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Deri İmalatında Antimikrobiyal Maddeler ve Bakteriyel ve Mantar Etkilerini Önlemeye Yönelik Stratejiler

Yıl 2024, , 81 - 91, 24.12.2024


Binlerce yıldır var olan deri üretim endüstrisi, kalite ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik açısından modern standartları karşılayacak şekilde sürekli olarak yenilenmektedir. Deri ürünlerinin dayanıklılığını ve hijyenini korumak için deri üretiminde antimikrobiyal işlemler esastır. Bu önemli işlemler, çevre görevini yerine getirmek amacıyla derinin bakteri üremesini ve bozulmasını önlemek için kullanılır. Hayvan derisinin ideal sıcaklık ve nem koşulları, mikroorganizmaların çoğalması için uygun bir yaşam alanı oluşturur. İnceleme antibakteriyel kimyasalları, hayvan derileri için koruma yöntemlerini ve bakteri üremesini etkileyen faktörleri araştırıyor. Deri üretiminde bakteriyel hasarlarla mücadele etmek için tuz, antibiyotik, bitki ekstraktları, elektrik akımı gibi çeşitli önleyici teknikler kullanılmaktadır. Deri işleme sıvısındaki yüksek NaCl seviyelerinde bile çok sayıda bakteri türü çoğalabilir ve zararlı enzimler üretebilir, bu da önemli ekonomik kayıplara yol açabilir. Bu enzimlerin deri ve deri eşyalar üzerinde lekelenme, hoş olmayan koku ve renk bozulması gibi zararlı etkileri vardır.


  • Abdulhusein H.S. and Caglayan P. (2022). Comparison Between Misusing of Tetracycline and Salmonella Infection, II INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGY CONGRESS, KYRGYZ-TURKISH MANAS UNIVERSİTY Faculty of Science Department of Biology. 103, 18-20.
  • Afşar A., Gülümser G., Aslan A., Ocak B. (2010). A Study on Usability of Collagen Hydrolysate Along with Oxazolidine in Leather Processing. Tekstilve Konfeksiyon. 20, 37-40.
  • Akter T., Sarker Ss, Sujan S., Parveen S. (2023). Antimicrobial Activity of Natural and Synthetic Dyes Used in Leather Dyeing: A Comparative Study. TEXTILE & LEATHER REVIEW. 6, 387-400.
  • Akpolat C., Ventosa A., Birbir M., Sánchez-Porro C., Caglayan P. (2015). Molecular Identification of Moderately Halophilic Bacteria and Extremely Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Salted Sheep Skins Containing Red and Yellow Discoloratios. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 110 (7), 211-220.
  • Aslanidou D. and Karapanagiotis I. (2018). Superhydrophobic, superoleophobic and antimicrobial coatings for the protection of silk textiles. Coatings. 8 (3), 101.
  • Bailey DG. (2003). The preservation of hides and skin. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 98(8), 308-319.
  • Baird B.E., Lucia, L.M., Acuff G.R., Haris K.B., Sawell J.W. (2006). Beef Hide Antimicrobial Interventions As a Means of Reducing Bacterial Contamination. Meat Science. 73, 245-24.
  • Bayramoĝlu E.E., Gülümser G., Karaboz I. (2006). Ecological and innovate fungicide for the leather industry: essential oil of Origanumminutiflorum. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 101 (3), 96-104.
  • Bayramoglu E.E. (2007). Unique Biocide for the Leather Industry: Essential Oil of Oregano.Journal of The American Leather Chemists Association. 102, 347-352.
  • Berber D. (2020). Antibacterial Activities of Lichen Derived Extracts against Different Bacillus Species from Soak Liquor Samples. Journal- American Leather Chemists Association. 115: p 96-104.
  • Berber D., Birbir M., Hacioglu H. (2010). Efficacy Assessment of Bactericide Containing Didecyldimethylammonium Chloride on Bacteria Found in Soak Liquor at Different Exposure Times. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 105 (11), 354-359.
  • Berechet M.D., Chirilă C., Deselnicu V. (2016a). Antifungal Activity of Some Essential Oils on Cotton Fabrics, ICAMS 2016 – 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems.
  • Berechet M.D., Chirilă C., Deselnıcu V. (2016b). Antifungal Activity of Thyme Essential Oil on Woolen Sheepskins. ICAMS– 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems.
  • Bielak E. and Syguła-Cholewińska J. (2017). Antimicrobial effect of lining leather fatliquored with the addition of essential oils. Biotechnol Food Science. 81 (2), 149-157.
  • Birbir Y., Dolek N., Birbir M., Caglayan P. (2013). Synergistic Effect of Direct and Alternating Electric Current Treatments and Bronopol to Inactivate Bacteria Found in Hide Soak Liquors.Journal of American Leather Chemists Association. 108, 373-384.
  • Birbir Y., Uğur G., Birbir M. (2008). Inactivation of Bacterial Population in Hide-Soak Liquors via Direct Electric Current. Journal of Electrostatics. 66 (7-8), 355-360.
  • Bugra O., Aslan A., Gulumser G. (2011). Utilization of chromium-tanned leather solid wastes in microencapsulation. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 106(7), 232-238. ‏ Castellanos-Arévalo A.P., Camarena-Pozos D.A., Castellanos-Arévalo D.C., Rangel-Córdova A.A., PeñaCabriales J.J., Arévalo-Rivas B., Guzmán de Peña D., Maldonado-Vega M. (2016). Microbial contamination in the indoor environment of tanneries in Leon, Mexico. Indoor and Built Environment. 25(3), 524-540.
  • Chirilă C., Deselnıcu V., Berechet M.D. (2017). Footwear Protection Against Fungi Using Thyme Essential Oil. Leather and Footwear Journal. 17:3, 173-178.
  • Chen W., Chen J., Li L., Wang X., Wei Q., Ghiladi R.A., Wang Q. (2019). Wool/Acrylic Blended Fabrics as Next-Generation Photodynamic Antimicrobial Materials. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 11(33), 29557-29568.
  • Deselnıcu V. and Chirilă C. (2018). Antımicrobial Composition For The Protection Of Leather, Furs And Leather Articles. ICAMS 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems.
  • Deselnicu V., Deselnicu D.C., Vasilescu A.M., Militaru G. (2014). EU Policy for Sustainable Consumption and Production – EUEcolabel for Footwear. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems ICAMS, 23-25, Bucharest. 641-646.
  • Devlieghere F., Vermeiren L., Debevere J. (2004). Ne New preservation technologies: Possibilities and limitations. International Dairy Journal. Vol 14 (4), 273-285.
  • Ding S., Zhu J., Tian S. (2022). Polyurethane-based retanning agents with antimicrobial properties. e-Polymers. 22(1), 544-552.
  • Dong Y., Gu J., Wang P., Wen H. (2019). Developed functionalization of wool fabric with extracts of Lyciumruthenicum Murray and potential application in healthy care textiles. Dye Pigment. 163, 308–317.
  • Dorota G., Barbara W., Agata B., Paweł B. (2022). Antifungal Activity of Finished Chromium Tanned Leather Containing Thyme and Tea Tree Essential Oils. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe. 30 (3), 41-45. ‏ Falkiewicz-Dulik M. (2020). Biocidal activity of selected preparations for leather protection. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe. 1(139), 115-122.
  • Franco A.R., Fernandes E.M., Rodrigues M.T., Rodrigues F.J., Gomes M.E., Leonor I.B., Kaplan D.L., Reis R.L. (2019). Antimicrobial coating of spider silk to prevent bacterial attachment on silk surgical sutures. Acta Biomater. 99, 236-246.
  • Gendaszewska D., Wionczyk B., Bednarek A., Boniecki P. (2022). Antifungal Activity of Finished Chromium Tanned Leather Containing Thyme and Tea Tree Essential Oils. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe. 151(3), 41–45.
  • Gobalakrishnan M. and Saravanan D. (2017). Antimicrobial Activity of Coleus ambonicus Herbal Finish on Cotton Fabric. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe. 25, 4(124).
  • Heseltine P. (2002). Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation, 5th ed. SS Block, ed.; Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001; 1,504 pages. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 23(2), 109–109.
  • Iyigundogdu Z.U., Demir O., Asutay A.B., Sahin F. (2017). Developing Novel Antimicrobial and Antiviral Textile Products. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 181(3), 1155-1166.
  • Ilieș D.C., Hodor N., Indrie L., Dejeu P., Ilieș A., Albu A., Caciora T., Ilieș M., Barbu-Tudoran L., Grama V. (2021). Investigations of the Surface of Heritage Objects and Green Bioremediation: Case Study of Artefacts from Maramureş, Romania. Applied Sciences. 11(14), 6643.
  • Kacaniova M. and Juhaniakova L. (2011). Microorganisms in Confectionary Products. The Journal of Microbiology. Biotechnology and Food Sciences. 1(1), 57-69.
  • Karavana H.A., Başaran B., Aslan A., Bitlisli B.O., Gülümser G. (2011). Heavy Metal Contents of Bootee Leathers Tanned With Different Process Recipes. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon. 21, 305-310.
  • Khalili B., Bardana E.J.Jr., Yunginger J.W. (2003). Psyllium-Associated Anaphylaxis and Death: a Case Report and Review of the Literature. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 91, 579-84.
  • Khan A.M., Islam M.M., Khan M.M.R. (2019). Chitosan incorporation for antibacterial property improvement of jute-cotton blended denim fabric. Journal of the Textile Institute. 111 (5), 660-668.
  • Khattab T.A., Fouda M.M.G., Abdelrahman M.S., Othman S.I., Bin-Jumah M., Alqaraawi M.A., Al Fassam H., Allam A.A. (2019). Development of Illuminant Glow-in-the-Dark Cotton Fabric Coated by Luminescent Composite with Antimicrobial Activity and Ultraviolet Protection. Journal of Fluorescence. 29(3), 703-710.
  • Koizhaiganova M., Yasa I.¸ Gülümser G. (2015). Assessment of antibacterial activity of lining leather treated with silver doped hydroxyapatite. Int. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 105, 262-267.
  • Kumar S., Agarwa N., Raghav P.K. (2016). Pulsed electric field processing: A review. International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education. 1, 111-118.
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Antimicrobial Substances and Strategies to Avoid Bacterial and Fungal Effects in Leather Manufacturing

Yıl 2024, , 81 - 91, 24.12.2024


Smart The leather production industry, existing for thousands of years, has continuously adjusted to meet modern standards for quality and environmental sustainability. Antimicrobial treatments are essential in leather manufacture to preserve the durability and hygiene of leather goods. These important treatments are utilized to prevent bacterial proliferation and deterioration of leather in order to fulfill environmental duty. Ideal temperature and moisture conditions of animal skin create a favorable habitat for microorganisms to grow. Review explores antibacterial chemicals, preservation methods for animal hides, and factors influencing bacterial growth. Various preventive techniques like salt, antibiotics, plant extracts, and electric currents are employed to combat bacterial damage in leather production. Even with high NaCl levels in the leather treatment liquid, numerous bacterial species can proliferate and generate detrimental enzymes, leading to substantial economic losses. These enzymes have detrimental effects on leather and leather goods, such as staining, unpleasant smell, and discoloration.


  • Abdulhusein H.S. and Caglayan P. (2022). Comparison Between Misusing of Tetracycline and Salmonella Infection, II INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGY CONGRESS, KYRGYZ-TURKISH MANAS UNIVERSİTY Faculty of Science Department of Biology. 103, 18-20.
  • Afşar A., Gülümser G., Aslan A., Ocak B. (2010). A Study on Usability of Collagen Hydrolysate Along with Oxazolidine in Leather Processing. Tekstilve Konfeksiyon. 20, 37-40.
  • Akter T., Sarker Ss, Sujan S., Parveen S. (2023). Antimicrobial Activity of Natural and Synthetic Dyes Used in Leather Dyeing: A Comparative Study. TEXTILE & LEATHER REVIEW. 6, 387-400.
  • Akpolat C., Ventosa A., Birbir M., Sánchez-Porro C., Caglayan P. (2015). Molecular Identification of Moderately Halophilic Bacteria and Extremely Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Salted Sheep Skins Containing Red and Yellow Discoloratios. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 110 (7), 211-220.
  • Aslanidou D. and Karapanagiotis I. (2018). Superhydrophobic, superoleophobic and antimicrobial coatings for the protection of silk textiles. Coatings. 8 (3), 101.
  • Bailey DG. (2003). The preservation of hides and skin. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 98(8), 308-319.
  • Baird B.E., Lucia, L.M., Acuff G.R., Haris K.B., Sawell J.W. (2006). Beef Hide Antimicrobial Interventions As a Means of Reducing Bacterial Contamination. Meat Science. 73, 245-24.
  • Bayramoĝlu E.E., Gülümser G., Karaboz I. (2006). Ecological and innovate fungicide for the leather industry: essential oil of Origanumminutiflorum. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 101 (3), 96-104.
  • Bayramoglu E.E. (2007). Unique Biocide for the Leather Industry: Essential Oil of Oregano.Journal of The American Leather Chemists Association. 102, 347-352.
  • Berber D. (2020). Antibacterial Activities of Lichen Derived Extracts against Different Bacillus Species from Soak Liquor Samples. Journal- American Leather Chemists Association. 115: p 96-104.
  • Berber D., Birbir M., Hacioglu H. (2010). Efficacy Assessment of Bactericide Containing Didecyldimethylammonium Chloride on Bacteria Found in Soak Liquor at Different Exposure Times. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 105 (11), 354-359.
  • Berechet M.D., Chirilă C., Deselnicu V. (2016a). Antifungal Activity of Some Essential Oils on Cotton Fabrics, ICAMS 2016 – 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems.
  • Berechet M.D., Chirilă C., Deselnıcu V. (2016b). Antifungal Activity of Thyme Essential Oil on Woolen Sheepskins. ICAMS– 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems.
  • Bielak E. and Syguła-Cholewińska J. (2017). Antimicrobial effect of lining leather fatliquored with the addition of essential oils. Biotechnol Food Science. 81 (2), 149-157.
  • Birbir Y., Dolek N., Birbir M., Caglayan P. (2013). Synergistic Effect of Direct and Alternating Electric Current Treatments and Bronopol to Inactivate Bacteria Found in Hide Soak Liquors.Journal of American Leather Chemists Association. 108, 373-384.
  • Birbir Y., Uğur G., Birbir M. (2008). Inactivation of Bacterial Population in Hide-Soak Liquors via Direct Electric Current. Journal of Electrostatics. 66 (7-8), 355-360.
  • Bugra O., Aslan A., Gulumser G. (2011). Utilization of chromium-tanned leather solid wastes in microencapsulation. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 106(7), 232-238. ‏ Castellanos-Arévalo A.P., Camarena-Pozos D.A., Castellanos-Arévalo D.C., Rangel-Córdova A.A., PeñaCabriales J.J., Arévalo-Rivas B., Guzmán de Peña D., Maldonado-Vega M. (2016). Microbial contamination in the indoor environment of tanneries in Leon, Mexico. Indoor and Built Environment. 25(3), 524-540.
  • Chirilă C., Deselnıcu V., Berechet M.D. (2017). Footwear Protection Against Fungi Using Thyme Essential Oil. Leather and Footwear Journal. 17:3, 173-178.
  • Chen W., Chen J., Li L., Wang X., Wei Q., Ghiladi R.A., Wang Q. (2019). Wool/Acrylic Blended Fabrics as Next-Generation Photodynamic Antimicrobial Materials. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 11(33), 29557-29568.
  • Deselnıcu V. and Chirilă C. (2018). Antımicrobial Composition For The Protection Of Leather, Furs And Leather Articles. ICAMS 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems.
  • Deselnicu V., Deselnicu D.C., Vasilescu A.M., Militaru G. (2014). EU Policy for Sustainable Consumption and Production – EUEcolabel for Footwear. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems ICAMS, 23-25, Bucharest. 641-646.
  • Devlieghere F., Vermeiren L., Debevere J. (2004). Ne New preservation technologies: Possibilities and limitations. International Dairy Journal. Vol 14 (4), 273-285.
  • Ding S., Zhu J., Tian S. (2022). Polyurethane-based retanning agents with antimicrobial properties. e-Polymers. 22(1), 544-552.
  • Dong Y., Gu J., Wang P., Wen H. (2019). Developed functionalization of wool fabric with extracts of Lyciumruthenicum Murray and potential application in healthy care textiles. Dye Pigment. 163, 308–317.
  • Dorota G., Barbara W., Agata B., Paweł B. (2022). Antifungal Activity of Finished Chromium Tanned Leather Containing Thyme and Tea Tree Essential Oils. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe. 30 (3), 41-45. ‏ Falkiewicz-Dulik M. (2020). Biocidal activity of selected preparations for leather protection. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe. 1(139), 115-122.
  • Franco A.R., Fernandes E.M., Rodrigues M.T., Rodrigues F.J., Gomes M.E., Leonor I.B., Kaplan D.L., Reis R.L. (2019). Antimicrobial coating of spider silk to prevent bacterial attachment on silk surgical sutures. Acta Biomater. 99, 236-246.
  • Gendaszewska D., Wionczyk B., Bednarek A., Boniecki P. (2022). Antifungal Activity of Finished Chromium Tanned Leather Containing Thyme and Tea Tree Essential Oils. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe. 151(3), 41–45.
  • Gobalakrishnan M. and Saravanan D. (2017). Antimicrobial Activity of Coleus ambonicus Herbal Finish on Cotton Fabric. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe. 25, 4(124).
  • Heseltine P. (2002). Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation, 5th ed. SS Block, ed.; Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001; 1,504 pages. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 23(2), 109–109.
  • Iyigundogdu Z.U., Demir O., Asutay A.B., Sahin F. (2017). Developing Novel Antimicrobial and Antiviral Textile Products. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 181(3), 1155-1166.
  • Ilieș D.C., Hodor N., Indrie L., Dejeu P., Ilieș A., Albu A., Caciora T., Ilieș M., Barbu-Tudoran L., Grama V. (2021). Investigations of the Surface of Heritage Objects and Green Bioremediation: Case Study of Artefacts from Maramureş, Romania. Applied Sciences. 11(14), 6643.
  • Kacaniova M. and Juhaniakova L. (2011). Microorganisms in Confectionary Products. The Journal of Microbiology. Biotechnology and Food Sciences. 1(1), 57-69.
  • Karavana H.A., Başaran B., Aslan A., Bitlisli B.O., Gülümser G. (2011). Heavy Metal Contents of Bootee Leathers Tanned With Different Process Recipes. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon. 21, 305-310.
  • Khalili B., Bardana E.J.Jr., Yunginger J.W. (2003). Psyllium-Associated Anaphylaxis and Death: a Case Report and Review of the Literature. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 91, 579-84.
  • Khan A.M., Islam M.M., Khan M.M.R. (2019). Chitosan incorporation for antibacterial property improvement of jute-cotton blended denim fabric. Journal of the Textile Institute. 111 (5), 660-668.
  • Khattab T.A., Fouda M.M.G., Abdelrahman M.S., Othman S.I., Bin-Jumah M., Alqaraawi M.A., Al Fassam H., Allam A.A. (2019). Development of Illuminant Glow-in-the-Dark Cotton Fabric Coated by Luminescent Composite with Antimicrobial Activity and Ultraviolet Protection. Journal of Fluorescence. 29(3), 703-710.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Endüstriyel Mikrobiyoloji , Mikrobiyal Ekoloji, Mikrobiyoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Haider Sabah Abdulhusein 0000-0002-2691-8982

Baidaa Mezher Kadim 0009-0009-5653-788X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 12 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Abdulhusein, H. S., & Kadim, B. M. (2024). Antimicrobial Substances and Strategies to Avoid Bacterial and Fungal Effects in Leather Manufacturing. Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(2), 81-91.