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Kişilik Özelliklerinin İnfertil Kadınlarda Anksiyete ve Depresyon Gelişimi Üzerine Olan Etkileri

Yıl 2023, , 171 - 176, 16.03.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmada infertil kadınların kişilik özelliklerinin anksiyete ve depresyon gelişimi üzerine olan etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya, Ocak 2015-Agustos 2016 tarihleri arasında tüp bebek merkezine ve kadın doğum polikliniğine başvurmuş olan sırası ile
67 infertil ve 61 fertil kadın olmak üzere toplam 128 kişi dahil edildi. İnfertil grubu primer veya sekonder infertilitesi olup infertilite tedavisi planlanan veya
başlanan kadınlar oluşturdu. Kontrol grubunu ise birden fazla sayıda çocuğu olan fertil kadınlar oluşturdu. Her iki gruba Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği (BAÖ),
Beck Depresyon Ölçeği (BDÖ), Eysenck Kişilik Anketi (EKA) ve Çift Uyum Ölçeği (ÇUÖ) uygulandı.
Bulgular: İnfertil ve fertil gruplar arasında yaş gruplarının dağılımı açısından anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmedi. Bununla birlikte BAÖ, BDÖ ve ÇUÖ toplam
ortalama puanları infertil grupta anlamlı olarak daha yüksek tespit edildi. Kişilik ve çift uyum ölçeklerinde nörotizm, yalan, çift doyumu, çift uyumu ve sevgi
alt ölçekleri ortalama puanları infertil grupta anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulunurken; dışa-dönüklük, psikotizm ve çiftlerin bağlılığı alt ölçekleri ortalama
puanları açısından iki grup arasında anlamlı bir fark izlenmedi. Korelasyon analizinde nörotizm ile anksiyete ve depresyon arasında pozitif yönde; dışa-dönüklük
ile anksiyete ve depresyon arasında negatif yönde zayıf bir ilişki bulundu.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmaya göre infertil kadınlarda nörotizm kişilik özelliğine sahip olanların anksiyete ve depresyon gelişimine daha yatkın olabileceği düşünülebilir.


  • Newton CR, Sherrard W, Glavac I. The Fertility Problem Inventory: measuring perceived infertility-related stress. Fertil Steril. 1999;72(1):54-62.
  • Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Dugan N, Oral B. The association of type D personality and depression with infertility in women. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2020;41(2):98-105.
  • Coşkuner Potur D, Onat G, Doğan Merih Y. An evaluation of the relationship between violence exposure status and personality characteristics among infertile women. Health Care Women Int. 2019;40(11):1135-1148.
  • Hammarberg K, Astbury J, Baker H. Women's experience of IVF: A follow-up study. Hum Reprod. 2001;16(2):374-383.
  • Cousineau TM, Domar AD. Psychological impact of infertility. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2007;21(2):293-308.
  • Lund R, Sejbaek CS, Christensen U, Schmidt L. The impact of social relations on the incidence of severe depressive symptoms among infertile women and men. Hum Reprod. 2009;24(11):2810-2820.
  • Klonoff-Cohen H, Chu E, Natarajan L, Sieber W. A prospective study of stress among women undergoing in vitro fertilization or gamete intrafallopian transfer. Fertil Steril. 2001;76(4):675-687.
  • Rajkhowa M, McConnell A, Thomas GE. Reasons for discontinuation of IVF treatment: a questionnaire study. Hum Reprod. 2006;21(2):358-363.
  • Lakatos E, Szigeti JF, Ujma PP, Sexty R, Balog P. Anxiety and depression among infertile women: a cross-sectional survey from Hungary. BMC Womens Health. 2017;17(1):48.
  • Karaca A, Ünsal G. The Effects Of Infertility On Women’s Mental Health And Role Of Psychiatric Nursing. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2012;3(2):80-85.
  • Keskin G, Babacan Gümüş A. Infertility: An examination hopelessness perspective. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2014;5(1):9-16.
  • Yanıkkerem E, Kavlak O, Sevil Ü. İnfertil çiftlerin yaşadiklari sorunlar ve hemşirelik yaklaşimi. journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences. 2010;11:112-121.
  • Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish Version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric Properties. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy:An International Quarterly. 1998;12.
  • Hisli N. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin Üniversite Öğrencileri Için Geçerliği, Güvenirliği. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi. 1989;7(23):3-13.
  • Karanci A, Dirik G, Yorulmaz O. Turkish Adaptation of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated. Turkish journal of psychiatry. 2007;18:254-261.
  • Fişiloǧlu H, Demir A. Applicability of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale for Measurement of Marital Quality with Turkish Couples. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 2000;16:214-218.
  • Kaya Z, Oskay U. Stigma, hopelessness and coping experiences of Turkish women with infertility. J Reprod Infant Psychol. 2020;38(5):485-496.
  • Chen TH, Chang SP, Tsai CF, Juang KD. Prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders in an assisted reproductive technique clinic. Hum Reprod. 2004;19(10):2313-2318.
  • Matsubayashi H, Hosaka T, Izumi S, Suzuki T, Makino T. Emotional distress of infertile women in Japan. Hum Reprod. 2001;16(5):966-969.
  • Davis DC, Dearman CN. Coping strategies of infertile women. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 1991;20(3):221-228.
  • Millard S. Emotional responses to infertility. Understanding patients' needs. Aorn j. 1991;54(2):301-305.
  • Türkoğlu D, Tamam L, Evlice Y. Kısırlığın Psikiyatrik Yönleri [Psychiatric Aspects of Infertility]. Dusunen Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 1997;10:48-55.
  • Sezgin H, Hocaoğlu Ç. İnfertilitenin Psikiyatrik Yönü. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. 2014;6(2):165-184.
  • Kirca N, Pasinlioglu T. Psychosocial Problems in Infertility Treatment. Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 2013;5:162.
  • Monga M, Alexandrescu B, Katz SE, Stein M, Ganiats T. Impact of infertility on quality of life, marital adjustment, and sexual function. Urology. 2004;63(1):126-130.
  • Onat G, Kizilkaya Beji N. Effects of infertility on gender differences in marital relationship and quality of life: a case-control study of Turkish couples. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012;165(2):243-248.
  • Volgsten H, Ekselius L, Poromaa IS, Svanberg AS. Personality traits associated with depressive and anxiety disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2010;89(1):27-34.

The Effects of Personality Traits on The Development of Anxiety and Depression in İnfertile Women

Yıl 2023, , 171 - 176, 16.03.2023


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of personality traits of infertile women on the development of anxiety and depression.
Materials and Methods: A total of 128 individuals (67 infertile and 61 fertile women), who applied to the in vitro fertilization (IVF) center and the obstetrics
clinic between January 2015 and August 2016, were included in the study. The infertile group consisted of women with primary or secondary infertility
who were planned or started infertility treatment. The control group consisted of fertile women with more than one child. Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI),
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) were administered to both groups.
Results: There was no significant difference between the infertile and fertile groups regarding the distribution of age groups. However, the infertile group
had significantly higher total mean scores of the BAI, BDI, and DAS than the fertile group. The mean scores of neuroticism, lie, dyadic satisfaction and
consensus, and affectional expression was found significantly higher in the infertile group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in
terms of the mean scores of extraversion, psychoticism, and dyadic cohesion subscales. According to the correlation analysis, there was a positive correlation
between neuroticism and anxiety or depression. However, a weak negative correlation was found between extraversion and anxiety or depression.
Conclusion: According to this study, infertile women with neuroticism personality traits may be more prone to the evolution of anxiety and depression.


  • Newton CR, Sherrard W, Glavac I. The Fertility Problem Inventory: measuring perceived infertility-related stress. Fertil Steril. 1999;72(1):54-62.
  • Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Dugan N, Oral B. The association of type D personality and depression with infertility in women. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2020;41(2):98-105.
  • Coşkuner Potur D, Onat G, Doğan Merih Y. An evaluation of the relationship between violence exposure status and personality characteristics among infertile women. Health Care Women Int. 2019;40(11):1135-1148.
  • Hammarberg K, Astbury J, Baker H. Women's experience of IVF: A follow-up study. Hum Reprod. 2001;16(2):374-383.
  • Cousineau TM, Domar AD. Psychological impact of infertility. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2007;21(2):293-308.
  • Lund R, Sejbaek CS, Christensen U, Schmidt L. The impact of social relations on the incidence of severe depressive symptoms among infertile women and men. Hum Reprod. 2009;24(11):2810-2820.
  • Klonoff-Cohen H, Chu E, Natarajan L, Sieber W. A prospective study of stress among women undergoing in vitro fertilization or gamete intrafallopian transfer. Fertil Steril. 2001;76(4):675-687.
  • Rajkhowa M, McConnell A, Thomas GE. Reasons for discontinuation of IVF treatment: a questionnaire study. Hum Reprod. 2006;21(2):358-363.
  • Lakatos E, Szigeti JF, Ujma PP, Sexty R, Balog P. Anxiety and depression among infertile women: a cross-sectional survey from Hungary. BMC Womens Health. 2017;17(1):48.
  • Karaca A, Ünsal G. The Effects Of Infertility On Women’s Mental Health And Role Of Psychiatric Nursing. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2012;3(2):80-85.
  • Keskin G, Babacan Gümüş A. Infertility: An examination hopelessness perspective. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2014;5(1):9-16.
  • Yanıkkerem E, Kavlak O, Sevil Ü. İnfertil çiftlerin yaşadiklari sorunlar ve hemşirelik yaklaşimi. journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences. 2010;11:112-121.
  • Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish Version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric Properties. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy:An International Quarterly. 1998;12.
  • Hisli N. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin Üniversite Öğrencileri Için Geçerliği, Güvenirliği. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi. 1989;7(23):3-13.
  • Karanci A, Dirik G, Yorulmaz O. Turkish Adaptation of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated. Turkish journal of psychiatry. 2007;18:254-261.
  • Fişiloǧlu H, Demir A. Applicability of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale for Measurement of Marital Quality with Turkish Couples. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 2000;16:214-218.
  • Kaya Z, Oskay U. Stigma, hopelessness and coping experiences of Turkish women with infertility. J Reprod Infant Psychol. 2020;38(5):485-496.
  • Chen TH, Chang SP, Tsai CF, Juang KD. Prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders in an assisted reproductive technique clinic. Hum Reprod. 2004;19(10):2313-2318.
  • Matsubayashi H, Hosaka T, Izumi S, Suzuki T, Makino T. Emotional distress of infertile women in Japan. Hum Reprod. 2001;16(5):966-969.
  • Davis DC, Dearman CN. Coping strategies of infertile women. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 1991;20(3):221-228.
  • Millard S. Emotional responses to infertility. Understanding patients' needs. Aorn j. 1991;54(2):301-305.
  • Türkoğlu D, Tamam L, Evlice Y. Kısırlığın Psikiyatrik Yönleri [Psychiatric Aspects of Infertility]. Dusunen Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 1997;10:48-55.
  • Sezgin H, Hocaoğlu Ç. İnfertilitenin Psikiyatrik Yönü. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. 2014;6(2):165-184.
  • Kirca N, Pasinlioglu T. Psychosocial Problems in Infertility Treatment. Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 2013;5:162.
  • Monga M, Alexandrescu B, Katz SE, Stein M, Ganiats T. Impact of infertility on quality of life, marital adjustment, and sexual function. Urology. 2004;63(1):126-130.
  • Onat G, Kizilkaya Beji N. Effects of infertility on gender differences in marital relationship and quality of life: a case-control study of Turkish couples. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012;165(2):243-248.
  • Volgsten H, Ekselius L, Poromaa IS, Svanberg AS. Personality traits associated with depressive and anxiety disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2010;89(1):27-34.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Merve Şahin Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7487-5983

Mehmet Fatih Karaaslan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9889-6401

Hamza Şahin 0000-0002-5486-5785

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ekim 2022
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

AMA Şahin M, Karaaslan MF, Şahin H. Kişilik Özelliklerinin İnfertil Kadınlarda Anksiyete ve Depresyon Gelişimi Üzerine Olan Etkileri. KSÜ Tıp Fak Der. Mart 2023;18(1):171-176. doi:10.17517/ksutfd.1186968