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Aphrodisias’ta Güncel Çalışmalar

Yıl 2022, , 25 - 63, 29.12.2022


Aphrodisias, antik Karia bölgesinin iç kesimlerinde, günümüz Aydın ili, Karacasu ilçesi, Geyre Mahallesi’nde yer alır. Kent, Antik Çağ’da heykeltıraşlık eserleri ve yerel Aphrodite kültü ile ün salmıştır. Kentin Roma dönemi ve Geç Antik Çağ’a ait anıt ve eserleri olağanüstü derecede iyi korunmuş durumdadır ve Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi başlarından Geyre Köyü’nün antik kent dışına taşındığı 1970’lere kadar alanda aralıksız devam eden yaşam arkeolojik olarak çok iyi takip edilebilmektedir. Aphrodisias antik kenti, 2017 yılında UNESCO Dünya Mirası Listesi’ne kaydedilmiştir. Bunun ana sebebi, kentin iyi korunmuş olmasının yanı sıra antik heykeltıraşlık işlemlerinin ve onurlandırma kültürünün alanda çok iyi belgelenebiliyor olmasıdır. Günümüzde New York ve Oxford Üniversiteleri’nin iş birliğiyle sürdürülen kazı çalışmalarında altı ana araştırma konusuna odaklanılmaktadır: 1) Tetrapylon Caddesi 2) Bazilika ve Diocletianus Fiyat Fermanı 3) Palmiye Parkı (Güney Agora) ve Havuz 4) Sebasteion Tapınak 5) Kybele Evi 6) Müze Avlusu Sergi Salonu. Araştırma projesinin ana amaçları kentin tüm tarihsel süreçlerini anlamak ve yayınlamak; ortaya çıkarılmış olan yapı ve eserleri tüm süreçleriyle araştırıp kontekstleriyle birlikte yayınlamak, koruma, bakım ve onarımlarını yapmak ve bunun sürekliliğini sağlamak; eserlerin ve anıtların ziyaretçiye ulaşılabilir ve anlaşılır hale gelmesini sağlamaktır. Bu makale son 8 yılın kazı sonuç raporlarının bir özeti ve derlemesidir.

Destekleyen Kurum

New York Üniversitesi, Oxford Üniversitesi, Geyre Vakfı


T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı'na vermiş olduğu izinler için teşekkür ederiz.


  • Akın 1968 H. Akın, Aydınoğulları Tarihi Hakkında Bir Araştırma, Ankara, 1968.
  • ALA C.Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions, revised second edition, 2004.
  • Berenfeld 2019 M. Berenfeld, Aphrodisias XI: The Triconch House, Weisbaden 2019.
  • Boulanger 1914 A. Boulanger, “Note sur les fouilles exécutées à Aphrodisias en 1913”, Comptes Rendus de L’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 15, 1914, 46-53.
  • Brody 2007 L. Brody, Aphrodisias III: The Aphrodite of Aphrodisias. Mainz am Rhein, 2007.
  • Chaniotis 2008 A. Chaniotis, “The Conversion of the Temple of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias in Context”, From Temple to Church Destruction and Renewal of Local Cultic Topography in Late Antiquity, Ed. J. Hahn – S. Emmel – U. Gotter, Leiden, Boston, 2008, 243-274.
  • Chaniotis 2009 A. Chaniotis, “Myths and Contexts in Aphrodisias”, Ed. U. Dill – C. Walde, Antike Mythen: Medien, Transformationen und Konstruktionen, Berlin, 2009, 313-338.
  • Chaniotis 2016 A. Chaniotis, “Memory, Commemoration and Identity in an Ancient City: The Case of Aphrodisias” Daedalus, Vol. 145, No. 2, 2016, 88-100.
  • Collignon 1904 M. Collignon, “Note sur les fouilles exécutées à Aphrodisias par M. Paul Gaudin”, Comptes Rendus de L’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 2.2, 1904, 703-711.
  • Coulton (baskıda) J.J. Coulton, The Temple of Aphrodite and the Church of St Michael (baskıda)
  • Crawford (baskıda) M. Crawford, Aphrodisias XIII: Diocletian’s Price Edict (baskıda)
  • De Chaisemartin – Theodorescu 2017 N. De Chaisemartin – D. Theodorescu, Aphrodisias VIII: Le Theatre d’Aphrodisias: les structures sceniques. Wiesbaden, 2017.
  • De la Genière 1987 J. De la Genière, “Premières recherches sur Aphrodisias préromaine”, Ed. J. de la Genière – K. T. Erim, Aphrodisias de Carie, Colloque de l'Université de Lille III, 13 November 1985, Paris, 1987, 53-63.
  • De Staebler 2007 P.D. De Staebler, The city wall of Aphrodisias and civic identity in Late Antique Asia Minor, doktora tezi, New York University, 2007.
  • De Staebler 2008 P.D. De Staebler, “The City Wall and the Making of a Late Antique Provincial Capital”, Ed. C. Ratté – R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias Papers 4: New Research on the City and its Monuments (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 70) Portsmouth, RI, 2008, 284-318.
  • Doğan-Gürbüzer 2020 E. Doğan-Gürbüzer, “Terracotta Figurines from the Temple of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias”, OLBA XXVIII, Mersin, 2020, 69-99.
  • Eren 2015 K. Eren, “La sculpture archaïque d’Aphrodisias”, La sculpture gréco-romaine en Asie Mineure. Synthèse et recherches récentes. Colloque international de Besançon, 9 et 10 octobre 2014, Besançon: Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité, 2015, 123-136.
  • Hebert 2000 L. Hebert, The Temple-Church at Aphrodisias, doktora tezi, New York University, 2000.
  • IAph2007 J. Reynolds, C. Roueché, G. Bodard, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, 2007.
  • Jacopi 1940 G. Jacopi, “Gli scavi delle Missione Archaeologica Italiana ad Afrodisiade nel 1937”, Monumenti Antichi 38, 1940, cols. 722-732.
  • Jeffery 2022 H. Jeffery, Aphrodisias XII: Middle Byzantine Aphrodisias: The Episcopal Village, AD 700-1250, Wiesbaden, 2022.
  • Joukowsky 1986a M. S. Joukowsky, Prehistoric Aphrodisias, Vol. 1: An Account of the Excavations & Artifact Studies, Louvain, 1986.
  • Joukowsky 1986b M. S. Joukowsky (ed.), Prehistoric Aphrodisias, Vol. 2: An Account of the Excavations & Artifact Studies, Providence, 1986.
  • Kayan v.d. 2019 İ. Kayan – E. Öner – M. Doğan – R. İlhan, “Afrodisias Sulak Alanında paleocoğrafya araştırmaları ve jeoarkeolojik değerlendirmeler” Ege Üniversitesi, Ege Coğrafya Dergisi 28 (1), İzmir, 69-95.
  • Linant de Bellefonds 2009 P. Linant de Bellefonds, Aphrodisias IV: The Mythological Reliefs from the Agora Gate, Mainz am Rhein, 2009.
  • Mendel 1906 G. Mendel, “Seconde note sur les fouilles exécutées à Aphrodisias par M. Paul Gaudin. Campagne de 1905”, Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 50e année, N. 2, 1906. 158-184.
  • Nesbitt 1983 J. Nesbitt, “Byzantine Lead Seals from Aphrodisias”, Dumbarton Oak Papers, Vol. 37, 1983, 159-164.
  • Ogus 2018 E. Ogus, Aphrodisias IX: Columnar Sarcophagi from Aphrodisias. Wiesbaden, 2018.
  • Öğüş 2014 E. Öğüş, “The Rise and Fall of Sarcophagus Production at Aphrodisias”, Phoenix, Vol. 68. No. 1/2, 137-156.
  • Öztaşkın, 2017 M. Öztaşkın, “Byzantine and Turkish Glazed Pottery Finds from Aphrodisias”, Glazed Pottery Of The Mediterranean And The Black Sea Region, 10th –18th Centuries, Vol. 2, Ed. S. Bocharov, V. François, A. Sitdikov, Kazan – Kishinev, 2017, 165-188.
  • Paul 1996 G. Paul, “Die Anastylose des Tetrapylons”, Aphrodisias Papers 3: The Setting and Quarries, Mythological and Other Sculptural Decoration, Architectural Development, Portico of Tiberius, and Tetrapylon, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 20, Ed. C. Roueché – R.R.R. Smith, Ann Arbor MI, 1996, 201-214.
  • Ratté 2001 C. Ratté, “New Research on the Urban Development of Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity”, Ed. D. Parrish, Urbanism in Western Asia Minor: New Studies on Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Hierapolis, Pergamon, Perge and Xanthos, Portsmouth 2001, 116–147.
  • Ratté – De Staebler 2012 C. Ratté – P. D. De Staebler, Aphrodisias V: The Aphrodisias Regional Survey, Darmstadt, Mainz am Rhein, 2012.
  • Robinson 2016 M. Robinson, “The Environmental Archaeology of the Pool”, Aphrodisias Papers 5: Excavation and Research at Aphrodisias, 2006-2012, R.R.R. Smith, J. Lenaghan, A. Sokolicek, K. Welch, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 103, Portsmouth, 2016, 91-99.
  • Roueché 1989 C. Roueché. Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity. The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias, London, 1989.
  • Roueché – Reynolds 1989 Roueché, C., Reynolds, J.M., Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: the Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias conducted by Kenan T. Erim, Journal of Roman Studies Monographs No. 5, London, 1989.
  • Roueché 2007 Roueché, C., “From Aphrodisias to Stauropolis”, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 50, Ed. J. Drinkwater, R.S. Salway, London, 2007, 183-192.
  • Shaw 1976 S. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey 1. Empire of the Gazis: the Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280—1808. Cambridge, 1976.
  • Smith 1993 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias I: The Monument of C. Julius Zoilos, Mainz am Rhein, 1993.
  • Smith v.d. 2006 R.R.R. Smith – S. Dillon – C. Hallett – J. Lenaghan – J. van Voorhis, Aphrodisias II: Roman Portrait Sculpture from Aphrodisias, Mainz am Rhein, 2006.
  • Smith 2008 R.R.R. Smith, “Sarcophagi and Roman Citizenship, Ed. C. Ratté – R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias Papers 4: New Research in the City and Its Monuments. JRA Suppl. 70. Portsmouth, RI, 2008, 347–395.
  • Smith 2013 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias VI: The marble reliefs from the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion at Aphrodisias. Darmstadt 2013.
  • Smith – Öğüş 2014 R.R.R. Smith – E. Öğüş, Aphrodisias 2014: 2014 Kazı Sezonu Raporu, 2014.
  • Smith – Öğüş 2015 R.R.R. Smith – E. Öğüş, Aphrodisias 2015, 2015.
  • Smith – Öğüş 2016 R.R.R. Smith – E. Öğüş, Aphrodisias 2016, Sonuç Raporu, 2016.
  • Smith 2017 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias 2017, Sonuç Raporu, 2017.
  • Smith 2018 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias 2018, Sonuç Raporu, 2018.
  • Smith 2019 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias 2019, Sonuç Raporu, 2019.
  • Smith v.d. 2021 R.R.R. Smith – I. Jacobs – S. Somersan, Aphrodisias 2021, Sonuç Raporu, 2021.
  • Stinson 2008 P. Stinson, “The Civil Basilica: urban context, design, and significance”, Ed. C. Ratté – R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias Papers 4: New Research on the City and its Monuments (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 70) Portsmouth, RI, 2008, 79-106.
  • Stinson 2016 P. Stinson, Aphrodisias VII: The Civil Basilica, Wiesbaden, 2016.
  • Van Voorhis 2018 J. Van Voorhis, Aphrodisias X: The Sculptor’s Workshop. Wiesbaden, 2018.
  • Vryonis 1971 S. Vryonis, The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Century, Berkeley, 1971.
  • Welch 1998 K. Welch, “The Stadium at Aphrodisias”, American Journal of Archaeology 102, 1998, 547-569.
  • Wilson 2016 A.I. Wilson, ‘Water, Nymphs, and a Palm Grove: Monumental Water Display at Aphrodisias’, Aphrodisias Papers 5: Excavation and Research at Aphrodisias, 2006-2012, R.R.R. Smith, J. Lenaghan, A. Sokolicek, K. Welch, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 103, Portsmouth, 2016, 100-135.
  • Wilson v.d. 2016 A.I. Wilson, B. Russell, A. Ward, “Excavations in an Urban Park (“South Agora”), 2012”, Aphrodisias Papers 5: Excavation and Research at Aphrodisias, 2006-2012, Ed. R.R.R. Smith, J. Lenaghan, A. Sokolicek, K. Welch, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 103, Portsmouth, 2016, 77-90.
  • Wilson 2019a A.I. Wilson, “Earthquakes at Aphrodisias”, Ed. C. Draycott – R. Raja – K. Welch – W.T. Wootton, Visual Histories of the Classical World: Essays in Honour of R.R.R. Smith (Studies in Classical Archaeology 4). Turnhout, 2019, 469-488.
  • Wilson 2019b A. Wilson, “Aphrodisias in the long sixth century”, Ed. I. Jacobs – H. Elton, Asia Minor in the Long Sixth Century, Oxford, Philadelphia, 2019, 197-222.
  • Wilson – Russell (baskıda) A.I. Wilson – B. Russell, Aphrodisias XIV, The Place of Palms: An Urban Park at Aphrodisias (baskıda)
  • Yildirim 2001 B. Yildirim, The reliefs from the Roman civil basilica at Aphrodisias in Caria, doktora tezi, New York University, 2001.
  • Yildirim 2004 B. Yildirim, “Identities and empire: Local mythology and the self-representation of Aphrodisias”. Paideia: The World of the Second Sophistic, Ed. B.E. Borg, Berlin - New York, 23-52.

Recent Work at Aphrodisias

Yıl 2022, , 25 - 63, 29.12.2022


Aphrodisias is located in ancient Caria, in the modern province of Aydın, in Geyre, Karacasu. The city was famed for its sculpture workshop and its local cult of Aphrodite. The Roman and Late Antique monuments and statues are remarkably well-preserved and the various settlement phases from the Roman Imperial period until the 1970s, when the village of Geyre was moved, can be followed in an unusually detailed manner. Aphrodisias was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2017. The main criteria for its inscription, besides its well-preserved monuments, was the essential and complete information that the city provides on ancient marble carving processes and the honouring culture. Current research, led by New York University and the University of Oxford, focuses on 6 main projects: 1) Tetrapylon Street, 2) Civil Basilica and Diocletian’s Price Edict, 3) Urban Park (South Agora) and Pool, 4) Sebasteion Temple, 5) House of Cybele, and 6) Museum Courtyard. The goal of the research project is to understand and publish all the settlement phases of the settlement, to study and publish within their contexts all the monuments and significant finds, to conserve and maintain them, and ultimately to make them accessible and understandable to the visitor. This article summarises the excavation reports of the past eight years.


  • Akın 1968 H. Akın, Aydınoğulları Tarihi Hakkında Bir Araştırma, Ankara, 1968.
  • ALA C.Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions, revised second edition, 2004.
  • Berenfeld 2019 M. Berenfeld, Aphrodisias XI: The Triconch House, Weisbaden 2019.
  • Boulanger 1914 A. Boulanger, “Note sur les fouilles exécutées à Aphrodisias en 1913”, Comptes Rendus de L’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 15, 1914, 46-53.
  • Brody 2007 L. Brody, Aphrodisias III: The Aphrodite of Aphrodisias. Mainz am Rhein, 2007.
  • Chaniotis 2008 A. Chaniotis, “The Conversion of the Temple of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias in Context”, From Temple to Church Destruction and Renewal of Local Cultic Topography in Late Antiquity, Ed. J. Hahn – S. Emmel – U. Gotter, Leiden, Boston, 2008, 243-274.
  • Chaniotis 2009 A. Chaniotis, “Myths and Contexts in Aphrodisias”, Ed. U. Dill – C. Walde, Antike Mythen: Medien, Transformationen und Konstruktionen, Berlin, 2009, 313-338.
  • Chaniotis 2016 A. Chaniotis, “Memory, Commemoration and Identity in an Ancient City: The Case of Aphrodisias” Daedalus, Vol. 145, No. 2, 2016, 88-100.
  • Collignon 1904 M. Collignon, “Note sur les fouilles exécutées à Aphrodisias par M. Paul Gaudin”, Comptes Rendus de L’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 2.2, 1904, 703-711.
  • Coulton (baskıda) J.J. Coulton, The Temple of Aphrodite and the Church of St Michael (baskıda)
  • Crawford (baskıda) M. Crawford, Aphrodisias XIII: Diocletian’s Price Edict (baskıda)
  • De Chaisemartin – Theodorescu 2017 N. De Chaisemartin – D. Theodorescu, Aphrodisias VIII: Le Theatre d’Aphrodisias: les structures sceniques. Wiesbaden, 2017.
  • De la Genière 1987 J. De la Genière, “Premières recherches sur Aphrodisias préromaine”, Ed. J. de la Genière – K. T. Erim, Aphrodisias de Carie, Colloque de l'Université de Lille III, 13 November 1985, Paris, 1987, 53-63.
  • De Staebler 2007 P.D. De Staebler, The city wall of Aphrodisias and civic identity in Late Antique Asia Minor, doktora tezi, New York University, 2007.
  • De Staebler 2008 P.D. De Staebler, “The City Wall and the Making of a Late Antique Provincial Capital”, Ed. C. Ratté – R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias Papers 4: New Research on the City and its Monuments (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 70) Portsmouth, RI, 2008, 284-318.
  • Doğan-Gürbüzer 2020 E. Doğan-Gürbüzer, “Terracotta Figurines from the Temple of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias”, OLBA XXVIII, Mersin, 2020, 69-99.
  • Eren 2015 K. Eren, “La sculpture archaïque d’Aphrodisias”, La sculpture gréco-romaine en Asie Mineure. Synthèse et recherches récentes. Colloque international de Besançon, 9 et 10 octobre 2014, Besançon: Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité, 2015, 123-136.
  • Hebert 2000 L. Hebert, The Temple-Church at Aphrodisias, doktora tezi, New York University, 2000.
  • IAph2007 J. Reynolds, C. Roueché, G. Bodard, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, 2007.
  • Jacopi 1940 G. Jacopi, “Gli scavi delle Missione Archaeologica Italiana ad Afrodisiade nel 1937”, Monumenti Antichi 38, 1940, cols. 722-732.
  • Jeffery 2022 H. Jeffery, Aphrodisias XII: Middle Byzantine Aphrodisias: The Episcopal Village, AD 700-1250, Wiesbaden, 2022.
  • Joukowsky 1986a M. S. Joukowsky, Prehistoric Aphrodisias, Vol. 1: An Account of the Excavations & Artifact Studies, Louvain, 1986.
  • Joukowsky 1986b M. S. Joukowsky (ed.), Prehistoric Aphrodisias, Vol. 2: An Account of the Excavations & Artifact Studies, Providence, 1986.
  • Kayan v.d. 2019 İ. Kayan – E. Öner – M. Doğan – R. İlhan, “Afrodisias Sulak Alanında paleocoğrafya araştırmaları ve jeoarkeolojik değerlendirmeler” Ege Üniversitesi, Ege Coğrafya Dergisi 28 (1), İzmir, 69-95.
  • Linant de Bellefonds 2009 P. Linant de Bellefonds, Aphrodisias IV: The Mythological Reliefs from the Agora Gate, Mainz am Rhein, 2009.
  • Mendel 1906 G. Mendel, “Seconde note sur les fouilles exécutées à Aphrodisias par M. Paul Gaudin. Campagne de 1905”, Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 50e année, N. 2, 1906. 158-184.
  • Nesbitt 1983 J. Nesbitt, “Byzantine Lead Seals from Aphrodisias”, Dumbarton Oak Papers, Vol. 37, 1983, 159-164.
  • Ogus 2018 E. Ogus, Aphrodisias IX: Columnar Sarcophagi from Aphrodisias. Wiesbaden, 2018.
  • Öğüş 2014 E. Öğüş, “The Rise and Fall of Sarcophagus Production at Aphrodisias”, Phoenix, Vol. 68. No. 1/2, 137-156.
  • Öztaşkın, 2017 M. Öztaşkın, “Byzantine and Turkish Glazed Pottery Finds from Aphrodisias”, Glazed Pottery Of The Mediterranean And The Black Sea Region, 10th –18th Centuries, Vol. 2, Ed. S. Bocharov, V. François, A. Sitdikov, Kazan – Kishinev, 2017, 165-188.
  • Paul 1996 G. Paul, “Die Anastylose des Tetrapylons”, Aphrodisias Papers 3: The Setting and Quarries, Mythological and Other Sculptural Decoration, Architectural Development, Portico of Tiberius, and Tetrapylon, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 20, Ed. C. Roueché – R.R.R. Smith, Ann Arbor MI, 1996, 201-214.
  • Ratté 2001 C. Ratté, “New Research on the Urban Development of Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity”, Ed. D. Parrish, Urbanism in Western Asia Minor: New Studies on Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Hierapolis, Pergamon, Perge and Xanthos, Portsmouth 2001, 116–147.
  • Ratté – De Staebler 2012 C. Ratté – P. D. De Staebler, Aphrodisias V: The Aphrodisias Regional Survey, Darmstadt, Mainz am Rhein, 2012.
  • Robinson 2016 M. Robinson, “The Environmental Archaeology of the Pool”, Aphrodisias Papers 5: Excavation and Research at Aphrodisias, 2006-2012, R.R.R. Smith, J. Lenaghan, A. Sokolicek, K. Welch, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 103, Portsmouth, 2016, 91-99.
  • Roueché 1989 C. Roueché. Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity. The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias, London, 1989.
  • Roueché – Reynolds 1989 Roueché, C., Reynolds, J.M., Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: the Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias conducted by Kenan T. Erim, Journal of Roman Studies Monographs No. 5, London, 1989.
  • Roueché 2007 Roueché, C., “From Aphrodisias to Stauropolis”, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 50, Ed. J. Drinkwater, R.S. Salway, London, 2007, 183-192.
  • Shaw 1976 S. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey 1. Empire of the Gazis: the Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280—1808. Cambridge, 1976.
  • Smith 1993 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias I: The Monument of C. Julius Zoilos, Mainz am Rhein, 1993.
  • Smith v.d. 2006 R.R.R. Smith – S. Dillon – C. Hallett – J. Lenaghan – J. van Voorhis, Aphrodisias II: Roman Portrait Sculpture from Aphrodisias, Mainz am Rhein, 2006.
  • Smith 2008 R.R.R. Smith, “Sarcophagi and Roman Citizenship, Ed. C. Ratté – R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias Papers 4: New Research in the City and Its Monuments. JRA Suppl. 70. Portsmouth, RI, 2008, 347–395.
  • Smith 2013 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias VI: The marble reliefs from the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion at Aphrodisias. Darmstadt 2013.
  • Smith – Öğüş 2014 R.R.R. Smith – E. Öğüş, Aphrodisias 2014: 2014 Kazı Sezonu Raporu, 2014.
  • Smith – Öğüş 2015 R.R.R. Smith – E. Öğüş, Aphrodisias 2015, 2015.
  • Smith – Öğüş 2016 R.R.R. Smith – E. Öğüş, Aphrodisias 2016, Sonuç Raporu, 2016.
  • Smith 2017 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias 2017, Sonuç Raporu, 2017.
  • Smith 2018 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias 2018, Sonuç Raporu, 2018.
  • Smith 2019 R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias 2019, Sonuç Raporu, 2019.
  • Smith v.d. 2021 R.R.R. Smith – I. Jacobs – S. Somersan, Aphrodisias 2021, Sonuç Raporu, 2021.
  • Stinson 2008 P. Stinson, “The Civil Basilica: urban context, design, and significance”, Ed. C. Ratté – R.R.R. Smith, Aphrodisias Papers 4: New Research on the City and its Monuments (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 70) Portsmouth, RI, 2008, 79-106.
  • Stinson 2016 P. Stinson, Aphrodisias VII: The Civil Basilica, Wiesbaden, 2016.
  • Van Voorhis 2018 J. Van Voorhis, Aphrodisias X: The Sculptor’s Workshop. Wiesbaden, 2018.
  • Vryonis 1971 S. Vryonis, The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Century, Berkeley, 1971.
  • Welch 1998 K. Welch, “The Stadium at Aphrodisias”, American Journal of Archaeology 102, 1998, 547-569.
  • Wilson 2016 A.I. Wilson, ‘Water, Nymphs, and a Palm Grove: Monumental Water Display at Aphrodisias’, Aphrodisias Papers 5: Excavation and Research at Aphrodisias, 2006-2012, R.R.R. Smith, J. Lenaghan, A. Sokolicek, K. Welch, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 103, Portsmouth, 2016, 100-135.
  • Wilson v.d. 2016 A.I. Wilson, B. Russell, A. Ward, “Excavations in an Urban Park (“South Agora”), 2012”, Aphrodisias Papers 5: Excavation and Research at Aphrodisias, 2006-2012, Ed. R.R.R. Smith, J. Lenaghan, A. Sokolicek, K. Welch, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 103, Portsmouth, 2016, 77-90.
  • Wilson 2019a A.I. Wilson, “Earthquakes at Aphrodisias”, Ed. C. Draycott – R. Raja – K. Welch – W.T. Wootton, Visual Histories of the Classical World: Essays in Honour of R.R.R. Smith (Studies in Classical Archaeology 4). Turnhout, 2019, 469-488.
  • Wilson 2019b A. Wilson, “Aphrodisias in the long sixth century”, Ed. I. Jacobs – H. Elton, Asia Minor in the Long Sixth Century, Oxford, Philadelphia, 2019, 197-222.
  • Wilson – Russell (baskıda) A.I. Wilson – B. Russell, Aphrodisias XIV, The Place of Palms: An Urban Park at Aphrodisias (baskıda)
  • Yildirim 2001 B. Yildirim, The reliefs from the Roman civil basilica at Aphrodisias in Caria, doktora tezi, New York University, 2001.
  • Yildirim 2004 B. Yildirim, “Identities and empire: Local mythology and the self-representation of Aphrodisias”. Paideia: The World of the Second Sophistic, Ed. B.E. Borg, Berlin - New York, 23-52.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Bert Smith 0000-0001-5799-0867

Ine Jacobs 0000-0001-6776-3633

Serra Somersan 0000-0003-2887-4642

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Smith, Bert, Ine Jacobs, ve Serra Somersan. “Aphrodisias’ta Güncel Çalışmalar”. Lycus Dergisi, sy. 6 (Aralık 2022): 25-63.

Lycus Dergisi, Anadolu Arkeolojisi, Tarihi Coğrafyası olmak üzere Prehistorik Dönem’den başlayarak, günümüze kadar olan kültür mirası, buluntular, arkeolojik kazı ve yüzey araştırmalarının sonuçları, restorasyon, konservasyon, müzecilik, antropoloji, epigrafi, etno-arkeoloji gibi bilimsel çalışmaları kapsar. Bunların dışında ilk defa yapılan tespitler, uygulamalar ve analiz çalışmalarının yer aldığı yazıları içerir.