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Media Policies in Turkey Since 1990

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 4(2) Sayı: 8, 45 - 53, 07.07.2001


In Turkey, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) was the one and only institution that has the broadcasting rights until 1990. However, the international impacts of polices regarding deregulation and privitization of media environment has begun to open up a new era in Turkey by the national policies of Motherland Party (ANAP) that started to be in power in early 1980s. Cosequently, within this new era Turkish media scene is subjected to the polorification of new radio and television broadcasters those will be the dominant actors to shape the media sector in Turkey starting from 1990s upto now. This paper aims to trace back the early history of 'private' broadcasting in Turkey by giving particular attention to the dynamics of recently emerging media market. By doing so, the underpinning aspects of media industry of 2000s in Turkey can be better evaluated. 


  • Austr.ı.liun Bro.:ıdcasting Tribunul (1992). Aııstmlimı Broadwstiııg Trilıııııal Mııııııal. 2nd ed. Sydney: AUT.
  • Bnll, W. M. (1938). Prts:1, Radia ıııııl World Affrıirs: Aııstrıılia's Oııtlook. Melbourne: Oxford Univcrsity Press.
  • Gcrdes, P. & Churlicr, P. (1985). TV Nı•ws - Tlıat's Tlu· Way it Was. Sydney: AFTS. I-fonningh.ı.m, J. (1988). L(>okiııg at Tclroisioıı Nı•ws. Melbourne: Longmnn Cheshirc. ·
  • Holden, W. S. (1961). Aııstrıı/irı Gues to Prrss. Dctroit: Wuyne St.:ıte Univcrsity Press. Lindley, D. (1993). ''Spatial Binsin the Reporting of Intern.ı.tionnl News in Austr.:ı.lia." Aııstrrılimı Sfııı/ies iıı foıınuılism 2: 270-287.
  • Nobk•, G. & Noble, E. (1980-81). "Forcign News in tlıe New South Walcs Medi.:ı." Aııstrııliı:ııı Sctm 9 & 10: -19-65.
  • Osbornc, G. (1997). "Willi.:ı.m Macmahon Bali: t\.1.:ıking Coınmunic.ı.tion Viablc." AııM.ıılimı Juıırmıl ıifCommımicnlioıı 2·1(3): 65-s,ı.
  • Overton, D. (1989). "Two worlds: lntcrnntionul Covcr.:ıge on the ABC .ınd SUS TV Evcning Ncws." Mcditı lııformııtioıı Aııstralia 52: 36-41.
  • Purlinment of thc Commonwcultlı of Australiıı (1909). Prcss Cablc Service Commit!cc Report. Joıırwıl of tlır Sımrıtı! 1: 87-401.
  • Putnis, P. (1996). ''Tlıe Product-ion of Ovcrscııs Ncws at Clı.:ınncl 7." Nfrdiıı Iııfcnııılfoıınl Aırstralin 82: 92-107.
  • Putnis, P. (1997). "News Flow in tlw Asi.:ı.-I'.ıcific Rcgion: Is thc Public lnterest Bcing Scrved?" ln Cross Cııltııml Froııtit'Ts: Ct11tfl'rı·ııce Prııcccdi11gs. H. J.ımes (cd.). Canberrıı: Univı;,rsily of C.ınbcrra. 66-78.
  • Putnb, P. (f998). "Australi.:ın Prı•ss Covcr.ı.gc of tlıe 1995 Muroro.ı'Nude.ı.r Test." Asiıı Pııcific Medirı Eılııcrıtor 5: 38-50.
  • Putnis, l\ (1999). 'The Prcss C.ı.blc Monopoly 1895-1909: A Case Study of Au:.truliıın !'vkdia Policy Devdopnwnt" Media lııtaıuıtio11rıl Aııstmlin 19: 139-155.
  • Putnis, P., Pt•nlı.ıllurick, J. & Oourk, tı.1. (1997). Cultur,11 Crossro.ıds: Austrıılin's Inkmntion.ı\ Nt•ws Map .:ı.nd Its Sign.ific.ı.ncc. Papcr Prcsented to tl\c Cultur.ı.l Cross Ro.,ds Confcrcnce. Australi.ın Key Centre for Cu\turul and Mcdia Policy. Sydncy.
  • Srcbcrny, A. & SteVCrL'>OnR, . (1999). "Comp.:ır.:ıtive An.:ılyscs of Internutionul Ncws Flow: An Ex.ımplc of Global Media Monitoring." In lııferııatioııal Mcdia Moııitoriıı:;ı. K. Nordcnstrcng & tı.t S. Griffin (eds.). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 59-72.
  • Srebcrny, A., Putnis, P., Pcnhallurick, J. & Bourk, M. (1998). Commonwcalth, Common Knowlcdge? Thc Mutu.:ıl Ncws Represent.ı.tions of Brit.ıin .:ı.nd Austra\i.ı., P.:ıpcr Presented to the Intcrnatic ı.ı.l Associntion for Medi.:ı .ınd Communication Rcsca,rch General Assembıy .:ı.nd Conference, Glasgow. Sreberny-Molıo.nım;'.ldi, A., Nordcnstrcng, K., Ste, cnson, R. & Ugbo.:ı.jalı (1985).
  • Foreigıı News iıı tin• Media: lııll'fıı(lfioııal Rcportiııg iıı 29 Coııııfries. P.:ıris: UNESCO. UNESCO (1953). News Agcııcics: T/ır!ir Strııctıırt mul Optrııfioıı. P.:ıris: UNESCO.

Media Policies in Turkey Since 1990

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 4(2) Sayı: 8, 45 - 53, 07.07.2001


In Turkey, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) was the one and only institution that has the broadcasting rights until 1990. However, the international impacts of polices regarding deregulation and privitization of media environment has begun to open up a new era in Turkey by the national policies of Motherland Party (ANAP) that started to be in power in early 1980s. Cosequently, within this new era Turkish media scene is subjected to the polorification of new radio and television broadcasters those will be the dominant actors to shape the media sector in Turkey starting from 1990s upto now. This paper aims to trace back the early history of 'private' broadcasting in Turkey by giving particular attention to the dynamics of recently emerging media market. By doing so, the underpinning aspects of media industry of 2000s in Turkey can be better evaluated. 


  • Austr.ı.liun Bro.:ıdcasting Tribunul (1992). Aııstmlimı Broadwstiııg Trilıııııal Mııııııal. 2nd ed. Sydney: AUT.
  • Bnll, W. M. (1938). Prts:1, Radia ıııııl World Affrıirs: Aııstrıılia's Oııtlook. Melbourne: Oxford Univcrsity Press.
  • Gcrdes, P. & Churlicr, P. (1985). TV Nı•ws - Tlıat's Tlu· Way it Was. Sydney: AFTS. I-fonningh.ı.m, J. (1988). L(>okiııg at Tclroisioıı Nı•ws. Melbourne: Longmnn Cheshirc. ·
  • Holden, W. S. (1961). Aııstrıı/irı Gues to Prrss. Dctroit: Wuyne St.:ıte Univcrsity Press. Lindley, D. (1993). ''Spatial Binsin the Reporting of Intern.ı.tionnl News in Austr.:ı.lia." Aııstrrılimı Sfııı/ies iıı foıınuılism 2: 270-287.
  • Nobk•, G. & Noble, E. (1980-81). "Forcign News in tlıe New South Walcs Medi.:ı." Aııstrııliı:ııı Sctm 9 & 10: -19-65.
  • Osbornc, G. (1997). "Willi.:ı.m Macmahon Bali: t\.1.:ıking Coınmunic.ı.tion Viablc." AııM.ıılimı Juıırmıl ıifCommımicnlioıı 2·1(3): 65-s,ı.
  • Overton, D. (1989). "Two worlds: lntcrnntionul Covcr.:ıge on the ABC .ınd SUS TV Evcning Ncws." Mcditı lııformııtioıı Aııstralia 52: 36-41.
  • Purlinment of thc Commonwcultlı of Australiıı (1909). Prcss Cablc Service Commit!cc Report. Joıırwıl of tlır Sımrıtı! 1: 87-401.
  • Putnis, P. (1996). ''Tlıe Product-ion of Ovcrscııs Ncws at Clı.:ınncl 7." Nfrdiıı Iııfcnııılfoıınl Aırstralin 82: 92-107.
  • Putnis, P. (1997). "News Flow in tlw Asi.:ı.-I'.ıcific Rcgion: Is thc Public lnterest Bcing Scrved?" ln Cross Cııltııml Froııtit'Ts: Ct11tfl'rı·ııce Prııcccdi11gs. H. J.ımes (cd.). Canberrıı: Univı;,rsily of C.ınbcrra. 66-78.
  • Putnb, P. (f998). "Australi.:ın Prı•ss Covcr.ı.gc of tlıe 1995 Muroro.ı'Nude.ı.r Test." Asiıı Pııcific Medirı Eılııcrıtor 5: 38-50.
  • Putnis, l\ (1999). 'The Prcss C.ı.blc Monopoly 1895-1909: A Case Study of Au:.truliıın !'vkdia Policy Devdopnwnt" Media lııtaıuıtio11rıl Aııstmlin 19: 139-155.
  • Putnis, P., Pt•nlı.ıllurick, J. & Oourk, tı.1. (1997). Cultur,11 Crossro.ıds: Austrıılin's Inkmntion.ı\ Nt•ws Map .:ı.nd Its Sign.ific.ı.ncc. Papcr Prcsented to tl\c Cultur.ı.l Cross Ro.,ds Confcrcnce. Australi.ın Key Centre for Cu\turul and Mcdia Policy. Sydncy.
  • Srcbcrny, A. & SteVCrL'>OnR, . (1999). "Comp.:ır.:ıtive An.:ılyscs of Internutionul Ncws Flow: An Ex.ımplc of Global Media Monitoring." In lııferııatioııal Mcdia Moııitoriıı:;ı. K. Nordcnstrcng & tı.t S. Griffin (eds.). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 59-72.
  • Srebcrny, A., Putnis, P., Pcnhallurick, J. & Bourk, M. (1998). Commonwcalth, Common Knowlcdge? Thc Mutu.:ıl Ncws Represent.ı.tions of Brit.ıin .:ı.nd Austra\i.ı., P.:ıpcr Presented to the Intcrnatic ı.ı.l Associntion for Medi.:ı .ınd Communication Rcsca,rch General Assembıy .:ı.nd Conference, Glasgow. Sreberny-Molıo.nım;'.ldi, A., Nordcnstrcng, K., Ste, cnson, R. & Ugbo.:ı.jalı (1985).
  • Foreigıı News iıı tin• Media: lııll'fıı(lfioııal Rcportiııg iıı 29 Coııııfries. P.:ıris: UNESCO. UNESCO (1953). News Agcııcics: T/ır!ir Strııctıırt mul Optrııfioıı. P.:ıris: UNESCO.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları, Radyo-Televizyon, Bölgesel Çalışmalar
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Bülent Çaplı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Temmuz 2001
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2001 Cilt: 4(2) Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Çaplı, B. (2001). Media Policies in Turkey Since 1990. Kültür Ve İletişim, 4(2)(8), 45-53.