Alpert, R. and R. N. Haber. «Anxiety in Academic Achievement Situations». The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 61; 1960, 207-215.
Allen, G. J, «Effectiveness of Study Counseling and Desensitization in Allevating Test Anxiet in College Students.» Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 77; 1971, 282-289.
Anasatsi, A. «Psychological Testing. Third Edition. New York: Macmillan, 1968. Aponce, J. F. and C. F. Aponte. «Group Preprogrammed Systematic
Desensitization Without the Simultaneous Presentation of Aversive Scenes with Relaxtion Training.» Behaviour Research and Therapy, 9; 1971, 337-346.
Aykan, C. Akd Saghgl ve Hastahgr, Basnur Matbaasr, Ankara: 1969.
Brown, C. H. «Emotional Reactions Before Examinations.» The Journal of Psychology, 5; 1938, II-26.
Brown, H. and D. V. Gelder. «Emotional Reactions Before Examinations.» The Journal of Psychology, 5; 1938, 1-9.
Chestnut, W. J. «The Effects of Structured and Unstructured Group Counseling on Male College Students' Underachievement.» J. of Counseling Psychology, 12; 1965, 388-394.
Crighton ,J. and D. Jehu. «Treatment of Examination Anxiety by Systematic Desensitization or Psychotherapy in Groups.» Behaviour Research and Therpy, 7; 1969, 245-248.
Crouse, R. H; J. L. Deffenbacher and G. A. Frost. «Desensitization for Students with Different Sources and Experiences of Test Anxiety.» J. of College Student Personnel, 26; 1985, 245-247.
Ehel, L. R. «Essentials of Educational Measurement. Second Edition. New Jersey: 1972.
Emery, J. R. and J. D. Krumboltz. «Standart versus Individualized Hierachies in Desensitieation to Reduce Test Anxiety.» .T. of Cosultlng Psychology, 14; 1967, 204-209.
Finger, R. and J. Galassi. «Effects of Modifying Cognitive versus Emotionality Responses in the treatment of Test Anxiety.» J. of Consulting and CHn. Psychol., 45, 1977,280-287
Goldfrie, M. R; M. M. Linehan and J. L. Smith, «The Reducation of Test Anxiety l1hrough Cognitive Restructuring.» J. of Consulting and CHn. Psychol., 46; 1978, 32-39.
Holyroyd, A. K. «Cognition and Desensitization in the Group Treatment of Test Anxiety.» J. of Consulting and Clinical Psychol., 44; (6); 1976, 991-1001.
Ihli, K. L. and W. K. Garlington. «A Comparision of Group versus Individual Desensitization of Test Anxiety.» Behaviour Research Theraphy, 7; 1969, 207-209.
Katahn, M., S. Strenger and N. Cherry. «Group Counseling and Behavior Therapy with Test Anxious College Students' J. of Consulting Psychol., 3; 1966, 544;549.
Kirk, B. «Test versus Academic Performance in Malfunctioningc Students» J. of Consulting Psychology, 16; 1952 213-216.
Laughlin, H. P. The Neuroses. Washington D. C, 1967.
Liebert, R. and L. Morris. «Cognitive and Emotional Components of Test Anxiety.» Psychological Reports, 20; 1967, 975-978
Mandler, G, and S, Sarason. «A Study of Anxiety and Learning» J. of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47; 1952; 166-173.
Meichenbaum, D. H. «Cognitive Modification of Test Anxious College Students.» J. of Consult ting and CHn., Psychol., X 39; !972, 370-380.
Michell, K. R., K. T. Ng. «Effects of Group Counseling and Behaviour Thearapy on the Academic Achievement of Test Anxious Students» J. of Counseling Psychol., 19; 1972, 491-497.
Paul, G. L. and C. W. Eriksen. «Efrects of Anxety on Real Life Exa.. rninations.» J. of Personality, 32; 1964, 480-484.
Paul, G. L. and D. T. Shannon «Treatment of Anxiety Through Systematic Desensitization in Therapy Groups.» J. of Abnormal Psychology, 71; 1966, 124-135.
Sarason, 1. G. «The Effects on Anxiety and Threat on The Solution of A Dlfficult Task.» J. of Abnormal Psychology, 62; 1961, 165-168.
-----. «Test Anxiety and Intellectual Peformance.» J. of Ab. and Soc. Psychol, 66; 1963, 73-75.
Spielberger, C. D. «The Effects of Manifest Anxiety on the Academic Achievement of College Students.» Mental Hygenie, 46; 1962, 420-426.
Suinn, R. M. «The Desensitization of Test Anxiety by Group and Individual Treatment» Behaviour Research and Theraphy, 6; 1968, 385-387.
Wine, J. «Test Anxiety and Direction of Attention.. Psychological Bulletin. 76; 1971,92-104.
Alpert, R. and R. N. Haber. «Anxiety in Academic Achievement Situations». The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 61; 1960, 207-215.
Allen, G. J, «Effectiveness of Study Counseling and Desensitization in Allevating Test Anxiet in College Students.» Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 77; 1971, 282-289.
Anasatsi, A. «Psychological Testing. Third Edition. New York: Macmillan, 1968. Aponce, J. F. and C. F. Aponte. «Group Preprogrammed Systematic
Desensitization Without the Simultaneous Presentation of Aversive Scenes with Relaxtion Training.» Behaviour Research and Therapy, 9; 1971, 337-346.
Aykan, C. Akd Saghgl ve Hastahgr, Basnur Matbaasr, Ankara: 1969.
Brown, C. H. «Emotional Reactions Before Examinations.» The Journal of Psychology, 5; 1938, II-26.
Brown, H. and D. V. Gelder. «Emotional Reactions Before Examinations.» The Journal of Psychology, 5; 1938, 1-9.
Chestnut, W. J. «The Effects of Structured and Unstructured Group Counseling on Male College Students' Underachievement.» J. of Counseling Psychology, 12; 1965, 388-394.
Crighton ,J. and D. Jehu. «Treatment of Examination Anxiety by Systematic Desensitization or Psychotherapy in Groups.» Behaviour Research and Therpy, 7; 1969, 245-248.
Crouse, R. H; J. L. Deffenbacher and G. A. Frost. «Desensitization for Students with Different Sources and Experiences of Test Anxiety.» J. of College Student Personnel, 26; 1985, 245-247.
Ehel, L. R. «Essentials of Educational Measurement. Second Edition. New Jersey: 1972.
Emery, J. R. and J. D. Krumboltz. «Standart versus Individualized Hierachies in Desensitieation to Reduce Test Anxiety.» .T. of Cosultlng Psychology, 14; 1967, 204-209.
Finger, R. and J. Galassi. «Effects of Modifying Cognitive versus Emotionality Responses in the treatment of Test Anxiety.» J. of Consulting and CHn. Psychol., 45, 1977,280-287
Goldfrie, M. R; M. M. Linehan and J. L. Smith, «The Reducation of Test Anxiety l1hrough Cognitive Restructuring.» J. of Consulting and CHn. Psychol., 46; 1978, 32-39.
Holyroyd, A. K. «Cognition and Desensitization in the Group Treatment of Test Anxiety.» J. of Consulting and Clinical Psychol., 44; (6); 1976, 991-1001.
Ihli, K. L. and W. K. Garlington. «A Comparision of Group versus Individual Desensitization of Test Anxiety.» Behaviour Research Theraphy, 7; 1969, 207-209.
Katahn, M., S. Strenger and N. Cherry. «Group Counseling and Behavior Therapy with Test Anxious College Students' J. of Consulting Psychol., 3; 1966, 544;549.
Kirk, B. «Test versus Academic Performance in Malfunctioningc Students» J. of Consulting Psychology, 16; 1952 213-216.
Laughlin, H. P. The Neuroses. Washington D. C, 1967.
Liebert, R. and L. Morris. «Cognitive and Emotional Components of Test Anxiety.» Psychological Reports, 20; 1967, 975-978
Mandler, G, and S, Sarason. «A Study of Anxiety and Learning» J. of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47; 1952; 166-173.
Meichenbaum, D. H. «Cognitive Modification of Test Anxious College Students.» J. of Consult ting and CHn., Psychol., X 39; !972, 370-380.
Michell, K. R., K. T. Ng. «Effects of Group Counseling and Behaviour Thearapy on the Academic Achievement of Test Anxious Students» J. of Counseling Psychol., 19; 1972, 491-497.
Paul, G. L. and C. W. Eriksen. «Efrects of Anxety on Real Life Exa.. rninations.» J. of Personality, 32; 1964, 480-484.
Paul, G. L. and D. T. Shannon «Treatment of Anxiety Through Systematic Desensitization in Therapy Groups.» J. of Abnormal Psychology, 71; 1966, 124-135.
Sarason, 1. G. «The Effects on Anxiety and Threat on The Solution of A Dlfficult Task.» J. of Abnormal Psychology, 62; 1961, 165-168.
-----. «Test Anxiety and Intellectual Peformance.» J. of Ab. and Soc. Psychol, 66; 1963, 73-75.
Spielberger, C. D. «The Effects of Manifest Anxiety on the Academic Achievement of College Students.» Mental Hygenie, 46; 1962, 420-426.
Suinn, R. M. «The Desensitization of Test Anxiety by Group and Individual Treatment» Behaviour Research and Theraphy, 6; 1968, 385-387.
Wine, J. «Test Anxiety and Direction of Attention.. Psychological Bulletin. 76; 1971,92-104.