and loyalty intentions: A case study of the super basketball league in Taiwan. International Journal of Revenue Management, 1(1), 79–96.
  • Kim, M. J. & Hall, M. (2019). A hedonic motivation model in virtual reality tourism: Comparing visitors and non-visitors. International Journal of Information Management, 46, 236–249.
  • Kim, M. J., Lee, C. K. & Jung, T. (2020a). Exploring consumer behavior in virtual reality tourism using an extended stimulus-organism-response model. Journal of Travel Research, 59(1), 69-89.
  • Kim, M. J., Lee, C. K. & Preis, M. W. (2020b). The impact of innovation and gratification on authentic experience, subjective well-being, and behavioral intention in tourism virtual reality: The moderating role of technology readiness. Telematics and Informatics, 49, 101349.
  • Kuo, Y. F., Wu, C. M. & Deng, W. J. (2009). The relationships among service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and post-purchase intention in mobile valueadded services. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(4), 887–896.
  • Lee, O. & Oh, J. E. (2007). The impact of virtual reality functions of a hotel website on travel anxiety. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(4), 584-586.
  • Lee, S., Song, H., Lee, C. K. & Petrick, J. F. (2018). An integrated model of pop culture fans’ travel decision-making processes. Journal of Travel Research, 57(5), 687-701.
  • Leech, N.L., Barrett, K.C. & Morgen, G.A. (2005). SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation. 2nd Edition, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Lin, C. H. & Kuo, B. Z. L. (2016). The behavioral consequences of tourist experience. Tourism Management Perspectives, 18, 84–91. tmp.2015.12.017 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J. & Ali, F. (2020). 20 years of research on virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism context: A text-mining approach. Tourism Management, 77, 104028.
  • Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J., Eloy, S., Langaro, D. & Panchapakesan, P. (2019). Understanding the use of virtual reality in marketing: A text mining-based review. Journal of Business Research, 100, 514-530.
  • Mehrabian, A. & Russell, J. A. (1974). An approach to environmental psychology. The MIT Press.
  • Mason, M. C. & Paggiaro, A. (2012). Investigating the role of festivalscape in culinary tourism: The case of food and wine events. Tourism Management, 33(6), 1329–1336.
  • Mpinganjira, M. (2016). Environmental stimuli and user experience in online customer communities: A focus on flow and behavioural response. Management Dynamics. Journal of the Southern African Institute for Management Scientists, 25(2), 2–16.
  • Novak, T. P., Hoffman, D. L. & Duhachek, A. (2003). The influence of goal-directed and experiential activities on online flow experiences. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (1–2), 3–16.
  • O’Cass, A. & Carlson, J. (2010). Examining the effects of website-induced flow in professional sporting team websites. Internet Research, 20(2), 115–134.
  • Oliver, R. L., Rust, R. T. & Varki, S. (1997). Customer delight: Foundations, findings, and managerial insight. Journal of Retailing, 73(3), 311–336.
  • Richard, M. O., Chebat, J. C., Yang, Z. & Putrevu, S. (2010). A proposed model of online consumer behavior: Assessing the role of gender. Journal of Business Research, 63(9), 926–934.
  • Shih, C. F. (1998). Conceptualizing consumer experiences in cyberspace. European Journal of Marketing, 32(7/8), 655–663.
  • Sussmann, S. & Vanhegan, H. J. (2000). Virtual reality and the tourism product: Substitution or complement. In 8th European conference on information systems “trends in information and communication systems for the 21st century”, (ECIS 2000). Vienna, Austria: Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, 3-5 July 2000.
  • Taşkıran, Ö. & Kızılırmak, İ. (2019). Deneyimsel pazarlama kapsamında sanal turların müze ziyaretlerine etkisi: panorama 1453 örneği. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (1), 1-19.
  • TÜİK. (2021). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları, 2020. Erişim Adresi (Erişim tarihi: 4 Şubat 2021).
  • Yang, T., Lai, I.K.W., Fan, Z.B. & Mo Q.M. (2021). The impact of a 360◦ virtual tour on the reduction of psychological stress caused by COVID-19. Technology in Society, 64, 101514.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. & Erdoğan, S. (2004). SPSS uygulamalı bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Yung, R. & Khoo-Lattimore, C. (2019). New realities: A systematic literature review on virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism research. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(17), 2056–2081.
  • Wang, L. C. & Hsiao, D. F. (2012). Antecedents of flow in retail store shopping. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(4), 381–389. jretconser.2012.03.002
  • Wu, H. C., Li, M. Y. & Li, T. (2018). A study of experiential quality, experiential value, experiential satisfaction, theme park image, and revisit intention. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(1), 26–73.


Yıl 2022, , 137 - 153, 27.10.2022


The rapid spread of the COVID-19 epidemic and its transformation into a pandemic caused travel restrictions around the world and people had to stay in their homes. In this period, businesses that offer product or service that require physical contact or make it compulsory to be together with other people, especially businesses operating in the tourism sector, are among the most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to reduce these effects, many tourism businesses have started to develop virtual travel tours for their target audience to experience a destination at home. In this context, it is aimed to investigate the effects of the information quality of the virtual travel experience and the satisfaction created by the perceived sense of the virtual travel experience on the intentions of visiting that destination in the real world. The population of the research consists of individuals who have virtual travel experience. Among the individuals constituting the population, 564 people were reached by convenience sampling method, 172 people were excluded because they stated that they did not have a virtual travel experience or because they were under the age of 18, and 392 people were included in the study. In the research, factor, correlation, and regression analyzes were applied with a statistical package program to the data obtained by the online survey application. In the results of the analysis, it was found that the sense of virtual travel and the quality of information perceived from a destination experience in the virtual world have a positive and significant effect on satisfaction with virtual reality travel. It has been determined that this satisfaction, which consists of virtual reality travel, has a positive and relatively strong significant effect on visit intention.


  • Ahn, Y. J., Hyun, S. S. & Kim, I. (2017). Vivid-memory formation through experiential value in the context of the international industrial exhibition. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(3), 291–311.
  • Ahn, T., Ryu, S. & Han, I. (2007). The impact of web quality and playfulness on user acceptance of online retailing. Information Management, 44(3), 263-275.
  • Algharabat, R. & Dennis, C. (2010). Using authentic 3D product visualisation for an electrical online retailer. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 9(2), 97–115.
  • Ali, F. (2016). Hotel website quality, perceived flow, customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 7(2), 213-228.
  • An, S., Choi, Y. & Lee, C.K. (2021). Virtual travel experience and destination marketing: effects of sense and information quality on flow and visit intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 100492.
  • Anderson, R. E. & Srinivasan, S. S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework. Psychology and Marketing, 20(2), 123–138.
  • Arat, T. & Baltacıoğlu, S. (2016). Sanal gerçeklik ve turizm. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 19(1), 103-118.
  • Bai, B., Law, R. & Wen, I. (2008). The impact of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions: Evidence from Chinese online visitors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(3), 391–402. ijhm.2007.10.008
  • Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H. & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand experience: What is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 73(3), 52-68.
  • Coleman, B. & Bilge, E. (2012). Hello Avatar: Dijital Neslin Yükselişi. (Çev: E. Bilge). MediaCat Kitapları.
  • Chen, J., Ching, R. K., Luo, M. M. & Liu, C. C. (2008). Virtual experiential marketing on online customer intentions and loyalty. In Hawaii international conference on system sciences, proceedings of the 41st annual, 271-271.
  • Chiou, W. B., Wan, C. S. & Lee, H. Y. (2008). Virtual experience vs. brochures in the advertisement of scenic spots: How cognitive preferences and order effects influence advertising effects on consumers. Tourism Management, 29(1), 146–150.
  • Cho, Y. H. & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2000). A conceptual framework for evaluating effects of a virtual tour. In D. R. Fesenmaier, S. Klein, & D. Buhalis (Eds.), Information and communication technologies in tourism 2000 (314–323). Springer.
  • Cho, Y. H., Wang, Y. & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2002). Searching for experiences: The web-based virtual tour in tourism marketing. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 12 (4), 1-17.
  • Choi, Y., Hickerson, B. & Lee, J. (2018). Investigation of the technology effects of online travel media on virtual travel experience and behavioral intention. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(3), 320-335.
  • Coyle, J. R. & Thorson, E. (2001). The effects of progressive levels of interactivity and vividness in web marketing sites. Journal of Advertising, 30(3), 65–77.
  • Demirezen, B. (2019). Artırılmış gerçeklik ve sanal gerçeklik teknolojisinin turizm sektöründe kullanılabilirliği üzerine bir literatür taraması. Uluslararası Global Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt. 3 (1), 1-26.
  • Dinh, H. Q., Walker, N., Hodges, L. F., Song, C. & Kobayashi, A. (1999). Evaluating the importance of multi-sensory input on memory and the sense of presence in virtual environments. In Proceedings IEEE virtual reality (Cat. No. 99CB36316) (222–228). IEEE.
  • Disztinger, P., Schlogl, S. & Groth, A. (2017). Technology acceptance of virtual reality for travel planning. In S. Roland, & S. Brigitte (Eds.), Information and communication technologies in tourism 2017, 255-268.
  • Durmaz, C., Bulut, Y. & Tankuş, E. (2018). Sanal gerçekliğin turizme entegrasyonu: Samsun’daki 5 yıldızlı otellerde uygulama. Türkiye Pazarlama Dergisi (TJM), 3 (1), 32-49.
  • Gao, L. & Bai, X. (2014). Online consumer behaviour and its relationship to website atmospheric induced flow: Insights into online travel agencies in China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(4), 653-665.
  • Gao, L., Bai, X. & Park, A. (2017). Understanding sustained participation in virtual travel communities from the perspectives of IS success model and flow theory. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(4), 475–509.
  • Gibson, A. & O’Rawe, M. (2018). Virtual reality as a travel promotional tool: Insights from a consumer travel fair. In T. Jung, & M. tom Dieck (Eds.), Augmented reality and virtual reality, 93-107.
  • Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. M., Guttentag, D. & Kandaurova, M. (2017). Virtual reality and implications for destination marketing. Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 2017 TTRA International Conference.
  • Gu, B., Konana, P., Rajagopalan, B. & Chen, H. W. M. (2007). Competition among virtual communities and user valuation: The case of investing-related communities. Information Systems Research, 18(1), 68–85.
  • Guttentag, D. A. (2010). Virtual reality: Applications and implications for tourism. Tourism Management, 31(5), 637-651.
  • Hsu, C. L., Chang, K. C. & Chen, M. C. (2012a). The impact of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intention: Perceived playfulness and perceived flow as mediators. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 10(4), 549–570.
  • Hsu, C. L., Chang, K. C. & Chen, M. C. (2012b). Flow experience and internet shopping behavior: Investigating the moderating effect of consumer characteristics. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29(3), 317–332.
  • Huang, M. H. (2003). Designing website attributes to induce experiential encounters. Computers in Human Behavior, 19(4), 425–442.
  • Huang, Y. C., Backman, K. F., Backman, S. J. & Chang, L. L. (2016). Exploring the implications of virtual reality technology in tourism marketing: An integrated research framework. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(2), 116-128.
  • Huang, Y. C., Backman, S. J., Backman, K. F. & Moore, D. (2013). Exploring user acceptance of 3D virtual worlds in travel and tourism marketing. Tourism Management, 36, 490-501.
  • Hulten, B., Broweus, N. & Van Dijk, M. (2009). Sensory marketing. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Jung, T. H. & Tom Dieck, M. C. (2017). Augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D printing for the co- creation of value for the visitor experience at cultural heritage places. Journal of Place Management and Development, 10(2), 140-151.
  • Kabadayı, M. (2020). Otel işletmelerinde sanal gerçeklik ve artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamaları. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 17 (3), 464-479.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (Ed.), (2006). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kao, Y. F., Huang, L. S. & Yang, M. H. (2006). Effects of experiential elements on experiential satisfaction and loyalty intentions: A case study of the super basketball league in Taiwan. International Journal of Revenue Management, 1(1), 79–96.
  • Kim, M. J. & Hall, M. (2019). A hedonic motivation model in virtual reality tourism: Comparing visitors and non-visitors. International Journal of Information Management, 46, 236–249.
  • Kim, M. J., Lee, C. K. & Jung, T. (2020a). Exploring consumer behavior in virtual reality tourism using an extended stimulus-organism-response model. Journal of Travel Research, 59(1), 69-89.
  • Kim, M. J., Lee, C. K. & Preis, M. W. (2020b). The impact of innovation and gratification on authentic experience, subjective well-being, and behavioral intention in tourism virtual reality: The moderating role of technology readiness. Telematics and Informatics, 49, 101349.
  • Kuo, Y. F., Wu, C. M. & Deng, W. J. (2009). The relationships among service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and post-purchase intention in mobile valueadded services. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(4), 887–896.
  • Lee, O. & Oh, J. E. (2007). The impact of virtual reality functions of a hotel website on travel anxiety. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(4), 584-586.
  • Lee, S., Song, H., Lee, C. K. & Petrick, J. F. (2018). An integrated model of pop culture fans’ travel decision-making processes. Journal of Travel Research, 57(5), 687-701.
  • Leech, N.L., Barrett, K.C. & Morgen, G.A. (2005). SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation. 2nd Edition, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Lin, C. H. & Kuo, B. Z. L. (2016). The behavioral consequences of tourist experience. Tourism Management Perspectives, 18, 84–91. tmp.2015.12.017 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J. & Ali, F. (2020). 20 years of research on virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism context: A text-mining approach. Tourism Management, 77, 104028.
  • Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J., Eloy, S., Langaro, D. & Panchapakesan, P. (2019). Understanding the use of virtual reality in marketing: A text mining-based review. Journal of Business Research, 100, 514-530.
  • Mehrabian, A. & Russell, J. A. (1974). An approach to environmental psychology. The MIT Press.
  • Mason, M. C. & Paggiaro, A. (2012). Investigating the role of festivalscape in culinary tourism: The case of food and wine events. Tourism Management, 33(6), 1329–1336.
  • Mpinganjira, M. (2016). Environmental stimuli and user experience in online customer communities: A focus on flow and behavioural response. Management Dynamics. Journal of the Southern African Institute for Management Scientists, 25(2), 2–16.
  • Novak, T. P., Hoffman, D. L. & Duhachek, A. (2003). The influence of goal-directed and experiential activities on online flow experiences. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (1–2), 3–16.
  • O’Cass, A. & Carlson, J. (2010). Examining the effects of website-induced flow in professional sporting team websites. Internet Research, 20(2), 115–134.
  • Oliver, R. L., Rust, R. T. & Varki, S. (1997). Customer delight: Foundations, findings, and managerial insight. Journal of Retailing, 73(3), 311–336.
  • Richard, M. O., Chebat, J. C., Yang, Z. & Putrevu, S. (2010). A proposed model of online consumer behavior: Assessing the role of gender. Journal of Business Research, 63(9), 926–934.
  • Shih, C. F. (1998). Conceptualizing consumer experiences in cyberspace. European Journal of Marketing, 32(7/8), 655–663.
  • Sussmann, S. & Vanhegan, H. J. (2000). Virtual reality and the tourism product: Substitution or complement. In 8th European conference on information systems “trends in information and communication systems for the 21st century”, (ECIS 2000). Vienna, Austria: Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, 3-5 July 2000.
  • Taşkıran, Ö. & Kızılırmak, İ. (2019). Deneyimsel pazarlama kapsamında sanal turların müze ziyaretlerine etkisi: panorama 1453 örneği. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (1), 1-19.
  • TÜİK. (2021). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları, 2020. Erişim Adresi (Erişim tarihi: 4 Şubat 2021).
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Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Şükrü Akdoğan 0000-0001-6811-706X

Duran Kuru 0000-0002-7487-8911

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Akdoğan, M. Ş., & Kuru, D. (2022). SANAL SEYAHAT DENEYİMİNDEKİ DUYU VE BİLGİ KALİTESİNİN ZİYARET NİYETİ ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19("21. Uluslararası İşletmecilik Kongresi" Özel Sayısı), 137-153.

KSÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi ULAKBİM-TR Dizin tarafından dizinlenen hakemli ve bilimsel bir dergidir.