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Avrupa Birliğine Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye’de Laikliğin Paradoksları

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 1 - 19, 26.04.2017


Avrupa Birliği üyeliği Türk dış politikasının temel paradigmalarından biri olan Batılılaşma idealinin zirve noktalarından biridir. Bu nedenle Türkiye 1960’lardan itibaren devam eden bu süreci ısrarla takip etmektedir. AB üyeliği ise başta temel hak ve özgürlükler alanı olmak üzere pek çok konuda uyum yasalarının hayata geçirilmesini gerektiriyor. Bu kapsamda AB katılımın gerektirdiği din ve eğitim alanındaki normlar kendine özgü laiklik anlayışına ve uygulamasına sahip olan Türkiye’de bazı açmazlara neden olmaktadır. Başörtüsü ve eğitim alanındaki kimi kısıtlamalar ise bu açmazın en açık biçimde kendini gösterdiği sorunların başında yer alıyor. Her ne kadar bu sorun günümüzde fiilen çözülmüş olsa da özgürlükler ve devlet prensipleri arasındaki çelişkileri incelemek adına güncelliğini korumaktadır.


  • Aslanargun, Engin, A.Kılıç and S.Bozkurt (2014),“Parental Expectation and Religious Education in State Schools in Turkey: The Case of Imam Hatip High Schools”, International Journal of Instruction, Vol.7, No: 1, pp. 135-150.
  • Arslan, D.Ali (2005), The Evaluation of Parlimentary Democracy in Turkey and Turkish Political Elites, Historia Actual Online,Vol. 6, pp.131-141, (10.03.2014).
  • Ateş,Toktamış (2000),History of Turkish Revolution. İstanbul Bilgi University Pub.İstanbul.
  • Başbuğ, Ilker (2014), “Self criticism about headscarf from Başbuğ”, ntvmsnbc (article), (08.09.2014).
  • Benli, Fatma (2011),1964-2011 Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Başörtüsü Yasağı Kronolojisi, Mazlum-Der., İstanbul. Berkes, Niyazi (1964),The Development of Secularism in Turkey, McGill University Press, Montreal.
  • Berkes, Niyazi (2010), Modernisation in Turkey, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Birdisli,Fikret (2014),“Securitisation of Kurdish Question in Turkey”, International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol:4, No: 2, pp.1-15.
  • Bruce, Steve (2002),God is Dead: Secularization in the West, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
  • Carrera, Sergio and Joanna Parkin (2010),“The Place of Religion in European Union Law and Policy: Competing Approaches and Actors inside the European Commission” RELIGARE Working Document No. 1.
  • Carkoğlu A. and E. Kalaycıoğlu (2006), Turkish Democracy Today: Elections, Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society, I.B.Tauris Cauthen, Kenneth (2001),The Ethics of Beliefs, CSS Publishing Company, Ohio.
  • Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. 03:en:PDF (26.11.2013).
  • Constitution of Republic of Turkey. (31.03.2014).
  • Cox, Caroline and John Marks (2003), the “West” Islam and Islamism, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire. Daver, Bülent (1988), “Secularism in Turkey”, Ankara University SBF Journal, Vol. 43, No: 1, pp.29-40.
  • Duman,M. Zeki (2010),“Political Foundations of Secularism in Turkey”,International Journal of Human Sciences, Vol.7, No: 2, pp. 284-303.
  • Durant, Will (1944), The Story of Civilisation, Caesar and Christ, World Library Inc. Eberle, Chris and Cuneo, Terence (2012),
  • "Religion and Political Theory", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), (06.07.2014).
  • Emmers, Ralf (2010), “Securitization”, Contemporary Security Studies (ed. Allan Collis), Oxford University Press, pp.136-151.
  • Gilani,I.Shafi, RushaShahid and Irene Zuettel(2012),“Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism”, WIN Gallup International Global Barometer, (30.06.2014).
  • Gök,Fatma(2007),“Education in ‘Multicultural’ Societies-Turkish and Swedish Perspectives”, (eds.Marie Carlson, Annika Rabo and FatmaGök), Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Transactions, /68cee78c-6f0a-4d49-843e-c573d9847eb5.pdf (18.09.2014).
  • Gözler, Kemal (2009), Administrative Law, Second Ed.,Ekin Pub.,Bursa.
  • Hanf, Theodor (2011), “State and Religion: Comparing Cases of Changing Relations”, Conferance Report (ed.Jihad Nammour), Friedrich Ebert Foundation,, (06.08.2014).
  • Heywood, Andrew (2007), Politics, (translated by B. Özipek, B.Şahin, M.Yıldız and others), Liberte pub., Ankara. Hirschl, Ran (2008), “The Rise of Constitutional Theocracy”Harward International Law Journal, Vol. 49, pp. 72-82.
  • Hirschl,Ran (2011a), “The Secularist Appeal of Constitutional Law and Courts: Comperative Account”,European Research Council 7th Framework Programme.
  • Hirschl, Ran (2011b),“Comparative constitutional law and religion”, Comparative Constitutional Law, ed. Tom Ginsburg, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., Massachusetss, pp.422-440.
  • Janda, Kenneth. Jeffrey M. Berry and Jerry Goldman (1995), The Challenge of Democracy : Government in America, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
  • Jung, Dietrich(2006), “ ‘Secularism’: A Key to Turkish Politics”,Intellectual Discourse, Vol. 14, No: 2, pp.129-154. Kishlansky, Mark. Patrick Geary, Patricia O’Brien, and R. Bin Wong (1995), Societies and Cultures in World History, Harpers Collins College Publishers, New York.
  • Köse, Ali and TalipKüçükcan (2008), Religion-State Relations in European Union Countries:Legal Structure, religious education and religious services,DiyanetVakfi (for Islamic Studies of Turkey), İstanbul.
  • Kuru, Ahmet T. (2006), “Reinterpretation of Secularism in Turkey: The Case of the Justice and Development Party”, The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Parti,(ed. by M. HakanYavuz , University of Utah Press,Salt Lake City, pp.136-160.
  • Küçükcan, Talip (2003),“State, Islam, and Religious Liberty in Modern Turkey: Reconfiguration of Religion in the Public Sphere”,BYU Law Rev., pp. 475- 506.
  • Küçükcan, Talip (2003),Secularism in theIslamic World, TDVİA Pub., Ankara.
  • Makdisi, George (2007), Religion, Law and Learning in Classical Islam, (trans. to Turkish by H.T. Başoğlu), Klasik Pub., Istanbul.
  • Mardin, Şerif (1992), Religion and Politics in Turkey,İletişim Pub.,İstanbul.
  • Nieuwenhuis, Aernout J. (2012), “State and religion, a multidimensional relationship: Some comparative law remarks”, Icon, Vol. 10, No: 1, pp.153–174, (06.07.2014).
  • Phillips,Robin.(2014),Political Christianity in the Early Church,, (15.07.2014).
  • Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secreteriat General for EU Affairs, (2007),“Political Reforms in Turkey”, Ankara.
  • Saktanber, A. and Corbacioglu, G. (2008),“Veiling and Headscarf-Skepticism in Turkey. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender”, State and Society, Vol. 15, No:4, pp. 514-538.
  • Sambur, Bilal (2009), “Religious Freedom, laicism and Official Ideology in Turkey”,Liberal Thinking, Vol. 14, No:55, pp. 41-59.
  • Sanderson, Stephen K. (1991), Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Society, HerperCollins Publishers, NewYork.
  • Stainbach, Udo (2011), State and Religion: Comparing Cases of Changing Relations (conference report edited by Jihad Nammour), Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Beiruth, pp.49-55.
  • The Presidency of Religious Affairs (2014), “Survey on Religious Life in Turkey”,, (18.09.2014).
  • Timav (2014), İHL’leri ilk MeclisKurdu. 688&Kategori=280&Islem=4&Show=1&n=5 (28.08.2014).
  • Tok, G. Ceylan (2009), “The securitization of the headscarf issue in Turkey:’the good and bad doughters” of the Republic”, Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies, Vol.8, pp.113-137.
  • Williams, Michael C.(2003), “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics”, International Studies Querterly, Vol. 47, pp.511-531.
  • WRR Scientific Council for Government Policy (2004),The European Union, Turkey and Islam, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
  • Yalçın, Durmuş(2010), Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, Ankara.
  • Yazıcı, Nuri(2011), Milli Mücadele ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Yıldız, İlhan (2007),“Minority Rights in Turkey”, BYU Law Rev., pp. 791-812.

Paradoxes of Secularism in Turkey in Process of European Union Access

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 1 - 19, 26.04.2017


Access to the European Union is set on the paramount of the ideal of Westernization paradigm of the Turkey's Foreign Policy. Therefore Turkey insists on to fallow access process even it has been long time. Access of European Union require an adaptation period which include chapters include many subject about freedoms, rights and others technical details. But chapters of the religious and educational freedoms and rights are causing to some paradoxes, because of peculiar perception and practice of secularism in Turkey. Headscarf case and educational restriction are most obvious example of these paradoxes. This subject is hot in the name of examination of paradoxes between statehood and freedoms even it has been solved by de facto.


  • Aslanargun, Engin, A.Kılıç and S.Bozkurt (2014),“Parental Expectation and Religious Education in State Schools in Turkey: The Case of Imam Hatip High Schools”, International Journal of Instruction, Vol.7, No: 1, pp. 135-150.
  • Arslan, D.Ali (2005), The Evaluation of Parlimentary Democracy in Turkey and Turkish Political Elites, Historia Actual Online,Vol. 6, pp.131-141, (10.03.2014).
  • Ateş,Toktamış (2000),History of Turkish Revolution. İstanbul Bilgi University Pub.İstanbul.
  • Başbuğ, Ilker (2014), “Self criticism about headscarf from Başbuğ”, ntvmsnbc (article), (08.09.2014).
  • Benli, Fatma (2011),1964-2011 Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Başörtüsü Yasağı Kronolojisi, Mazlum-Der., İstanbul. Berkes, Niyazi (1964),The Development of Secularism in Turkey, McGill University Press, Montreal.
  • Berkes, Niyazi (2010), Modernisation in Turkey, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Birdisli,Fikret (2014),“Securitisation of Kurdish Question in Turkey”, International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol:4, No: 2, pp.1-15.
  • Bruce, Steve (2002),God is Dead: Secularization in the West, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
  • Carrera, Sergio and Joanna Parkin (2010),“The Place of Religion in European Union Law and Policy: Competing Approaches and Actors inside the European Commission” RELIGARE Working Document No. 1.
  • Carkoğlu A. and E. Kalaycıoğlu (2006), Turkish Democracy Today: Elections, Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society, I.B.Tauris Cauthen, Kenneth (2001),The Ethics of Beliefs, CSS Publishing Company, Ohio.
  • Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. 03:en:PDF (26.11.2013).
  • Constitution of Republic of Turkey. (31.03.2014).
  • Cox, Caroline and John Marks (2003), the “West” Islam and Islamism, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire. Daver, Bülent (1988), “Secularism in Turkey”, Ankara University SBF Journal, Vol. 43, No: 1, pp.29-40.
  • Duman,M. Zeki (2010),“Political Foundations of Secularism in Turkey”,International Journal of Human Sciences, Vol.7, No: 2, pp. 284-303.
  • Durant, Will (1944), The Story of Civilisation, Caesar and Christ, World Library Inc. Eberle, Chris and Cuneo, Terence (2012),
  • "Religion and Political Theory", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), (06.07.2014).
  • Emmers, Ralf (2010), “Securitization”, Contemporary Security Studies (ed. Allan Collis), Oxford University Press, pp.136-151.
  • Gilani,I.Shafi, RushaShahid and Irene Zuettel(2012),“Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism”, WIN Gallup International Global Barometer, (30.06.2014).
  • Gök,Fatma(2007),“Education in ‘Multicultural’ Societies-Turkish and Swedish Perspectives”, (eds.Marie Carlson, Annika Rabo and FatmaGök), Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Transactions, /68cee78c-6f0a-4d49-843e-c573d9847eb5.pdf (18.09.2014).
  • Gözler, Kemal (2009), Administrative Law, Second Ed.,Ekin Pub.,Bursa.
  • Hanf, Theodor (2011), “State and Religion: Comparing Cases of Changing Relations”, Conferance Report (ed.Jihad Nammour), Friedrich Ebert Foundation,, (06.08.2014).
  • Heywood, Andrew (2007), Politics, (translated by B. Özipek, B.Şahin, M.Yıldız and others), Liberte pub., Ankara. Hirschl, Ran (2008), “The Rise of Constitutional Theocracy”Harward International Law Journal, Vol. 49, pp. 72-82.
  • Hirschl,Ran (2011a), “The Secularist Appeal of Constitutional Law and Courts: Comperative Account”,European Research Council 7th Framework Programme.
  • Hirschl, Ran (2011b),“Comparative constitutional law and religion”, Comparative Constitutional Law, ed. Tom Ginsburg, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., Massachusetss, pp.422-440.
  • Janda, Kenneth. Jeffrey M. Berry and Jerry Goldman (1995), The Challenge of Democracy : Government in America, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
  • Jung, Dietrich(2006), “ ‘Secularism’: A Key to Turkish Politics”,Intellectual Discourse, Vol. 14, No: 2, pp.129-154. Kishlansky, Mark. Patrick Geary, Patricia O’Brien, and R. Bin Wong (1995), Societies and Cultures in World History, Harpers Collins College Publishers, New York.
  • Köse, Ali and TalipKüçükcan (2008), Religion-State Relations in European Union Countries:Legal Structure, religious education and religious services,DiyanetVakfi (for Islamic Studies of Turkey), İstanbul.
  • Kuru, Ahmet T. (2006), “Reinterpretation of Secularism in Turkey: The Case of the Justice and Development Party”, The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Parti,(ed. by M. HakanYavuz , University of Utah Press,Salt Lake City, pp.136-160.
  • Küçükcan, Talip (2003),“State, Islam, and Religious Liberty in Modern Turkey: Reconfiguration of Religion in the Public Sphere”,BYU Law Rev., pp. 475- 506.
  • Küçükcan, Talip (2003),Secularism in theIslamic World, TDVİA Pub., Ankara.
  • Makdisi, George (2007), Religion, Law and Learning in Classical Islam, (trans. to Turkish by H.T. Başoğlu), Klasik Pub., Istanbul.
  • Mardin, Şerif (1992), Religion and Politics in Turkey,İletişim Pub.,İstanbul.
  • Nieuwenhuis, Aernout J. (2012), “State and religion, a multidimensional relationship: Some comparative law remarks”, Icon, Vol. 10, No: 1, pp.153–174, (06.07.2014).
  • Phillips,Robin.(2014),Political Christianity in the Early Church,, (15.07.2014).
  • Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secreteriat General for EU Affairs, (2007),“Political Reforms in Turkey”, Ankara.
  • Saktanber, A. and Corbacioglu, G. (2008),“Veiling and Headscarf-Skepticism in Turkey. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender”, State and Society, Vol. 15, No:4, pp. 514-538.
  • Sambur, Bilal (2009), “Religious Freedom, laicism and Official Ideology in Turkey”,Liberal Thinking, Vol. 14, No:55, pp. 41-59.
  • Sanderson, Stephen K. (1991), Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Society, HerperCollins Publishers, NewYork.
  • Stainbach, Udo (2011), State and Religion: Comparing Cases of Changing Relations (conference report edited by Jihad Nammour), Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Beiruth, pp.49-55.
  • The Presidency of Religious Affairs (2014), “Survey on Religious Life in Turkey”,, (18.09.2014).
  • Timav (2014), İHL’leri ilk MeclisKurdu. 688&Kategori=280&Islem=4&Show=1&n=5 (28.08.2014).
  • Tok, G. Ceylan (2009), “The securitization of the headscarf issue in Turkey:’the good and bad doughters” of the Republic”, Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies, Vol.8, pp.113-137.
  • Williams, Michael C.(2003), “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics”, International Studies Querterly, Vol. 47, pp.511-531.
  • WRR Scientific Council for Government Policy (2004),The European Union, Turkey and Islam, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
  • Yalçın, Durmuş(2010), Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, Ankara.
  • Yazıcı, Nuri(2011), Milli Mücadele ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Yıldız, İlhan (2007),“Minority Rights in Turkey”, BYU Law Rev., pp. 791-812.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Uluslararası İlişkiler

Fikret Birdişli

Fatmanur Kaçar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Birdişli, F., & Kaçar, F. (2017). Paradoxes of Secularism in Turkey in Process of European Union Access. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(1), 1-19.

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