Kenneth K. SERENO - C. David MORTENSEN, Foundations of Communication Theory, Harper and Row Publishers, New York: 1970.
E. H. GOMBRiCH, Sanatm Oykiisti, Cev: BEDRETTiN COMERT, 12. Basim, Remzi Kitabevi, istanbul: 1972.
Heidelise ALS, «The Newborn Communicates», Journal of Communication,.27,2,1977, s. 66-72.
Donald F. ROBERTS, «Communication and Childen: A. Develop mental Approach», Handbook of Communication, ED. ITHEIL DE SOLA POOL - WILBUR SCHRAMM ve digerleri. Rand Me Nally, Chicago: 1973, s. 174-215.
Harry F. WATERS, «What TV DOES TO KIDS», Newsweek, February, 21, 1977, s. 63-70.
Jack LYLE - H. HOFFMANN, «Children's Use of Television and Other Media», Television and Social Behavior: Television in Day-to - Day Life: Patterns of Use, ED: ELI A. RUBiNSTEIN - 'J. P. MURRAY - G. A. COMSTOCK, Vol: 4, Department of Health Education Welfare, Washington D.C: 1972, s. 129-257.
Marie WINN, The Plug in Drug, The Viking Press, New York: 1978.
M.P. WINICK - J.S. WEHRENBERG, Children and TV II, Association for Childhood Education international, Washington D.C: 1982.
inci GUREL, «Televizyonun ilkokul Cagmdaki Cocuklar Ustiindeki Etkileri»,TV'nin Turk Toplumuna Etkileri, Milliyet Yaymlan, istanbul: 1977, s. 227-270.
Timothy P. MEYER - Anne HEXAMER, «Assessing impacts on Children», Broadcasting Research Methods, Ed. JOSEPH R. DOMINICK-JAMES E. FLETCHER, Allyn and Bacon INC., USA: 1985.
Emre KONGAR, Kiiltiir ve Iletlsim, Say Yaymlan, istanbul: 1986.
Kate MOODY, Growing Up On Television, Third Printing, Times Books, New YOJ1k: 1980.
Angelo BIAGGIO, «Child Development and Television», Impact of Educational Television On Young Children, UNESCO, France: 1981, s. 19-25.
J. KLAPPER, The Effect of Mass Communication, The Free Press of Gleceo, Illinois: 1960.
Robert SKLAR, «Frank Capra and Disney: Mith», Movie Made America: A Cultural History of American Movies, 1976, s. 195-215.
Nijat OZON, Sinema EI Kltabi, Elif Yaymlarr, istanbul: 1964.
Zeynep ORAL, «l0. blum Yihnda Walt Disney: Canlandirma Sinemasi, Yeni bir Endiistri, Fantastik Bir Diinya», Milliyet Sanat Dergisi, Sayi 205, 12 Kasim 1976, s. 9-11
Kenneth K. SERENO - C. David MORTENSEN, Foundations of Communication Theory, Harper and Row Publishers, New York: 1970.
E. H. GOMBRiCH, Sanatm Oykiisti, Cev: BEDRETTiN COMERT, 12. Basim, Remzi Kitabevi, istanbul: 1972.
Heidelise ALS, «The Newborn Communicates», Journal of Communication,.27,2,1977, s. 66-72.
Donald F. ROBERTS, «Communication and Childen: A. Develop mental Approach», Handbook of Communication, ED. ITHEIL DE SOLA POOL - WILBUR SCHRAMM ve digerleri. Rand Me Nally, Chicago: 1973, s. 174-215.
Harry F. WATERS, «What TV DOES TO KIDS», Newsweek, February, 21, 1977, s. 63-70.
Jack LYLE - H. HOFFMANN, «Children's Use of Television and Other Media», Television and Social Behavior: Television in Day-to - Day Life: Patterns of Use, ED: ELI A. RUBiNSTEIN - 'J. P. MURRAY - G. A. COMSTOCK, Vol: 4, Department of Health Education Welfare, Washington D.C: 1972, s. 129-257.
Marie WINN, The Plug in Drug, The Viking Press, New York: 1978.
M.P. WINICK - J.S. WEHRENBERG, Children and TV II, Association for Childhood Education international, Washington D.C: 1982.
inci GUREL, «Televizyonun ilkokul Cagmdaki Cocuklar Ustiindeki Etkileri»,TV'nin Turk Toplumuna Etkileri, Milliyet Yaymlan, istanbul: 1977, s. 227-270.
Timothy P. MEYER - Anne HEXAMER, «Assessing impacts on Children», Broadcasting Research Methods, Ed. JOSEPH R. DOMINICK-JAMES E. FLETCHER, Allyn and Bacon INC., USA: 1985.
Emre KONGAR, Kiiltiir ve Iletlsim, Say Yaymlan, istanbul: 1986.
Kate MOODY, Growing Up On Television, Third Printing, Times Books, New YOJ1k: 1980.
Angelo BIAGGIO, «Child Development and Television», Impact of Educational Television On Young Children, UNESCO, France: 1981, s. 19-25.
J. KLAPPER, The Effect of Mass Communication, The Free Press of Gleceo, Illinois: 1960.
Robert SKLAR, «Frank Capra and Disney: Mith», Movie Made America: A Cultural History of American Movies, 1976, s. 195-215.
Nijat OZON, Sinema EI Kltabi, Elif Yaymlarr, istanbul: 1964.
Zeynep ORAL, «l0. blum Yihnda Walt Disney: Canlandirma Sinemasi, Yeni bir Endiistri, Fantastik Bir Diinya», Milliyet Sanat Dergisi, Sayi 205, 12 Kasim 1976, s. 9-11