The occupation of veterinary was empirically applied up to eighteenth century. In the world, in the scientific meaning, the proficiency of veterinary started with the opening of the veterinarian school in Lyon, France in 1762. In Turkey, the occupation of modern veterinary began with the opening of first veterinarian school for education in military form in İstanbul in 1842. The purpose of this study is to reveal the historical development of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, YüzüncüYıl University (YYU)from the establishment day up to now. Several archives were searched in order to obtain the data regarding the topic.The data obtained was evaluated in classical history methodology.The Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine, YYU is the sixth veterinarian faculty of Turkey was opened in Van in 1982. The Faculty gives services in several buildings until 1992 has been giving education in its own buildings within the campus since this date. The clinic departments of the faculty are in animal hospital within the campus. The faculty starts training with 37 students continues education with 888 students by the end of 2013. As the result of the study, it was determined that The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, YüzüncüYıl Universitymade contributions to the animal husbandry through the activities carried out in the training of veterinarians, scientific research studies and treatment of animal diseases.