Yıl 1995,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 286 - 297, 01.01.1995
- BARıRETTı Laurence: Gambling with History. Daubleday, NeW York 1983.
- BLOeK, Herbert: Herblack Through the Looking Glass. Newton. New York 1984.
- BOYARiSKY Bm; Ronald Reagan His Life and Rise to the Presideney. Handem House, New York 19'81.
- DAI.JLEK, Robert; Ronald Reagaın: The Politics of Symbolism. Harvard Unlversty Press, Cambridge 1984.
- DUGGER, Honnle: On Reagan: The Man & I-lis Presideney McürawHill Book INew York 1983.
- JONES, Charles o; The Reagan Legaey: Promlse and Performance. Ghatham House, New Jersey 1988.
- MAvıSR, Jane and Doyle McManus. Landslide; The Un:making of the President 1984·1988. Houghton MlffHn, Boston 1988.
- MOYERS BHI; The Secret Government. Saline: Perlrnutter, 1988.
- NOON~N, Peggy; What i Saw at the Revolution. Alandom House, New York 1990.
- SCHI,EFf1ER, Bob and GıAIRY Paul Gates; The Acting Presldent, New York Dutton. 1989.
- THOMAS, Helen, JAMES Deal
- WJ.I.,;LS, Ga,ry; Reagan's America: hınocents at Home. Doubleday, New York 1987.
Yıl 1995,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 286 - 297, 01.01.1995
- BARıRETTı Laurence: Gambling with History. Daubleday, NeW York 1983.
- BLOeK, Herbert: Herblack Through the Looking Glass. Newton. New York 1984.
- BOYARiSKY Bm; Ronald Reagan His Life and Rise to the Presideney. Handem House, New York 19'81.
- DAI.JLEK, Robert; Ronald Reagaın: The Politics of Symbolism. Harvard Unlversty Press, Cambridge 1984.
- DUGGER, Honnle: On Reagan: The Man & I-lis Presideney McürawHill Book INew York 1983.
- JONES, Charles o; The Reagan Legaey: Promlse and Performance. Ghatham House, New Jersey 1988.
- MAvıSR, Jane and Doyle McManus. Landslide; The Un:making of the President 1984·1988. Houghton MlffHn, Boston 1988.
- MOYERS BHI; The Secret Government. Saline: Perlrnutter, 1988.
- NOON~N, Peggy; What i Saw at the Revolution. Alandom House, New York 1990.
- SCHI,EFf1ER, Bob and GıAIRY Paul Gates; The Acting Presldent, New York Dutton. 1989.
- THOMAS, Helen, JAMES Deal
- WJ.I.,;LS, Ga,ry; Reagan's America: hınocents at Home. Doubleday, New York 1987.
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