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Yumurta Tavuğu Rasyonlarına İlave Edilen Haşhaş Tohumu Yağının Yumurta Verimi, Kalitesi İle Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 37 - 42, 01.03.2008



  • Simon JE, Chadwick AF, Craker LE (1984) Herbs: An Indexed Bibliography. 1971-1980. The Scientific Literature on Selected Herbs, and Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of the Temperate Zone. Archon Books, 770 pp., Hamden, CT.
  • Goswami K (2005) Poppy seeds, Access: 19 September 2008.
  • Hayes LM, Krasselt WG, Mueggler PA (1987) Concentrations of morphine and codeine in serum and urine after ingestion of poppy seeds. Clin Chem, 33:806-808.
  • Nergis C, Otles S (1994) The proximate composition and some minor constituents of poppy seeds. J Sci-food-Agric Sussex : John Wiley : & : Sons Limited,. Oct v. 66 (2) p. 177-120.
  • Duke JA (1983) Handbook of energy crops. Acces: 21 September 2008.
  • Özkan K, Baydar H (2006) Oil contents, fatty acids and tocopherol compositions of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) seeds with different colors. Akademik Gıda Dergisi, 23:17-20.
  • Bayram İ, Akıncı Z (1999) The effects of Poppy seed meal on egg production and some blood parameters in the laying quail, YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 10 (1-2):44-49.
  • Bayram I, Akıncı Z, Şehu A (2005) The use of poppy seed meal in the laying hen rations. III.National Animal Nutrition Congress, Adana, Turkey.
  • Rausch W (1958) Vergleichende unterschungen zur Qualitatsbeurteilung von Frischeiern celler. Jahrbuch. Deutschland.
  • Card LE, Nesheim MC (1972) Poultry production. 11th ed. Lea and febiger, Philadelphia.
  • Vuilleumier JP (1969) The Roche Yolk Colour Fan- An instrument for measuring yolk colour. Poult Sci, 48 (3):767-779
  • Uyanık F, Kaya Ş, Kolsuz AH, Eren M, Şahin N (2002) The effect of chromium supplementation on egg production egg quality and some serum parameters in laying hens, Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26: 379-387.
  • SPSS, 2001. SPSS for Windows 10.0 Base system user’s guide, release 10.0, SPSS Inc. Printed in the USA.
  • Norton JH, O’Rourke PK (1980) Oedema disease in chickens caused by Mexican poppy (Argemone mexicana) seed, Aust Vet J, 56(4):187-189.
  • Pahwa R, Chatterjee VC (1989) The toxcity of Mexican poppy (Argemone mexicana L.) seeds to rats, Vet Hum Toxicol Dec. 31 (6):555-558.
  • Midilli M, Bayram I, Erol H, Çetingül İS, Çakır S, Çalıkoğlu E, Serin E (2009) Use of poppy seed oil and sunflower oil in laying quail diets, JAnim Vet Adv, 8(2):379-384.
  • Balevi T, Coşkun B. (2000) Effects of some oils used in broiler rations on performance and fatty acid compositions in abdominal fat. Rev Méd Vét, 151(10): 937-944.
  • Akıncı Z, Bayram I. (2003) Effects of poppy seed meal on egg production and hatching results of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Res Vet Sci, 75:141-147.
  • Eklund A, Sjoblom L (1980) Effects of source of dietary protein on serum lower density lipoprotein (VLDL+LDL) and tocopherol levels in female rats. J Nutr, 110:2321-2335.
  • Al Bustany Z (1988) Effect of level and source of dietary protein and lysin on performance and egg qualty of different strains of laying hens. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Animal Nutrition and Management. Report 167, Uppsala.
  • Çetingül IS (2003) The effects of hazelnut meal on performance and fatty acid compositions of animal yield in poultry, PhD thesis. S.Ü Sağl. Bil. Enst. Konya,Turkey.
  • Anderson J (1998) When food is your best friend, http://www. Access : 20 October 2008.
  • Bayram, Çetingül, Yardimci, Şahin, Akkaya, Uyarlar ● Effects of poppy seed oil on the performance of layer hens / Haşhaş tohumu yağının yumurtacı tavuk
  • performansı üzerine etkileri 42

Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 37 - 42, 01.03.2008


Haşhaş bitkisi ve ondan elde edilen yan ürünleri, sentetik olarak üretilemediğinden dolayı, insanlık için hala en önemli bitkidir. Bu araştırma, yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarına ilave edilen haşhaş tohumu yağının (HTY) yumurta verimi (YV), yem tüketimi, yemden yararlanma oranı (YYO), yumurta kalitesi parametreleri (şekil indeksi, kabuk kalınlığı, sarı indeksi, ak indeksi, sarı rengi ve haugh birimi), yumurta kolesterol seviyesi ile bazı kan parametreleri (kolesterol, trigliserit, HDL ve LDL) üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada HTY ilave edilmeyen bir kontrol ve % 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ve 2.5 oranlarında HTY ilave edilen 5 adet deneme grubu oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma 8 hafta sürdürülmüştür. Rasyonlara HTY katılması ile yumurta verimi olumsuz etkilenmemiştir. HTY yumurta kabuk kalınlığı ve kan HDL değerlerini artırmıştır. Sonuç olarak, YV ve kalitesine negatif etkileri olmaması ve YYO’nı olumlu yönde etkilemesinden dolayı HTY’nın yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarında % 2.5 düzeyine kadar kullanılabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır


  • Simon JE, Chadwick AF, Craker LE (1984) Herbs: An Indexed Bibliography. 1971-1980. The Scientific Literature on Selected Herbs, and Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of the Temperate Zone. Archon Books, 770 pp., Hamden, CT.
  • Goswami K (2005) Poppy seeds, Access: 19 September 2008.
  • Hayes LM, Krasselt WG, Mueggler PA (1987) Concentrations of morphine and codeine in serum and urine after ingestion of poppy seeds. Clin Chem, 33:806-808.
  • Nergis C, Otles S (1994) The proximate composition and some minor constituents of poppy seeds. J Sci-food-Agric Sussex : John Wiley : & : Sons Limited,. Oct v. 66 (2) p. 177-120.
  • Duke JA (1983) Handbook of energy crops. Acces: 21 September 2008.
  • Özkan K, Baydar H (2006) Oil contents, fatty acids and tocopherol compositions of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) seeds with different colors. Akademik Gıda Dergisi, 23:17-20.
  • Bayram İ, Akıncı Z (1999) The effects of Poppy seed meal on egg production and some blood parameters in the laying quail, YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 10 (1-2):44-49.
  • Bayram I, Akıncı Z, Şehu A (2005) The use of poppy seed meal in the laying hen rations. III.National Animal Nutrition Congress, Adana, Turkey.
  • Rausch W (1958) Vergleichende unterschungen zur Qualitatsbeurteilung von Frischeiern celler. Jahrbuch. Deutschland.
  • Card LE, Nesheim MC (1972) Poultry production. 11th ed. Lea and febiger, Philadelphia.
  • Vuilleumier JP (1969) The Roche Yolk Colour Fan- An instrument for measuring yolk colour. Poult Sci, 48 (3):767-779
  • Uyanık F, Kaya Ş, Kolsuz AH, Eren M, Şahin N (2002) The effect of chromium supplementation on egg production egg quality and some serum parameters in laying hens, Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26: 379-387.
  • SPSS, 2001. SPSS for Windows 10.0 Base system user’s guide, release 10.0, SPSS Inc. Printed in the USA.
  • Norton JH, O’Rourke PK (1980) Oedema disease in chickens caused by Mexican poppy (Argemone mexicana) seed, Aust Vet J, 56(4):187-189.
  • Pahwa R, Chatterjee VC (1989) The toxcity of Mexican poppy (Argemone mexicana L.) seeds to rats, Vet Hum Toxicol Dec. 31 (6):555-558.
  • Midilli M, Bayram I, Erol H, Çetingül İS, Çakır S, Çalıkoğlu E, Serin E (2009) Use of poppy seed oil and sunflower oil in laying quail diets, JAnim Vet Adv, 8(2):379-384.
  • Balevi T, Coşkun B. (2000) Effects of some oils used in broiler rations on performance and fatty acid compositions in abdominal fat. Rev Méd Vét, 151(10): 937-944.
  • Akıncı Z, Bayram I. (2003) Effects of poppy seed meal on egg production and hatching results of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Res Vet Sci, 75:141-147.
  • Eklund A, Sjoblom L (1980) Effects of source of dietary protein on serum lower density lipoprotein (VLDL+LDL) and tocopherol levels in female rats. J Nutr, 110:2321-2335.
  • Al Bustany Z (1988) Effect of level and source of dietary protein and lysin on performance and egg qualty of different strains of laying hens. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Animal Nutrition and Management. Report 167, Uppsala.
  • Çetingül IS (2003) The effects of hazelnut meal on performance and fatty acid compositions of animal yield in poultry, PhD thesis. S.Ü Sağl. Bil. Enst. Konya,Turkey.
  • Anderson J (1998) When food is your best friend, http://www. Access : 20 October 2008.
  • Bayram, Çetingül, Yardimci, Şahin, Akkaya, Uyarlar ● Effects of poppy seed oil on the performance of layer hens / Haşhaş tohumu yağının yumurtacı tavuk
  • performansı üzerine etkileri 42
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İ Bayram Bu kişi benim

İS Çetingül Bu kişi benim

M Yardımcı Bu kişi benim

EH Şahin Bu kişi benim

AB Akkaya Bu kişi benim

C Uyarlar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayram, İ., Çetingül, İ., Yardımcı, M., Şahin, E., vd. (2008). Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 1(1), 37-42.
AMA Bayram İ, Çetingül İ, Yardımcı M, Şahin E, Akkaya A, Uyarlar C. Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens. kvj. Mart 2008;1(1):37-42.
Chicago Bayram, İ, İS Çetingül, M Yardımcı, EH Şahin, AB Akkaya, ve C Uyarlar. “Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 1, sy. 1 (Mart 2008): 37-42.
EndNote Bayram İ, Çetingül İ, Yardımcı M, Şahin E, Akkaya A, Uyarlar C (01 Mart 2008) Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 1 1 37–42.
IEEE İ. Bayram, İ. Çetingül, M. Yardımcı, E. Şahin, A. Akkaya, ve C. Uyarlar, “Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens”, kvj, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 37–42, 2008.
ISNAD Bayram, İ vd. “Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 1/1 (Mart 2008), 37-42.
JAMA Bayram İ, Çetingül İ, Yardımcı M, Şahin E, Akkaya A, Uyarlar C. Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens. kvj. 2008;1:37–42.
MLA Bayram, İ vd. “Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, c. 1, sy. 1, 2008, ss. 37-42.
Vancouver Bayram İ, Çetingül İ, Yardımcı M, Şahin E, Akkaya A, Uyarlar C. Effects of Poppy Seed Oil Supplementation in Diets on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens. kvj. 2008;1(1):37-42.

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