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Çocuklarda Düşük ve Yüksek Voltajlı Elektriksel Yanıklar: On Yıllık Deneyim

Yıl 2023, , 35 - 40, 16.03.2023


Amaç: Yanık yaralanmaları her yaş için önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Elektrik yanıkları yüksek mortalite ve morbidite oranına sahip oldukları için diğer nedenlerle oluşan yanıklardan farklı olarak değerlendirilmelidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı çocuklarda yüksek ve düşük voltajlı elektriksel yanıklar ile ilişkili olabilecek faktörleri belirlemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Elektrik yanığı nedeni ile tedavi gören toplam 72 hastanın kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Elektriksel yanıklar düşük ve yüksek voltajlı olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. İki grup arasında demografik veriler, klinik seyir, tedavi ve sonuçlar karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmada hastaların %83.3’ünde düşük voltaj, %17.7’sinde yüksek voltaj elektriksel yanık saptandı. Kırsal kesimde oturanlarda yüksek voltaj yanığı daha fazla saptandı (p<0.05) Düşük voltajlı elektriksel yanıklar daha çok ev kazası (%90) sonucu oluşurken yüksek voltajlı yaralanmalar çoğunlukla iş kazası (%100) sonucu oluşmuştu (p<0.05). Düşük voltajlı yaralanmalar en sık elektrik prizi ile temas (%91.6), yüksek voltajlı yaralanmalarda trafo ile temas (%83.3)(p<0.05) sonucu oluşmuştu. Yüksek voltaj yaralanmalarda yanık şiddeti daha derin ve hastanede kalış süresi daha uzundu (p<0.05).
Sonuç: Çocuklarda düşük voltajlı elektriksel yanık yaralanması daha sık görülmektedir. Yüksek voltaj yaralanmalarda düşük voltajlı yaralanmalarına oranla cerrahi tedavi gereksinimi, hastanede kalış süresi ve morbidite oranı daha fazladır. Elektriksel yanıkların nedenleri ve koruyucu önlemler ile ilgili eğitimler yapılması, kırsal kesimde alt yapıların düzenlenmesi ile elektriksel yanıklar azaltılabilir.


  • Srivastava S, Patil AN, Bedi M, Tawar RS. Paediatric electrical burn injuries: experience from a tertiary care burns unit in North India. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2017;30(3):185-188.
  • Talbot SG, Upton J, Driscoll DN. Changing trends in pediatric upper extremity electrical burns. Hand (N Y). 2011;6(4):394-398.
  • Sokhal AK, Lodha KG, Kumari M, Paliwal R, Gothwal S. Clinical spectrum of electrical burns - A prospective study from the developing world. Burns. 2017;43(1):182-189.
  • Agbenorku P, Agbenorku E, Akpaloo J, Obeng G, Agbley D. Electrical burns: The trend and risk factors in the Ghanaian population. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2014;31;27(4):176-183.
  • Aghakhani K, Heidari M, Tabatabaee SM, Abdolkarimi L. Effect of current pathway on mortality and morbidity in electrical burn patients. Burns. 2015;41(1):172-176.
  • Arasli Yilmaz A, Köksal AO, Özdemir O, Acar M, Küçükkonyali G, Inan Y et al. Evaluation of children presenting to the emergency room after electrical injury. Turk J Med Sci. 2015;45(2):325-328.
  • Mathangi Ramakrishnan K, Babu M, Mathivanan, Ramachandran B, Balasubramanian S, Raghuram K. High voltage electrical burn injuries in teenage children: case studies with similarities (an Indian perspective). Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2013;26(3):121-125.
  • Celik A, Ergün O, Ozok G. Pediatric electrical injuries: A review of 38 consecutive patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2004;39(8):1233-1237.
  • Duci SB, Arifi HM, Selmani ME, Gashi S. Pediatric burns in University Clinical Center of Kosovo from 2005-2010. Burns. 2014;40(8):1789-1793.
  • Iqbal T, Saaiq M, Ali Z. Epidemiology and outcome of burns: early experience at the country's first national burns centre. Burns. 2013;39(2):358-362.
  • Depamphilis MA, Cauley RP, Sadeq F, Lydon M, Sheridan RL, Driscoll DN et al. Surgical management and epidemiological trends of pediatric electrical burns. Burns. 2020;46(7):1693-1699.
  • Sinha S, Nuñez Martinez CM, Hartley RL, Quintana Alvarez RJ, Yoon G, Biernaskie JA et al. Epidemiological analysis of pediatric burns in the Dominican Republic reveals a demographic profile at significant risk for electrical burns. Burns. 2019;45(2):471-478.
  • Li H, Wang S, Tan J, Zhou J, Wu J, Luo G. Epidemiology of pediatric burns in southwest China from 2011 to 2015. Burns. 2017;43(6):1306-1317.
  • Demir S, Demir TO, Erturk A, Oztorun Cİ, Guney D, Erten EE et al. Electrical Injuries in Children: A 10-Year Experience at a Tertiary Pediatric Burn Center. J Burn Care Res. 2021;42(4):801-809.
  • Saracoglu A, Kuzucuoglu T, Yakupoglu S, Kilavuz O, Tuncay E, Ersoy B et al. Prognostic factors in electrical burns: a review of 101 patients. Burns. 2014;40 (4):702-707.
  • Rosenberg M, Mehta N, Rosenberg L, Ramirez M, Meyer WJ, Herndon DN et al. Immediate and long-term psychological problems for survivors of severe pediatric electrical injury. Burns. 2015;41(8):1823-1830.
  • Gündüz T, Elçioğlu O, Cetin C. Intensity and localization of trauma in non-fatal electrical injuries. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2010;16(3):237-240.
  • Shih JG, Shahrokhi S, Jeschke MG. Review of Adult electrical burn ınjury outcomes worldwide: An analysis of low-voltage vs high-voltage electrical injury. J Burn Care Res. 2017;38(1):293-298.
  • Berry J, Stone K, Reid J, Bell A, Burns R. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Simulation Curriculum: Electrical Injury. MedEdPORTAL. 2018 ;14: 10710.
  • Dash S, Arumugam PK, Muthukumar V, Kumath M, Sharma S. Study of clinical pattern of limb loss in electrical burn injuries. Injury. 2021;52 (7):1925-1933.
  • Alemayehu H, Tarkowski A, Dehmer JJ, Kays DW, St Peter SD, Islam S. Management of electrical and chemical burns in children. J Surg Res. 2014;190(1):210-213.
  • McLeod JS, Maringo AE, Doyle PJ, Vitale L, Klein JD, Shanti CM. Analysis of Electrocardiograms Associated with Pediatric Electrical Burns. J Burn Care Res. 2018;39(1):65-72.
  • Choi M, Armstrong MB, Panthaki ZJ. Pediatric hand burns: thermal, electrical, chemical. J Craniofac Surg. 2009;20(4):1045-1048.
  • Byard RW, Hanson KA, Gilbert JD, James RA, Nadeau J, Blackbourne B et al. Death due to electrocution in childhood and early adolescence. J Paediatr Child Health. 2003;39(1):46-48.
  • Başaran A, Gürbüz K, Özlü Ö, Demir M, Eroğlu O, Daş K. Electrical burns and complications: Data of a tertiary burn center intensive care unit. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2020;26(2):222-226.
  • Glatstein MM, Ayalon I, Miller E, Scolnik D. Pediatric electrical burn injuries: experience of a large tertiary care hospital and a review of electrical injury. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2013;29(6):737-740.
  • Vaghardoost R, Saraee A, Ghavami Y, Sobouti B. Evaluation of electrical burn ınjuries in Iran: A 7-Year Retrospective Study. J Burn Care Res. 2022;43(1):104-108.
  • Roberts S, Meltzer JA. An evidence-based approach to electrical injuries in children. Pediatr Emerg Med Pract. 2013;10(9):1-16.

Low-and High-Voltage Electrical Burns in Children: Ten Years of Experience

Yıl 2023, , 35 - 40, 16.03.2023


Objective: Burn injuries are an important public health problem for all ages. Due to electrical burns high mortality and morbidity rates, they should be evaluated differently from burns from other sources. This study aims to determine factors associated with high-and low-voltage electrical burns in children.
Materials and Methods: The records of 72 patients who were treated for electrical burns were analysed. Electrical burns were divided into two groups: low and high voltage. Demographic data, treatment, outcomes were compared between the two groups.
Results: In this study, low-voltage electrical burns were detected in 83.3% of the patients, and high-voltage electrical burns were detected in 17.7% of the patients. High-voltage burns were more common in rural residents (p<0.05). Low-voltage electrical burns mostly occurred as a result of home accidents (90%), while high-voltage injuries were mostly caused by work accidents (100%), (p<0.05). The most common cause of low-voltage injuries was contact
with an electrical outlet (91.6%), for high-voltage injuries it was contact with a transformer (83.3%) (p<0.05). For high-voltage injuries, the severity of the burns was higher, the duration of the hospital stay was longer (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Children generally have low-voltage injuries. High-voltage injuries are associated with more surgical treatment and morbidity, longer hospital stays. Electrical burns can be reduced by training on protective measures and proper arrangement of infrastructure in rural areas


  • Srivastava S, Patil AN, Bedi M, Tawar RS. Paediatric electrical burn injuries: experience from a tertiary care burns unit in North India. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2017;30(3):185-188.
  • Talbot SG, Upton J, Driscoll DN. Changing trends in pediatric upper extremity electrical burns. Hand (N Y). 2011;6(4):394-398.
  • Sokhal AK, Lodha KG, Kumari M, Paliwal R, Gothwal S. Clinical spectrum of electrical burns - A prospective study from the developing world. Burns. 2017;43(1):182-189.
  • Agbenorku P, Agbenorku E, Akpaloo J, Obeng G, Agbley D. Electrical burns: The trend and risk factors in the Ghanaian population. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2014;31;27(4):176-183.
  • Aghakhani K, Heidari M, Tabatabaee SM, Abdolkarimi L. Effect of current pathway on mortality and morbidity in electrical burn patients. Burns. 2015;41(1):172-176.
  • Arasli Yilmaz A, Köksal AO, Özdemir O, Acar M, Küçükkonyali G, Inan Y et al. Evaluation of children presenting to the emergency room after electrical injury. Turk J Med Sci. 2015;45(2):325-328.
  • Mathangi Ramakrishnan K, Babu M, Mathivanan, Ramachandran B, Balasubramanian S, Raghuram K. High voltage electrical burn injuries in teenage children: case studies with similarities (an Indian perspective). Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2013;26(3):121-125.
  • Celik A, Ergün O, Ozok G. Pediatric electrical injuries: A review of 38 consecutive patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2004;39(8):1233-1237.
  • Duci SB, Arifi HM, Selmani ME, Gashi S. Pediatric burns in University Clinical Center of Kosovo from 2005-2010. Burns. 2014;40(8):1789-1793.
  • Iqbal T, Saaiq M, Ali Z. Epidemiology and outcome of burns: early experience at the country's first national burns centre. Burns. 2013;39(2):358-362.
  • Depamphilis MA, Cauley RP, Sadeq F, Lydon M, Sheridan RL, Driscoll DN et al. Surgical management and epidemiological trends of pediatric electrical burns. Burns. 2020;46(7):1693-1699.
  • Sinha S, Nuñez Martinez CM, Hartley RL, Quintana Alvarez RJ, Yoon G, Biernaskie JA et al. Epidemiological analysis of pediatric burns in the Dominican Republic reveals a demographic profile at significant risk for electrical burns. Burns. 2019;45(2):471-478.
  • Li H, Wang S, Tan J, Zhou J, Wu J, Luo G. Epidemiology of pediatric burns in southwest China from 2011 to 2015. Burns. 2017;43(6):1306-1317.
  • Demir S, Demir TO, Erturk A, Oztorun Cİ, Guney D, Erten EE et al. Electrical Injuries in Children: A 10-Year Experience at a Tertiary Pediatric Burn Center. J Burn Care Res. 2021;42(4):801-809.
  • Saracoglu A, Kuzucuoglu T, Yakupoglu S, Kilavuz O, Tuncay E, Ersoy B et al. Prognostic factors in electrical burns: a review of 101 patients. Burns. 2014;40 (4):702-707.
  • Rosenberg M, Mehta N, Rosenberg L, Ramirez M, Meyer WJ, Herndon DN et al. Immediate and long-term psychological problems for survivors of severe pediatric electrical injury. Burns. 2015;41(8):1823-1830.
  • Gündüz T, Elçioğlu O, Cetin C. Intensity and localization of trauma in non-fatal electrical injuries. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2010;16(3):237-240.
  • Shih JG, Shahrokhi S, Jeschke MG. Review of Adult electrical burn ınjury outcomes worldwide: An analysis of low-voltage vs high-voltage electrical injury. J Burn Care Res. 2017;38(1):293-298.
  • Berry J, Stone K, Reid J, Bell A, Burns R. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Simulation Curriculum: Electrical Injury. MedEdPORTAL. 2018 ;14: 10710.
  • Dash S, Arumugam PK, Muthukumar V, Kumath M, Sharma S. Study of clinical pattern of limb loss in electrical burn injuries. Injury. 2021;52 (7):1925-1933.
  • Alemayehu H, Tarkowski A, Dehmer JJ, Kays DW, St Peter SD, Islam S. Management of electrical and chemical burns in children. J Surg Res. 2014;190(1):210-213.
  • McLeod JS, Maringo AE, Doyle PJ, Vitale L, Klein JD, Shanti CM. Analysis of Electrocardiograms Associated with Pediatric Electrical Burns. J Burn Care Res. 2018;39(1):65-72.
  • Choi M, Armstrong MB, Panthaki ZJ. Pediatric hand burns: thermal, electrical, chemical. J Craniofac Surg. 2009;20(4):1045-1048.
  • Byard RW, Hanson KA, Gilbert JD, James RA, Nadeau J, Blackbourne B et al. Death due to electrocution in childhood and early adolescence. J Paediatr Child Health. 2003;39(1):46-48.
  • Başaran A, Gürbüz K, Özlü Ö, Demir M, Eroğlu O, Daş K. Electrical burns and complications: Data of a tertiary burn center intensive care unit. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2020;26(2):222-226.
  • Glatstein MM, Ayalon I, Miller E, Scolnik D. Pediatric electrical burn injuries: experience of a large tertiary care hospital and a review of electrical injury. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2013;29(6):737-740.
  • Vaghardoost R, Saraee A, Ghavami Y, Sobouti B. Evaluation of electrical burn ınjuries in Iran: A 7-Year Retrospective Study. J Burn Care Res. 2022;43(1):104-108.
  • Roberts S, Meltzer JA. An evidence-based approach to electrical injuries in children. Pediatr Emerg Med Pract. 2013;10(9):1-16.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yasemin Demir Yiğit 0000-0002-6426-8490

Tülin Öztaş 0000-0002-1010-3324

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

AMA Demir Yiğit Y, Öztaş T. Low-and High-Voltage Electrical Burns in Children: Ten Years of Experience. KSÜ Tıp Fak Der. Mart 2023;18(1):35-40. doi:10.17517/ksutfd.1039637