Adult laryngeal hemangiomas (ALH) are clearly defined, with a bluish red color, appearing most often in the glottic and supraglottic region. The principal symptoms are hoarseness, occasional hemoptysis, and in advanced cases, dysphagia and difficulty in breathing. The patient was a 55 year old female suffering from hoarseness for a long time, experiencing shortness of breath for the last 1 year and she was referred to our clinic from the emergency department due to stridor. In the endoscopic examination of the patient, both vocal cords were found to be mobile, and a blue-purple mass lesion was detected, which was filling the subglottic region and allowing air passage only in the posterior part. Emergent tracheotomy was performed for the airway safety. The mass located in the subglottic region was approached with the Laryngofissure technique and was excised. Surgical management is necessary when ALHs became symptomatic for hemorrhagic or infectious complications, or for progressive airway obstruction. In this paper, we present the clinical and radiological features of a large subglottic ALH.