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Gifted Awareness in the Field of Visual Arts: Identification

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 38, 152 - 167, 18.07.2016


Because the first definitions for the gifted students having high level of skill, motivation and creativity focused on academic achievement, it was believed in that students who are academically successful would succeed in the field of art.

It caused problems to use the identification tools for the purpose of identifying the cognitive (academic) skills but also for identifying the gifted students in the field of visual arts. Identification of the gifted students in the field of art differs from the identification of cognitive skills due to different features and requires use of different identification tools.

Absence of any publication in Turkey about determination of gifted student in the field of visual arts makes this study important. In this study that was performed by using review method, it is discussed the identification of students required to take different educations in the field of art.

In this study, requirement of process observation as well as product assessment and consideration of multiple-criteria became prominent to determine the gifted students in the field of visual arts. It is also concluded that criterions such as art education notes, academic notes, slides or video examination data, informal tools, performance and portfolio examination, interview and observation must be considered during the period of candidacy.


  • Alshouse, M. D. (2008). Art via culture: white, black, and hispanic evaluator ınterpretatıon of high ability assessed through fifth grade student drawings. Dissertation of Doctor, Drake University School of Education, Des Moines USA.
  • Ballantyne, F. J. (2009). Accounts of the visuaal art classroom: catering for artistically talented students. Queensland University of Tecnology, School of Learning and Professional Studies, Masters of Education.
  • Beranek, D. J. (1993). An international survey of definitions of giftness and of procedures to indentify and select students for gifted program. A Dissertation of Doctor Division of Teacher Education and The Graduate School of University of Oregon.
  • Body of evıdence for gıfted ıdentıfıcatıon. Erişim: 14: 50, 17. 02. 2106.
  • Boland, D. (1986). Artistically talented students: a call for research. Working Papers in Art Education, 5 (1), 16–25.
  • Carroll, K. L. ve Tucker, J. L. (2007). Building effective teaching through educational research. Better Practice in Arts Education, State of Maryland.
  • Chan, D. W. (2006). Students with artistic talent in hong kong: how might they be ıdentified. Educational Research Journal, 21 (2), 159-173.
  • Clark, G. ve Zimmerman, E. (1992). Issues and practices related to ıdentification of gifted and talented students in the visual arts. The Natıonal Research Center on The Gifted And Talented, Bloomington Indiana University.
  • Clark, G. ve Zimmerman, E. (2004) Teaching talented art students principles and practices. Columbia: Teachers College Press.
  • Cukierkorn, J. R. (2008). Talented young artists: understanding their abilities and needs. Fall, 31 (4), 24–33.
  • Manuel, Herschel T. (1919). Talent in drawıng. Bloommgton: Public School Publishing Company.
  • Grigorenko, E. L. (2010). Identifying young gifted children and cultivating problem solving abilities and multiple intelligences. Learning and Individual Differences, 20 (4), 366-379.
  • Garcia, S. A. (2006). Gifted and talented in the visual arts, the identıfıcatıon, biases, and recommendations. Thesis of master The University of Texas At El Paso Department of Art, Texas .
  • Handbook for Teachers (2013). Teachıng students who are gıfted and talented. Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education.
  • Haroutounian, J. (2014). Arts talent ıd a framework for the ıdentification of talented students in the arts. Royal Fireworks Publishing, New York.
  • Renzulli, J. S. (1978). What makes giftedness. Phi Delta Kapan, 60 (3), 180–186.
  • Wilson, H. E. (2009). How to meet the needs of talented artists in elementary school. Gifted Child Today, 32 (1), 36–45.
Yıl 2016, Sayı: 38, 152 - 167, 18.07.2016



  • Alshouse, M. D. (2008). Art via culture: white, black, and hispanic evaluator ınterpretatıon of high ability assessed through fifth grade student drawings. Dissertation of Doctor, Drake University School of Education, Des Moines USA.
  • Ballantyne, F. J. (2009). Accounts of the visuaal art classroom: catering for artistically talented students. Queensland University of Tecnology, School of Learning and Professional Studies, Masters of Education.
  • Beranek, D. J. (1993). An international survey of definitions of giftness and of procedures to indentify and select students for gifted program. A Dissertation of Doctor Division of Teacher Education and The Graduate School of University of Oregon.
  • Body of evıdence for gıfted ıdentıfıcatıon. Erişim: 14: 50, 17. 02. 2106.
  • Boland, D. (1986). Artistically talented students: a call for research. Working Papers in Art Education, 5 (1), 16–25.
  • Carroll, K. L. ve Tucker, J. L. (2007). Building effective teaching through educational research. Better Practice in Arts Education, State of Maryland.
  • Chan, D. W. (2006). Students with artistic talent in hong kong: how might they be ıdentified. Educational Research Journal, 21 (2), 159-173.
  • Clark, G. ve Zimmerman, E. (1992). Issues and practices related to ıdentification of gifted and talented students in the visual arts. The Natıonal Research Center on The Gifted And Talented, Bloomington Indiana University.
  • Clark, G. ve Zimmerman, E. (2004) Teaching talented art students principles and practices. Columbia: Teachers College Press.
  • Cukierkorn, J. R. (2008). Talented young artists: understanding their abilities and needs. Fall, 31 (4), 24–33.
  • Manuel, Herschel T. (1919). Talent in drawıng. Bloommgton: Public School Publishing Company.
  • Grigorenko, E. L. (2010). Identifying young gifted children and cultivating problem solving abilities and multiple intelligences. Learning and Individual Differences, 20 (4), 366-379.
  • Garcia, S. A. (2006). Gifted and talented in the visual arts, the identıfıcatıon, biases, and recommendations. Thesis of master The University of Texas At El Paso Department of Art, Texas .
  • Handbook for Teachers (2013). Teachıng students who are gıfted and talented. Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education.
  • Haroutounian, J. (2014). Arts talent ıd a framework for the ıdentification of talented students in the arts. Royal Fireworks Publishing, New York.
  • Renzulli, J. S. (1978). What makes giftedness. Phi Delta Kapan, 60 (3), 180–186.
  • Wilson, H. E. (2009). How to meet the needs of talented artists in elementary school. Gifted Child Today, 32 (1), 36–45.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Ali Genç

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Temmuz 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 38

Kaynak Göster

APA Genç, M. A. (2016). Gifted Awareness in the Field of Visual Arts: Identification. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(38), 152-167.

   Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi