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From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 24, 46 - 62, 10.03.2025


With its thoughts on transcending the biological and cultural boundaries of the human, Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy constitutes one of the cornerstones of posthumanist thought, particularly within a perspective that re-evaluates the relationship between humans, nature, and other living beings. Deleuze's anti-transcendence approach, his rejection of Cartesian dualism, and his conception of bodies as dynamic compositions provide a rich theoretical framework for questioning anthropocentric thought and reimagining the complex relationships between human and non-human entities. This article examines Deleuze’s key concepts and their influence on posthumanist discourses, highlighting their contributions to rethinking subjectivity, embodiment, and the ethical implications of our interconnected existence with the non-human world. In particular, his collaborations with Félix Guattari challenge hierarchical humanist perspectives, framing identity and existence within a fluid, decentralized paradigm. By analyzing fundamental concepts such as the "process of becoming imperceptible,” the "body without organs,” and geophilosophy, the article underscores Deleuze’s impact on posthumanist thought. Finally, the study reveals the contributions of Deleuze’s philosophy to contemporary debates on human-non-human relations, ethical concerns, and the evolving nature of subjectivity.


  • Badmington, Neil (2004). Alien Chic: Posthumanism and the Other Within. Routledge.
  • Black, Jack & Cherrington, Jim (2022). “Posthuman to Inhuman: mHealth Technologies and the Digital Health Assemblage”. Theory and Event, 25(4): 726–750.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (1994). Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. Columbia University Press.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2013). The Posthuman. Polity Press.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2019). Posthuman Knowledge. Polity Press.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2020). “We’ Are in This Together, but We Are Not One and the Same”. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 17(4): 465–469.
  • Colebrook, Claire (2002). Gilles Deleuze. Routledge.
  • Daigle, Christine & McDonald, Byron (2022). Deleuze and the Posthuman: Essays on Extinction, Vol. 1. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1972). Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, & Helen R. Lane. Viking Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans. Brian Massumi. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1991). What Is Philosophy? Trans. Hugh Tomlinson & Graham Burchell. Columbia University Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1988). Spinoza: Practical Philosophy. Trans. Robert Hurley. City Lights Books.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1998). Difference and Repetition. Trans. Paul Patton. Columbia University Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (2004). Desert Islands and Other Texts, 1953–1974. Trans. Michael Taormina. Semiotext(e).
  • Ferrando, Francesca (2019). Philosophical Posthumanism. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Gasché, Rodolphe (2014). Geophilosophy: On Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s What Is Philosophy? Northwestern University Press.
  • Haraway, Donna J. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. Routledge.
  • Hayles, N. Katherine (1999). How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. University of Chicago Press.
  • Heidegger, Martin (1998). “Letter on Humanism”. Trans. Frank A. Capuzzi. Basic Writings. Ed. David Farrell Krell. HarperCollins, 217–265.
  • Herbrechter, Stefan (2013). Posthumanism: A Critical Analysis. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • MacCormack, Patricia (2012). Posthuman Ethics: Embodiment and Cultural Theory. Routledge.
  • Massumi, Brian (1992). A User’s Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Deviations from Deleuze and Guattari. MIT Press.
  • Nayar, Pramod K. (2013). Posthumanism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Roffe, Jon & Stark, Hannah (Eds.) (2015). Deleuze and the Non/Human. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sartre, Jean-Paul (2007). Existentialism Is a Humanism. Trans. Carol Macomber. Yale University Press.
  • Weinstone, Ann (2004). Avatar Bodies: A Tantra for Posthumanism. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Wolfe, Cary (2010). What is Posthumanism? University of Minnesota Press.
  • Zandbergen, Jasper (2020). “Nietzsche and the Death of God: Reconsidering the Divine in Modernity”. Journal of Philosophy and Religion 45(2): 123–140.

Antroposantrizmden Bileşimlere: Deleuze ve Posthüman Dönüş

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 24, 46 - 62, 10.03.2025


İnsanın biyolojik ve kültürel sınırlarının aşılmasıyla ilgili düşünceleriyle, Gilles Deleuze’un felsefesi, posthümanist düşüncenin, özellikle de insanın doğa ve diğer canlılarla olan ilişkisinin yeniden değerlendirildiği bir perspektifin, temel taşlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Deleuze’un aşkınlık karşıtı yaklaşımı, Kartezyen ikiliği reddetmesi ve bedenleri dinamik bileşimler olarak ele alışı, insan-merkezci düşünceyi sorgulamak ve insan ile insan-dışı varlıklar arasındaki karmaşık ilişkileri yeniden tasavvur etmek için zengin bir teorik çerçeve sunar. Bu makale, Deleuze’un temel kavramlarını ve bu kavramların posthümanist söylemler üzerindeki etkisini inceler; öznelik, bedensellik ve insan-dışı dünyayla olan bağlantılı varoluşumuzun etik yansımalarını yeniden düşünmedeki katkılarını vurgular. Özellikle Félix Guattari ile birlikte geliştirdiği çalışmaları, hiyerarşik hümanist perspektiflere meydan okur ve kimlik ile varoluşu akışkan, merkezsiz bir çerçevede ele alır. Makale, Deleuze’ün “görünmezleşme süreci,” “organsız beden” ve jeofelsefe gibi temel kavramlarını incelerken, onun posthümanist düşünce üzerindeki etkisini vurgular. Son olarak, çalışma Deleuze’ün felsefesinin insan-insan dışı ilişkileri, etik meseleler ve öznelliğin değişen doğasına dair günümüzün temel tartışmalarına katkısını ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Badmington, Neil (2004). Alien Chic: Posthumanism and the Other Within. Routledge.
  • Black, Jack & Cherrington, Jim (2022). “Posthuman to Inhuman: mHealth Technologies and the Digital Health Assemblage”. Theory and Event, 25(4): 726–750.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (1994). Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. Columbia University Press.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2013). The Posthuman. Polity Press.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2019). Posthuman Knowledge. Polity Press.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2020). “We’ Are in This Together, but We Are Not One and the Same”. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 17(4): 465–469.
  • Colebrook, Claire (2002). Gilles Deleuze. Routledge.
  • Daigle, Christine & McDonald, Byron (2022). Deleuze and the Posthuman: Essays on Extinction, Vol. 1. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1972). Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, & Helen R. Lane. Viking Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans. Brian Massumi. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1991). What Is Philosophy? Trans. Hugh Tomlinson & Graham Burchell. Columbia University Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1988). Spinoza: Practical Philosophy. Trans. Robert Hurley. City Lights Books.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (1998). Difference and Repetition. Trans. Paul Patton. Columbia University Press.
  • Deleuze, Gilles (2004). Desert Islands and Other Texts, 1953–1974. Trans. Michael Taormina. Semiotext(e).
  • Ferrando, Francesca (2019). Philosophical Posthumanism. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Gasché, Rodolphe (2014). Geophilosophy: On Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s What Is Philosophy? Northwestern University Press.
  • Haraway, Donna J. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. Routledge.
  • Hayles, N. Katherine (1999). How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. University of Chicago Press.
  • Heidegger, Martin (1998). “Letter on Humanism”. Trans. Frank A. Capuzzi. Basic Writings. Ed. David Farrell Krell. HarperCollins, 217–265.
  • Herbrechter, Stefan (2013). Posthumanism: A Critical Analysis. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • MacCormack, Patricia (2012). Posthuman Ethics: Embodiment and Cultural Theory. Routledge.
  • Massumi, Brian (1992). A User’s Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Deviations from Deleuze and Guattari. MIT Press.
  • Nayar, Pramod K. (2013). Posthumanism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Roffe, Jon & Stark, Hannah (Eds.) (2015). Deleuze and the Non/Human. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sartre, Jean-Paul (2007). Existentialism Is a Humanism. Trans. Carol Macomber. Yale University Press.
  • Weinstone, Ann (2004). Avatar Bodies: A Tantra for Posthumanism. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Wolfe, Cary (2010). What is Posthumanism? University of Minnesota Press.
  • Zandbergen, Jasper (2020). “Nietzsche and the Death of God: Reconsidering the Divine in Modernity”. Journal of Philosophy and Religion 45(2): 123–140.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İngiliz ve İrlanda Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Selin Şencan 0000-0002-1848-1952

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 24

Kaynak Göster

APA Şencan, S. (2025). From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi(24), 46-62.
AMA Şencan S. From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn. KAD. Mart 2025;(24):46-62. doi:10.46250/kulturder.1609031
Chicago Şencan, Selin. “From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn”. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, sy. 24 (Mart 2025): 46-62.
EndNote Şencan S (01 Mart 2025) From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 24 46–62.
IEEE S. Şencan, “From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn”, KAD, sy. 24, ss. 46–62, Mart 2025, doi: 10.46250/kulturder.1609031.
ISNAD Şencan, Selin. “From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn”. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 24 (Mart 2025), 46-62.
JAMA Şencan S. From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn. KAD. 2025;:46–62.
MLA Şencan, Selin. “From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn”. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, sy. 24, 2025, ss. 46-62, doi:10.46250/kulturder.1609031.
Vancouver Şencan S. From Anthropocentrism to Assemblages: Deleuze and The Posthuman Turn. KAD. 2025(24):46-62.
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