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Yüksek Süt Verimli Sığırlarda Beden Kondüsyon Skoru ve Metabolik Profil Arasındaki İlişki

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 1 - 7, 01.06.2009



  • Várhegyi J, Várhegyi I. (1999): A holstein-friz tehén kondícióbírálata. ÁTK Herceghalom. 11. Reynolds C K, Beever DE (1995): Energy requirements and responses: a UK perspective. Pages 31–41 in Breeding and Feed-ing the High Genetic Merit Dairy Cow. T.L.J. Lawrence, F. J. Gordon, and A. Carson, eds. Br Soc Anim Sci Occasional Publ, No. 19.
  • Tóth T, Schmidt J (2004) Effect of different chemical treatments on ruminal starch degradability of corn and wheat. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis, 46. 2. 177-185.
  • Flachowsky G, Lebzien P (1997) Improvement of glucose supply for high performing cows. Proc, 6th Int Symp Anim Nutr, Kaposvár, Hungary, 64-87.
  • Schmidt J, Tóth T, Fábián J (2006) Rumen fermentation and starch degradation by holstein steers fed sodium-hydroxide- or formaldehyde-treated wheat. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 54: (2) 201-212.
  • Ducker MJ, Haggett RA, Fisher WJ, Morant SV, Bloomfield GA (1985) Nutrition and reproductive performance in dairy cattle. 1. The effect of level of feeding in late pregnancy and around the time of insemination on the reproductive performance of first lactation dairy heifers. Anim Prod, 41, 1.
  • Grainger C, Wilhelms GD, McGgowan AA (1982) Effect of body condition at calving and level of feeding in early lactation on milk production of dairy cows. Aust J Exp Agric Anim Husb, 22: 9.
  • Domecq JJ, Skidmore AL, Lloyd JW, Kaneene JB (1997) Relationship between body condition scores and milk yield in a large dairy herd of high yielding Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci, 80: 101-112.
  • Gillaund P, Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Karlberg K (2001) Body condition related to ketosis and reproductive performance in Norwegian dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 84: 1390.
  • Szűcs E, Püski J, Tran Anh Tuan, Gáspárdy A, Völgyi-Csik J (2005) Effect of Body Condition on dairy and reproductive performance in Holstein-Friesian cows. 56th Annual Meeting of European Association for Animal Production Uppsala, Sweden, 5th-8th June, 2005. Session C6.3
  • Wildman EE, Jones GM, Wagner PE, Boman RL, Troutt HF, Lesch TN (1982) A dairy cow body condition scoring system and its relationship to selected production characteristics. J Dairy Sci, 65. 495–501.
  • Veerkamp RF, Brotherstone S (1997) Genetic correlations between linear type traits, food intake, live weight and condition score in Holstein Frisian dairy cattle. Anim Sci, 64:385-392.
  • Dechow CD, Rogers GW, Clay JS. (2001) Heritabilities and correlations among body condition scores, production traits, and reproductive performance J Dairy Sci, 84: 266-275.
  • Snijders SEM, Dillon P, O’Callaghan D, Boland MP (2000) Effect of genetic merit, milk yield, body condition and lactation number on in vitro oocyte development in dairy cows. Theriogenology 53, 981-989 p.
  • Brydl E, Könyves L, Jurkovich V, Mrs. Tegzes L,Tirián A. (2007) Subclinical metabolic disorders in peripartal dairy cows in Hungary in 2005. ISAH-2007, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Szűcs E, Mika J, Nagy Z, Tran Anh Tuan, Györkös I, Kovács A (2001) Meteorológiai tényezők szerepe a holstein-fríz tehenek tejtermelésben. 1. közlemény: A napi időjárás-változás hatásai. Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 50. köt. 3. sz. 215-228. p.
  • Szűcs E, Mika J, Nagy Z, Tran Anh Tuan, Györkös I, Kovács A (2001) Meteorológiai tényezők szerepe a holstein-fríz tehenek tejtermelésben. 2. közlemény: A napi időjárási elemek hatása a tejtermelés színvonalára. Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 50. köt. 4. sz. 333- 339. p.
  • Szűcs E, Mika J, Nagy Z, Tran Anh Tuan, Györkös I, Kovács A (2001) Meteorológiai tényezők szerepe a holstein-fríz tehenek tejtermelésben. 3. közlemény: A napi időjárási elemek kétszeres kölcsönhatásai. Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 2001. évf. 50. köt. 6. sz. 521- 529. p.
  • Carlem AK. (2005) The energy metabolism in dairy cattle at parturition, under field conditions. Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science Budapest, Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd Health and Veterinary Ethology. Diplomathesis, page 8 and 7. Hungary.
  • Brydl E, Gönye S, Sályi G. (1987) A nagyüzemi szarvasmarha-állományok átfogó, komplex takarmányozási és állategészségügyi értékelési rendszere, MÉM Értesítő, 1987. 15. 584. p.
  • Brydl E. (editor), (2003) A szarvasmarhatartás higiéniája és állomány-egészségtana. In: Rafai Pál, Brydl Endre, Nagy Gyula 2003. A sertés-, a szarvasmarha és házityşktartás higiéniája és állomány-egészségtana. 264-267. oldal. Agroinform Kiadó, Budapest.
  • Ferguson JD, Galligan DT, Thomsen N (1994) Principal descriptors of body condition score in holstein cows. J Dairy Sci, 77: 2695- 2703.
  • GrØneng J (2002) Occurence of Metabolic Disorders in Dairy Cattle Under Field Conditions. Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science, Budapest, Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd Health and Veterinary Ethology. Diplomathesis, Pages 10 and 16. Hungary.
  • Veerkamp RF. (1998): Selection for economic efficiency of dairy cattle using information on live weight and feed intake: A review. J Dairy Sci, 81: 1109-1119.
  • Schmidt J (Editor) (2003) A takarmányozás alapjai. Mezőgazda Kiadó, Budapest. 214-215.
  • Targowski SP, Klucinski W, Jaworck D. (1983-4) Effect of Ammonia on Viability and Balstogenesis of Bovine Lymphocytes. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 5:297.

The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 1 - 7, 01.06.2009


Bu çalışmanın amacı süt sığırlarında farklı günlerde sütte yapılan metabolik analiz sonuçları ile vücut kondüsyonu arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemelti. Ayrıca erken pre- ve postpartum periyotlardaki kiritik noktalar değerlendirildi. Araştırmada sabah yemlemeden 3-5 sonra rastgele seçilen farklı gruplarda fizyolojik laktasyon ve gestasyon safhalarında olan klinik bakımdan sağlıklı olan 1984 adet inekten (Macaristan’da 49 büyük Holştayn süt çiftliklerinden) kan ve sidik örnekleri alında. Çalışma süresince vücut kondüsyon skoruda (BCS) ölçüldü. Sonuç olarak, BCS’u laktasyonun 1. gününden (3.48) 44. gününe (2.65) kadar azalma eğilimi ve 218. gününe (2.89) kadar hafif artış gösterdi. Kandaki hemoglobin değeri ve glukoz konsantrasyonu fizyolojik sınırlar içerisinde seyir etti ve BCS ile bunlar ve DIM arasında takib eden ilişki anlamlıydı (P


  • Várhegyi J, Várhegyi I. (1999): A holstein-friz tehén kondícióbírálata. ÁTK Herceghalom. 11. Reynolds C K, Beever DE (1995): Energy requirements and responses: a UK perspective. Pages 31–41 in Breeding and Feed-ing the High Genetic Merit Dairy Cow. T.L.J. Lawrence, F. J. Gordon, and A. Carson, eds. Br Soc Anim Sci Occasional Publ, No. 19.
  • Tóth T, Schmidt J (2004) Effect of different chemical treatments on ruminal starch degradability of corn and wheat. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis, 46. 2. 177-185.
  • Flachowsky G, Lebzien P (1997) Improvement of glucose supply for high performing cows. Proc, 6th Int Symp Anim Nutr, Kaposvár, Hungary, 64-87.
  • Schmidt J, Tóth T, Fábián J (2006) Rumen fermentation and starch degradation by holstein steers fed sodium-hydroxide- or formaldehyde-treated wheat. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 54: (2) 201-212.
  • Ducker MJ, Haggett RA, Fisher WJ, Morant SV, Bloomfield GA (1985) Nutrition and reproductive performance in dairy cattle. 1. The effect of level of feeding in late pregnancy and around the time of insemination on the reproductive performance of first lactation dairy heifers. Anim Prod, 41, 1.
  • Grainger C, Wilhelms GD, McGgowan AA (1982) Effect of body condition at calving and level of feeding in early lactation on milk production of dairy cows. Aust J Exp Agric Anim Husb, 22: 9.
  • Domecq JJ, Skidmore AL, Lloyd JW, Kaneene JB (1997) Relationship between body condition scores and milk yield in a large dairy herd of high yielding Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci, 80: 101-112.
  • Gillaund P, Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Karlberg K (2001) Body condition related to ketosis and reproductive performance in Norwegian dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 84: 1390.
  • Szűcs E, Püski J, Tran Anh Tuan, Gáspárdy A, Völgyi-Csik J (2005) Effect of Body Condition on dairy and reproductive performance in Holstein-Friesian cows. 56th Annual Meeting of European Association for Animal Production Uppsala, Sweden, 5th-8th June, 2005. Session C6.3
  • Wildman EE, Jones GM, Wagner PE, Boman RL, Troutt HF, Lesch TN (1982) A dairy cow body condition scoring system and its relationship to selected production characteristics. J Dairy Sci, 65. 495–501.
  • Veerkamp RF, Brotherstone S (1997) Genetic correlations between linear type traits, food intake, live weight and condition score in Holstein Frisian dairy cattle. Anim Sci, 64:385-392.
  • Dechow CD, Rogers GW, Clay JS. (2001) Heritabilities and correlations among body condition scores, production traits, and reproductive performance J Dairy Sci, 84: 266-275.
  • Snijders SEM, Dillon P, O’Callaghan D, Boland MP (2000) Effect of genetic merit, milk yield, body condition and lactation number on in vitro oocyte development in dairy cows. Theriogenology 53, 981-989 p.
  • Brydl E, Könyves L, Jurkovich V, Mrs. Tegzes L,Tirián A. (2007) Subclinical metabolic disorders in peripartal dairy cows in Hungary in 2005. ISAH-2007, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Szűcs E, Mika J, Nagy Z, Tran Anh Tuan, Györkös I, Kovács A (2001) Meteorológiai tényezők szerepe a holstein-fríz tehenek tejtermelésben. 1. közlemény: A napi időjárás-változás hatásai. Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 50. köt. 3. sz. 215-228. p.
  • Szűcs E, Mika J, Nagy Z, Tran Anh Tuan, Györkös I, Kovács A (2001) Meteorológiai tényezők szerepe a holstein-fríz tehenek tejtermelésben. 2. közlemény: A napi időjárási elemek hatása a tejtermelés színvonalára. Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 50. köt. 4. sz. 333- 339. p.
  • Szűcs E, Mika J, Nagy Z, Tran Anh Tuan, Györkös I, Kovács A (2001) Meteorológiai tényezők szerepe a holstein-fríz tehenek tejtermelésben. 3. közlemény: A napi időjárási elemek kétszeres kölcsönhatásai. Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 2001. évf. 50. köt. 6. sz. 521- 529. p.
  • Carlem AK. (2005) The energy metabolism in dairy cattle at parturition, under field conditions. Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science Budapest, Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd Health and Veterinary Ethology. Diplomathesis, page 8 and 7. Hungary.
  • Brydl E, Gönye S, Sályi G. (1987) A nagyüzemi szarvasmarha-állományok átfogó, komplex takarmányozási és állategészségügyi értékelési rendszere, MÉM Értesítő, 1987. 15. 584. p.
  • Brydl E. (editor), (2003) A szarvasmarhatartás higiéniája és állomány-egészségtana. In: Rafai Pál, Brydl Endre, Nagy Gyula 2003. A sertés-, a szarvasmarha és házityşktartás higiéniája és állomány-egészségtana. 264-267. oldal. Agroinform Kiadó, Budapest.
  • Ferguson JD, Galligan DT, Thomsen N (1994) Principal descriptors of body condition score in holstein cows. J Dairy Sci, 77: 2695- 2703.
  • GrØneng J (2002) Occurence of Metabolic Disorders in Dairy Cattle Under Field Conditions. Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science, Budapest, Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd Health and Veterinary Ethology. Diplomathesis, Pages 10 and 16. Hungary.
  • Veerkamp RF. (1998): Selection for economic efficiency of dairy cattle using information on live weight and feed intake: A review. J Dairy Sci, 81: 1109-1119.
  • Schmidt J (Editor) (2003) A takarmányozás alapjai. Mezőgazda Kiadó, Budapest. 214-215.
  • Targowski SP, Klucinski W, Jaworck D. (1983-4) Effect of Ammonia on Viability and Balstogenesis of Bovine Lymphocytes. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 5:297.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Zoltan Gergácz Bu kişi benim

Endre Szűcs Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gergácz, Z., & Szűcs, E. (2009). The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 2(2), 1-7.
AMA Gergácz Z, Szűcs E. The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows. kvj. Haziran 2009;2(2):1-7.
Chicago Gergácz, Zoltan, ve Endre Szűcs. “The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 2, sy. 2 (Haziran 2009): 1-7.
EndNote Gergácz Z, Szűcs E (01 Haziran 2009) The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 2 2 1–7.
IEEE Z. Gergácz ve E. Szűcs, “The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows”, kvj, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 1–7, 2009.
ISNAD Gergácz, Zoltan - Szűcs, Endre. “The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 2/2 (Haziran 2009), 1-7.
JAMA Gergácz Z, Szűcs E. The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows. kvj. 2009;2:1–7.
MLA Gergácz, Zoltan ve Endre Szűcs. “The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, c. 2, sy. 2, 2009, ss. 1-7.
Vancouver Gergácz Z, Szűcs E. The Relationship Between Body Condition Scoring and Metabolic Profile in the High Yielding Dairy Cows. kvj. 2009;2(2):1-7.

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