Bittner, John R. Broadcasting and Telecommunication New Jersey: 1965
Eroglu, Diele. Inceefe M.AIi. «Veri Iletisimi ve P'TT'nin bu konuda verdigi Hizmetler». TBD 7 Ulusal Bllishn Kurultayi, Bilislm 88 Bildiriler 22-24 Eyltil 1988, Eskisehir.
Fisher, David. «High Definition Television: On the Brink.» Journal of the Royal Television Society» May/June 1988, ss. 113-116
Flathcry, Joseph A. «High Definition Television Production». SMPTE Journal, October 1988, ss. 844-846.
Gerin, francais. Touyarot, Philippe. «Subscriber Response to the interactive Video Services in BIARRITZ». CATV Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montraux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 119-128.
Gleen, William E. Glenn Karen G. «HDTV Compatible Transmission System». SMPTE Journal March 1987, ss. 242-246.
Head, Sdncy W. Broadcasting in America, Boston: 1982
James, Hugh W.S. «Cornpercial DBS in Practice An Overview of the Golten West Network». Broadcast Sessions, 15th Internation TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 1117 June 1987, S5 357-468.
Johnson, Candace. «PSN's-Private Satellite Neworks», CATS Sessions, 15th. International TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 82-87
Kesim, Mehmct Kablolu Televizyon ve Uydularm Iletlslm Teknolojisl Acrsmdan Toplumsal Iletlsimdekl Boyutu, Eskisehir, Anadolu Universitesi Yaymlarr No: 262, Acikogretim Fakiiltesi Yayinlari No: 124, 1988
Marshall, Peter. «Intelsat: Synonymous with Global Broadcasting» Journal of the Royal Television Society MarchiApril 1988 ss. 80-84
Matsushita, Misao. «Economical Cornparision Between DBS and Terrestrial Broadcasting». Broadcast Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 373-386.
Messerchmid, Ulrich. «HDTV Overview of Performance and C apacty» Broadcast Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montreux Switzerlan 11-17 June 1987, ss. 9-20
Nishizawa, T. Enami, K. Tanaka, Y. Kurita T. «HDTV ve ADTV Transmission Systems MUSE and its Family». NHK April 11, 1988 NAB Las Vegas.
Sigel, Efrem. The Future of Videotext, London: 1983.
Thomas, G.A. «The Acpplication of DATV to HDTV Bandwidth Reduction» Broadcat Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 9-20.
Wetmore, Tim. «Americans maneuver toward a compatible system. High Definition Television, Part 1. «World Broadcast News September 1988 55. 34-44
Bittner, John R. Broadcasting and Telecommunication New Jersey: 1965
Eroglu, Diele. Inceefe M.AIi. «Veri Iletisimi ve P'TT'nin bu konuda verdigi Hizmetler». TBD 7 Ulusal Bllishn Kurultayi, Bilislm 88 Bildiriler 22-24 Eyltil 1988, Eskisehir.
Fisher, David. «High Definition Television: On the Brink.» Journal of the Royal Television Society» May/June 1988, ss. 113-116
Flathcry, Joseph A. «High Definition Television Production». SMPTE Journal, October 1988, ss. 844-846.
Gerin, francais. Touyarot, Philippe. «Subscriber Response to the interactive Video Services in BIARRITZ». CATV Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montraux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 119-128.
Gleen, William E. Glenn Karen G. «HDTV Compatible Transmission System». SMPTE Journal March 1987, ss. 242-246.
Head, Sdncy W. Broadcasting in America, Boston: 1982
James, Hugh W.S. «Cornpercial DBS in Practice An Overview of the Golten West Network». Broadcast Sessions, 15th Internation TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 1117 June 1987, S5 357-468.
Johnson, Candace. «PSN's-Private Satellite Neworks», CATS Sessions, 15th. International TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 82-87
Kesim, Mehmct Kablolu Televizyon ve Uydularm Iletlslm Teknolojisl Acrsmdan Toplumsal Iletlsimdekl Boyutu, Eskisehir, Anadolu Universitesi Yaymlarr No: 262, Acikogretim Fakiiltesi Yayinlari No: 124, 1988
Marshall, Peter. «Intelsat: Synonymous with Global Broadcasting» Journal of the Royal Television Society MarchiApril 1988 ss. 80-84
Matsushita, Misao. «Economical Cornparision Between DBS and Terrestrial Broadcasting». Broadcast Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 373-386.
Messerchmid, Ulrich. «HDTV Overview of Performance and C apacty» Broadcast Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montreux Switzerlan 11-17 June 1987, ss. 9-20
Nishizawa, T. Enami, K. Tanaka, Y. Kurita T. «HDTV ve ADTV Transmission Systems MUSE and its Family». NHK April 11, 1988 NAB Las Vegas.
Sigel, Efrem. The Future of Videotext, London: 1983.
Thomas, G.A. «The Acpplication of DATV to HDTV Bandwidth Reduction» Broadcat Sessions, 15th International TV Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland: 11-17 June 1987, ss. 9-20.
Wetmore, Tim. «Americans maneuver toward a compatible system. High Definition Television, Part 1. «World Broadcast News September 1988 55. 34-44