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Boston, MA: South End Press. _____________ (2001). Radical Media: Rebellious Communication and Social Movements.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Giddens, A. (1990). The Consequences of the Modernity. Polity Press.
Göle, N. (1993). Liberal Yanılgı. Türkiye Günlüğü, (24),12–17.
Habermas, J. (1997). Kamusallığın Yapısal Dönüşümü, Çev.: Tanil Bora and Mithat Sancar. Istanbul: Iletisim.
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Globalization and World System. London: Macmillan. Keyman, F. (1999). Türkiye ve Radikal Demokrasi. Ankara: Bağlam Publishing.
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(ed.), Radyo ve Radyoculuk (2nd Edition). (pp. 145–176.) Istanbul: IPS Foundation Publishing. Köker, E. (1996). Feminist Alternatif Medya Üzerine. Yıllık (1995-1996) (pp. 23–44). Ankara
University Communications Faculty. Lipschutzs, R. D. (2005). Networks of Knowledge and Practice: Global Civil Society and Global
Communications. Wilma de jong, Martin Shaw ve Neil Stammers (eds.). Global Activism, Global Media. (pp.17–33). London: Pluto Press. Mellucci, A. (1996). The New Social Movements Revisited: Reflections on a Sociological
Misunderstanding. Louis Maheu (ed.), Social Movements and Social Classes: The Future of Collective Action. (pp.107–119). London: Sage. Özbek, M. (ed.)(2004). Kamusal Alan. Istanbul: Hill.
Rodriguez, C. (2001). From Alternative Media to Citizen’s Media. Fissures in the Mediascape.
An International Study of Citizens’ Media. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press (
Robertson, R. (1990). Mapping the Global Condition: Globalization as the Central Concept, Mike
Featherstone (ed.), Global Culture. (pp. 295–308). London: Sage. Sparks, C. (2005). Media and Global Public Sphere: An Evaluative Approach. Wilma de jong
Martin Shaw ve Neil Stammers (eds.), Global Activism, Global Media. (p.34–49). London: Pluto Press. Vatikiotis, P. (2004). Communication Theory and Alternative Media. Westminster Papers in
Communication and Culture, 1(2), 4–29.
The Relationship between Democracy and “Other Media”: An attempt to describe the non–mainstream media environment in Turkey
This paper presented in Istanbul International Independent Media Forum, organized by Independent Communication Network and held between 3-5 November 2006. Turkish version is published in Forum’s Proceedings Book titled as “Başka bir İletişim Mümkün” The English version translated for the e-book of “Another Communication is Possible”. This article is the slightly changed version of English edition of the paper. The “Fifth power” notion belongs to Ignacio Ramonet, the Chief Editor of Le Monde Diplomatique, and I am quoting it from an article titled “Another communication” by Ertugrul Kurkcu published in Radikal Iki 29 October 2006
Alankus, S. (2000a). Yerellikler, Yerelliğin İmkanları ve Yerel Medya. Fuat Keyman and Ali
Yasar Saribay (eds), Global Yerel Ekseninde Turkiye. (pp.295–330). Istanbul: Alfa. ____________ (2000b). .Alternatif Olarak Yerel Medya ve Bir Girişim: Bağımsız İletişim Ağı.
Özgür Üniversite Forumu, (12), 132–151. __________ (2005). Önsöz. Sevda Alankuş (ed.) Radyo ve Radyoculuk (2nd Edition). Istanbul
IPS Foundation Publishing, pp. 33–61. Appadurai, A. (1990). Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy. Mike
Featherstone (ed.), Global Culture. (pp. 295–308). London: Sage. Atton, C. (2002). Alternative Media. London: Sage.
Carpentier, N., Lie R., Servaes J. (2003), Community Media: Muting the Democratic Media
Discourse. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 17(1), 51–68. Carpentier, N. ve Cammaerts, B. (2006), Hegemony, Democracy, Agonism and Journalism: An
Interview with Chantal Mouffe. Journalism Studies, 7(6), 964–975. Curran, J. (2002). Media and Power. London and New York: Routledge.
Downing, J. (1998). Radical Media: The Political Experience of Alternative Communication.
Boston, MA: South End Press. _____________ (2001). Radical Media: Rebellious Communication and Social Movements.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Giddens, A. (1990). The Consequences of the Modernity. Polity Press.
Göle, N. (1993). Liberal Yanılgı. Türkiye Günlüğü, (24),12–17.
Habermas, J. (1997). Kamusallığın Yapısal Dönüşümü, Çev.: Tanil Bora and Mithat Sancar. Istanbul: Iletisim.
Hall, S. (1991). Old and New Identities, Old and New Ethnicities. Anthony King (ed.), Culture
Globalization and World System. London: Macmillan. Keyman, F. (1999). Türkiye ve Radikal Demokrasi. Ankara: Bağlam Publishing.
Kejanlioglu, B. D. (2005). Türkiye’de Radyo–Televizyon Yayıncılığı Siyasası. Sevda Alankuş
(ed.), Radyo ve Radyoculuk (2nd Edition). (pp. 145–176.) Istanbul: IPS Foundation Publishing. Köker, E. (1996). Feminist Alternatif Medya Üzerine. Yıllık (1995-1996) (pp. 23–44). Ankara
University Communications Faculty. Lipschutzs, R. D. (2005). Networks of Knowledge and Practice: Global Civil Society and Global
Communications. Wilma de jong, Martin Shaw ve Neil Stammers (eds.). Global Activism, Global Media. (pp.17–33). London: Pluto Press. Mellucci, A. (1996). The New Social Movements Revisited: Reflections on a Sociological
Misunderstanding. Louis Maheu (ed.), Social Movements and Social Classes: The Future of Collective Action. (pp.107–119). London: Sage. Özbek, M. (ed.)(2004). Kamusal Alan. Istanbul: Hill.
Rodriguez, C. (2001). From Alternative Media to Citizen’s Media. Fissures in the Mediascape.
An International Study of Citizens’ Media. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press (
Robertson, R. (1990). Mapping the Global Condition: Globalization as the Central Concept, Mike
Featherstone (ed.), Global Culture. (pp. 295–308). London: Sage. Sparks, C. (2005). Media and Global Public Sphere: An Evaluative Approach. Wilma de jong
Martin Shaw ve Neil Stammers (eds.), Global Activism, Global Media. (p.34–49). London: Pluto Press. Vatikiotis, P. (2004). Communication Theory and Alternative Media. Westminster Papers in
Alankuş, S. (2009). The Relationship between Democracy and “Other Media”: An attempt to describe the non–mainstream media environment in Turkey. Kurgu, 22(1), 1-19.