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Finansal Risk Kabullenme Düzeylerinin Ölçümü: Karar Süreçlerinin Etkisi?

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 275 - 287, 01.06.2013


Risk taking behavior has great influence on the decision making process of individuals. In this respect, the methodology used in assessing individuals’ risk tolerance becomes an important issue. However, there is lack of unique and commonly used risk tolerance measure in literature. There are mainly two different approaches in measuring risk tolerance in literature; lottery versus financial risk assessment technique (FRT). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether measurement techniques differ with different decision frames (choosing lotteries as gambling decision frame and choosing portfolio etc. as investment decision). The results show that these two different risk assessment instruments differ when measured through using lottery versus investment questions (individuals tend to be more risk tolerant when they make investment decisions). However, two different financial risk assessment instruments fall into the same line.


  • Arrow, Keneth (1971), Essays in the Theory of Risk-Bearing, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
  • Becker, Gordon – Degroot - Moris - Marschak, Jacob (1963), “Probabilities of Choices among very Similar Objects: An Experiment to Decide Between Two Models”, Behavioral Science, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.306–311. Bontempo, Robert - Bottom, William - Weber Elke (1997), “Cross ‐Cultural Differences in Risk Perception: A Model Based Approach”, Risk Analysis, Vol. 17, No: 4, pp.479–488.
  • Booij, Adam and Praag, Bernard (2009), “A Simultaneous Approach to the Estimation of Risk Aversion and the Subjective Time Discount Rate”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 70, No: 1-2, pp.374–388.
  • Brooks, Robert - Faff, Robert - Mulino, Daniel - Scheelings, Richard (2008), “Deal or No Deal, that is the Question: The Impact of Increasing Stakes and Framing Effects on Decision-Making under Risk”, Working Paper, available at
  • Daghofer, Fedor (2007), “Financial Risk-Taking on ‘‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’’: A Comparison between Austria, Germany, and Slovenia”, International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 42, No: 5, pp.317–330.
  • Dohmen, Thomas - Falk, Armin – Huffman, David - Sunde, Uwe - Schupp, Jurgen - Wagner Gert (2005), “Individual Risk Attitudes: New Evidence from a Large, Representative, Experimentally-Validated Survey”, IZA Discussion Paper, No. 1730, available at http:// 7
  • Donkers, Bas – Melenberg, Bertrand - Van Soest, Arthur (2001), “Estimating Risk Attitudes Using Lotteries: A Large Sample Approach”, The Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 22, No: 2, pp.165–195.
  • Douglas, Mary and Wildavsky, Aaron (1982), Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Dangers. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Eisenhauer, Joseph (2003), “Approximation Bias in Estimating Risk Aversion”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 4, No: 38, pp.1−10.
  • Grable, John (2000). “Financial Risk Tolerance and Additional Factors that Affect Risk Taking in Everyday Money Matters”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 14, No: 4, pp.625–630.
  • Grable, John and Lytton Ruth (1998), “Investor Risk Tolerance: Testing the Efficacy of Demographics as Differentiating and Classifying Factors”, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 9, No: 1, pp.328–339.
  • Grable John and Lytton Ruth (1999), “Financial Risk Tolerance Revisited: The Development of a Risk Assessment Instrument”, Financial Services Review, Vol. 8, pp.163–181.
  • Hallahan, Terrence - Faff, Robert - Mckenzie Michael (2003), “An exploratory Investigation of the Relation between Risk Tolerance Scores and Demographic Characteristics”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Vol. 13, pp.483–502.
  • Harrison, Glenn - Lau, Morten - Ruström, Elisabet. (2007), “Estimating Risk Attitudes in Denmark: A Field Experiment”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 109, No: 2, pp.341–368.
  • Holt, Charles and Laury Susan (2002), “Risk Aversion and Incentive Effects”, American Economic Review, Vol. 92, No: 5, pp.1644–1655.
  • Kahneman, Daniel and Tversky, Amos (1979), “Prospect theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk”, Econometrica, Vol. 47: 263–291.

Measuring Risk Tolerance in Finance: Does the Decision Frame Matter?

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 275 - 287, 01.06.2013


Bireylerin risk kabullenme düzeylerinin karar verme süreçleri üzerinde oldukça etkili olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Bu bağlamda bireylerin risk kabullanme düzeylerinin belirlenmesi önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Ancak literature bakıldığında ortak bir risk ölçümünün var olmadığı görülmektedir. Mevcut ölçüm tekniklerinin ise iki ana kategoride gruplandırılabileceği görülmektedir. Bunlar finansal risk ölçüm ve şansa dayalı ölçümleme teknikleridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı bu iki farklı ölçümleme tekniğinin aynı sonucu sağlayıp sağlamadığının araştırılmasıdır. Elde edilen bulgular, risk kabullenme düzeylerinin bu iki farklı ölçümleme tekniğinde farklı sonuçlar verdiğini ortaya koymaktadır (Finansal risk ölçümlerine göre yapılan analizlerde bireylerin risk kabullenme düzeylerinin daha yüksek ölçüldüğü sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.) Ancak farklı iki finansal risk ölçümle anketinin birbirinden farklı sonuçlar vermediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Arrow, Keneth (1971), Essays in the Theory of Risk-Bearing, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
  • Becker, Gordon – Degroot - Moris - Marschak, Jacob (1963), “Probabilities of Choices among very Similar Objects: An Experiment to Decide Between Two Models”, Behavioral Science, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.306–311. Bontempo, Robert - Bottom, William - Weber Elke (1997), “Cross ‐Cultural Differences in Risk Perception: A Model Based Approach”, Risk Analysis, Vol. 17, No: 4, pp.479–488.
  • Booij, Adam and Praag, Bernard (2009), “A Simultaneous Approach to the Estimation of Risk Aversion and the Subjective Time Discount Rate”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 70, No: 1-2, pp.374–388.
  • Brooks, Robert - Faff, Robert - Mulino, Daniel - Scheelings, Richard (2008), “Deal or No Deal, that is the Question: The Impact of Increasing Stakes and Framing Effects on Decision-Making under Risk”, Working Paper, available at
  • Daghofer, Fedor (2007), “Financial Risk-Taking on ‘‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’’: A Comparison between Austria, Germany, and Slovenia”, International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 42, No: 5, pp.317–330.
  • Dohmen, Thomas - Falk, Armin – Huffman, David - Sunde, Uwe - Schupp, Jurgen - Wagner Gert (2005), “Individual Risk Attitudes: New Evidence from a Large, Representative, Experimentally-Validated Survey”, IZA Discussion Paper, No. 1730, available at http:// 7
  • Donkers, Bas – Melenberg, Bertrand - Van Soest, Arthur (2001), “Estimating Risk Attitudes Using Lotteries: A Large Sample Approach”, The Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 22, No: 2, pp.165–195.
  • Douglas, Mary and Wildavsky, Aaron (1982), Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Dangers. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Eisenhauer, Joseph (2003), “Approximation Bias in Estimating Risk Aversion”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 4, No: 38, pp.1−10.
  • Grable, John (2000). “Financial Risk Tolerance and Additional Factors that Affect Risk Taking in Everyday Money Matters”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 14, No: 4, pp.625–630.
  • Grable, John and Lytton Ruth (1998), “Investor Risk Tolerance: Testing the Efficacy of Demographics as Differentiating and Classifying Factors”, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 9, No: 1, pp.328–339.
  • Grable John and Lytton Ruth (1999), “Financial Risk Tolerance Revisited: The Development of a Risk Assessment Instrument”, Financial Services Review, Vol. 8, pp.163–181.
  • Hallahan, Terrence - Faff, Robert - Mckenzie Michael (2003), “An exploratory Investigation of the Relation between Risk Tolerance Scores and Demographic Characteristics”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Vol. 13, pp.483–502.
  • Harrison, Glenn - Lau, Morten - Ruström, Elisabet. (2007), “Estimating Risk Attitudes in Denmark: A Field Experiment”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 109, No: 2, pp.341–368.
  • Holt, Charles and Laury Susan (2002), “Risk Aversion and Incentive Effects”, American Economic Review, Vol. 92, No: 5, pp.1644–1655.
  • Kahneman, Daniel and Tversky, Amos (1979), “Prospect theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk”, Econometrica, Vol. 47: 263–291.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Serkan Şahin Bu kişi benim

Özlem Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, S., & Yılmaz, Ö. (2013). Measuring Risk Tolerance in Finance: Does the Decision Frame Matter?. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(2), 275-287.

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