Tiroid Fonksiyon Bozukluklarında Fonksiyonel Besinlerin Etkinliği
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 331 - 336, 01.12.2017
Gülcan Avcı
Süleyman Muammer Erdoğan
Günümüzde tiroid bezi hormonlarının sentez ve salınımındaki anormalliklere bağlı olarak gelişen direk ya da indirek hastalıklar insan ve hayvanların yaşam kalitesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu derlemede fonksiyonel besinler içinde yer alan tıbbi bitki türlerinin tiroid bezi metabolizması ve hormonlarına olan etkileri ile bezin çeşitli hastalıklarında koruyucu ya da iyileştirici olarak bitkilerin kullanılmasına ilişkin güncel çalışmalara yer verilmiştir.
- Altay M, Ateş İ, Kaplan Efe F, Karadağ İ. Does
use of anethum graveolens affected thyroid
hormone levels and thyroid nodules.
American Journal of Therapeutics. 2006;
(0): 1-2.
- Andallu B, Radhika B. Hypoglycemic, diuretic
and hypocholesterolemic effect of winter
cherry (Withania somnifera) root. Indian J
Exp Biol. 2000; (38): 607-609.
- Ayaz E, Alpsoy HC. Sarımsak (Allium sativum)
ve geleneksel tedavide kullanımı. Türkiye
Parazitoloji Dergisi. 2007; 31(2): 145-149.
- Barrett KE, Boitano S, Barman SM, Brooks
HL. The Thyroid Gland In: Ganong’s
Review of Medical Physiology. Ed;
Ganong WF., 23rd Ed., Section IV
Endocrine & Reproductive Physiology,
Chapter 20, The McGraw-Hill Companies,
Inc.,USA, 2010; pp. 290-315.
- Block G, Patterson B, Subar A. Fruit, vegetables,
and cancer prevention: A review of the
epidemiological evidence. Nutr. Cancer.
1992; 18: 1-29.
- Dudnic N. The prospect of using an extract of
Juglans regia in the prevention of iodine
deficiency diseases. PhD thesis, Moldova
State University, 2009.
- Farzaei MH, Abbasabadi Z, Ardekani MR,
Rahimi R, Farzaei F. Parsley: a review of
ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and
biological activities. J Tradit Chin
Med. 2013;33(6):815-26. Review.
- Jatwa R, Kar A. Amelioration of
metformininduced hypothyroidism by
Withania somnifera and Bauhinia purpurea
extracts in Type 2 diabetic mice.
Phytotherapy Research. 2009; 23(8): 1140-
- Hasler CM. Functional Foods: Benefits, Concerns
and Challenges-A Position Paper from the
American Council on Science and Health.
The Journal of Nutrition. 2002; 132: 3772-
- Kooti W, Ahangarpoor A, Ghasemiboroon M,
Sadeghnezhadi S, Abbasi Z, Shanaki Z,
Hasanzadeh-Noohi Z, Asadi-Samani
M. Effect of apium graveolens leaf extract
on serum level of thyroid hormones in male rat. Journal of Babol University of
Medical Sciences. 2014; 16(11): 44-50.
- Kumar Verma S, Kumar A. Therapeutic uses of
Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) with a note
on withanolides and its pharmacological
actions. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Clinical Research. 2011; 4: 1-4.
- Lange D. 2004. Medicinal and aromatic plants:
trade, production, and management of
botanical resources. Acta Horticulturae.
2004; 629: 177-197.
- Marshall ME, Mohler JL, Edmonds K,
Williams B. An updated review of the
clinical development of coumarin (1,2-
benzopyrone) and 7-hydroxy coumarin. J.
Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 1994; 120: 39-42.
- Öztürk Y, Aydin S, Arslan R, Baser KHC,
Kurtar-Öztürk N. Thyroid hormone
enhancing activity of the fruits of Juglans
regia L. in mice. Phytotherapy Research.
1994; 8(5): 308-310.
- Panda S, Kar A. Changes in Thyroid Hormone
Concentrations after Administration of
Ashwagandha Root Extract to Adult Male
Mice. Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology. 1998; 50(9): 1065-1068.
- Panda S, Kar A. Withania somnifera and Bauhinia
purpurea in the regulation of circulating
thyroid hormone concentrations in female
mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
1999a; 67(2): 233-239.
- Panda S, Kar A. Gugulu (Commiphora mukul)
induces triiodothyronine production:
Possible involvement of lipid peroxidation.
Life Sciences. 1999b; 65(12): 137-141.
- Panda S, Kar A. Guggulu ( Commiphora mukul )
potentially ameliorates hypothyroidism in
female mice. Phytotherapy Research. 2005;
19(1): 78-80.
- Panda S, Kar A. Amelioration of L-thyroxineinduced
hyperthyroidism by coumarin
(1,2-benzopyrone) in female rats. Clin Exp
Pharmacol Physiol. 2007a; 34(11): 1217-
- Panda S, Kar A. Apigenin (4’,5,7-
trihydroxyflavone) regulates
hyperglycaemia, thyroid dysfunction and
lipid peroxidation in alloxan-induced
diabetic mice. Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology. 2007b; 59(11): 1543-1548.
- Panda S, Kar, A. Annona squamosa seed extract
in the regulation of hyperthyroidism and
lipid-peroxidation in mice: Possible
involvement of quercetin. Phytomedicine.
2007c; 14(12): 799–805.
- Panda S. The effect of anethum graveolens l. (dill)
on corticosteroid induced diabetes
mellitus: involvement of thyroid
hormones. Phytotherapy Research. 2008;
22: 1695-1697.
- Panth N, Paudel KR, Karki R. Phytochemical
profile and biological activity of Juglans
regia. J İntegr Med. 2016; 14(5): 359–373.
- Pereira JA, Oliveira İ, Sousa A, Valentão
P, Andrade PB, Ferreira İC, Ferreres
F, Bento A, Seabra R, Estevinho L.
Walnut (Juglans regia L.) leaves: phenolic
compounds, antibacterial activity and
antioxidant potential of different cultivars.
Food Chem Toxicol. 2007; (45): 2287-95.
- Rouhi-Boroujeni H, Hosseini M, Gharipour M,
Rouhi-Boroujeni H. Is herbal therapy safe
in obesity? A case of Apium graveolens (Celery)
induced hyperthyroidism. ARYA
Atheroscler 2016; 12(5):248-249.
- Taha N, Al-Wadaan M. Utility and importance of
walnut, Juglans regia Linn: A review. African
Journal of Microbiology Research. 2011;
5(32): 5796-5805.
- Tahiliani P, Kar A. Mitigation of thyroxine
induced hyperglycaemia by two plant
extracts. Phytotherapy Research. 2003a;
17(3): 294-296.
- Tahiliani P, Kar A. The combined effects of
Trigonella and Allium extracts in the
regulation of hyperthyroidism in rats.
Phytomedicine. 2003b; 10(8): 665-668.
- Tripathi YB, Malhotra OP, Tripathi SN.
Thyroid stimulating action of Zguggulsterone
obtained from commiphora
mukul. Planta Med. 1984; 50(1): 78-80.
Efficacy of Functional Foods in Thyroid Dysfunction
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 331 - 336, 01.12.2017
Gülcan Avcı
Süleyman Muammer Erdoğan
Direct or indirect diseases that are caused by abnormalities in the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones play an important role in the quality of life of humans and animals nowadays. In this review, the current works on the use of plants as protective or healing in various diseases of the gland, and the effects of medicinal plant species in which functional foods category on the thyroid gland metabolism and hormones in the traditional way are given.
- Altay M, Ateş İ, Kaplan Efe F, Karadağ İ. Does
use of anethum graveolens affected thyroid
hormone levels and thyroid nodules.
American Journal of Therapeutics. 2006;
(0): 1-2.
- Andallu B, Radhika B. Hypoglycemic, diuretic
and hypocholesterolemic effect of winter
cherry (Withania somnifera) root. Indian J
Exp Biol. 2000; (38): 607-609.
- Ayaz E, Alpsoy HC. Sarımsak (Allium sativum)
ve geleneksel tedavide kullanımı. Türkiye
Parazitoloji Dergisi. 2007; 31(2): 145-149.
- Barrett KE, Boitano S, Barman SM, Brooks
HL. The Thyroid Gland In: Ganong’s
Review of Medical Physiology. Ed;
Ganong WF., 23rd Ed., Section IV
Endocrine & Reproductive Physiology,
Chapter 20, The McGraw-Hill Companies,
Inc.,USA, 2010; pp. 290-315.
- Block G, Patterson B, Subar A. Fruit, vegetables,
and cancer prevention: A review of the
epidemiological evidence. Nutr. Cancer.
1992; 18: 1-29.
- Dudnic N. The prospect of using an extract of
Juglans regia in the prevention of iodine
deficiency diseases. PhD thesis, Moldova
State University, 2009.
- Farzaei MH, Abbasabadi Z, Ardekani MR,
Rahimi R, Farzaei F. Parsley: a review of
ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and
biological activities. J Tradit Chin
Med. 2013;33(6):815-26. Review.
- Jatwa R, Kar A. Amelioration of
metformininduced hypothyroidism by
Withania somnifera and Bauhinia purpurea
extracts in Type 2 diabetic mice.
Phytotherapy Research. 2009; 23(8): 1140-
- Hasler CM. Functional Foods: Benefits, Concerns
and Challenges-A Position Paper from the
American Council on Science and Health.
The Journal of Nutrition. 2002; 132: 3772-
- Kooti W, Ahangarpoor A, Ghasemiboroon M,
Sadeghnezhadi S, Abbasi Z, Shanaki Z,
Hasanzadeh-Noohi Z, Asadi-Samani
M. Effect of apium graveolens leaf extract
on serum level of thyroid hormones in male rat. Journal of Babol University of
Medical Sciences. 2014; 16(11): 44-50.
- Kumar Verma S, Kumar A. Therapeutic uses of
Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) with a note
on withanolides and its pharmacological
actions. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Clinical Research. 2011; 4: 1-4.
- Lange D. 2004. Medicinal and aromatic plants:
trade, production, and management of
botanical resources. Acta Horticulturae.
2004; 629: 177-197.
- Marshall ME, Mohler JL, Edmonds K,
Williams B. An updated review of the
clinical development of coumarin (1,2-
benzopyrone) and 7-hydroxy coumarin. J.
Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 1994; 120: 39-42.
- Öztürk Y, Aydin S, Arslan R, Baser KHC,
Kurtar-Öztürk N. Thyroid hormone
enhancing activity of the fruits of Juglans
regia L. in mice. Phytotherapy Research.
1994; 8(5): 308-310.
- Panda S, Kar A. Changes in Thyroid Hormone
Concentrations after Administration of
Ashwagandha Root Extract to Adult Male
Mice. Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology. 1998; 50(9): 1065-1068.
- Panda S, Kar A. Withania somnifera and Bauhinia
purpurea in the regulation of circulating
thyroid hormone concentrations in female
mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
1999a; 67(2): 233-239.
- Panda S, Kar A. Gugulu (Commiphora mukul)
induces triiodothyronine production:
Possible involvement of lipid peroxidation.
Life Sciences. 1999b; 65(12): 137-141.
- Panda S, Kar A. Guggulu ( Commiphora mukul )
potentially ameliorates hypothyroidism in
female mice. Phytotherapy Research. 2005;
19(1): 78-80.
- Panda S, Kar A. Amelioration of L-thyroxineinduced
hyperthyroidism by coumarin
(1,2-benzopyrone) in female rats. Clin Exp
Pharmacol Physiol. 2007a; 34(11): 1217-
- Panda S, Kar A. Apigenin (4’,5,7-
trihydroxyflavone) regulates
hyperglycaemia, thyroid dysfunction and
lipid peroxidation in alloxan-induced
diabetic mice. Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology. 2007b; 59(11): 1543-1548.
- Panda S, Kar, A. Annona squamosa seed extract
in the regulation of hyperthyroidism and
lipid-peroxidation in mice: Possible
involvement of quercetin. Phytomedicine.
2007c; 14(12): 799–805.
- Panda S. The effect of anethum graveolens l. (dill)
on corticosteroid induced diabetes
mellitus: involvement of thyroid
hormones. Phytotherapy Research. 2008;
22: 1695-1697.
- Panth N, Paudel KR, Karki R. Phytochemical
profile and biological activity of Juglans
regia. J İntegr Med. 2016; 14(5): 359–373.
- Pereira JA, Oliveira İ, Sousa A, Valentão
P, Andrade PB, Ferreira İC, Ferreres
F, Bento A, Seabra R, Estevinho L.
Walnut (Juglans regia L.) leaves: phenolic
compounds, antibacterial activity and
antioxidant potential of different cultivars.
Food Chem Toxicol. 2007; (45): 2287-95.
- Rouhi-Boroujeni H, Hosseini M, Gharipour M,
Rouhi-Boroujeni H. Is herbal therapy safe
in obesity? A case of Apium graveolens (Celery)
induced hyperthyroidism. ARYA
Atheroscler 2016; 12(5):248-249.
- Taha N, Al-Wadaan M. Utility and importance of
walnut, Juglans regia Linn: A review. African
Journal of Microbiology Research. 2011;
5(32): 5796-5805.
- Tahiliani P, Kar A. Mitigation of thyroxine
induced hyperglycaemia by two plant
extracts. Phytotherapy Research. 2003a;
17(3): 294-296.
- Tahiliani P, Kar A. The combined effects of
Trigonella and Allium extracts in the
regulation of hyperthyroidism in rats.
Phytomedicine. 2003b; 10(8): 665-668.
- Tripathi YB, Malhotra OP, Tripathi SN.
Thyroid stimulating action of Zguggulsterone
obtained from commiphora
mukul. Planta Med. 1984; 50(1): 78-80.